Study Guide CH 19-20 - Mater Academy Lakes High School

Study guide for Chapters 19-20. As always, expect to see DBQ multiple choice questions with maps, graphs,
passages, pictures etc… Instead of matching, you will have three short response questions this time around.
Some of which correspond to a document (picture/ map- and/ or speech).
The Alliance for Progress provided economic assistance to Latin American countries
Know what type of domestic (local) agenda JFK’s primarily fight against. (war on ____)
Kennedy’s military policies encouraged more funding for the Special Forces
Know what the outcome of the Alliance for Progress was.
Know what the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion was.
Know how Kennedy prevented completion of missile bases in Cuba
Know the components of President Kennedy’s New Frontier
What effect did the Cold War have on the American space program? (think of the space race)
Know who became president after JFK was assassinated.
Know what the purpose of the Civil Rights Act was.
Inner city schools benefited from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Earl Warren was an influential Chief Supreme Justice. So much so that the courts were called The Warren Court during
his time there. He often made rulings that supported civil liberties.
Know about the effects of the Berlin Crisis
Know about/ the purpose of Nikita Kruschev’s and JFK’s meeting at the Vienna conference in 1961. What did Kruschev
ask/ request of Kennedy in regards to the US occupation of West Berlin. (Think back to the Berlin airlift).
LBJ was known as the “master of party politics” ever since his time in Congress. He was great at finding compromises.
Since the existing U.S immigration policies were discriminatory at the time, The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
was necessary
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? And what did it allow LBJ to do? (in regards to Vietnam)
What was Operation Rolling Thunder?
“Agent Orange” was used by the U.S- typically sprayed at North Vietnam (communist side) by U.S helicopters. It was an
herbicide that was sprayed over fields. It killed the plant life and was known to cause several diseases such as
Ngo Dinh Diem was a political leader placed in power of South Vietnam (noncommunist area). He refused to
run for elections at Vietnam in 1956- he did not want to risk losing. He then joined forces with the U.S.
President Johnson would order airstrikes and committing troops which resulted in an escalated American involvement in
Vietnam by
Ho Chi Minh compared his military to a tiger and the U.S military to an elephant. (remember we spoke about this in
The attack that the Vietminh laid on the French troops at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 led to the French surrender.
After the “we won’t go” demonstration in 1967 in which men burned their draft cards because of the deferment abuses
laid by the government, the Selective Service system issued a lottery for fairer practices.
Why did the Tet Offensive damaged American morale?
What year did Richard Nixon win the Presidential election?
The number of Americans who believed that the U.S involvement in Vietnam was mistake increased approximately 2529% between 1965-68.
The Tet Offensive event in 1968 caused U.S. military leaders to be concerned with the reality that a quick end/ victory in
the war was not possible. This was a turning point in the war as it opened up the doors for peace negotiations.
The secret bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Cambodia was ordered in hopes that it would reduce the flow of
communist supplies.
What did President Nixon do in 1970 in hope to try and break the stalemate in the peace process?
Know about the Pentagon Papers and the truths they revealed.
Ultimately, the end of the Vietnam War resulted in communist control of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Know about Zhou Anlai. What was his opinion in regards to Nixon’s visit and the impact it had on relations between
China and the U.S?
President Nixon considered his approach to foreign policy to be pretty practical/ pragmatic. He believed that by looking
past the cold war biases (biases against communism), relations would improve- thus leading economic benefit
for the U.S (business trade with China). On the other hand, Nixon also believed that normalizing relations
with China would create a division/ wedge between China and the Soviet Union (communist powerhouses in
the Cold war era).
How did China demonstrated its willingness to open talks with the United States? (think back to the DBQ/ photo analysis
you guys did in class).
How did the Soviet Union respond to the normalization of relations between China and the United States? (we talked
about this during class lectures!)
What was some of the results of SALT I?
Difference between HAWKS and DOVES
Know what some of the effects of the Vietnam War were on some the American people
How were the Vietnam vets welcomed back to the United States in comparison to the WWII veterans.
Would Nixon be compared to a Hawk or Dove?
The credibility gap caused the American public began to distrust the Johnson administration
The Tet Offensive was considered a turning point in the Vietnam War because it showed that the communist still had the
will to fight.
What did President Nixon’s Vietnamization policy emphasize?
Which country did President Nixon visit to improve trade relations?
How did the Cuban missile crisis lead to increase communications between the U.S and Soviet union?