THE MODERN ERA PRESIDENTS Truman 1945-1953 Eisenhower 1953-1961 Kennedy 1961-1963 LBJ 1963-1969 Nixon 1969-1974 Ford 1974-1977 Carter 1977-1981 Reagan 1981-1989 Bush Sr. 1989-1993 Clinton 1993-2001 Bush Jr. 2001-2009 Obama 2009-present COLD WAR COMMUNISM-BASIC TERMS “A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by Allied victory…an iron curtain has descended across the [European] continent” (Winston Churchill). Iron Curtain-name given to the dividing line between communist and non-communist nations COMMUNISM-BASIC TERMS Containment-policy aimed at keeping communism from spreading domino theory -idea that if one nation fell to communism, surrounding countries would also fall ORGANIZATIONS/PACTOMANIA NATO vs. Warsaw Pact NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - April 1949, democratic military alliance; alliance of western countries against communism Warsaw Pact-May 1955, communist military alliance; alliance of Eastern European countries under the control of communism CONTAINMENT • Truman Doctrine (1947)-Britain advised they could no longer support the Greek monarchy vs. attacks from Communist rebels, nor help Turkey resist Soviet demands to est. a naval base in Turkish territory • Truman asked Congress to approve $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey • “I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples through economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes…” (Truman). CONTAINMENT • Marshall Plan-1948; to assist in the economic recovery of Europe; sent $12 billion over 4 years mostly to Britain, France and Germany • The financial aid sparked economic revival and prosperity in these countries, alleviating the suf fering of many people • “…strong European economies can resist the temptations of communism, build strong militaries to defend themselves, and provide good markets for products from the U.S.” (Truman). BERLIN AIRLIFT • Yalta Conference (WWII)-occupation zones • After fruitless discussions with the Soviets regarding Germany’s reunification, France, Great Britain and the U.S. decided in the spring of 1948 to unite their zones and est. an independent nation • USSR responded on June 24 by denying all road, rail and river access to Berlin • Berlin Airlift-a massive campaign of transporting food and supplies by plane into West Berlin; for 321 days, planes brought thousands of tons of supplies to the city’s residents • Realizing the resolve of the Western nations, the Soviets ended their blockade of Berlin in May 1949; 11 days later, West Germany was officially formed, the Soviets responded by organizing East Germany COLD WAR IN ASIA • China: Nationalist Party and Chiang Kai -Shek vs. Chinese Communist Party and Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong) • Oct. 1949-Mao Zedong announced the est. of the Communist Peoples’ Republic of China ; by the end of the year, Mao’s troops forced Kai-shek to flee to Taiwan • U.S. refused to recognize the govt. and provided military aid to Taiwan COLD WAR IN ASIA • The Korean War (1950-1953) • 1950-Communist N. Koreans invaded S. Korea; under the leadership of the U.S., troops from the U.N. entered the battle on the side of the S. Koreans and drove the invaders out • Seeking more gains, the U.N. troops moved into N. Korea, drawing China into the battle; after 3 years of fighting, the Koreans signed a cease fire in July 1953 • Cease fire re-established the 38 th parallel as the boundary line ARMS BUILD UP • Arms Race-Competition between the U.S. and USSR to build more weapons • Development of the H-bomb (hundreds of times more powerful than the first atomic bombs); 1952 -U.S. explodes its first; 1953-USSR does the same • Space race-fiercely compete to launch satellites and spacecraft • Sputnik I-Soviets launch Oct. 1957; one month later they launch Sputnik II-sending a dog, Laika, into space • Jan. 1958-U.S. launches its first satellite, Explorer I ARMS BUILD UP • Increased spending on education and space programs in the U.S. • National Defense Education Act -giving federal aid to schools and colleges, especially for projects designed to improve instruction in math and science • 1958-U.S. est. NASA -National Aeronautics and Space Administration-to direct the space program • 1961-Soviets put Yuri Gagarin into space • U.S. took the lead in the space race in 1969 when Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon ARMS BUILD UP • Cuba-Fidel Castro led a revolution to est. a new govt. in Cuba in 1959; 2 years of guerrilla warfare vs. dictator Fulgencio Batista; Pres. Eisenhower recognized the new govt. • Castro executed more than 700 opponents of the rev. and jailed many more; new govt. improved social programs, took land from rich to give to the poor (nationalizing the farmland) • U.S. had a lot to lose with the land policy -U.S. businesses owned 40% of the sugar industry, 80% utilities, 90% mineral resources • Castro advised his rev. was not Communist, but the U.S. was suspicious and applied pressure on Cuba; by acting on the assumption the Communists already had the upper hand, they may have ensured that fact ARMS BUILD UP • Cuba-before breaking of f diplomatic relations with Cuba, Eisenhower authorized the CIA to begin training anti -Castro Cuban exiles for an invasion of Cuba • President Kennedy came into of fice and approved an invasion that was to land at the Bay of Pigs on April 17, 1961-invasion failed spectacularly; failure embarrassed the Kennedy administration ARMS BUILD UP • Cuba-fearful of attack plans by the U.S., Castro sought aid from the Soviets (Soviet leader Khrushchev) • U.S. spy planes spotted Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba; Kennedy responded with a blockade of the island • Cuban Missile Crisis -October 1962; 13 days-height of the Cold War avoided war: Soviets agreed to recall Soviet ships and missiles and the U.S. would remove its missiles from Turkey and not plan to invade Cuba THE VIETNAM CONFLICT The Origins: French militar y forces had established control over French Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) in the 1800s -ruled it with an iron fist and exploited the resources; began to face resistance, especially af ter WWII U.S. had a dif ficult decision -on one hand, it suppor ts decolonization, but on the other, France is an ally; Truman opted to suppor t France to ensure a strong, anticommunist grouping Vietnam Nor thern Vietnam: ( Vietnimh) will be led by Ho Chi Minh, he embraces communism and eventually gets the Soviets to rally to his cause of independence (Vietcong are people in South Vietnam who are communist and loyal to the Nor th) Southern Vietnam: will be led by Ngo Dinh Diem America will increase its aid to the French ($2.6 billion between 1950-1954) THE VIETNAM CONFLICT Major events: Dien Bien Phu: 1954, the French lost their 8 -yr struggle to regain Vietnam when the Vietminh trapped a large French garrison and hold it siege for 55 days: French surrendered Geneva Accords: (May 1954) France grants independence to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam; also divides Vietnam at the 17 th parallel into two countries-Nor th and South Vietnam; in 1956, the countr y would hold free elections to unify Vietnam 1956 elections: looked as if Ho Chi Minh would win; rather than risk losing, Diem refused to par ticipate, a move made under the suppor t of the U.S. govt. ; by 1957, communist rebel groups were committed to undermining the Diem govt. and uniting Vietnam under a communist flag Diem was unpopular even in the South -Diem was a Roman Catholic in an over whelmingly Buddhist nation; Diem did little to build his political base, in fact, he did much the opposite, passing anti -Buddhist legislation and refusing significant land reforms; his lack of suppor t hur t the war vs. the Nor th; only the suppor t of the U.S. kept the unpopular leader in power THE VIETNAM CONFLICT Diem continued to alienate citizens; by late 1963, his regime was in shambles; the Kennedy admin. Eventually concluded that the South needed new leadership; working behind the scenes, Americans plotted with anti -Diem generals to overthrow Diem’s govt.; On Nov. 1 , 1963, Diem was removed and was assassinated with his brother Nov. 2 THE VIETNAM CONFLICT Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -passed by Congress; authorized the President “to take all necessar y measures to repel any armed attack vs. the forces of the United States and to prevent fur ther aggression”-gave Johnson the ability to commit troops without ever going back to Congress and asking for a declaration of war Tet Of fensive-early 1968, a coordinated assault by the Nor th Vietnamese Army on 36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities, as well as the U.S. Embassy in Saigon; planned to take and hold the cities until the population took up arms in their suppor t; Americans and S. Vietnamese forces were able to repel the of fensive, however, it was a devastating blow to Americans; it demonstrated the communists had not lost their will or their ability to fight; a turning point in the war THE VIETNAM CONFLICT During Nixon’s presidency (1969 -1974)-the Vietnam War would continue, but the Nixon administration would reduce the U.S. presence and eventually completely withdraw U.S. forces Policy of “ Vietnamization” -reduce the burden of winning the war into the shoulders of the Vietnamese Soon became apparent the South Vietnamese could not hold their own; U.S. engaged in bombing campaigns vs. the Nor th to force peace talks, and while there was some success, the Nor th was dedicated to reunifying the countr y under communist rule Last American soldiers lef t in the spring of 1973; a little over two years later, the South would fall to the communists Vietnam Conflict lasting from 1954 -1975; U.S. troops engaged from 1965-1973 At the height in 1968, approx. 525,000 troops would be engaged Approximately 58,000 dead; approx. 300,000 wounded CHINA-REVISITED • China-Nixon pursued a policy of détente , or “easing of tensions” with China by making trips to Beijing in 1971 (secret) and 1972 (open) • Meetings addressed issues such as limiting US support for Taiwanese independence, U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and the fate of POW’s from the Korean War • Very popular with the American people MIDDLE EAST Israel established: 1948 Palestine was under Turkish rule until WWI, League made it a British mandate UN General Assembly voted to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states; met with fierce opposition British mandate expired and Jewish leaders proclaimed indep. Of Israel Suez Crisis-both Israel and Egypt argue for control, canal important for trade Camp David Accords: Carter Administration 1978-Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt in return for Egypt’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a country Substantial foreign policy victory for Carter MIDDLE EAST Iran (during the Carter Administration) -Iranian Revolution January 1979-Iran ousted a long time US ally, the Shah of Iran, in favor of an Islamic theocracy that was hostile to America November 1979-an angry mob stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took the diplomatic staf f hostage for 444 days A failed rescue attempt was one more in a series of blows to the Carter presidency: several helicopters broke down due to a sandstorm and lack of maintenance; another helicopter flew into a transport plane causing an explosive fire Oil supply to the U.S. was reduced due to the Iranian Revolution Reagan negotiates their release CENTRAL AMERICA Reagan Administration: Iran-Contra Af fair (first term and a half for Reagan was marked by recover y and optimism; this scandal would shif t the popular opinion away) 1986-Reagan had authorized the govt. to suppor t Contra rebels in Nicaragua against their govt. run by the communist Sandanistas (hoping the Contras would over throw the Sandanistas) When Congress voted to eliminate funding for the rebels, the Reagan Admin. Used funds it earned from selling arms to Iran to finance the Contras (shed doubt on the image of Reagan as morally vir tuous) Selling arms to Iran was deplorable for three reasons: 1 . Iran was a major state sponsor of terrorism 2. The goal of the sales was to gain Iranian suppor t for negotiating release of hostages in Lebanon; Reagan maintained a policy of never negotiating with terrorists 3. Iranian hostage crisis was still on the minds of Americans and the thought of that countr y receiving U.S. suppor t was dishear tening MOVEMENTS SUBURBAN Baby boom Levittown-was built to fill a need; Levitt and Sons perfected techniques for mass-producing housing; assembly-line houses that were built on slabs with precut lumber (cookie-cutter homes)-6 models of homes Interstate Highway Act-Eisenhower authorized the first federal funding of an interstate system in 1953; further legislation passed by Congress in 1956 resulted in the Interstate Hwy. Act: authorized funds to build 41,000 miles of highway/multilane expressways to connect major cities 1. eased commutes from suburbs to cities 2. boosted travel and vacation industries TECHNOLOGY Arms/space race: Sputnik (USSR), U.S. (Explorer) Personal computers Expanded use of air conditioning Television and news coverage Civil Rights Movement Vietnam War Presidential debates: Kennedy vs. Nixon (1960) via radio: Nixon wins via television: Kennedy wins Kennedy wins overall WOMEN’S RIGHTS 1960s and 1970s: second wave of feminism, or the theory of political, social and economic equality of men and women The Feminine Mystique-written by Betty Friedan, articulated the redefinition of women and how they are viewed; many objected to the stereotypical housewife status; some worked and wanted more opportunities National Organization for Women (NOW)-dedicated itself to winning “true equality for all women” and to attaining “a full and equal partnership of the sexes”; set out to break barriers of discrimination in the workplace and in education OTHER MINORITIES Latinos had long faced discrimination Influential Latino activist: Cesar Chavez; fought for rights for farm laborers, who were among the most exploited workers in the nation; many migrated from farm to farm, state to state, laboring for long hours in deplorable conditions, with no benefits: some of the most exploited workers in the nation United Farm Workers (UFW)-late 60s; committed to nonviolent tactics; implemented strikes and boycotts (of grapes) leading CA. to pass laws requiring collective bargaining between growers and union reps.-farmworkers had a legal basis to ask for better working conditions ENVIRONMENTAL Rachel Car son’s Silent Spring : described the deadly impact pesticides were having on birds and other animals; did more than point to the danger s of chemicals and toxic waste, she also insisted that human activity drastically altered the environment and that humans had a responsibility to protect it Ear th Day -nationwide protest; a WI. Senator wanted to force the environmental issue onto the national agenda; on April 22, 1970, close to 20 million Americans took par t in Ear th Day Under Nixon, Congress created the EPA -Environmental Protection A gency in 1970; mission is to protect the “entire ecological chain”; sought to clean up and protect the environment, as well as limit or eliminate pollutants that pose a risk to the public’s health Later acts, such as the Clear Air Act -1970 (combat air pollution limiting emissions from factories and automobiles), Clean Water Act-1973 (limit pollution of water by industr y) and Endangered Species Act-1973, protecting endangered plants and animals, were passed Global warming ANTI-VIETNAM WAR War divides America Draft-increasingly unpopular (Selective Service Act of 1948); drafted more than 1 .5 million into military service during the War Spread to college campuses -Kent State Homecoming for many soldiers -bittersweet CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT Issue Liberal Viewpoint Conservative Viewpoint Role of govt. in the economy Favored more govt. involvement to lessen extreme economic inequalities through: Social programs (often leading to higher taxes) Govt. regulation of industry Favored limited govt. involvement in order to stimulate economic growth by: Reducing taxes Decreasing regulation of industry Foreign policy Favored international diplomacy to combat communism in other countries Favored relying on our own national defense and actively fighting vs. communism in other countries CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT 1964 election, Republicans nominate AZ. Senator Barr y Goldwater to run vs. LBJ LBJ was wanting to continue his War on Pover ty (train the jobless, educate the uneducated, provide healthcare for those in need) -to continue, he needed to win the election Johnson believed the federal government could best regulate the economy and promote social justice; Goldwater maintained the federal govt. was the problem, not the solution; social and economic issues such as racism and pover ty should not be addressed by the federal govt. per Goldwater Goldwater, if elected, wanted to rein in the federal govt. by reducing its size and restricting its activities, favored tax cuts and opposed social welfare legislation and govt. spending on education, public housing and urban renewal programs Johnson played up Goldwater’s extremism; LBJ won with a landslide victor y LBJ’S GREAT SOCIET Y Spring of 1964; Johnson’s vision for America Demanded “an end to pover ty and racial injustice” and oppor tunity for ever y child Programs: Medicare -basic hospital insurance for Americans 65 and older Medicaid -basi c medical ser vices to poor and disabled Americans Project Head Star t and Elementar y and Secondar y Education Act committed federal govt. to providing resources for individuals and schools Public radio/ tv -Corporati on for Public Broadcasting, combined education and enter tainment for children National Endowment for the Ar ts -financiall y assisted ar tists, ar ts education and ar t org. OTHER KEY DECISIONS Warren Court-led by Chief Justice Earl Warren during the 1960s became the most liberal in American history; supported civil rights, civil liberties, voting rights and personal privacy Miranda v. Arizona (1966)-Court ruled that an accused criminal had to be informed of his or her 5 th and 6 th Amendment rights before being questioned (Miranda Rights) Other key Supreme Court decisions on civil liberties and civil rights: Roe v. Wade (1973)-assured women the right to legal abortions; upheld a woman’s right to choose (privacy) Bakke decision (1978)-Bakke, a white applicant to college, had been denied admission to a medical school, he claimed racial discrimination; affirmative action; quotas to increase the number of minorities (in education) are not acceptable (sided with Bakke), but race as a factor in the admissions process (for college) is acceptable (didn’t overturn affirmative action) KEY CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS LOST John F. Kennedy-November 1963; assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas Martin Luther King-April 4, 1968; James Earl Ray in Memphis, TN.-great civil rights leader lost Robert Kennedy-June 5, 1968; Sirhan Sirhan (Jordanian immigrant) at a rally in the California primary (after announcing candidacy for presidency) (possible revenge for America’s support for Israel in a war vs. Egypt the year before)-great civil rights leader lost NIXON-WATERGATE Nixon-narrowly wins the presidency in 1968; in 1972, entering with high approval ratings, he runs another master ful campaign As Nixon stood before cameras on election night, 1972, he had no idea his downfall was beginning A botched burglar y of Democratic Par ty headquar ters at the Watergate Complex in June 1972 received little attention at first, but as investigators began to unravel the connections between the burglars and the White House, Watergate, came to dominate the news; the 5 men were linked to Nixon’s reelection campaign and were arrested as they tried to bug the of fices of the Democratic National Committee in D.C. Burglars were tried; witnesses noted that the President and his top aides were involved in the coverup; Nixon denied any wrongdoing; two repor ters played a role in unveilng the secrecy as they followed tips provided by a secret govt. informant known as “Deep Throat” (later revealed to be a top of ficial of the FBI) White House tapes (taping Oval Of fice conver sations for years) would show he played a leading role in tr ying to coverup the break in; He initially claimed executive privilege, but the Cour t ordered Nixon to turn them over Nixon resigned before impeachment; pardoned by G. Ford REAGAN-REAGANOMICS Reagan and his advisors based their economic policies on the theory of “supply -side” economics Rests on the assumption that if taxes are reduced, govt. spending will be reduced, leading to increased investment by the private sector leading to increased prosperity (jobs, production, etc.); govt. will then collect more taxes Supply side theory reminded critics of the “trickle -down economics” of the 20s: as wealthy prospered it would trickle down and benefit the middle class and poor To cut taxes while still balancing the budget would require Reagan reduce federal spending, such as on programs supported by both parties: cut income tax by 25% over 3 years, cut corporate taxes, etc.; cut over $40 billion from domestic programs The economy would experience a severe recession from 1980 1982; the economy rebounded in 1983 REAGAN-COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION -“Tear down this wall”-he challenged the Soviet leader, Gorbachev, to tear down the Berlin Wall in 1987; it was torn down by rebellious East Germans in 1989 (symbol of the Cold War) (1989-also the year of pro-democ. Riots at Tiananmen Square) -August 1991-hard-liners in the Soviet Union attempted to maintain communist rule, but millions of Russians, led by Boris Yeltsin, rallied to support Gorbachev, the coup fell apart -not long after, the Communist party lost power and the Soviet Union separated into 15 separate republics; Yeltsin became the new leader after Gorbachev resigned CLINTON-IMPEACHMENT Monica Lewinsky scandal Perjury and obstruction of justice House of Reps. Impeached Clinton; President was acquitted in the Senate trial-1999 2000 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Election: Al Gore vs. George W. Bush vs. Ralph Nader Gore wound up winning the popular vote Vote margin in the electoral college was thin; although Gore received a half million more votes than Bush, victory hinged on Florida Vote in FL. Was so close that a state law mandated an automatic statewide recount (hand recount) of votes; Dem. Argued for an additional recount because many punch -card ballots were undercounted, Rep. appealed that decision to the federal courts, Bush v. Gore, court essentially made Bush president (didn’t have time to conduct a lawful recount and violated 14 th amendment equal-protection clause); result gave Bush 271 electoral votes, one more needed to win the election