Dr---Noha Elsayed 2015--2016 1. Full-body scan. 2. Direct particular attention to your neurologic assessment. 3. Assess the patient’s level of consciousness using the AVPU scale is the most important parameter in evaluating a patient with central nervous injury. 4. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score calculated. 5. Pupil assessment. 6. Cranial nerve assessment. 3-AVPU Scale Alert to person, place, and time Test responsiveness to painful stimuli Pinch earlobe Press down on above eye Pinch neck muscles Assess Level of Consciousness P O SI TI O N Midbrain - Pons Brain – Cervical spinal cord 4. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) • Is the focal point of assessing a critical care patient . • Total value ranging from 3 to 15 A score 3………indicate deep coma A score 15………indicate normal as score falls , the morbidity and mortality of patient increases. • Medications such as anxiolytics ,narcotics, paralytics and the like all affect GCS therefore where possible the GCS should be assessed both while the patient is sedated and not sedated. • Changes in the GCS score are critical to note because they may indicate increase in ICP …. The 1st sign of ↑ ICP is change in the LOC Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Brain injury is classified as: Severe, with GCS < 8-9 Moderate, GCS 9–12 (controversial) Minor, GCS ≥ 13. 5. Pupil assessment: Must be assessed bilaterally for: A. Size (1 – 6mm) May be constricted or dilated N.B. Constriction of pupil may be due to: Medications the patient is receiving such as: Narcotics, Cholinergics B. ShapeOval Keyhole Round Irregular Normal ↑ ICP After iridectomies After orbital trauma C. Reactivity to light (Direct & Consensual) ↓ Brisk, Sluggish or Non – reactive (Rapid constriction of the pupil to light followed by dilatation) ↓ Hippus phenomenon Unequal pupil size bilaterally may be normal in 17% of population ↓ Anisocoria Pupil size and reactivity: E - Equal R - Round R - Regular in size R - React to light On both eyes E+3R Unilateral, Dilated, Fixed & Non-reactive ↑ ICP OR May be normal Bilateral, Dilated, Fixed & Non-reactive Hypoxia OR Severe brain damage at level of midbrain Bilateral, Pin point & Nonreactive Narcotic use OR Severe brain damage at level of pons OR Ischemia Abnormal Pupil Reactions Fixed with no reaction to light. Dilate with light and constrict without light. React sluggishly. Unequal in size. Unequal with light or when light is removed. 6. Cranial nerve assessment: Cranial nerve III is helpful in assessing the patient with a neurologic insult …. To assess the extra-ocular movement that may be the 1st changes seen with increasing the ICP