Name ______________________________________ 1.4.5 Environmental Factors Crossword 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Across Down 1. The amount of water vapour in the air, usually expressed as a percentage (8) 3. Refers or relates to life or living things or the living environment, consisting of plants, animals, bacteria and fungi (6) 7. Any animal that carries pollen from one flower to another, thus helping the plant to reproduce (10) 8. An organism that causes a disease (8) 9. The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil that influence the community (7) 10. An organism that lives in competition with another (10) 11. An animal that is hunted and killed by another animal for food (4) 12. Dead and decaying plant or animal material, organic matter (5) 2. An organism which feeds on and breaks down the dead remains of organisms and excreta into simpler substances (10) 4. Elements of the weather that influence the life and distribution of the organisms that live in a particular environment (8,7) 5. Brightness of solar radiation (5,9) 6. The non-living features of an ecosystem (i.e. the physical and chemical conditions) that affect the community (7) 7. Animal that hunts, captures and kills other animals for food (8) 8. Organism that lives in or on another organism (the host) from which it derives its nourishment and causes it harm (8) Created with the help of Wordsheets - Page 1 of 1