Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO-317007 NATURE-SDIplus Training Framework Training to Support INSPIRE Implementation Training Training for whom? NATURE-SDIplus Training is generally addressed to the operators in Geographical Information and Nature Conservation Data Management, dealing with INSPIRE and its implementation. In addition, the NATURE-SDIplus training is addressed to the project Partners, in order to acquire a common knowledge on the different topics addressed by the project (both on the technical aspects and in the nature conservation topics), also in view to make easier their participation in the project activities. 2 Training Package Level 1 Background Knowledge Level 2 SDI and Nature conservation Level 3 Applications Level 1 - Background Knowledge Background Knowledge on Nature Conservation MODULE 1 - NATURE CONSERVATION GI Data Modelling and Standards MODULE 2 - METADATA MODULE 3 - DATA HARMONIZATION MODULE 4 - STANDARDS Basic IT Standards MODULE 5 - BASICS OF WEB SERVICES INSPIRE MODULE 6 - THE INSPIRE DIRECTIVE Training Package Level 2 - SDI and Nature conservation Level 1 Background Knowledge MODULE 7 - NATURE CONSERVATION IN INSPIRE MODULE 8 – DATASETS ANALYSIS AND DATA POLICIES Level 2 SDI and Nature conservation Level 3 Applications MODULE 9 – PROCEDURES AND TOOLS FOR DATA HARMONISATION MODULE 10 – DATA REMODELLING – PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE MODULE 11 – NATURE-SDIplus INFRASTRUCTURE MODULE 12 – TESTING THE COMPLIANCE OF OUTCOMES WITH INSPIRE AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Training Package Level 3 - Applications MODULE 13 - GOOD PRACTICES Level 1 Background Knowledge Level 2 SDI and Nature conservation Level 3 Applications Interreg III A Alcotra Italy-France - Flora and habitat conservation and management in the south-western Alps Dutch Provinces – datasets INSPIRE compliant SAGIS - WebGIS of the Federal State of Salzburg FFH basic data collection GIS data base Of Osogovo Mountains in Bulgaria and Macedonia Problems of Strandja Nature Park Territory Borders BDN (Banche Dati Naturalistiche) State Cadastre of Protected areas Information system of Protected species ISTB Information system for taxons and habitats EnviroGeoPortal – Geoportal of Environmental infrastructure for Geographic information in Slovakia VIC Nature MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitats) NBN Gateway (National Biodiversity Network's Gateway) Training Organisation of the Training Action • Learning Path • Time Schedule • Organizational Aspects Training Learning path – list of modules 1. Nature Conservation and Natura 2000 Network 2. The INSPIRE Directive (INSPIRE Seminar) 3. Metadata, Concepts and Standards 4. Web Services 5. Nature Conservation and INSPIRE 6. Data Harmonisation 7. Procedures and tools for data and metadata harmonisation 8. Data remodelling: practical experience Training NATURE-SDIplus Training Action Nature Conservation in INSPIRE The learning path includes 8 training modules for a total of about 30 hours of self learning The initiative starts with an introductory workshop where the e-learning platform and the training modules are presented and discussed The workshop is followed by distance learning actions with material in English (3 modules are also in Italian) At the end, the participants are asked to fill in an evaluation form Training Proposed Learning Path 1/4 Nature Conservation and Natura 2000 Network The objective of the module is, at first, to give an overview of the most significant policies relevant to protected sites management and biodiversity conservation at the International and European level. Particular attention is committed to the EU most significant nature conservation policy: the NATURA 2000 Network. Additional lectures are related to other EU and International Policies on Nature Conservation (RAMSAR, IUCN, OSPAR…..) Course length is around 3 hours The INSPIRE Directive (INSPIRE Seminar) The module deals with the following issues: INSPIRE: background, objectives, scope and content of the Directive INSPIRE: the implementation process and the implementing rules INSPIRE: expected impacts Course length is around 3 hours Training Proposed Learning Path 2/4 Metadata, Concepts and Standards The learning objective of this module is to explain the basic concepts about metadata and how they apply to GI. Special attention is given to metadata standards and to the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules. The module consists of three components, each organized in one or more short lectures. Course length is around 4 hours Web Services The learning objective of this module is to explain the basic concepts of web service technology and how it is applied in the OGC specifications. Special attention is given to the WMS, WFS and WPS services. The module consists of five shorter lectures, reading instructions and a self test. Course length is around 7 hours Training Proposed Learning Path 3/4 Nature Conservation and INSPIRE The module focuses on the role of the INSPIRE Directive in the field of nature conservation, providing a brief introduction to the four INSPIRE themes related to nature conservation and considered by the NATURE-SDIplus Project. Therefore, the module gives an overview on the main provisions coming from the Protected Sites data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, 2009 - D2.8.1.9). Additional lectures are the definitions given by INSPIRE for the four data themes on nature conservation (Protected Sites, Bio-geographical Regions, Habitat and Biotopes, Species Distribution). Course length is around 4 hours Data Harmonisation The objective of this training module is that the trainee, at the end of the course, knows the basic concepts of data harmonisation and how they are related to each other. The objective is also that you can apply the concepts to simple but common problems. Course length is around 4 hours Training Proposed Learning Path 4/4 Procedures and Tools for Data and Metadata Harmonisation This Module describes procedures and tools to migrate the existing Metadata profiles and Data models to the data model for the INSPIRE themes Protected Sites, Habitats and Biotopes and Species Distribution. The objective of this module is to facilitate the choice of the tool for the different situations and to indicate how to do it enumerating the steps from the existing data up to the preparation for its publication. Course length is around 4 hours Data Remodelling: Practical Experience The module offers an example of data transformation within INSPIRE, according to the guidelines of the Deliverable 3.5 of NATURE-SDIplus “specification for data model implementation (procedures for metadata profile and data model implementation)”. Course length is around 1 hours Training Time Schedule of the Training Action Introductory Workshop - Workshop 11th May 2011 Registration – Creation of an account to access the courses (Within May 20th 2011) Distance Learning (self – learning) of the proposed Curriculum (May – July 15th 2011) Evaluation within July 31st 2011 (evaluation form) Some modules has their own evaluation form within the elearning platform – please disregard Training Certification of Attendance Flexible, as for national needs/form It consists of a Certification of attendance, not needed any examination Issued after the submission of the Evaluation Form Certification will be issued only for modules attended by the trainees Progress >80%, reasonable registered time Issuing body is the tutor of the action (Regione Piemonte) or GISIG? Fac Simile of certification (click here) Training Resources 1/3 Reference Web Site for the Training Action It informs about the training action It includes links to the reference files It provides direct access to the Training Modules Training Resources 2/3 E-learning platform It hosts the training modules (in English) Personal login Progress monitoring Formats of training material: texts, video (with voice), tests Training approach: self-learning Training Resources 3/3 Forum It allows interaction among the members of the classroom and exchange of experiences Personal login Practical demonstration of the access to the training Thank you, in advance for your active contribution to the training action