October 12 - The Caledonian Crushers

Glasgow Wheelchair Rugby
Club Meeting Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday 17th
October 2012, 1900, Holiday
Inn Express, Strathclyde Park
Review of Last Meeting Action Points
a. Club Affiliation
Claire – to update Glasgow Accademicals RFC on Crushers position and liaise with Iain McGregor
at Glasgow Sport about other club interest.
 Claire – to feedback to Glasgow Accademicals that due to location of Commonwealth
Arena, an affiliation may not be particularly useful.
b. Training
Claire – to liaise with Gorbals re further Saturday sessions, if Commonwealth application is
unsuccessful, to look at facilities at Glasgow Accademy
 Now training at Commonwealth Area with potential for regional development sessions
at the weekend (see later minutes)
c. Chairs
Claire – arrange chair measuring for Raymond once most appropriate chair has been decided,
look at chair options with RGK
Paul B and Johnny – to let Claire know what spares are needed to get the Falkirk chairs to a
useable condition and she will order them.
 Raymond has date for chair measuring at Albion Mobility on 2nd Novemb er
 Paul and Johnny continuing to carry out inventory for club equipment and identifying
what needs purchased
d. Fundraising
Fundraising Committee – to continue to arrange events for the club
Claire – to draft proposals for AGM re individual targets
Susan G – to complete Virgin application once HMRC info available
 See fundraising section of minutes for update
e. Promotion
Claire – to order more leaflets and update public sections of the website.
 Website has been updated and the club has a stock of leaflets for promotional use
f. AGM
Claire – will look at venues and communicate with members via website
 See AGM section of minutes for update
g. Equipment
Claire – to order extra straps for Falkirk chairs
 See Equipment Purchase section of website for update
h. Communication
Claire and Paul C – to keep website information up to date
 Ongoing
i. Committee/Volunteers
Claire – to circulate volunteer role descriptors for comment/approval prior to the AGM.
 To be circulated at this meeting
j. Profiling/Fitness Testing
Claire – to discuss this with Katie and arrange times with players to look at individual needs.
 Have not had time for this due to other club business taking priority and Katie stepping
down from her involvement with the club
k. DMG Rep
Jo – will liaise with players again and encourage them to consider role of DMG rep
 Eddie and Donald have volunteered for DMG rep
2. Move from Ashcraig to Arena
Susan to use minibus to clear out Ashcraig on Monday night, equipment can stay overnight in
minibus then go to Ashcraig. Also to pick up cage from Paul’s house on Monday night. Claire
will liaise with the Commonwealth Area to see if equipment can be dropped off on Monday
after pick up. Raymond to arrange flowers and drop off on Monday night for the Janitor at
Action Points
Susan – to arrange pick up and drop off of equipment at the Arena
Claire – to contact Arena management to see if equipment can be dropped off on Monday
Raymond – to arrange flowers for Janitor at Ashcraig and drop off on Monday
3. Club Development
At the Bulls Tournament, Claire spoke to Graeme at the Bulls and Kirsty Clarke from GBWR. We
discussed the potential for regional development days being held on Saturday’s once a month
(possibly 12-5). This may involve Crushers, Bulls, Crash, Marauders and Dragons and could be
held at Sedgefield (about 3 hours drive away). This would be for players and support staff to
get together to learn from each other. Sessions may sometimes take a format of general
coaching or may be a bounce tournament. All at the meeting were in agreement of supporting
Action Points
Jo & Raymond – to liaise with players to gaugue their interest in this and feedback to Claire
Claire – to liaise to Bulls and GBWR regarding development sessions
4. Agreement of expenses policy
Everyone agreed on the wording and conditions of the expenses policy.
Action Points
Claire - will make adjustments to the draft policy and upload it to the website
5. Agreement of code of conduct
Everyone agreed on the wording and conditions of the code of Conduct for Players and
Volunteer Agreement. It was agreed that both documents would include comments regarding
the safety of supporters and children.
Action Points
Claire - will make adjustments to the draft documents and upload them to the website
6. Review of Club Role descriptions
Claire presented first drafts for role descriptions for the various roles within the clubs along with
a management structure. The descriptors were based on outlines from the Sport Scotland and
Club Mark websites and adapted to suit our club. It was agreed that these roles will make it
easier for everyone currently in the club and new members to know what they can do for the
club and what will be expected for each role. Pauline will take this home first for review and
pass around the committee. Reviews should be completed by 17th November to allow time for
adjustments before the final draft is circulated to all club members prior to the AGM.
Committee and Player Reps – to review drafts and add comments/adjustments by 17th November
Claire - to make adjustments to Role Descriptions once they have been reviewed and upload to
the website
7. Review of Club Finances
Claire updated everyone on club finances including different areas of income and expenditure
and the current trust grant funding balances
8. Agreement on Equipment Purchase
Looking at available trust grant funding, the committee discussed potential items for purchase
for the club. Paul B suggested a Time Clock for the club which would allow the club to host their
own tournaments and train under match conditions. The need for a wider low point chair was
discussed. Paul B reported that he and Johnny have started an inventory for all chairs and spare
parts but have struggled to find time for this during training and various chairs and parts being at
other people’s houses. Everyone is to bring any equipment they have to training on Tuesday.
Once the inventory has been completed, Claire will be advised on what needs to be purchased
for the club. Jo asked about the potential of purchasing the low point chair she is currently using
from London WRC as this is working really well for her. Out of all spare parts, there is a need for
chest straps. Claire advised the cost of strapping from RGK and Draft which was £20-£60 per
strap so did not want to order a load of straps that weren’t needed. The committee agreed that
4 chest straps should be ordered for now as this is a definite and immediate need for the club.
Action Points
Paul and Johnny – to complete inventory on club chairs and feedback on what equipment is
needed for purchase.
Claire – to order chest straps, look into costs of timing clocks and ask London about purchase of
RGK chair from London WRC
9. Fundraising
We are still waiting HMRC tax application for gift aid registration which will allow us to start
using the Virgin Money Giving Website. The most recent contact suggests that we should hear
within the next 2 weeks. Frances asking about linking with Rugby clubs (to start with
Cambuslang rugby club) to get a steady flow of fundraising income e.g. pay a pound a month.
She is also to liaise with Steve Ebbet (who has background in fundraising) about other
fundraising initiatives. She has said that she needs financial predictions before approaching
clubs. Borders 10k event was cancelled due to the limitations on wheelchair users and there is
unlikely to be another event until the new year. Susan G suggested a sponsored push and Jo
suggested that this could be the Spinal Unit to the Commonwealth Arena. About has been
raised £400-500 from Loch Ness Marathon and a further approx £350 from the Glasgow Half
Marathon. A recent Michael Kerr charity event has pledged 50% of the money raised to the
Caledonian Crushers. Paula (Steven S partner) is orgnaising bag packing in Morrisons in Stirling
and will need volunteers to help with this.
Action Points
Claire – Will forward financial predictions to Frances and advise on outcome of HMRC tax
Frances – to liaise with other rugby clubs about being supporters with regular donations
Jo – to liaise with players re a fundraising push event
Susan G – to organise event following feedback from players
10. Raising Club Profile
Susan G fed back on some initiatives to raise the club’s profile. The Glasgow Warriors are not
keen to have demo on track or pitch for health and safety reasons but will look into options for
an indoor demo. Jo wondered if the Rocks would allow us to do a half time demonstration given
that we share the same home. Braehead and Glasgow Fort are happy for the club to have a
stand for promotion (and ?? collection) and Susan G will arrange these for ? November and
February. The club now has 82 likes for the Facebook Page, need to make more use of posts
especially pictures and videos. Twitter may be an option later. Glasgow Disability Sport Open
Day November will be an opportunity
Action Points
Susan G– To liaise with Braehead, Parkhead and the Fort re arranging events, to continue to
liaise with the Warriors
Jo – to liaise with the Rocks re half time demo
Claire – to get more information about the Glasgow Disability Sport Open Day
11. Player Subs
Frances asked about players being able to pay subs monthly. Claire suggested setting annual
rather than weekly subs and player can pay this in whatever way they like (either all in one or in
instalments). The group agreed on £150 per year, this would equate to £3 per session which
would represent the change in quality and cost of the new training facilities. This is to be
discussed with players and confirmed at the AMG. Different ways of funding inner tubes and
tyres was discussed. One option was for player to pay extra in subs and have the club supply all
inner tubes. Paul B advised that for most clubs, players supply their own inner tubes and replace
their own tyres and would bring their own inner tubes to training and matches. The latter was
agreed as the preferred option. Paul B advised of a GBWR member who is planning to bulk buy
tyres/tubes and equipment from the states which. The club could participate in this and then
sell these on to players at a reduced cost.
Action Points
Committee proposal for the AGM – Annual Subs of £150 (pro rata for players joining throughout
the year)
Jo and Raymond – to discuss change of club subs with players prior to AGM
12. Review of club communication over last 2 months
Claire asked what the committee felt about all communication going through the club website.
It was agreed that while not everyone was fully utilising information on the website, this should
continue to be the main method of communication as everyone will get used to this. Any urgent
communication will continue to take place by e-mail.
13. Plan AGM
Claire reported on the poor response from club members with regards to planning the AGM.
From the responses that came in, weekend days were most popular. The 1st and 2nd of
December will have to be avoided to as this may be when SS1 is rearranged for. Saturday the 8th
December was agreed as being the best date and 2-5pm suggested as the time. Claire looked
into city centre venues but these will cost at least £100 to hire a room. The conference room at
the Spinal Unit can be used for free and a meal could be held at Braehead afterwards. This was
agreed as the preferred options. It was agreed that Claire will lead the AGM with Paul reporting
back on team performance. Jo suggested club awards taking place at the AGM which the group
agreed was a good idea.
Action Points
Claire – will book the Spinal Unit for the AGM and arrange a venue for dinner
14. AOB
Paul B suggested a 2014 Tournament hosted by Glasgow in the Commonwealth Arena. He also
mentioned the club entering one of the European tournaments in the near future
Claire – to look into arena availability for 2014 tournament
Pauline will look into arranging a Club Mascot
Claire feedback from GBWR DMG minutes – 4 point players are allowed to play, Crushers will be
in Division 2
Pauline mentioned potential for Sponsorship from TNT which she will look into.
Paul B mentioned a contact at the Herald for potential funds (e-mail address
Claire – to write on club headed paper to apply for grant for benevolent fund for a league
Pauline - will look at getting something about the club into Wooden Spoon News
Next meeting – AGM on Saturday 8th December, Claire will confirm times and
venue and circulate