Box @ U of I - University of Illinois at Urbana

Storage and Collaboration Made Easy!
An Instructional Technology & Design (ITD) Workshop
Presented by Hillary Greer and Kate Rojas
A Cloud Secure file storage provided by the
collaboration between UIUC and
Accessible through this link:
Requires U of I Active Directory login
(Outlook Password)
What is it used for?
File storage from remote locations
Great for collaboration on projects and sharing
Cute kitten pictures, even!
◦ Store and share University data
◦ Follows FERPA guidelines
◦ Not for saving social security numbers, credit card numbers, or medical
information (no HIPAA data!)
 more info on data and U of I Box can be found at
Storage – 50 gigs!
◦ Single files as large as 5GB
◦ Box Sync
Compatible with Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android,
iPad, and iPod
Automatic connection to your official U of I account
U of I Box supports
◦ Document types for preview: as, as3,
asm, bat, c, cc, cmake, cpp, cs, css,
csv, cxx, diff, doc, docx, erb, gdoc,
groovy, gsheet, h, haml, hh, htm,
html, java, js, less, m, make, ml,
mm, ods, odt, pdf, php, pl,
properties, py, rb, rtf, sass, scala,
scm, script, sh, sml, sql, txt, vi, vim,
wpd, xls, xlsm, xml, xsd, xsl, xslt,
◦ Flash: flv, f4v, swf
◦ Image: ai, bmp, eps, gif, ind, jpeg,
jpg, png, ps, psd, tif, tiff
◦ Presentation: odp, ppt, pptx
◦ Video: 3g2, 3gp, avi, m2v, m2ts,
m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg,
off, qt
◦ Audio: aac, aifc, aiff, amr, au, flac,
m4a, mp3, ogg, ra, ram, wav, wma
Go to
Begin as ‘New User’
Select ‘University of
Illinois at UrbanaChampaign’ bubble
Use U of I NetID and
Active Directory Password
Create Account!
◦ If you already have a Box
account using your school
email, you will have to
follow alternative
Display all
Apps associated with account
AnyCollaborators,their association, and
what they are collaborating in
• Edit/View your Profile
• Help
• Log Out
• Account Settings
• Your information and
profile, login, activity
by application, date
and physical location
• Sharing Permissions
• Email notification
• Viewing options
• Time Zone settings
• Applications
supported by box and
alternate platforms
Upload by dragging files to window
Upload individual files by clicking
‘Upload’ Menu
◦ Requires Java applet
◦ Box will determine file format type
when uploaded
◦ Best for files 100 MB or larger
‘New’ button will create
File/Folder/Document in Root Area
2 views of Files: Grid or List
Sort by Size, Name or Date
Filter using tags
Add folder descriptions
Upload via email
◦ Right click on folder
<Upload to this Folder,
<Email Files to this Folder
◦ Provides you with an email
address to send your files
from anywhere!
◦ You can also change folder
settings in the same
Invite collaborators by name
or email address
◦ Right-click on File icon < Share
< Invite Collaborators
◦ Send individual files by link
◦ Several levels of permission
◦ Public Link
 Right-click on folder < Share <
Send Link to Folder
 Under Share [title of folder], click
on tiny blue arrow to the right of
“Collaborators Only Access””
 Select “Open Access”
There are options to set a
password or other restrictions.
◦ There are also options to make
content viewable by UIUC, UIS, or
UIC individuals only or only to
individuals who have the link.
Discussion via comments
◦ You can leave comments for others about specific files
Click here
to leave
You even
at the top of
the screen
Right-click on desired
folder, then go to
“folder properties”
Properties Change
◦ Folder name customize
◦ Folder URL
◦ Set restrictions about
accessing folder by date,
file uploading settings, file
and collaborator info, and
set notifications
◦ Lists collaborators’ name
and access levels
Right-click on file, then go to “file properties”
In files, collaborators can assign a task or direct a
◦ Assigning a task will show up in ‘tasks’ tab under messages
 Description box to explain what needs to be done
 Due date if you want it completed by a certain time
 List reviewers name or email to notify others (under ‘To Review)
◦ Make comments using bubble icon
 Direct comments by using the @ symbol
 Notifies users under ‘Messages’ in top menu bar
Like h:drive but has more space
Box Sync
Works on 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-bit and Mac OSX
NOT Linux compatible
Prompt for Illinois AD login
Sign on as company with Illinois email address
Saves selected files and folders on remote
computer from the net
Files can be dropped/dragged
Single files will be saved in a ‘Default Sync
Must be owner, editor or co-owner to sync
Specify which folders/files you want to sync
Automatically updates changes to web and
computer (and vice versa)
Files accessible through “My Box Files” (PC) or
“Box Documents” (Mac)
Has own recycle bin in case of deletion
Concurrent editing will be merged, then
may appear as ‘a copy of’
What can’t Sync do?
• Does not update hidden
• Can’t update open files
• Syncing to a network
drive/shared drive, serve, or
an external hard drive is not
U of I LibGuide on Box:
U of I Box Help: Documentation:
Comparison of cloud services:
Box Sync:
Hillary’s email:
Help Desk Contact Information:
217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892
Kate’s email: