WWW List 14

WWW List 14
Part I:
1. POD - Foot
 Pseudopod: a
temporary foot-like
extension in a onecelled organism
 Arthopod: any
invertebrate of the
phylum Arthropoda,
having jointed limbs
(think feet) and a
segmented body (joint
+ footed)
2. SOROR - Sister
 Sorority: a society or
club of women
 Sorosis: the first
professional women’s
club in the United States
3. –A - Plural
 Data: plural of
“datum”; individual
 Phenomena: plural of
impressive or
4. PARA – Beside, near
 Paraphrase: restating
a text to give a
meaning near the
original but in another
 Parallel: beside each
other and extending in
the same direction, but
never crossing
 (Parable – a
story “near”
the truth that
tells a lesson)
5. SCHIZO - Divide
 Schizophrenia: a
 Schizopod: any
severe mental disorder
crustacean of the
division(s) Mysidacea
characterized by
“divided” personality
6. STA - Stop
 Station: a stopping
 Hemostat: an instrument
used to stop bleeding
7. VOL - Will
 Volunteer: a person
who performs a
service willingly and
without pay
 Benevolent: expressing
goodwill/kind feelings
8. FRAT - Brother
 Fraternity: an
 Fratricide: A person who
organization of people kills his/her brother
tied by a brotherhood
9. TOX - Poison
 Toxin: a poison
produced by an
 Antitoxin: a substance
formed in the body that
counteracts a specific
10. SECT - Cut
 Dissect: to cut apart
 Bisect: to cut into two
equal parts
Part II:
11. PLEO - More
 Pleonasm: using more
words than are
necessary to express
an idea
 Pleomorphic: the
occurrence of more
than one different form
in the life cycle of a
plant or animal
12. VAL - Worth
 Valid: sound; just;
 Covalent: a type of
bond made by sharing
electrons (making the
atoms of more worth)
13. DOM - Rule
 Dominate: to rule over  Predominate: to be the
stronger or more
superior ruler of a group
1. ERG - Work
 Energy: the capacity
for doing work
 Ergonomics: study of
the relationship
between workers and
their environment
2. RHIZ - Root
 Rhizoid: root like
 Rhizome: a root like
stem that grows
3. SAPRO - Rotten
 Saprophyte: an
organism that lives on
dead (rotten) organic
 Saprophytic: describing
something that lives on
dead (rotten) organic
4. HIPPO - Horse
 Hipparch: a cavalry
 Hippopotamus: literally
(soldiers on horseback) “riverine horse”
5. SOM - Body
 Chromosome:
 Somatic: of the body;
threadlike structures in
all living cells that
contain the
determining the
heredity that will make
up the body
6. SPOR - Seed
 Sporophyte: a plant
form that generates
spores (seeds)
 Macrospore: the larger
of two kinds of spores
that produce seed
7. RHODO - Rose
 Rhodolite: a rosecolored garnet used
as a gem
 Rhodium: a metallic
element that forms rosecolored solutions
8. TAXIS - Arrangement
 Taxidermy: arranging
the skins of animals
 Syntax: the study of the
rules for the
arrangement of
9. TRICH - Hair
 Trichome: an
 Trichosis: any disease of
outgrowth from plants,
the hair (condition of)
as a hair
10. TROPH - Nourishment
 Autotroph: organism
capable of selfnourishment
 Dystrophy: inadequate
(bad) nourishment
11. ZYGO – Yoke / Union
 Zygote: The cell
produced by the
union of two gametes
 Zygomorphic: bilaterally
symmetrical, a union of
two symmetrical parts
12. ZYM - Ferment
(A chemical reaction that breaks items down into
simpler substances)
 Enzyme: a substance
produced to bring
about fermentation
 Zymurgy: branch of
chemistry dealing with