Table S6. Genes mutated in human cortical malformations and differentially expressed between ferret SG and LS Human cortical malformations were listed as in Barkovich et al (2012). PH = classical bilareral periventricular heterotopia, LCH = Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia, MEB = Muscle–eye–brain disease, ACC = Agenesis of the corpus callosum, PMG = microcephaly and polymicrogyria, ILS = Isolated lissencephaly sequence, SBH = Subcortical band heterotopia, WWS = Walker_Warburg Syndrome, AD = autosomal dominant inheritance; AR = autosomal recessive inheritance; CBLH = cerebellar hypoplasia; CDG = congenital disorders of glycosylation; CHIME = coloboma, heart defect, ichthyosiform dermatosis, mental retardation, ear anomalies; CMD = congential muscular dystrophy; CMV = cytomegalovirus; COB = cobblestone complex; DD/ID = developmental delay/intellectual disability; DNET = dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour; FCMD = Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy; HMEG = hemimegalencephaly; IUGR = intrauterine growth retardation; LIS = lissencephaly; MACS = macrocephaly, alopecia, cutis laxa, scoliosis; MAP = microcephaly with asymmetric polymicrogyria; MCPH = autosomal recessive primary microcephaly; MDP = microcephaly with diffuse polymicrogyria; MEG = megalencephaly; MIC = microcephaly; MLIS = microcephaly with lissencephaly; MOPD = microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism syndrome; MPPH = megalencephaly with polymicrogyria, polydactyly and hydrocephalus; PEHO = progressive encephalopathy with oedema, hypsarrhythmia and optic atrophy; PLH = periventricular laminar heterotopia; PMSE = polyhydramnios, megalencephaly and symptomatic epilepsy; PNH = periventricular nodular heterotopia; SIMP = simplified gyral pattern; XL = X-linked inheritance; XLAG = X-linked lissencephaly with agenesis of corpus callosum and ambiguous genitalia OSVZ FoldChange Malformation Reference AHI1 1.64 Joubert syndrome with variable (low penetrance) PMG and AHI1 mutations at 6q23.3 ARFGEF2 1.51 PH with microcephaly ASPM 1.66 Microcephaly vera ATR 1.73 Seckel syndrome CDC6 1.77 Bicknell et al. (2011a) CDK5 1.65 MOPD type 1 with mutations in CDC6 at 17q21.2 Knockout with reeler-like cortex CDK5RAP2 1.50 Microcephaly vera CENPJ 1.72 Microcephaly vera. Seckel syndrome CEP152 1.41 Microcephaly vera CNTNAP2 1.84 DAB1 1.98 Pitt–Hopkins-like syndrome with mutations of CNTNAP2 at 7q35-q36 LCH? (predicted, based identical to on similarity of reeler and scrambler mice) Thornton and Woods (2009) Thornton and Woods (2009) Thornton and Woods (2009) Zweier et al. (2009) Dixon-Salazar et al. (2004); Valente et al. (2006) Sheen et al. (2004) Thornton and Woods (2009) O’Driscoll et al. (2003) Gilmore et al. (1998) Sheldon et al. (1997) EOMES 3.07 ACC and PMG Baala et al. (2007) ETFA 1.56 Govaert et al. (2004) ETFB 1.46 FGFR3 2.38 FKRP 1.74 Multiple Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (Glutaric aciduria type II) with mutations of ETFA at 15q24.2-q24.3 Multiple Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (Glutaric aciduria type II) with mutations of ETFA at 15q24.2-q24.3 Thanatophoric dysplasia or Apert syndrome with mutation of FGFR3 at 4p16.3 (six-layered PMGlike cortex) MEB or WWS FLNA 1.93 PH Parrini et al. (2006) FMR1 1.30 PH with fragile-X syndrome Moro et al. (2006) GCSH 1.42 Hamosh A, et al. (1993) GPC3 4.80 HIP1 8.88 Non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia with mutations of GCSH at 16q23.2 Simpson–Golabi–Behmel syndrome 1 with mutations in GPC3 at Xq26.2 PNH and Williams syndrome with deletion 7q11.23, including HIP1 KIAA1279 1.69 Goldberg–Shprintzen syndrome Brooks et al. (2005) LARGE 2.23 MEB Longman et al. (2003) MECP2 2.29 Amir et al. (1999) MYCN 1.99 NDE1 1.62 Rett syndrome with mutations of MECP2 at Xq28 MEG, thumb anomalies and Weaver-like dysmorphism with dup 2p24.3 (includes MYCN) Genetically defined with AR inheritance MCPH, MDP with mutations in NDE1 at 16p13.11 NRXN1 1.51 Pitt–Hopkins like syndrome with mutations of NRXN1 at 2p16.3 Zweier et al. (2009) NSD1 1.36 Türkmen et al. (2003) NSDHL 1.32 OFD1 2.54 Sotos syndrome with mutations in NSD1 at 5q35.2–q35.3 Perisylvian PMG, mild MIC and thin body habitus with NSDHL mutation at Xq28 Simpson–Golabi–Behmel syndrome 2 with mutations in OFD1 at Xp22.2 ORC4 1.44 MOPD type 1 with mutations in ORC4 at 2q22q23 Guernsey et al. (2011) ORC6 1.56 MOPD type 1 with mutations in ORC6 at 16q12 PAFAH1B1 1.82 ILS or SBH Bernal and Venkitaraman (2011) Cardoso et al. (2002) POMGNT1 1.29 MEB PTEN 1.29 RAB3GAP1 2.65 Bannayan–Riley–Ruvalcaba syndrome, Cowden disease and MEG–autism with mutations in PTEN at 10q23.31 Micro syndrome Govaert et al. (2004) Hevner, (2005) Beltran-Valero de Bernabé et al. (2004) Pilia et al. (1996) Ferland et al. (2006) Kaczala et al. (2007) Alkuraya et al. (2011); Bakirciogluet al. (2011) McLarren et al. (2010) Budny et al. (2006) Beltrán-Valero de Bernabé et al. (2002) Marshet al.(1997); Marsh et al.,(1999); Pilarski et al. (2011) Aligianis et al. (2005) RAB3GAP2 1.62 Warburg Micro syndrome with mutations of RAB3GAP2 at 1q41 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with mutations of RARS2 at 6q16.1 Frontal predominant mild LIS with severe hippocampal and CBLH with RELN mutation at 7q22 Amish lethal microcephaly associated with mutations in SLC25A19 at 17q25.1 Borck et al. (2011) RARS2 1.80 RELN 1.32 SLC25A19 1.43 SLC9A6 1.62 Angelman-like syndrome with mutations of SLC9A6 at Xq26.3 Gilfillan et al. (2008) SNAP29 1.44 CEDNIK syndrome Sprecher et al. (2005) SRD5A3 1.66 STIL 1.37 CHIME-like syndrome with frontal predominant COB with SRD5A3 mutation at 4q12 Microcephaly vera Al-Gazali et al. (2008); Cantagrelet al. (2010) Thornton and Woods (2009) STRADA 1.71 Puffenberger et al. (2007) TCF4 1.50 PMSE syndrome with MEG, cortical dysgenesis including leptomeningeal glioneuronal heterotopia and cortical dyslamination with mutations in STRADA (LYK5) Pitt–Hopkins syndrome with mutations of TCF4 at 18q21.1 TMEM216 1.46 Valente et al. (2010) TSC1 1.61 Meckel–Gruber syndrome with variable (low penetrance) PMG and TMEM216 mutations at 11q12.2 Tuberous sclerosis with cortical hamartomas and mutations of TSC1 at 9q34.13 TSC2 1.71 Tuberous sclerosis with cortical hamartomas and mutations of TSC2 at 16p13.3 TSEN54 1.32 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with mutations of TSEN54 at 17q25.1 TSEN34 1.86 Namavar et al. (2011) UBA2 1.32 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with mutations of TSEN34 at 19q13.4 XLAG with temporal-posterior predominant LIS and ACC with mutations in ARX ( UBA2)at Xp22.13 ISVZ FoldChange Malformation Reference ASPM 1.61 Microcephaly vera CDC6 1.48 CDK5 1.31 MOPD type 1 with mutations in CDC6 at 17q21.2 Knockout with reeler-like cortex CEP152 0.75 Microcephaly vera DAB1 1.48 LCH? (predicted, based identical to on similarity of reeler and scrambler mice) Namavar et al. (2011) Hong et al. (2000) Rosenberg et al. (2002) Zweier et al. (2007) Jones et al. (1999); Dabora et al. (2002) ); Crino et al. (2006) Jones et al. (1999); Dabora et al. (2002) ); Crino et al. (2006) Namavar et al. (2011) Bonneau et al. (2002) Thornton and Woods (2009) Bicknell et al. (2011a) Gilmore et al. (1998) Thornton and Woods (2009) Sheldon et al. (1997) ETFDH 0.71 Multiple Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (Glutaric aciduria type II) with mutations of ETFDH at 4q32.1 PH with fragile-X syndrome Govaert et al. (2004) FMR1 0.75 HIP1 0.69 PNH and Williams syndrome with deletion 7q11.23, including HIP1 MEB Ferland et al. (2006) LARGE 0.68 MYCN 1.27 MEG, thumb anomalies and Weaver-like dysmorphism with dup 2p24.3 (includes MYCN) Genetically defined with AR inheritance MCPH, MDP with mutations in NDE1 at 16p13.11 Kaczala et al. (2007) NDE1 1.30 NRXN1 0.62 Zweier et al. (2009) 1.40 Pitt–Hopkins like syndrome with mutations of NRXN1 at 2p16.3 MOPD type 1 with mutations in ORC6 at 16q12 ORC6 PCNT 0.80 Microcephalic osteodysplastic dwarfism Bernal and Venkitaraman (2011) Griffith et al. (2008) POMT2 0.76 MEB or WWS van Reeuwijk et al. (2005) RAB18 0.64 Bem et al. (2011) RAB3GAP2 0.59 SRD5A3 1.66 Warburg Micro syndrome with mutations of RAB18 at 10p12.1 Warburg Micro syndrome with mutations of RAB3GAP2 at 1q41 CHIME-like syndrome with frontal predominant COB with SRD5A3 mutation at 4q12 STIL 1.27 Microcephaly vera TCF4 1.43 TSEN34 0.80 TUBA8 0.70 Pitt–Hopkins syndrome with mutations of TCF4 at 18q21.1 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with mutations of TSEN34 at 19q13.4 Polymicrogyria with optic nerve hypoplasia Thornton and Woods (2009) Zweier et al. (2007) TUBB2B 0.72 YWHAG 1.26 VZ FoldChange ASPM 1.36 Microcephaly vera ATP6V0A2 1.34 Debré-type cutis laxa with frontal predominant COB and ATP6V0A2 mutation at 12q24.3 CASK 1.27 Najm et al. (2008) CDC6 1.57 CNTNAP2 0.69 DAB1 1.79 X-linked MIC with disproportionate cerebellar hypoplasia with mutations of CASK at Xp11.4 (in females) MOPD type 1 with mutations in CDC6 at 17q21.2 Pitt–Hopkins-like syndrome with mutations of CNTNAP2 at 7q35-q36 LCH? (predicted, based identical to on similarity of reeler and scrambler mice) FMR1 0.70 PH with fragile-X syndrome Moro et al. (2006) Fronto-parietal PMG, variable ACC and delayed myelination of anterior limb internal capsule with TUBB2B mutations at 6p25.2 PNH and Williams syndrome with deletion 7q11.23, including YWHAG Malformation Moro et al. (2006) Longman et al. (2003) Alkuraya et al. (2011); Bakirciogluet al. (2011) Borck et al. (2011) Al-Gazali et al. (2008); Cantagrelet al. (2010) Namavar et al. (2011) Abdollahi et al. (2009) Jaglin et al. (2009) Ramocki et al. (2010) Reference Thornton and Woods (2009) Kornak et al. (2008); Van Maldergem et al. (2008) Bicknell et al. (2011a) Zweier et al. (2009) Sheldon et al. (1997) GPR56 1.76 Bilateral fronto-parietal cobblestone malformation (previously polymicrogyria) Piao et al. (2005) LARGE 0.71 MEB Longman et al. (2003) MYCN 1.81 Kaczala et al. (2007) NRXN1 0.60 PAX6 1.30 RAB18 0.66 RAB3GAP2 0.78 RELN 0.69 RIN2 0.62 TCF4 1.50 TSC2 0.44 MEG, thumb anomalies and Weaver-like dysmorphism with dup 2p24.3 (includes MYCN) Genetically defined with AR inheritance Pitt–Hopkins like syndrome with mutations of NRXN1 at 2p16.3 Aniridia, variable temporal PMG, absent anterior commissure and pineal gland, and variable CBLH with PAX6 mutations at 11p13 Warburg Micro syndrome with mutations of RAB18 at 10p12.1 Warburg Micro syndrome with mutations of RAB3GAP2 at 1q41 Frontal predominant mild LIS with severe hippocampal and CBLH with RELN mutation at 7q22 MACS syndrome with mutations in RIN2 at 20p11.23 Pitt–Hopkins syndrome with mutations of TCF4 at 18q21.1 Tuberous sclerosis with cortical hamartomas and mutations of TSC2 at 16p13.3 TUBA1A 1.51 ILS or SBH Zweier et al. (2009) Mitchell et al. (2003); Graziano et al. (2007) Bem et al. (2011) Borck et al. (2011) Hong et al. (2000) Basel-Vanagaite et al. (2009) Zweier et al. (2007) Jones et al. (1999); Dabora et al. (2002) ); Crino et al. (2006) Poirier et al. (2007)