
Starting 2009 the Healthy Way
Getting Back on Track
• Put away the sweets: out of sight out of
• Give away extras: take them to work or
take them to a social gathering.
• Consume vegetables and whole grains
• Time to focus on your meal plan.
How to Deal With Diet Setbacks
Don’t blow the weight gain out of proportion.
Analyze where your calories are coming from.
Keep a positive attitude.
Learn from your mistakes.
Forgive yourself and move on.
Keep a food diary and keep yourself accountable.
Expect some setbacks, no one is perfect.
Develop short term and long term goals to prevent
deviation from your diet.
• Focus on healthy living and wellness.
Focus on Activity
• Refocus attention not on food but on exercise.
• Schedule time for exercise each day and vary
the activities.
• Increase physical activity: go outside for a walk
or if you live near snow try skiing.
• Can also do indoor activities: workout videos,
treadmills, ellipticals, strength training, jump
roping, dancing, walking up and down stairs,
and martial arts.
Food Diary
• Time to get back to writing down what you
• Writing down food intake not only keeps
you on track but refocuses the idea of
healthy eating.
• Accountability factor
American Dietetic Association
Resolution Solutions for a Healthy New Year
New Year’s resolutions often are about starting or stopping certain
behaviors. The only problem is, resolutions are almost always broken. Start
2009 right by resolving to make this the year you really focus on your
Consider these resolution solutions to learn how you can succeed — in
2009 and beyond.
Start by assessing your food choices and lifestyle. Keep track of what you
eat and drink so you can identify the behaviors you would like to change.
Set goals and be realistic. Change doesn’t mean you have to give up the
foods you like. Divide big goals such as “I will eat better” into smaller, more
specific goals such as “I will eat one more piece of fruit per day.”
Be patient and don’t give up if you don’t see a huge difference right away.
Make small changes over time. Real change takes time, commitment and
encouragement. Stick with your plan. If you get off track, pick up where you
left off and start again.
Seek help from a qualified health professional. A registered dietitian is the
best source of reliable and up-to-date food and nutrition information, with
the skills to translate science into practical advice you can use.
And finally, take care of yourself! Change is hard work and you deserve a
pat on the back. Reward yourself with a new DVD or a new outfit. And
remember, feeling good and enjoying the best possible health will always be
the best reward
Nine out of 10 Americans consume
some type of caffeine regularly, making
it the most popular behavior-altering
What is it?
• The word "caffeine" came from the
German word kaffee and the French word
café, each meaning coffee.
• A drug that is naturally produced in the
leaves and seeds of many plants
• Also produced artificially and added to
certain foods.
• Has a very bitter taste.
• Can cause mild physical dependence.
How it works…
• It stimulates the central nervous system causing
increased alertness.
• It takes about four to five hours, on average, to
eliminate half of the caffeine one consumes from
their body. After eight to 10 hours, 75% of the
caffeine is gone.
• After ingesting caffeine, it is completely
absorbed within 30 to 45 minutes, and its effects
substantially diminish within about three hours.
Where Caffeine is Found
• The most common sources in our diet are
coffee, tea leaves, cocoa beans, cola, and
energy drinks.
• Caffeine can also be produced
synthetically and added to food,
beverages, supplements, and
Case of Caffeine Sensitivity
• It is the amount of caffeine needed to
produce an effect in a person.
• Varies from person to person.
• Typically, the smaller the person the less
caffeine needed to produce an effect.
• Most affected by the amount of caffeine a
person has per day.
Caffeine Sensitivity
• Depends on:
– Body mass
• Smaller body masses tend to feel the effects sooner than
larger body masses
– History of caffeine use
• People who don’t normally consume caffeine tend to be more
susceptible to the negative effects than people to consume it
on a daily basis
– Stress
• All types of stress can increase a person’s sensitivity to the
effects of caffeine.
– Other factors include age, smoking habits, drug or
hormone use, anxiety disorders.
• Higher doses of caffeine
can cause anxiety,
dizziness, headaches,
and the jitters.
• Caffeine can also
interfere with normal
• Caffeine is a diuretic,
causing a person to
• Can also cause the body
to lose calcium.
• Can aggravate heart
Heavy Consumption
• Amounts more than 500-600mg per day can
produce effects including:
Muscle tremors
Nausea, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems
Abnormal heart rhythms
Caffeine’s effects
• Osteoporosis and caffeine.
At high levels (more than 744 milligrams/day), caffeine may increase calcium and magnesium loss in urine.
But recent studies suggest it does not increase your risk for bone loss, especially if you get enough calcium.
You can offset the calcium lost from drinking one cup of coffee by adding just two tablespoons of milk.
• Cardiovascular disease and caffeine.
A slight, temporary rise in heart rate and blood pressure is common in those who are
sensitive to caffeine. But several large studies do not link caffeine to higher cholesterol,
irregular heartbeats, or an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. If you already have high
blood pressure, though, have a discussion with your doctor about your caffeine intake. You
may be more sensitive to its effects. Also, more research is needed to tell whether caffeine
increases the risk for stroke in people with high blood pressure.
• Cancer and caffeine.
– Reviews of 13 studies involving 20,000 people revealed no relationship between
cancer and caffeine. In fact, caffeine may even have a protective effect against
certain cancers
• Hormones- the effects of caffeine can be felt within a few minutes of
ingesting it, and stays many hours—it has a half-life of four to six
hours in your body. While in your body, caffeine affects the following
– Adenosine- Can inhibit absorption of adenosine, which calms the body.
Can make you feel alert in the short run, but can cause sleep problems
– Adrenaline- Caffeine injects adrenaline into your system, offering a
temporary boost, but possibly causing fatigue and depression later.
– Cortisol- Can increase the body’s levels of cortisol, the “stress
hormone”, which can lead to other health consequences ranging from
weight gain and moodiness to heart disease and diabetes.
– Dopamine- Caffeine increases dopamine levels, acting in a way similar
to amphetamines, which can make one feel good after taking it, but after
it wears off you can feel ‘low’. It can also lead to a physical dependence
because of dopamine manipulation.
Caffeine and Diabetes
• Duke University conducted a study that put continuous
blood-sugar monitors on 10 people with type 2 diabetes.
• On the days the patients took caffeine, their blood-sugar
levels were 8% higher. And after every meal -- including
dinner -- their blood sugar spiked higher than it did on
the day they had no caffeine.
• "These are clinically significant blood-sugar elevations
due to caffeine," Lane tells WebMD. "Caffeine increases
blood glucose by as much as oral diabetes medications
decrease it. ... It seems the detrimental effects of
caffeine are as bad as the beneficial effects of oral
diabetes drugs are good."
Caffeine and Diabetes continued…
• It is suggested to switch from caffeinated
coffee to decaf. While decaf has some
caffeine it is significantly lower than its
Caffeine and Cortisol
• Cortisol is a stress hormone involved in the
response to stress.
• Cortisol increases blood pressure and blood
sugar, and reduces immune responses.
• Studies have shown caffeine elevated cortisol
secretion. Caffeine is often consumed in
conjunction with exercise or mental stress.
• Exercise in conjunction with caffeine elevated
levels of cortisol.
• Caffeine effects men and women differently thus
the cortisol response is also slightly different.
Side Note:
• Caffeine intoxication is rarely fatal,
although 5,000-10,000 mg of caffeine can
actually kill you [source: Dance].
• Fortunately, most people won’t ever ingest
this much caffeine accidentally - it would
take between 30 and 60 cups of coffee in
one morning.
• Regular coffee drinkers are 80 percent less likely to
develop Parkinson's disease.
• Two cups a day gives you 20 percent less risk of
colon cancer.
• Two cups a day causes an 80 percent drop in
• Two cups a day prevents gallstone development by
50 percent.
• It has also shown to be beneficial in asthma,
stopping headaches, boosting mood and even
preventing cavities [source: Kirchheimer]
Amt. of Drink/Food
Amt. of Caffeine
SoBe No Fear
8 ounces
83 mg
Monster energy drink
16 ounces
160 mg
Rockstar energy drink
8 ounces
80 mg
Red Bull energy drink
8.3 ounces
80 mg
Jolt cola
12 ounces
72 mg
Mountain Dew
12 ounces
55 mg
12 ounces
34 mg
Diet Coke
12 ounces
45 mg
12 ounces
38 mg
12 ounces
0 mg
Brewed coffee (drip method)
5 ounces
115 mg*
Iced tea
12 ounces
70 mg*
Cocoa beverage
5 ounces
4 mg*
Chocolate milk beverage
8 ounces
5 mg*
Dark chocolate
1 ounce
20 mg*
Milk chocolate
1 ounce
6 mg*
Jolt gum
1 stick
33 mg
Cold relief medication
1 tablet
30 mg*
1 tablet
200 mg
Excedrin extra strength
2 tablets
130 mg
Sources of Caffeine
Caffeine Content
Plain, brewed 8 oz
135 mg
Instant 8 oz
95 mg
Espresso 1 oz
Plain, decaffeinated 8 oz
30-50 mg
5 mg
Green tea 8 oz
25-40 mg
Black tea 8 oz
40-70 mg
Soft Drinks
Coca-Cola Classic 12 oz
34.5 mg
Diet Coke 12 oz
46.5 mg
Dr. Pepper 12 oz
42 mg
Mountain Dew 12 oz
55.5 mg
Pepsi-Cola 12 oz
37.5 mg
Sunkist Orange 12 oz
42 mg
Energy Drink
Full Throttle, 16 oz
144 mg
Red Bull, 8.5 oz
80 mg
SoBe No Fear
158 mg
Chocolates or Candies
Candy, milk chocolate 1 bar (1.5 oz)
9 mg
Candy, sweet chocolate 1 bar (1.45 oz)
27 mg
Cocoa mix, powder 3 tsp
5 mg
Puddings, chocolate, ready-to-eat 4 oz
9 mg
Medicine: Over the Counter
Bayer Select Maximum Strength
Midol Menstrual Maximum Strength
NoDoz 100 mg
65 mg
65.4 mg
60 mg
32.4 mg
Pain Reliever Tablets
65 mg
200 mg
WebMd: Caffeine Facts and Myths
• Caffeine content can range from as much as 160
milligrams in some energy drinks to as little as 4
milligrams in a 1-ounce serving of chocolateflavored syrup. Even decaffeinated coffee isn't
completely free of caffeine. Caffeine is also
present in some over-the-counter pain relievers,
cold medications, and diet pills. These products
can contain as little as 16 milligrams or as much
as 200 milligrams of caffeine. In fact, caffeine
itself is a mild painkiller and increases the
effectiveness of other pain relievers.
Caffeine and Weight Loss
• The scientific evidence about caffeine as a weight-control
agent is mixed. In a study done to monitor the impact of a
green tea-caffeine combination on weight loss and
maintenance, participants were divided into those who
consume low levels of caffeine (<300 mg/day) and highcaffeine consumers (>300 mg/day).
• Weight loss was significantly higher in the high-caffeine
consumption group, but weight maintenance was higher
in the low-caffeine consumption group.
• The conclusion was that the caffeine was related to
greater weight loss, higher thermogenesis, and fat
oxidation, while the tea was responsible for the greater
weight maintenance.
• Other studies have stated that caffeine actually
contributes to weight gain by increasing stress hormones.
It appears that caffeine's role in weight loss is as
inconclusive as the efficacy of the majority of weight-loss
supplements on the market.
Sleep Deprivation
• Caffeine consumption can lead to chronic
sleep deprivation.
• Sleep deprivation can cause:
– Impaired memory
– Mood swings
– Lack of concentration
– Poor performance
How much is safe?
• Caffeine in moderate amounts is thought to be
• Experts consider 200-300mg per day for adults
as moderate intake (about 2-3 cups of brewed
• As little as 100mg per day can create
dependency, meaning withdrawal symptoms can
result if one quits suddenly.
• Teens should get no more than 100mg; children
should get even less.
Cutting Back
• The key to caffeine is to cut back slowly.
• To prevent intense withdrawal symptoms
of irritability, headaches, and tiredness is
to slowly decrease your intake and add in
non-caffeinated beverages.