
IB Biology III
Mr. Chad A. Smith
Email Address: Chad_Smith@sarasota.k12.fl.us
Web Site: www.teacherpage.com/smithsci
Course Objectives:
The objectives for all group 4 subjects reflect those parts of the aims that will be assessed. Wherever
appropriate, the assessment will draw upon environmental and technological contexts and identify the
social, moral and economic effects of science. Students will demonstrate the personal skills of
cooperation, perseverance and responsibility appropriate for effective scientific investigation and
problem solving.
Materials Needed:
Biology. 7th Edition. Campbell and Reece. Pearson
Biozone Senior Biology I and II
HL Biology. Damon, McGonegal, Tosto, and Ward. Pearson. (Optional)
Agenda Book
#2 Pencils
Colored pencils
College ruled paper
Unlined paper for drawing
Index card for vocabulary
2” ring binder with dividers. As ring binder fills, get a new one. NO WORK SHOULD BE DISCARDED
Flash Drive
Classroom Expectations:
1. Remember that this is a difficult course. Your work ethic and behavior must reflect this level of
2. You are expected to keep a notebook consisting of reference handouts, class notes, and graded
papers. Keep all materials for use in review.
3. You will be expected to complete all homework assignments on time. Homework allows for
practice of material learned in class.
4. You are required to attend class every day. Obtaining missed work due to absences is your
5. You will be expected to participate in all class activities. Failure to do so will result in a daily
grade of 0 and deduction of employability points. You will do some work independently and
some will be done in a team (lab work).
6. You are expected to behave in a safe manner during all class activities. Failure to do so will void
your laboratory participation. Students are to enter classroom in an orderly manner and sit
immediately in a seat.
7. Students will respect each other and the teacher, as they would expect to be respected by
8. Cooperative work must be completed in an orderly manner.
9. All materials should be accounted for before leaving the room.
10. Cheating/copying of work done for a grade is not allowed and will be dealt with according to the
Code of Student Conduct and/or IB Honor Code. You will receive a grade of zero (0) for the
assignment in question, in addition to the interventions outlined below starting at 4th infraction
level. Cheating by allowing another student to copy is treated the same way; both parties will
be equally penalized.
11. If you fail to follow any of these expectations, for discipline problems other than cheating, the
following interventions apply:
 1st infraction – warning
 2nd infraction – warning with employability points deducted
 3rd infraction – teacher/student conference, employability points deducted, before or
after school detention.
 4th infraction – call home to parents, teacher/student conference, employability points
deducted, before or after school detention.
 5th infraction – referral to Administration, employability points deducted.
Employability Policy:
Employability skills count toward 20% of a student’s grade. Deductions are listed as follows:
 Skipping class -100 pts (all your employability)
 Cell phone (texting) -50 pts (half your employability)
 Lab safety violation -25 pts
 Unexcused absence -10 pts
 Attitude/cooperation, behavior that wastes class time or disrupts learning. -10 pts
 Tardy -5 pts
 Food in class -5 pts
 Gum -5 pts
 Preparation for class, lab, presentation, etc -5 pts
 Not wearing closed toe shoes for labs and outdoor activities. -5 pts
Grading Policy and Procedures:
1. Supplies:
 Notebook must be brought to class daily and home nightly for review.
 Workbook: The Biozone Senior Biology Workbook will be used in class. Students may
choose to purchase the workbook for $25 if they plan to write in the workbook or may
choose not to purchase it and answer question on loose leaf paper.
2. Homework:
 Homework is assigned as an extension of class work.
 There will be reading assignments every class day.
 Graded homework accepted on due date only. Unexcused absences will result in no
homework grade recorded for that student for that day. Excused absences will be treated in
accordance with the Sarasota Public School’s Attendance Policy. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure that all work is completed for credit, if you are out or were out,
check with me IMMEDIATELY upon your return.
3. Quizzes & Test:
 All quizzes will be unannounced and pertain to the reading assignments given.
 Tests are pre-announced. Tests will be given on an as needed basis and will follow IB
format. Test will be listed on the IB calendar.
 Test or quizzes not identified by the name of the student will not be graded and a student
without a test will receive no score.
4. EXTRA CREDIT is rarely offered. A student who puts in the expected amount of effort in regular
class work will never need it.
5. Project grades: All projects, including labs, will be assigned with ample time to complete them
(generally 2 weeks lead time). They will be accepted on the date specified in class or before.
NO LATE projects will be accepted for ANY reason. Any project not turned in on or before the
specified date will result in a grade of zero (0).
1. Sarasota County Scale
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
0% - 59% = F
2. All grades will be averaged together to equal 80% of the overall grade (the remaining 20% will
come from your employability grade). As test will have more information covered than quizzes
or assignments they will naturally be weighted more than daily work.
3. Grades will be rounded up to the next higher grade if the percentage is at 0.5 or higher.
General Discipline:
1. Rules and procedures set forth in the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct will be
enforced and consequences assigned as stated.
2. CHEATING is not tolerated in this classroom. Cheating or any kind will result in loss of all
Employability points plus a grade of zero (0) for the assignment and subsequent parent and
administrative referral. Cheating by allowing another student to copy is treated the same way;
both parties will be equally penalized.
3. Students will not be allowed out of class unnecessarily. Please take care of personal needs
before coming to class.
Late Policy:
Students who are absent must adhere to the District policy of 1 day for makeup per each day absent.
Long term absences will be dealt with on an as needed basis. There will be no late credit for present
students who do not meet assignment deadlines. There is also no credit for incomplete assignments.
Make-up Policy:
School policy states that students may have one day to complete make-up work for each day of an
excused absence. You will already have a schedule of readings, labs and homework questions. It is your
responsibility to obtain and complete all make-up work: class assignments/activities. You will know
when test are to be given, if you are absent for a test or quiz, you will make it up on the day you return.
If you are absent the day before a test or quiz, you will be required to take the scheduled test or quiz
with the rest of the class on the day you return. If the absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero for
all work missed. Make-up test/quizzes are given from 2:15 to 3:00M-Th, there are no make-ups on
Friday. Major projects or lab reports will be due on or before the prearranged due date.