Week 1: 8/25-8/29 Week 2

Week 1: 8/25-8/29
Week 2: 9/1-9/5
Week 3: 9/7- 9/12
Monday 8/25
 Come in, find your seat. They are for the most
part in Alphabetical Order. Write down your
homework: Signed Syllabus, Facebook, Class
Dojo- due Tomorrow; Supplies due Friday. I
will come around and stamp your agenda.
Today we will
 Discover Ms. Farley’s expectations of us this
 Identify how to succeed in Social Studies this
 See Ms. Farley’s webpage under today in
Tuesday 8/26
 Warm-up: Answer the following on
Edmodo.com. Titled Weekly 5 Week 1.
 Group code: nh9mxj
 What are our 6 classroom rules?
 What does one tally on the desk mean?
 How will Ms. Farley get our attention?
 How are legging appropriately worn?
 When is gum allowed?
Try it on your own this time
This year I plan to…
This quarter I plan to…
By the end of this year I will…
By the end of the quarter I will…
By the end of the semester I will…
 When you believe you have written a SMART
Goal, raise your hand. If I or two of your
classmates consider it to meet the Requirements,
then you get to add your goal to the yellow
bulletin board in the hallway. :D
 What do we need to have a SMART goal?
Smart, self, strive, stay focused, succeed,
simplify, suitable, safe
Multiple, manageable, motivation, math,
makeable (doable)
Alert, achieve, attitude, attainable
Reasonable, responsible, respect
Time- manageable, timely manner, trusting,
 Which of the following are SMART Goals?
 I plan to lose 10 pounds.
 I plan to get at least a 99% in every class.
 I plan to get good grades this quarter.
 I plan to get make honor roll while playing football
during Semester 1 of the 8th grade.
Wednesday 8/27 and Thursday
 Come in, turn in your homework, and have a
seat. Get out your laptop and log-in to
edmodo.com. Codes:
 Core 1A: dtsy7i
 Core2A: zd2jfa
 Core 3A: t9p768
- Core 1B: tcgp2k
-Core 2B: dezdqs
 We will be taking the 2013 NC State Final
Exam as a Pre-test for the year. We will take
this test again in January and May to view the
growth we have made.
If you finish the Pre-test
 Go to edmodo.com and take the Geography Pre-
will test
 After the pre-test, go to the website,
 You will need to sign-up in order to keep track of your
scores; use your lunch number as your log-in and
 Once logged on, you will search for C_Farley. You will
want to join my class and begin studying the vocabulary
for Geography- Unit 1. You will have a test on these
Friday 8/29
 Please get out your supplies for class ,we will put
our notebook together as our supplies should
have been in by today.
 Write down your homework and leave it out to
be stamped.
 HW: Draw, write, or make a collage that represents
who you are on the first page of your notebook.
 Once our notebook has been set up, we will
finish our Geography Pre-test on Edmodo, and
begin Cornell notes on our vocabulary which is
located on www.quizlet.com.
Trade and Grade
 You will receive  4A
a test from
 5C
another Core.
Please grade  6B
 7B
their Final
Exam Pre-test.  8A
Use the
 9B
answers below.
Please grade in  10C
a red, or blue  11A
 12B
 1A
 13C
 2B
 14C
 3A
 15B
If you finish the notebook setup early…
 Go to edmodo.com and take the Geography Pre-
will test
 After the pre-test, go to the website,
 You will need to sign-up in order to keep track of your
scores; use your initials and lunch number as your log-in
and password.
 Once logged on, you will search for C_Farley. You will
want to join my class and begin studying the vocabulary
for Geography- Unit 1. You will have a test on these
Tuesday, 9/2/14
1. Get out your notebook and turn to your “All
About Me Page” I will stamp it to let you know
that I have seen that you have done you’re
2. Write down your homework: 1. Finish the Unit 1Geography Vocabulary Test by the end of 9/3/14.
Record your scores for your Pre-tests, and Vocab.
Test. We will begin graphing after we complete
our Geography Post-Test. 2. Longitude, Latitude
Practice. It will become page 7 of your notebook.
3. Log-on to Edmodo.com and take the Geography
Pre-test. Afterwards, log-on to Quizlet.com. I will
give you 7 minutes for the pre-test.
Now that the 7 minutes are up…
 We are getting new seats. Please listen carefully to
wear you will be.
 I will be working with the blue and green groups today
on Latitude and Longitude.
 My Pink and Yellow groups, please continue to take
notes on the Geography Vocabulary following the
notes guidelines on the side board. If you have a
question, please use your stoplight cue cards. I will help
you when I have a chance. You may whisper to a person
near you, if you have a question and I cannot get there
What is the difference between
Longitude and Latitude?
 We will be taking Cornell Notes on following
Latitude v. Longitude videos before practicing
together, and then on our own.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUALet4PM4
 https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=-0c1idtn3e8
Practice Together
 Longitude is just like the x-coordinates of a
 Latitude is like the y-coordinates.
 When reading or recording the coordinates
remember that Longitude comes before
 Example: just like in math (x,y) so for us we would
read the coordinates as (40°N, 30°W); 40 degrees
North and 30 degrees West.
 The Practice Page you will receive will go onto
page 7 of our notebook. We will do the first one
At 22min mark….Switch!
 I will now work with the Yellow and Pink
groups. You have 30 seconds to quickly switch
seats. Take your laptops and notebooks with
you, nothing else.
Wednesday, 9/3/14
 Blue and Green dots, will work on their own today.
Pink and Yellow dots will be with Ms. Farley.
 Move to the area you need to be in. Take your
laptop, notebook, and a pen/pencil.
 Turn in your homework, and write down your
homework for tonight. You have 3 minutes.
 Blue and Green Dots- Major Industries and Resources of
NC Reading Guide, and On Page 11, create a map of NC
and it’s major industries and resources. Include a title,
scale, and key.
 Pink and Yellow Dots- On Page 9, Create a Map that
outlines the four regions of NC. We will add to this map
on Friday.
What group is doing what?
 Blue and Green Dots will work on
their own first. You will watch the
video “Map Skills” on Brain-pop.
 Login: leecs
 Password: brainpop
 The work you will need to
complete for this video is outlined
on Edmodo.com.
 If you finish early, complete the
reading “Summary: Resources
and Industries.” Write your
answers to the “After You Read”
on the backside of the page. This
will become page 12 of your
notebook, after I grade your
responses. On Page 11, create a
map of NC and it’s major
industries and resources. Include
a title, scale, and key.
 Yellow and Pink Dots will work
with Ms. Farley on the 4 regions
of North Carolina.
 We will be taking Cornell notes,
and creating a map. You will
need 4 different colored pencils,
or crayons.
 Add page 9 and 10 to your
notebook. Page 10 will be our
Regions of NC Cornell notes.
Page 9 will be a map outlining
the regions of NC.
The Four Regions of NC
 The four regions are: Mountain, Piedmont,
Coastal Plain, and Tidewater.
In a 20min. time-span,
 We are quietly going to work with a partner who has a
different color than us on the “Physical Features” and
“Major Cities” columns on our chart “Regions and Subregions of North Carolina.”
 Physical features — Students should list any physical feature,
including specific places such as Mount Mitchell or the
Sandhills, that can be found in each region.
 They should list elevation, major water sources, soils and
major forms of vegetation. Some of the features will not be
directly stated, but can be inferred.
 Major cities – Explain that the students should compare the
major cities with the map of the regions to discover which
cities belong in each region or sub-region.
Analyzing Data-
 What do we notice about the facts we
 Are there any patterns?
 Groups will need to remain the same. I will need to
continue to work with the yellow and pink groups for
half of the class. Blue and green groups, you will being
work on the Regions of NC on your own.
 Homework: Based on your “home” seat
 Blue and Green Dots- Major Industries and Resources of NC
Reading Guide, and On Page 11, create a map of NC and it’s
major industries and resources. Include a title, scale, and key.
 Pink and Yellow Dots- On Page 9, Create a Map that outlines
the four regions of NC. We will add to this map on Friday.
 If you have a question I didn’t get to answer today,
please write it down on a sticky note and stick it in the
Parking Lot.
Thursday, 9/4/14
 Blue and green dots are working with me, yellow
and pink dots will be working independently. Get
where you need to be in the next 30 seconds with
your laptop, notebook, and a pen/pencil.
 Homework: Based on your “home” group
 Yellow and Pink Dots- Major Industries and Resources
of NC Reading Guide, and On Page 11, create a map of
NC and it’s major industries and resources. Include a
title, scale, and key.
 Blue and Green Dots- On Page 9, Create a Map that
outlines the four regions of NC. We will add to this
map on Friday.
What group is doing what?
 Pink and Yellow dots will work on
their own first. You will watch the
video “Map Skills” on Brain-pop.
 Login: leecs
 Password: brainpop
 The work you will need to
complete for this video is outlined
on Edmodo.com.
 If you finish early, complete the
reading “Summary: Resources
and Industries.” Write your
answers to the “After You Read”
on the backside of the page. This
will become page 12 of your
notebook, after I grade your
responses. On Page 11, create a
map of NC and it’s major
industries and resources. Include
a title, scale, and key.
 Blue and Green Dots will work
with Ms. Farley on the 4 regions
of North Carolina.
 We will be taking Cornell notes,
and creating a map. You will
need 4 different colored pencils,
or crayons.
 Add page 9 and 10 to your
notebook. Page 10 will be our
Regions of NC Cornell notes.
Page 9 will be a map outlining
the regions of NC.
The Four Regions of NC
 The four regions are: Mountain, Piedmont,
Coastal Plain, and Tidewater.
In a 20min. time-span,
 We are quietly going to work with a partner who has a
different color than us on the “Physical Features” and
“Major Cities” columns on our chart “Regions and Subregions of North Carolina.”
 Physical features — Students should list any physical feature,
including specific places such as Mount Mitchell or the
Sandhills, that can be found in each region.
 They should list elevation, major water sources, soils and
major forms of vegetation. Some of the features will not be
directly stated, but can be inferred.
 Major cities – Explain that the students should compare the
major cities with the map of the regions to discover which
cities belong in each region or sub-region.
Analyzing Data-
 What do we notice about the facts we
 Are there any patterns?
Tomorrow, we will…
 Complete two activities related to North
Carolina’s climate, and economics, our last
two columns of the chart on page 10.
 It will require us to be on our best behavior as
we will have a large jigsaw to complete in
class. You will be responsible for another
person’s learning, so it’s best not to waste our
Friday, 9/5/14
1. Log-on to Edmodo.com to complete our
Weekly 5: 9/1-9/5 for your warm-up.
2. Put your notebooks on the back table so I can
do a quick notebook check.
3. Write down your homework:
- All: Missing Work.
Monday, 9/8/14
 Come in, get out a pen/pencil, collect your notebook,
and get out the following sheets:
 NC Resources and Industries- Page 10
 NC Regions Chart- Page 12
 Write down your homework on Page 11 of your
notebook!!! In your agenda say see page 11.
 Core 1and 2B: On Page 11, answer the following question in a
5-6 sentence paragraph- What region would you want to live
in and why? Add colorful drawings around the paragraph that
go with your response.
 Core 2A and 3: On Page 11, answer the following question in a
3-5 sentence paragraph- What region would you want to live in
and why? Add colorful drawings around the paragraph that go
with your response.
Who’s finding what
• Population
• Physical
• Climate
• Economy
For the next 15 minutes.
1. Your dot color will receive the article about
the topic you’ve been assigned.
2. Read the article.
3. Fill out the chart for each region under your
topic’s column by using your context clues
and maps included with the readings.
Now that 15 mins. are up,
1. Take 1 minute to review that you and your
group have the same responses. As I will be
splitting you up.
2. Groups will be formed after that will contain
1 person from each color.
3. You will have to talk to each other to
complete the chart as much as possible in
the next 10mins.
Review answers received by
peer as a whole class.
This weekend…
 Homework: Page 11
 Tomorrow we will be comparing two regions
of NC in a comparative essay.
Tuesday, 9/9/14
 Warm-up: What do you believe the word
“generalities” means? What does it mean to
compare two or more objects? Write down
your responses on Page 12 of your notebook.
 Write down your homework: For All Comparative Essay on two Regions of NC (This
essay will be page 11 of your notebook, as well)
How do we write a comparative
Compare two regions
of NC using the
Region Charts
Take your chart, and
put it into the form of
an outline. (This will
be provided.)
Using the outline,
write the essay.
Steps to getting it done
1. With a partner, compare two regions of
North Carolina using the chart given. You will
have 10 mins. This chart belongs on page 14
of your notebook.
2. With the remainder of class, work on your
outline on your own.
Remember to use your stoplight cards! I will be
coming around to individuals who are showing
red and yellow cards.
3. Last five mins. of class, I need to see my pink
and yellow groups.
 You will turn in your Comparative Essay.
 We will begin US Geography.
 Test will be on Friday.
Wednesday, 9/10/14
 Come in. Sit down. Get out a pen/pencil, and
turn your essay into the bin.
 Write down your Homework:
 All: Regions of the US foldable and Reflection
Questions- Pg 13
 Notebook Check and Test on Friday
How good is your memory?
 You will be given a US map, page 14 of your
notebook. Leave it face down.
 Watch the video clip,
E. Still leave the map alone.
 Once the song is done, record as many names of
states in their proper spot.
 Think you can get twice as much with another
The Major Physical Features of
the US.
The Regions of the USswitch to document camera.
 Homework:
 Regions of the US Foldable and Reflection
 Notebook Check and Test on Friday
 Essay if you did not finish this in class.
Thursday, 9/11/14- Review Day!!!
 Come in, quickly and quietly sit at your home
 Log-on to Edmodo.com for your Weekly 5.
 Homework:
 All : Test and Notebook Check Tomorrow.
 Girls I.E. Homework: Our Land and It’s Resources
Enrichment Reading. Due tomorrow
Study Guide
 Use your notes from class to aid you in
completing as much of your Study Guide as
possible on your own in 15mins
 For the next 7 mins, compare your work to
that of your partner. If you have different
answers, discuss which one is the better
 Trade /”Grade” as whole class
List of U.S. Geography game
reviews you can play now:
 http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_ga
 http://lizardpoint.com/geography/usaquiz.php?type=randmenu
 http://www.yourchildlearns.com/mappuzzle/
 http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/states_ex
Friday, 9/12/14
1. Come in and sit down. All that you need on your desk is
your laptop and your homework.
2. Put your notebook on the back tables in a neat pile.
Today is our notebook check day! I will be checking
them thoroughly to see if you have made up any
missing work.
3. If I call out your name, line up at the door with all of
your belongings. You are testing with ____________.
4. Homework: Native American Quizlet due
Next Friday
To Test
1. Connect to me via SmartSync.
2. Log-in to Edmodo.com to take your test. It will
only take you one class period.
3. If you get done early, take the pre-test for our
next unit- Native American Culture.
4. If you get done the pre-test, log on to
Quizlet.com to start on our Native American
Monday we begin Unit 2Native American Cultures. I
will return your notebook at
that time, if you do not get
it back in class today. Next
week be prepared to check a
neighbor's notebook.