Penn State University, Berks Campus Student Government Association Minutes September 16, 2015 Call to Order 1:13pm President/VP Address Jess- We hired Andy as Chief of staff. Tackle issue brought up last time with parking. The first month of so of school the parking is not good. This is the highest year or students. They are trying to help traffic since there are a lot more people. SGA is having a community service helping the elderly. Emilio – Updating the way we take roll and have senators and proxy senators. Each club has one senator that represents the club all year that goes to every meeting. Every club needs a proxy senator that can attend meetings. The proxy senator must get permission before the meeting to vote. A majority vote can allow a proxy to vote if the request was denied Chamber choir – What would be a reason for the proxy not to be accepted. Emilio – That is up to the president. Should the president say no, SGA assembly can overturn by 2/3 vote. There is a list for the senators and proxy senators and they need to be put on the list. CAB- If we do not have any members available to come to club. Should no one be sent and can anyone else vote? Emilio – There needs to be a definite proxy and senator. Another person could get voting rights SOTA- Voted to allow in Andy – We want to make sure whoever is voting on the contents know what we have discussed and have information about what we are voting on. We have had problems with people who have not been to SGA come and vote not knowing information. ASME – Should we give voting information to the proxy? Andy – Yes. They are the rep for the club and what is discussed in SGA should be reported back to the club. The club can discuss and the rep can come back and be the voice for the club. Any topics they want to be talked about can be brought to the assembly. Honors – Not sure why power rests within the president to approve senators. Andy - a couple of year back we had concerns with people coming in to the meetings and voting for clubs. We don’t know if they are a part of the club. This way we have two people that are a part of the club. We would not know if it is in best interest of the club. BSCC – Is there a deadline for when proxy is appointed. Emilio – October it is in affect HRS – Do we just come to the meeting and write down the proxy. Jess - yes Approval of the Minutes Accounting club – I so move Ag club – I so 2nd No opposed or abstentions Approval of the Agenda Accounting club – I so move Agriculture club – I so 2nd. No discussion on movement no opposed or abstentions Old Business None New Business Unity Day Jess – I sent email out and many clubs including SGA are participating CCSG – Homecoming weekend. All the SGA from campuses meet up and discuss issues. Topics: Veteran affairs, Green initiatives, mental health, student services Veteran coalition- I have a whole list of things. If we can meet later we can go over it Lindsey – Wants everyone to know that if they have any issue relating to academic affairs they can come to her ASME – apart of environmental issues on campus. Can comment on those Accounting club – Are the topics right now or in general. Jess – these are the topics for this meeting. CAB – I think it would be important to talk about the services because we have great staff they take on as much as they can. She doesn’t want them to take on too much. Jess – I sent everyone an email about the constitution. Andy will bring it up. Veteran coalition – Article 2 sect 3 sect I. Officers are allowed 2 absences but regular senators are only allowed 2. Sub sect 2 says only 2 for senators Andy – Probably is a typo. In the past it has been two. Emilio – The senators have 2 absences and proxy have 1 which could equal to 3. Is that it? Andy – no Jess – Motion to change to two throughout constitution Aikido – I so move Cab – I so 2nd No opposed or abstentions CAB – When referring to the senators is that they ones elected or student senators. Jess – That is the club reps since we do not have senators right now. It counts everyone when we do have them. CAB – Was not here last week. The proxy was. Any student organization proxy has to be approved. Is this every time? Andy – that is when you register to be a club. If the club joins at the middle of the semester it is treated as a new club and they follow this procedure. Ice hockey – What constitutes as an excused absence. There have been major meetings during academics. Jess – SGA will not be working during academics. A group came last time needing to not be at club to work on a major project. They were excused. Aikido – Will unity day count as an excused absence? Jess – SGA is canceled for unity day Selena – Are the 2 absence allowance per semester or year Andy – per semester ASME – are this list of excused absences the same as excused absences for classes. The student handbook has an official rules for what is excused and not is this being used for SGA. Jess – yes BSCC – Does this first week count having different proxy Jess – 1st week is excused Question – Senators required to be on a community Andy- it was started last year and it is up to the administration if the committees will be kept up. The committees would be the topics discussed at CGSG. We would have a shorter meeting and then breakout into committees. Each club would be in one. Veteran Coalition – There are 10 standing committees. Are these active or thrown together as needed. Jess – As needed Aero – rules about leaving early during meeting Jess – Leaving early is an absence Emilio – Talk to president beginning of meeting if it is an emergency Outdoors club – If the meeting goes over to class time will it be counted if I left. Jess – We will regulate that so that the meetings do not go over Veteran coalition – Article 10 sect 1 sub sect B. It is a little unclear since there is more than one edition of the Roberts rules in the new addition. It is expired so it leaves the constitution up to interpretation. I would like to see a specific edition of what we are using. I would like to see it. Joey – I would like to motion that we use the one UP uses so it is the same. We do not know what edition is being used but we can find out Veteran coalition – would like to table until next meeting till it is updated. Honors – we do not need to know the edition. We are just saying we are using what they are. If we say in the constitution we do not need to update it every time when they change it. CAB- specify it somewhere accessible to everyone so it doesn’t always have to be updated. Joey – the UP page says the rules used are Robert’s rules of order most recent edition. It does not specify. We could bring it up to UP Aero – We should say the exact same thing since that is what we need to use. Joey – the newest edition is the 11th Jess – Can we make a motion to use the most recent edition of Robert’s rules? Cab – I so move Aikido – I so 2nd ASME – Just specifying that the current is the 11th Veteran – Is there a way we can get it updated on a website so everyone is aware of it since some people do not know the rules. Jess- it can be put on the angel page One abstention Jess – is there a motion to approve the revised const. Joey – I so move Account club – I so 2nd CAB – So we are not going to be tabling? Is anything being tabled? Jess – We tabled it last week. Emilio – now that we made the clarification we do not need to table Andy – we need a 2/3 vote to have it approved Jess – 2/3 is 30 people There are a few people that did not get the constitution PRSSA – I was late being a senator. Not listed on angel Andy – If you have not looked at the constitution. You can bring things up at any time for change. We have no document right now and need to approve one. The assembly has the right to bring it up Andy – The new dates will be added to the constitution since last year it was changed Voting on constitution approval – 2/3 is 30 voters Jess and Emilio counted 36 One abstention Chair Reports None Open Forum Lindsey – Question about printing. Certain people have to print a lot of stuff every week for other people and clubs. What are you as an SGA doing to make Perkins the student center and not the library? Jess – we should collaborate as a group and take action to bring ideas to help the student center. They are not yet charging people to be extending printing limit. SGA will make sure it is not. IT desk – They are only counting after you reach 300 pages it will be updated. This semester it is not charged Aikido – Suggest that people who need higher printing have that. Since this is being put in place to not have people waste paper. LUC – Apart of the help desk. This is in as a trial. They are trying to limit wasted paper. Trying to make a club amount. Kelly – Clubs can be assigned a copy code number so the club is charged not the persons quota. Andy – would it be beneficial to bring the head of IT in to discuss this? We could bring her in for questions. Veterans – The student center is more of an admin building. Talked to the chancellor about space. After Luerssen they do the gym. After that they may do above Perkins. Tully’s is talking of having a convenience store. This isn’t invested into the campus. Andy – last year there were talks with administration about making Perkins a better place for students. As a student body we looked into the renovations. There was a lot of discussion. We will have more on it. Veteran – IT would be good to have that area separate from housing and food. The library has been remodeled and no one can really study. Selena – Suggestion for housing and food to use the Lion’s den rather than renovate Perkins. Whereas the renovation could be used for study. Andy – Perkins is a long term deal. For the short term, Gaige has when the room is in use. Would you want that to be for classrooms to have place to study? ASME – suggested this 2 years ago and nothing was done. Maybe a better voice needs to be heard. Aikido -2nd that. Maybe convince students to use the tables outside since its nice out. Jess – Can we move on and continue this discussion next meeting. Club Events club – 100 free passports are being given to students. You verify you are a student and get an appointment time. There will also be a day for getting a passport photo. Jess – This is important and passports are usually over 100 dollars THON – Having a car wash. Selling shirts saying got cannoning. Clubs can now can for thon for community service Berks Cares – tomorrow they are having a van for country meadows. CAB – Has to leave early. Cab is having Bingo this week. Ink - Need more people to hold flags on unity day. Contact president of INK Zumba – car wash coming up Campus Life Reports Kelly – there are a few more clubs that need to register. There is a float building part next Friday for homecoming. A great way to bond with club members. Everything is free. You have to register for the picnic. If you and your family attend register so they know how much food to prepare. They are having a bonfire, outdoor bowling, petting zoo, etc. Floats are in parade Saturday by 11 am. Parade starts at 12. Is about half an hour. Next week you can vote for homecoming king and queen. Tonight there is a lecture event about mental health in humans and animals. Adjournment Accounting – I so move Aikido – I so 2nd No opposed of abstentions 2:12 pm