Placement Essay

Ariel Holle
Placement Essay
The Box and Notebook
Acrylic Paint
14'' by 11''
In this art piece, the placement of the objects plays a significant role in the
perception of the painting. For example, the white box covers a great amount of area and
is overwhelming in this piece as the positive space. In addition to the size of the object,
the box is also at a particular angle, which gives the viewer a sense of depth in the
picture. Similarly, the pink and purple notebook placed on the bottom of the box takes up
the rest of the image and provides a background.
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Furthermore, the notebook is also on an angle where the viewer can clearly see
the white rings on the outside of the book. The sizes of the rings provide the painting with
a sense of depth, and even the perspective due to the box that sits on top of the notebook
as well. The notebook itself is on a slight angle that gives a sense of direction in the
piece. For example, the rings begin to curve more so towards the right of the image which
indicates the book is tilted slightly enough to show behind them. Overall, the placement
of the box and the notebook provide the painting with a sense of perspective and scaling.
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