Spanish III

Español II
HHS 2012-2013
Teacher: Drew Keller
Room: E105
Conference Periods: 3rd/8th periods
Phone: 512.594.1250
Tutoring Days: Monday & Friday- 8:00am-8:45am
Welcome to Spanish II! This is an exciting and engaging two semester course that is designed
to help students improve their abilites in reading, writing, speaking and comprehending
Spanish. Students enrolled in Spanish II must have completed Spanish I successfully in order
to be placed in this course. Through this course students will encounter many opportunities to
discover the culture of the Spanish language while learning the important grammar and
vocabulary tied within. By the end of this course, students will be able to read, write, and
speak Spanish at a beginning to intermediate level. Students will be able to comprehend
spoken Spanish as well, at a beginning to intermediate level.
Required Textbook:
Our required textbook is Exprésate 2. Textbooks will be issued by the bookroom and are
expected to be brought to class DAILY.
Other Required Class Materials:
1. Spanish-English Dictionary
2. Pens/Pencils
3. 3-Ring binder with 5 sections divided as follows:
a. Diario
b. Apuntes
c. Dictados
d. Pruebas/Exámenes
e. Tarea
Academic Integrity:
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Pflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and
Student Handbook with regard to Academic intergrity. Any work submitted by a student in
this course for academic credit will be the student’s own work unless otherwise specifically
directed by the teacher. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Class Expectations and Guidelines
This class is mostly conducted in SPANISH. It is HIGHLY encouraged to speak and write
in Spanish while in class (outside of class wouldn’t hurt either!  ).
Be respectful of everyone in the classroom. This means: personal spaces, belongings and
above all we do NOT put each other down. Respect is given for effort put forth.
Be prepared for class. What you are required to bring to class is not a choice. There will be
consequences for materials left at home.
Personal belongings not related to class materials (make-up, food, homework from other
classes) are to be left inside your backpack or book-bag in a safe place under or beside your
See below note regarding electronic devices:
This means:
- They are off or silent.
- They are not in use at any point during the class period.
Consecuence if this rule is broken:
 Device is turned in to me and then given to the front office.
- 80% of a student’s grade will be based on Summative Assessments (Major
- 20% of a student’s grade will be based on Formative Assessments (Minor
Grades/Homework/ Daily work)
*Parents and students may check progress on the TX Gradebook Program.
Students scoring below “70” on a Major (Summative) Grade shall be allowed (or
may be required) to redo the assignment/test (or similar) after completing
prerequisite work. The higher grade, with a maximum of “70”, shall be recorded.
Retesting/redoing should be completed within five school days (unless the teacher
makes alternative provision for extenuating circumstances).
Late Work:
 Students will be afforded opportunity to submit late work for Formative Assignments
during each grading period.
 Late work submissions in this regard must be submitted by the end of the grading
period, with the grading period defined as each 3 week segment in the year.
Late work submissions in this regard must be good-faith efforts at the assignment;
trivial attempts at assignments will not be accepted or graded. The teacher will
determine the worthiness of the late assignment submitted.
Late work submitted will receive the grade obtained if completed in a timely
manner, yet no higher than a 70.
Extra credit assignments are NOT subject to this Late Work provision.
La Palabra de Honor is a class pledge that each student will sign to honor the class
expectations and guidelines and also to acknowledge each student’s awareness of
Hendrickson High School’s grading procedures, make-up work guidelines, and attendance
The pledge will also mean that the student understands and promises to uphold the policies,
procedures and expectations of the teacher and the syllabus given.
I have read the above information and understand what is expected to be successful in this
Student signature_________________________________
I have read the above information and understand what is expected of my child in order to be
successful in this classroom and pledge my support.
Parent/Guardian signature______________________________