435 MCB 3020, Spring 2005 Chapter 7: Molecular Genetics Molecular Genetics I: Replication I. Heredity and Genetics II. Genomes III. DNA structure IV. Bacterial DNA replication V. Replication at the ends of linear DNA 436 I. Heredity The transmission of characters to progeny. DNA carries the information necessary for the transmission of characters. The biological information is encoded in the sequence of bases. TB 437 Genetics: 438 the study of the mechanisms of heredity and variation in organisms TB 439 Flow of information replication DNA DNA transcription RNA translation protein II. Genome Genome = all the DNA of a cell (or all the genetic material of a virus) 440 Typical bacterial genome 441 one circular doubleoften stranded DNA chromosome plasmid(s) 500-12,000 genes TB typical viral genome 442 DNA or RNA 4-200 genes TB Typical eukaryotic genome 443 4-224, linear chromosomes 5,000 - 125,000 genes TB III. DNA structure deoxyneucleotides phosphodiester bonds 5' and 3' ends antiparallel complementary double helix 444 TB NH2 N HOCH2 N 445 N N HO H Deoxyadenosine (purine) TB H 3C HOCH2 O 446 NH N O HO H deoxythymidine (pyrimidine) TB phosphodiester bond 447 -P-O-C O O- O P O C ssDNA -O TB 448 ring numbering system for deoxyribose 5’ -C 1’ 4’ 5' end -P-O-C O O- 3’ end O P O 3’ 2’ C HO ssDNA TB 449 dsDNA antiparallel 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’ dsDNA is always antiparallel TB complementary 450 5’- GGATGCGT -3’ 3’-CCTACGCA-5’ Two ssDNA molecules joined by standard base-pairing rules In dsDNA, the strands are always complementary. TB 451 double helix right handed TB Supercoiling relaxed DNA 452 supercoiled DNA Within cells DNA is supercoiled TB IV. Bacterial DNA replication 453 DNA synthesis using a DNA template Complementary base pairing (A=T, GC) determines the sequence of the newly synthesized strand. DNA replication always proceeds from 5’ to 3’ end. TB 454 Flow of information replication DNA DNA transcription RNA translation protein 455 Overview of bacterial DNA replication single origin (in bacteria) bidirectional theta structures replication fork semi-conservative TB 456 bacterial DNA replication bidirectional origin (start point) bacterial chromosome TB 457 two replication forks theta structure TB 458 semi-conservative * * * + * TB IV. Bacterial DNA replication Key Enzymes helicase ssDNA binding protein primase DNA polymerase III DNA polymerase I DNA ligase 459 TB Important facts 460 All DNA polymerases require a primer DNA is synthesized 5' to 3' TB helicase Unwinds duplex DNA 461 TB ssDNA binding protein 462 binds to and stabilizes ssDNA prevents base pairing ssDNA binding protein TB 463 primase synthesizes a short RNA primer using a DNA template primase RNA primer (a short starting sequence made of RNA) TB DNA polymerase III 464 Synthesizes DNA from a DNA template and proofreads TB DNA polymerase I 465 Synthesizes DNA from a DNA template and removes RNA primers. TB DNA ligase Joins DNA strands together by forming phosphodiester bonds 466 DNA ligase TB replication fork 5' 467 lagging strand 3' 5' leading strand template strands 3' TB Leading strand synthesis 5' 468 RNA primer helicase ssDNA binding proteins 3' TB 5' 469 DNA polymerase helicase ssDNA binding proteins 3' TB Leading strand synthesis 5' 470 DNA pol III helicase DNA ssDNA binding proteins 3' TB Lagging strand synthesis (discontinuous) 471 Okazaki fragment 3' 5' (~1000 bases) (primase) helicase ssDNA binding proteins pol III 3' TB Primer removal pol III 3' 472 5' pol I pol I 5’ to 3’ exonuclease activity TB 473 Ligation DNA ligase TB Proofreading 474 Pol III removes misincorporated bases using 3' to 5' exonuclease activity This decreases the error rate to about -10 10 per base pair inserted TB 475 V. Replication of the ends of linear DNA Since all known DNA polymerases need a primer, how are the ends of linear DNA replicated in eukaryotes? newly synthesized DNA 5' template RNA primer 3' TB 476 Telomeres repetitive DNA at the end of linear eukaryotic chromosomes Example (GGGGTT)n n = 20 - 200 GGGGTT GGGGTT GGGGTT 5' TB Telomerases are enzymes that add DNA repeats to the 3' end of DNA. Telomerases are composed of protein and an RNA molecule that functions as the template for telomere synthesis. 477 AACCCCAAC telomerase 478 5' AACCCCAAC 5' GGGGTTGGGGTT telomerase 479 AACCCCAAC 5' GGGGTT GGGGTT GGGGTT primase 5' GGGGTT GGGGTT GGGGTT pol III 5' pol I ligase telomeric repeats 480 For most cells, telomeres are added during development. Later telomerase becomes inactive. 481 Hence, as cells divide the DNA becomes shorter. Note that telomerase is reactivated in many types of cancer cells. TB Study objectives 482 1. Compare and contrast bacterial, viral and eukaryotic genomes. 2. What are the 4 bases in DNA? Which are purines? Which are pyrimidines? What is the sugar? I will not ask you to recognize the structures of individual bases, but note that deoxythymidine has a methyl group in the pyrimidine ring. 3. Understand how the following terms apply to DNA structure: phosphodiester bonds, 5' and 3' ends, antiparallel, complementary, double helix. What parts of the nucleotides are joined in the phosphodiester bond? 4. Understand how the following terms apply to DNA replication: template, complementary base pairing, origin, bi-directional, theta structures, replication fork, semi-conservative. 5. Know how the following enzymes function in leading and lagging strand replication: helicase, ssDNA binding protein, primase, DNA polymerase III, DNA polymerase I. What is an Okazaki fragment? 6. What is proofreading? 7. Understand the problem of replicating the ends of linear DNA. Understand how telomerase solves that problem for eukaryotic chromosomes. Molecular Genetics II: Transcription I. RNA II. Gene expression III. Prokaryotic Transcription 483 484 Flow of information replication DNA DNA transcription RNA translation protein I. RNA (ribonucleic acid) 485 A polymer of nucleosides held together by phosphodiester bonds. RNA is usually single-stranded. RNA plays a key role in decoding the information in DNA. TB A. Functions of the major RNAs 486 1. messenger RNAs (mRNA) contain genetic information to encode a protein phe 2. transfer RNAs (tRNA) act as adapters between the mRNA nucleotide code and amino acids during protein synthesis 3. ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) are structural and catalytic component of ribosomes B. RNA structure 487 1. RNA nucleosides 2. phosphodiester bonds 3. 5' and 3' ends 4. complementary base pairing 5. stem-loops TB 1. The RNA nucleosides 488 The RNA nucleosides have 2'-hydroxyl groups which are not found in DNA. "U" is found in RNA (in place of "T") Guanosine (G) Adenosine (A) Cytidine (C) Uridine (U) TB 489 2. The phosphodiester bonds of RNA are analogous to those of DNA. 3. The 5' and 3' ends of RNA are analogous to those of DNA. TB P-O-C 5' end phosphodiester bond O O- 490 ring numbering system for ribose 5' -C O 1’ 4’ O OH O P 3’ end 3’ O C HO 2’ O OH RNA TB 4. Complementary base pairing 491 CCCTTTGGGAAA DNA GGGAAACCCUUU RNA GGGAAACCCUUU RNA CCCUUUGGGAAA RNA hydrogen bonding TB 5. RNA stem loops 492 A common RNA secondary structure ssRNA complementary base pairing (helical) TB 493 II. Gene expression Different scientists define the term gene expression differently. Most commonly, gene expression refers to the decoding of genes into proteins or RNAs. 1 gene encodes 1 polypeptide, 1 tRNA, 1 rRNA, or 1other RNA TB A. Gene numbers 494 group approximate gene number viruses prokaryotes eukaryotes 4-200 500-12,000 5,000-125,000 TB Any given species has a unique set of genes that confers a unique set of properties. 495 Proteins and RNAs determine all of the characteristics of organisms and cells. Example: Escherichia coli has 4405 genes ~117 encode RNAs (tRNA, rRNA) ~4288 encode proteins TB C. Gene expression in prokaryotes 1. Expression of single genes 496 Ex.1: a single gene that encodes a protein 1 gene transcription translation 1 mRNA 1 polypeptide TB Ex. 2: a single gene that encodes one rRNA or tRNA 497 1 gene transcription 1 RNA RNA processing degraded 1 tRNA etc. TB 2. Expression of operons operon two or more genes transcribed together 498 A B C DNA transcription polycistronic message polycistronic mRNA a single RNA molecule that represents more than one gene TB a. Operons can encode several polypeptides or proteins. A B 499 1 operon C transcription 1 polycistronic mRNA translation B A C 2 or more polypeptides TB b. Operons can encode several rRNA molecules. 500 1 operon 1 polycistronic RNA processing rRNA rRNA degraded 2 or more rRNAsTB 3. Important points 501 The details of organization, processing and degradation are different for different RNAs. Most prokaryotes use operons. Operons are used to coordinate gene expression and often contain genes of related function. TB D. Eukaryotic gene expression 502 1. Expression of eukaryotic rRNA and tRNA genes The expression of rRNA and tRNA is similar in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. TB 2. Eukaryotic protein expression 503 a. Typical eukaryotic genes have exons and introns. E I E I E I E gene E = exon = coding sequences I = intron = intervening, noncoding sequences Eukaryotes do NOT have operons TB 1 gene with exons and introns E I E I E I 504 E transcription 1 RNA representing exons and introns (primary transcript) TB b. Primary transcripts 505 primary transcript processing 1 mRNA 1 polypeptide TB c. Processing of primary transcripts 506 i. capping ii. splicing iii. tailing TB i. Capping 507 Addition of a 5' cap CAP Capping usually occurs before transcription is finished. TB CH3 Typical 5' CAP P P P N OCH2 N O O 508 N N NH2 HO OH 5' carbon of RNA chain 7-methylguanosine 5' to 5' linkage Know the name (methylguanosine cap, 5' cap), but don't memorize structure. TB ii. Splicing The removal of introns. 509 primary transcript splicing RNA without introns TB iii. Tailing 510 Addition of a poly-A tail A1A2...A~200 TB 3. Notes on eukaryotic 511 RNA processing The exact order of capping, tailing and splicing varies for different genes. Processing occurs in the nucleus Poly-A tails are added by poly-A polymerase, NOT during transcription. TB E. Comparison of eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene expression. 512 Eukaryotic mRNAs are usually spliced,capped and tailed. Eukaryotes do NOT have operons. tRNA and rRNA expression are generally similar Prokaryotic genes very very rarely have introns TB III. Prokaryotic transcription 513 A. overview B. transcribed regions C. RNA polymerase D. promoters E. terminators F. sigma factor TB 514 Flow of information replication DNA DNA transcription RNA translation protein 515 A. Overview of prokaryotic transcription RNA synthesis from a DNA template typical gene dsDNA RNA polymerase primary transcript complementary to one strand of the coding region TB B. Defined regions are transcribed 516 upstream transcribed downstream region region region gene dsDNA transcription promoter start site (RNA polymerase binding site) termination site TB C. RNA polymerase is the enzyme that 517 synthesizes RNA from a DNA template. RNA polymerase gene,or operon DNA template complementary RNA TB 518 + + completed transcript TB 519 D. Promoters Sites on DNA where RNA polymerase binds to start transcription upstream transcribed downstream region region region gene dsDNA promoter transcription start site termination site TB 1. Typical bacterial 70 promoter TTGACA AACTGT TATAAT ATATTA TTGACA = -35 consensus sequence TATAAT = -10 consensus sequence 520 *also called Pribnow box; ~ 10 bases before start site of transcription TB A more common way to draw a promoter 521 3' 5' TTGACA -35 TTAACT -10 Note: The - 10 and -35 sequences can vary somewhat. TB E. Transcriptional terminators 522 DNA region that mediates the termination of transcription. termination site gene dsDNA region where terminators are usually found TB 1. Intrinsic terminator 523 DNA encoding an RNA that forms a stem loop followed by a run of "U"s that is used for transcriptional termination. RNA UUUU 3' end of RNA TB Intrinsic terminator function 524 The RNA stem loop binds to RNA pol and causes termination Important fact: Intrinsic terminators must be transcribed in order to function. TB 525 2. Rho-dependent terminator A DNA site where RNA polymerase pauses and transcription is terminated by Rho protein TB 526 Rho protein binds RNA then moves along RNA until it contacts RNA pol and terminates transcription Rho protein RNA pol pauses at Rho termination site TB F. The sigma factor cycle 527 Sigma factors ( ) are a subunit of RNA polymerase. Sigma factors are needed for promoter binding, but after transcription starts they dissociate. TB 1. Subunit structure of bacterial RNA polymerase core enzyme ' 528 holoenzyme ' The holoenzyme includes one of several sigma factors. TB RNA pol holoenzyme (core + sigma) sigma factor 529 core enzyme sigma factor RNA (~10 nucleotides) TB termination 530 RNA + core enzyme sigma holoenzyme TB Upstream region of the lactose operon531 TAATGTGAGTTAGCTCACTCATTA -35 region GGCACCCCAGGCTTGACATTTATG -10 region (Pribnow) CTTCCGGCTCGTATGTTGTGTGGA Transcription start site AATTGTGAGCGGATAACAATTTCA Shine-dalgarno (RBS) CACAGGAAAGAGCTATGACC... Translation start site Study objectives 532 You will need to know ALL the concepts and details in this lecture. 1. What are the three main types of RNA and what are their functions? 2. Understand how the following terms apply to RNA structure: phosphodiester bonds, 5' and 3 ends, nucleosides, complementary base pairing, stem loops. 3. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA structure. 4. What is a gene? What is gene expression? *Understand transcription, translation, and RNA processing in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 5. Define operons and polycistronic messages. How do they function in prokaryotic gene expression? 6. *Compare and contrast the features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression. Do eukaryotes have operons? What are exons, introns, primary transcripts, capping, tailing, and splicing. What is the 5' cap (methylguanosine cap)? How and when is the poly-A tail added to the transcript? Where does eukaryotic RNA processing occur? 7. Understand the structure and function of promoters and terminators in transcription. Contrast intrinsic terminators and rho-dependent terminators. 8. Know the subunit structure of bacterial RNA polymerase and the sigma cycle. Molecular Genetics III: Prokaryotic translation 533 I. Key components of translation II. Steps in translation III. The genetic code Overview of prokaryotic translation 534 Protein synthesis from an mRNA template. translated region mRNA phe translation protein of specific amino acid sequence TB I. Key components of translation A. mRNA B. tRNA C. ribosomes and rRNA 535 536 A. mRNA RNA template for protein synthesis translated region Shineseries of codons Dalgarno (usually ~300 codons) sequence mRNA start codon stop codon TB 1. Shine-Dalgarno sequence 537 ~AGGAGG, ribosome binding sequence, critical for ribosome binding 2. start codons AUG, GUG, or UUG 3. stop codons (nonsense codons) UAA, UGA, or UAG TB 538 4. Translated region (coding sequence) • Series of codons that determines the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein. • Coding sequences have an average of about 300 codons. • Except for the stop codon, each codon specifies a particular amino acid. TB 5. Codons consist of 3 bases 539 start codon codons protein 2 3 4 1 AUGCAUUGUUCU... fMet - His - Cys - Ser ... 1 2 3 4 TB B. tRNA The adapter molecule for translation 540 1. Particular tRNAs carry particular amino acids. f-Met tRNA-f-Met His His tRNA-His TB 2. Particular tRNAs recognize particular codons. codons 541 AUGCAUUGUUCU... tRNAs AA1 AA2 amino acid (AA) This allows amino acids to be brought TB together in a particular order. 3. tRNA structure All tRNAs are generally similar in structure. 542 a. 1o structure ssRNA 73-93 nucleotides long 5' UAC 3' TB o 2 b. structure clover leaf 543 acceptor arm TYC arm D-arm extra arm anticodon loop TB c. o 3 structure inverted "L" 544 TB d. Anticodon 545 A 3 base sequence in tRNA complementary to a specific codon. anticodon Base pairing between an anticodon and a codon allows a tRNA to recognize a specific codon. TB e. codon-anticodon interactions anticodon 3' 5' 321 5' 546 UUA AAU 123 tRNA 3' mRNA codon TB 4. tRNA charging (adding amino acid)547 O H2N-CH-C-O 3' R 3' tRNA (uncharged) aminoacyl-tRNA (charged) tRNA charging uses the energy of ATP TB Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases 548 enzymes that attach amino acids to tRNA enzyme ATP amino acid aminoacyl-AMP tRNA aminoacyl-tRNA PPi AMP TB AMP = adenosine monophosphate PPi = inorganic pyrophosphate 5. tRNA facts 549 Prokaryotes have about 60 different tRNAs. tRNAs contain many modified bases. TB C. Ribosomes and rRNA 550 Ribosomes ribonucleoprotein complexes that catalyze protein synthesis. rRNAs have structural and catalytic roles TB 1. Prokaryotic 70s ribosome 551 23s rRNA 5s rRNA 34 proteins 50s subunit 16s RNA 21 proteins 30s subunit TB 2. Ribosomal sites where tRNAs bind 552 E = exit E P A P = peptidyl A = aminoacyl TB 3. 16S rRNA The 3' end of the 16s rRNA is complementary to the ShineDalgarno sequence (ribosome binding sequence of mRNAs) 553 II. Steps in translation A. initiation P-site 30s subunit of ribosome 554 f-met AGGAGG-----AUG Shine-Dalgarno (AGGAGG on mRNA) f-met mRNA AUG GTP hydrolysis 50s subunit 30s subunit TB 1. f-met tRNA (formyl-methionine tRNA) 555 In Bacteria, different met-tRNAs are used for elongation and initiation. met tRNA initiation, formyl-methionine met tRNA elongation, methionine f m TB 2. Initiation in different domains 556 In Bacteria, the formyl group of the initiator formylmethionine (f-met) is later removed. In Eukarya and Archaea, initiation begins with methionine rather than f-met. In Eukarya, the ribosome recognizes the 7-methylguanosine cap at the 5’ end of mRNA and initiates at the first AUG. TB B. Elongation 557 1. AA-tRNA binding AA AA mRNA P-site A-site AA AA TB 2. peptide bond synthesis 558 AA AA (peptidyl transferase) AA AA TB 3. translocation AA AA GTP hydrolysis 559 AA AA TB C. Termination 560 AA AA AA AA stop codon AA UAA termination AA AA AA AA AA TB D. Additional notes on translation 561 1. Ribosomes move along the mRNA. mRNAs can be translated by 5-10 ribosomes simultaneously. mRNA "Polysomes" are mRNAs with several ribosomes attached. TB 2. In prokaryotes only, transcription and translation are coupled. 562 Translation begins before transcription ends. DNA mRNA TB 563 3. Protein folding into the active form can occur spontaneously or with the help of a large protein complex called a molecular chaperone. ATP ADP improperly folded protein molecular chaperone properly folded protein III. The genetic code A. universal code B. degenerate code 1. synonyms 2. codon families 3. codon pairs C. wobble base pairing 564 III. The genetic code 565 8 codon families, 14 codon pairs, 3 stop codons (Do not memorize) A. The genetic code is almost universal. 566 Most organisms use the same genetic code. TB B. The genetic code is degenerate. 567 more than one codon can code for the same amino acid UUU phenylalanine UUC phenylalanine TB 1. synonyms codons that code for the same amino acid UUU phenylalanine UUC phenylalanine Not all synonyms are used with equal frequency. This is called "codon usage bias". 568 569 2. codon families CUU CUC CUA CUG any nucleotide in the 3rd positions leucine TB 3. codon pairs any pyrimidine in the 3rd position UUU UUC phenylalanine CAA CAG glutamine any purine in the 3rd position 570 TB C. Wobble base pairing 571 U-G and G-U base pairs are allowed in the 3rd position of the codon. codon (mRNA) 5' 3' UUU AAG anticodon (tRNA) 3' 5' TB 572 Flow of information replication DNA DNA transcription RNA translation protein Study objectives 573 1. Know the DETAILS of the structure and function of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, and ribosomes in translation. Memorize the start and stop codons. You do NOT need to memorize codons other than the start and stop codons. 2. What reaction is catalyzed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases? 3. For the process of translation, know the details of initiation, elongation peptide bond formation, translocation and termination. 4. Compare and contrast Bacterial, Archaeal and Eukaryal initiation. 5. What are polysomes? 6. What is meant when it is said that transcription and translation are coupled in prokaryotes? 7. Some proteins fold spontaneously while others require assistance. What are molecular chaperones? 8. How do the following terms apply to the genetic code: synonyms, codon pairs, codon families, wobble, codon usage bias. 574 MCB 3020, Spring 2004 Chapter 7: Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Gene Expression I: I. Regulation of gene expression II. Transcriptional regulation III. Examples of gene repression IV. Example of gene induction 575 I. Regulation of gene expression 576 Not all genes are turned on (expressed) all the time In general, they are turned on only when needed. TB Cells can respond to environmental 577 changes by regulating gene expression. arginine maltose lactose glucose tryptophan Different genes are expressed when cells grow on different compounds. glucose e.g. Growth on lactose requires expression of at least three additional genes. 578 maltose TCA lactose (galactose--1,4-glucose) P O lacZ -galactosidase lacY lacA lac permease (transport protein) A. Why regulate gene expression? 579 Regulation allows cells to respond to environmental conditions by synthesizing selected gene products only when they are needed. B. Gene expression synthesis of a gene product 1. constitutive 2. regulated 580 1. Constitutive gene expression expression of genes at about the same level under all environmental conditions 581 e.g. "housekeeping genes" like primase ssDNA binding proteins TB 2. Regulated gene expression Control of the rate of protein or RNA synthesis as an adaptive response to stimuli. 582 induction: increase in gene expression repression: decrease in gene expression a. gene induction increase in gene expression amount of gene product 583 inducer time TB 584 e.g. genes that encode maltose-utilizing enzymes are induced by maltose. maltose absent maltose added maltose catabolic enzymes (molecules/cell) lag phase time b. gene repression decrease in gene expression 585 amount of gene product time TB e.g. genes that encode enzymes for tryptophan biosynthesis are repressed by tryptophan. tryptophan absent tryptophan present enzymes for tryptophan biosynthesis (molecules/cell) time 586 Important general principle 587 • catabolic substrates (e.g. maltose and lactose) induce the genes required for their catabolism • biosynthetic molecules (e.g. amino acids and purines) repress the genes required for the biosynthesis II. Transcriptional regulation 588 • regulation of RNA synthesis • the most common method of gene regulation in all cells A. Regulatory proteins B. Regulatory protein binding sites C. Effector molecules TB A. Regulatory proteins 589 • Transcriptional regulation is mediated by regulatory proteins. • Cells have many different regulatory proteins. • Specific regulatory proteins control the transcription of specific groups of genes. • Examples of regulatory proteins are "repressor proteins" and "activator proteins." TB 1. Repressor proteins 590 Repressor protein (dimer) DNA P RNA polymerase Promoter Repressor proteins decrease transcription when bound to DNA by interfering with the TB activity or binding of RNA polymerase. 2. Activator proteins Activator protein P 591 DNA RNA polymerase "weak" promoter Activator proteins increase transcription when bound to DNA by helping RNA polymerase bind TB to weak promoters. B. Regulatory protein binding sites 592 Regulatory proteins bind to specific DNA sequences. A particular regulatory protein will only control the expression of genes having appropriate binding sites. TB 1. Operator sites 593 binding sites for repressor proteins GTGTAAACGATTCCAC CACATTTGCTAAGGTG lac repressor binding site Imperfect palindrome Usually found near promoters. TB 2. Activator binding sites Binding sites for activator proteins GTGAGTTAGCTCAC CACTCAATCGAGTG 594 crp binding site Imperfect palindrome Usually found near promoters. TB C. Effector molecules 595 Small molecules from the environment (or made inside cells) that signal specific changes in gene expression. TB 1. Classes of effectors a. inducers 596 maltose small molecules that mediate gene induction e.g. catabolic substrates: sugars, amino acids, fatty acids lactose TB b. corepressors small molecules that mediate gene repression 597 e.g. biosynthetic products: amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, fatty acids etc. arginine tryptophan TB 2. How effectors work 598 Effectors change the DNA binding affinity of regulatory proteins for their binding sites. regulatory protein effector conformational change (change in 3-D structure) TB A. Some effectors increase DNA binding affinity 599 regulatory protein conformational change (change in 3-D structure) DNA effector TB B. Some effectors decrease DNA binding affinity 600 regulatory protein DNA conformational change (change in 3-D structure) effector TB 601 Since most regulatory proteins influence transcription when bound to DNA, the binding of effectors to regulatory proteins changes gene expression. regulatory protein effector TB III. Examples of gene repression 602 A. Regulation of the trp operon B. Regulation of the arg operon TB A. The trp operon is a group of genes used for603 biosynthesis of the amino acid tryptophan (Trp). The trp operon trp genes promoter E D C B A polycistronic mRNA Five enzymes for tryptophan biosynthesis TB 604 1. When Trp is NOT available in the environment, expression of the trp operon allows Escherchia coli to make Trp needed for protein synthesis. 2. When Trp is available, E. coli takes up Trp from the environment and represses the trp operon. TB 605 trp promoter inactive repressor operator tryptophan active repressor RNA polymerase genes on genes off TB Note: Repression of the trp operon by606 tryptophan involves a repressor protein. • When tryptophan binds to the repressor protein, the repressor protein binds to DNA. • Transcription is blocked. Result: VERY low amounts of tryptophan are synthesized when the cell can get tryptophan from the environment . B. Regulation of the arg operon for arginine biosynthesis 607 If arginine is present in large amounts • arg biosynthetic enzymes NOT needed • arg binds repressor • arg-repressor binds DNA • RNA polymerase can't bind to promoter argC argB argH operator arg biosynthetic genes transcription rate decreases P 608 If arg is absent, the cell needs to make arg • repressor doesn't bind DNA • RNA polymerase can bind • transcription of arg genes occurs P operator argC argB argH arg biosynthetic genes IV. Example of gene induction: Regulation of the lac operon 609 A. The lac operon is a group of genes used for catabolism of the sugar lactose. lac genes promoter Z Y A operator TB • When lactose is unavailable, the catabolic enzymes are NOT needed. The lac operon is expressed at only very low levels. • When lactose is available, E. coli induces expression of lac operon. 610 TB 611 B. Lactose unavailable lac promoter Z Y A genes off In the ABSENCE of lactose, the lac repressor protein binds DNA. Note: the role of crp/cAMP in control of the lac operon is not considered here. TB C. Lactose available 612 lac promoter Z Y A genes on RNA polymerase lactose allolactose repressor does not bind DNA TB Important points 613 Repressor proteins can mediate gene repression (e.g. trp operon) or gene induction (lac operon). Activator proteins can mediate both gene induction and gene repression. TB 614 Some repressor proteins mediate gene induction. Example: the lac repressor Lactose (a sugar) can be an energy source. If lactose is absent, • enzymes for using lactose are not needed • lac repressor binds to the lac operator • the lac genes are not expressed CAP site P O lacZ lacY lacA 615 Some repressor proteins mediate gene induction. Lactose ( ) induces the expression of lac genes. If lactose is present, + • enzymes for using lactose are needed • (allo)lactose binds to the lac repressor and causes a conformational change • repressor-lac does NOT bind to DNA • expression of lac genes is possible CAP site P O lacZ lacY lacA Study objectives: Please study all the concepts and details of Regulation. 616 1. Why do cells control gene expression? What is constitutive gene expression? 2. What is gene induction? gene repression? 3. Are catabolic genes more likely to be repressed or induced? Why? 4. Are anabolic (biosynthetic) genes more likely to be repressed or induced? Why? 5. What are the functions of the following in the regulation of transcription: repressor protein, activator protein, effector, co-repressor, inducer, activator binding site, operator, palindromic sequences, protein conformational changes? Understand the concepts and details. Do NOT memorize the specific palindromic sequences. 6. Describe regulation of the trp operon and arg operon by repressor proteins. 7. Describe the effect of lactose on the induction of the lac operon. 8. Explain how repressor proteins can mediate gene repression. Explain how repressor proteins can mediate gene induction. 9. Know that some activator proteins can mediate gene induction, while other activator proteins mediate gene repression 617 Regulation of Gene Expression II: I. Activator proteins II. Global regulation III. Two-component regulatory systems IV. Attenuation I. Activator proteins 618 Proteins that activate transcription when bound to activator binding sites. eg. maltose activator protein catabolite activator protein (CAP) cyclic AMP receptor protein (crp) 619 A. Typical activator protein DNA P activator binding site RNA polymerase unusual promoter TB B. Typical activator binding site P 620 O GTGAGTTAGCTCAC CACTCAATCGAGTG Imperfect palindrome TB C. Unusual promoters are involved in control by activator proteins. No -35 consensus 621 -10 consensus (Pribnow box) TB D. The catabolite activator protein 1. In the lac operon, the activator protein is called the catabolite activator protein (CAP) or the cyclic AMP receptor protein (crp). 2. When cyclic AMP (cAMP) is present, the cAMP/CAP (crp) complex binds DNA and activates transcription. 622 CAP (crp) cAMP cAMP/CAP complex binds DNA TB NH2 N O CH2 N 623 N N (Don't memorize) HOP=O O OH cyclic AMP (cAMP) cyclic adenosine monophosphate TB Role of CAP (crp) in the lac operon 624 Without activator protein, RNA polymerase binds weakly and the transcription rate is low. crp P O binding site lacZ lacY lacA With activator protein (crp), RNA polymerase binds well and the transcription rate is higher. P O lacZ lacY lacA 625 3. MANY operons that encode catabolic enzymes have the same crp binding site ( ) and are controlled by the same regulatory protein (CAP or crp). crp binding site bacterial chromosome II. Global regulation A. Control of many genes by a single regulatory protein 626 operator or activator binding sites of similar DNA sequence Bacterial chromosome TB B. Example: catabolite repression A global regulatory system that allows glucose to be consumed in preference to a variety of other carbon sources. 627 TB 628 1. Catabolite repression enables Escherichia coli to use glucose in preference to other glucose carbon sources. maltose Lactose utilization requires additional proteins. TCA lactose (galactose--1,4-glucose) crp P O binding site lacZ -galactosidase lacY lacA lac permease (transport protein) 2. Key components of catabolite repression a. cAMP (cyclic AMP) 629 an effector molecule that increases the DNA binding affinity of the catabolite activator protein b. CAP (or crp) Catabolite activator protein, a transcriptional regulatory protein; also called crp (cAMP receptor protein) TB 3. CAP/cAMP binds to DNA and regulates transcription. CAP (or crp) 630 CAP (or crp) binding sites cAMP cAMP/CAP complex bacterial chromosome TB 4. How does catabolite repression work?631 a. Genes needed for the catabolism of many carbon and energy sources require cAMP/CAP for expression. *b. Glucose decreases cellular cAMP levels. c. Without cAMP/CAP, genes required to catabolize nonglucose energy sources are transcribed at very low rates. d. Therefore, glucose is preferentially used as a carbon and energy source. C. Global regulation is often used together with other more specific regulatory systems. Example: the lactose operon requires both lactose and cAMP/CAP for induction. 632 633 Both lactose and cAMP/CAP are needed for high induction of lac operon. glucose decreases cAMP crp P O binding site P O lacZ lacY glucose present, lactose absent lacA lac repressor binds DNA in absence of lactose lacZ glucose absent, lactose present lacY lacA 634 III. Two-component regulatory systems Transcriptional regulatory systems composed of a sensor kinase and response regulator. TB A. Sensor kinase Integral membrane proteins that sense environmental conditions and phosphorylate proteins 635 B. Response regulator Cytoplasmic transcriptional regulatory proteins controlled by sensor kinases through phosphorylation TB effector sensor kinase 636 P phosphorylation dephosphorylation response regulator P P cytoplasmic membrane TB C. Transcriptional control 637 Phosphorylation changes the DNA binding affinity of the response regulator. When response regulators are bound to DNA, they induce or repress gene expression. TB 638 IV. Attenuation A "fine tuning" system for regulating gene expression by control of transcriptional termination. conformation 2 1 2 3 4 UUUUU intrinsic transcriptional terminator TB 639 A. The trp operon is regulated at two levels. 1. repression by trp repressor (on/off) 2. attenuation (fine tuning by transcriptional termination) R R P O E D C B A genes encoding the enzymes used for tryptophan biosynthesis B. Leader region and leader peptide leader region P O 640 tryptophan biosynthesis genes "structural genes" E D C B A transcription translation leader peptide mRNA tryptophan biosynthetic enzymes 1. leader region of trp mRNA 641 mRNA region upstream of the coding region for the trp biosynthesis enzymes leader coding region for trp enzymes region trp mRNA TB 2. leader peptide A short peptide encoded by the leader region of the trp mRNA. 642 trp leader mRNA (has 2 trp codons) translation leader peptide met-lys-arg-ile-phe-val-leu-lys-gly-trp-trp-arg-thr-ser (Don't memorize sequence) TB 643 C. The trick to attenuation 1. The leader region of the trp mRNA has four segments that can fold into 2 mutually exclusive conformations by complementary base pairing. trp mRNA leader region 1 2 3 4 TB mRNA leader region 1 2 3 644 4 conformation 1 1 2 3 conformation 2 1 2 3 4 intrinsic transcriptional terminator 4 UUUUU (3:4 loop) TB 645 2. Conformation 2 of the trp mRNA leader is 1 2 3 4 UUUUU an intrinsic terminator. If conformation 2 is formed, transcription of the trp operon is terminated before the remainder of the trp mRNA is made. Plentiful tryptophan favors conformation 2 and termination. Energy is not wasted making tryptophan when it is plentiful. TB 3. The rate of TRANSLATION of the 646 leader peptide determines which conformation (stem-loop) will form. 2:3 stem loop 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 mRNA 4 Intrinsic terminator(3:4 stem-loop) TB 4. The leader region encodes two tryptophans in a row. 647 a. When tryptophan is plentiful, translation of the trp leader peptide is FAST (i.e. ribosomes move fast). Fast translation favors formation of the intrinsic terminator (the 3:4 loop). Transcription terminates before the structural genes are transcribed. 648 b. When tryptophan levels are LOW, translation of the trp leader peptide is SLOW. The ribosome PAUSES at the trp codons, waiting for tryptophan-tRNA. When the ribosome pauses, the 2:3 stem-loop forms. The 3:4 intrinsic terminator stem-loop CANNOT form. Transcription of the trp biosynthesis genes continues. C. Transcription of the trp operon when tryptophan is plentiful. Ribosome begins translation immediately after RNA synthesis occurs. 1 1 1 649 Ribosome finishes translation of the leader peptide and leaves the mRNA. 2 2 Stem loop 1:2 forms. TB 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 4 leader region P O 650 Transcription continues. Stem loop 3:4 forms. Stem loop 3:4 is an intrinsic terminator that prevents further transcription. XE XD XC XB XA 1 2 3 4 UUUUU tryptophan biosynthesis genes are NOT transcribed TB D. Transcription of the trp operon when tryptophan is low. 651 Ribosome begins translation immediately after RNA synthesis occurs. 1 1 2 1 2 3 Because tryptophan is low, the ribosome pauses at tryptophan codons of the leader peptide and remains attached to the mRNA. Transcription continues. TB 1 1 2 2 The ribosome blocks base pairing between segments 1 and 2. 3 3 4 652 Segments 2 and 3 pair blocking the pairing of 3 and 4. no terminator is formed Note that the alternative conformations of the trp leader mRNA are mutually exclusive. TB End result: When tryptophan levels are low, the genes for the tryptophan biosynthesis are expressed. P O 1 2 E 34 D C B A 653 DNA mRNA proteins no terminator is formed tryptophan biosynthesis genes are transcribed and translated Study objectives: Please study both the concepts and details of Regulation. 654 1. What is an activator protein? How does it work? What is the catabolite activator protein or cAMP receptor protein (crp)? 2. What are the roles of cAMP, CAP and glucose in catabolite repression? 3. What is global regulation? Describe the example presented in class. 4. How do the lac repressor system and cAMP/CAP system regulate expression of the lac operon? Understand (in detail) the effects of both lactose and glucose on the expression of the lac operon. 5. Describe how sensor kinases and response regulators function in two-component regulatory systems. 6. Understand the CONCEPTS and DETAILS of attenuation. What is the role of tryptophan, the leader peptide, the ribosome, and alternative leader mRNA conformations in trp operon attenuation? 7. Compare and contrast (i) transcriptional regulation by regulatory proteins (ii) two-component regulatory systems and (iii) attenuation. 655 MCB 3020, Spring 2004 Chapter 8: Viruses 656 Viruses: I. General properties of viruses II. Examples of viruses III. Viral structure IV. Phage reproduction V. Reproduction of lysogenic phage VI. Overview of animal viruses TB Typical viruses (30-200 nm) envelope nucleic acid helical capsid icosahedral capsids 657 viral specific proteins TB 658 I. General properties of viruses A. small (~30-200 nm) B. non-cellular C. replicate within host cells and take over the host machinery D. released from the host cell and infect other cells virion = extracellular state of virus. E. often damage or kill the host TB 659 II. Some examples of viruses A. Human wart virus Picture 18 Icosahedral symmetry (20 regular faces) TB B. Tobacco mosaic virus 660 RNA virus Helical symmetry Picture 19 TB C. Flu virus 661 Picture 20 enveloped virus TB D. Lambda virus 662 host = a bacterium bacterial viruses are also called bacteriophage ("bacteria eaters") or phage III. Viral structure A. genomes B. capsids C. envelopes D. packaged enzymes 663 TB A. Viral genomes 664 All the hereditary material of a virus 4 - 200 genes dsDNA ssDNA dsRNA ssRNA TB B. Viral capsids 665 Protein shell that surrounds the genome cross-section of icosahedral capsid capsid (protein coat) genome Protects the viral genome Often needed for attachment to the host cells Usually helical or icosahedral TB C. Viral envelopes 666 Outermost layer of enveloped viruses Composed of host lipids and viral proteins Often used for attachment to the host cell lipids from host viral proteins TB 667 D. Packaged proteins Proteins found within the capsid Different functions in different viruses viral protein e.g. reverse transcriptase RNA-dependent RNA polymerase TB 1. Reverse transcriptase 668 enzyme that synthesizes DNA from an RNA template 2. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme that synthesizes RNA from an RNA template TB IV. Reproduction of phage A. Attachment B. Penetration C. Expression of viral genes D. Genome replication E. Capsid formation F. Packaging G. Release 669 TB A. Attachment 670 Binding of a capsid or envelope protein to a host receptor. host receptor (usually a specific protein, lipid, or polysaccharide) host cell Specificity for the host receptor determines virus host range TB Attachment and penetration 671 Virus tail fibers interacting with core polysaccharides 672 B. penetration injection of viral nucleic acid and packaged proteins. TB C. Expression of viral genes 673 viral genome host machinery Viral proteins TB Typical viral proteins 674 capsid proteins proteins that block host gene expression proteins that block restriction systems proteins for genome replication proteins for assembly of viral particles TB D. Genome replication various methods: for example, host enzymes only viral enzymes only host and viral enzymes 675 TB E. capsid formation self-assembly of capsid proteins 676 TB F. packaging 677 Insertion of the nucleic acid into the capsid Method varies The "headfull" method is common TB G. Release 1. Lysis 678 TB 2. Budding (enveloped viruses) 679 host lipids viral proteins TB V. Reproduction of lysogenic phage A. lysis B. lysogeny C. prophage induction 680 TB A. Lysis The most frequent method of reproduction Occurs as described above 681 TB B. Lysogeny 1. Prophage integration 682 bacterial chromosome integration prophage (integrated virus) lysogen (cell with integrated virus) TB 2. Prophage replication 683 host replication TB C. Prophage induction 684 Excision of the prophage followed by lytic replication. UV light and other DNA damaging agents cause prophage induction. TB VI. Overview of animal viruses 1. Attachment and penetration binding to host receptor and uptake by endocytosis uncoating animal cell 685 TB 686 2. Gene expression and genome replication for animal viruses must follow (or adapt to) eukaryotic rules eukaryotic RNA processing compartmentation (nucleus vs. cytoplasm) What features of transcription and translation would differ between phage and animal viruses? TB B. Host interactions 1. lysis 2. persistent infection 3. latent infection 4. transformation 687 TB 1. lysis 688 destruction of the host cell 2. persistent infection viruses bud from host over a long period of time. 3. latent infection infections that reoccur periodically 4. transformation increased growth rate of host cells TB Study objectives 689 Please understand ALL the CONCEPTS and DETAILS presented in this lecture. 1. Describe the general properties of viruses. 2. Define virions, bacteriophage, phage. 3. Describe viral genomes, capsids (protein coats or shells), envelopes, and packaged proteins. What are the functions of these molecules? Know the specific examples presented in class. 4. Compare and contrast the details of the reproductive cycles of phage and animal viruses. Thought question: What features of transcription and translation would differ between phage and animal viruses? 5. How do phage reproduce by lysogeny? 6. What is a lysogen? a prophage? 7. What effects can animal viruses have on their hosts? 690 Eukaryotic viruses, viroids, and prions: I. Polio virus II. Flu virus III. HIV virus IV. HIV replication V. HIV treatment VI. Viroids VII. Prions I. Polio virus A. Basic properties +ssRNA icosahedral nonenveloped infects nerve cells 691 + RNA (plus strand RNA) means that the RNA genome reads the same as the mRNA mRNA 5' 3' C AA GGUUC + RNA 5' G G U U C C A A 3' 692 B. Life cycle 1. penetration and uncoating 693 nucleus of cell uncoating +ssRNA nerve cell cytoplasm 2. Genome replication +RNA (genome) viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase -RNA 694 3. Gene expression +RNA (mRNA) 695 polio genome translation (host machinery) polyprotein auto-proteolysis and proteolysis coat proteins, proteases, RNA polymerase etc. a. Gene expression facts Polio mRNA can be translated without a eukaryotic 5' cap (methylguanosine cap). Polio inactivates translation of host mRNAs by destroying the host protein that recognizes the methylguanosine cap. 696 4. Assembly and release 697 + strand RNAs are assembled into capsids and the host cell is lysed. II. Flu virus 698 A. Basic properties -ssRNA segmented genome enveloped helical capsid infects mucus membrane cells of the respiratory tract B. Structure viral envelope 699 hemagglutinin neuraminidase segmented genome (-RNA) 700 - RNA (minus strand RNA) is complementary to the mRNA mRNA 5' 3' C AA GGUUC - RNA 3' C CAA G G U U 5' C. Key proteins 701 1. Hemagglutinin mediates fusion of the viral envelope to the host cell membrane 2. Neuraminidase Breaks down sialic acid and assists in budding D. Antigenic shift Major changes in viral proteins due to mixing of genome segments from different viruses. Occurs when two different viruses infect the same host. This can cause dramatic changes in surface antigens and produce new virulent strains. 702 III. HIV (AIDS) virus 703 Human immunodeficiency virus HIV kills CD4+ cells of the immune system Causes AIDS Healthy adults have about 800 CD4+ T-cells/cubic millimeter of blood. HIV patients are said to have AIDS when they develop opportunistic infections or when their CD4+ T-cell count falls below 200. A. HIV infection 704 Usually acquired by sexual intercourse Almost always fatal No cure No vaccine In the US,~1/250 people are infected. In the US,~1/3,000 people contract HIV each year On average, 8-10 years pass between HIV infection and the development of AIDS. B. Prevention 705 Celibacy Insistence on condoms Clean needles Post-exposure drug treatment within 24 h ??? 4-weeks of treatment with possible side effects of headache, nausea, fatigue and anemia. C. HIV replication HIV is a retrovirus = an RNA virus that replicates through a DNA intermediate. reverse transcriptase HIV genome + ssRNA (2 copies) DNA 706 D. HIV structure 707 envelope protein reverse transcriptase integrase protease +ssRNA Genetic map of typical retrovirus gag pol LTR = long terminal repeat env other genes 708 LTR gag: encodes internal structural proteins pol: encodes reverse transcriptase env: encodes envelope proteins There are also other genes specific to different retroviruses. A. HIV proteins 709 1. Envelope protein: mediates binding to CD4 receptor 2. Reverse transcriptase: synthesizes DNA from an RNA template 3. Integrase: splices viral DNA into the host genome 4. Protease cleaves the viral polyprotein into active parts 710 E. HIV reproductive cycle 711 g a b f CD4 receptor c cell membrane nuclear membrane d e HIV provirus 712 Steps in the HIV reproductive cycle a. penetration and uncoating b. reverse transcription c. integration d. gene expression e. replication f. polyprotein cleavage by HIV protease g. assembly and budding 713 F. HIV Treatment A. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors B. protease inhibitors In general, two reverse transcriptase inhibitors are used in combination with a protease inhibitor; however, treatment is complex and rapidly changing. http://www.hivatis.org/trtgdlns.html (The latest information on HIV treatment) G. HIV drug resistance protease inhibitor HIV protease mutation drug resistant protease 714 inhibitor binding to the active site inactivates the protease inhibitor no longer binds but protease still functions VI. Viroids 715 circular single stranded RNA molecules that cause plant diseases viroids are "naked" RNA (no proteins associated with RNA) viroid genomes do NOT encode proteins VII. Prions Infectious proteins Prion proteins appear to transmit disease without DNA or RNA. 716 A. Prion diseases (spongiform encephalopathies) Scrapie, sheep and goats Mad cow disease, cows Creutzfeldt-Jacob, humans 717 Mad cow disease (BSE) • Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) • source of infection appears to be feeding cows with "meat-and-bone meal" remains of infected sheep or cows, especially infected brain tissue • prion is not destroyed by cooking 718 719 "new variant" Creutzfeldt-Jacob syndrome • human disease thought to be caused by eating BSE-infected beef • about 92 cases, most victims have died • unusual in that many victims are < 30 years old • incubation time is 10 to 15 years B. How prions cause disease 720 normal PrP (prion protein) Disease-causing PrP catalyzes a conformational change that turns normal PrP into disease causing PrP. disease causing PrP Over time, disease causing PrP accumulates and symptoms result. C. The prion gene If a protein transmits the disease, where is its gene? The prion gene (prp) turned out to be a normal gene found in animals. Unusual forms of the gene (mutants) are thought to cause disease. 721 Study objectives 722 1. Describe the structure of the polio virus. Explain polio virus replication and gene expression. What are polyproteins? 2. Distinguish between plus strand and minus strand RNA genomes. 3. Describe the structure of the flu virus. What is the relationship of flu virus genome structure to antigenic shift. 4. What are the functions of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. 5. How is HIV transmitted? 6. How is HIV infection prevented? 7. How is HIV infection treated? 8. Describe the structure of HIV. What is a retrovirus? Describe the general structure of a retroviral genome and the proteins encoded. 9. Describe the HIV reproductive cycle. Know the functions of the HIV proteins. 10. What are viroids? How do viroids differ from viruses and prions? 11. What are prions? 12. What diseases do prions cause? 13. How are prions thought to cause disease? 14. Where are prions genes found?