Do Now: Open-Note Quiz on 6.4 Christianity

30 CE~Present
Do Now: Open-Note Quiz on 6.4 Christianity
▪ Using your notes, answer the questions on 6.4 as best
you can. Include enough detail to fully answer the
▪ When you are finished
▪ hand in only the quiz
▪ start reading the Sermon on the Mount speech and
answering the questions (you do not need full sentences)
Annotation Grades
▪ 10-Keep it up!
▪ 9.5- Push a little further with your written annotations
▪ 9- Needed to make more connections; look at each
▪ 8/8.5-You did not look for enough detail or include enough
▪ 7/7.5- You wrote very little and made few connections
▪ 6/6.5- There was no writing
Daoist/Taoist Beliefs
• Basic concept is the idea of the “Way” or “Tao. This is a limitless force that is in all of
Forms a great law by which to live and achieve complete harmony with the universe
The way to live this law? Do nothing
The goal is to feel empty of will or purpose
Ying and Yang
• Ancient Chinese concept embraced by Daoism
• The balance of nature; of any two opposing forces
Wrapping up Daoism
▪ “For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it,
makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous
beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force
around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere,
yes. “
▪ “No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try. ”Do Nothing
Sermon on the Mount
Golden Rule
““So whatever you
wish that others
would do to you,
do also to them, for
this is the Law and
the Prophets.”
In 1st Century Judea
▪ People are living in a time of increased
poverty. More money is going to Rome
▪ There are corrupt leaders. One of the most
famous is Pontius Pilot
▪ The people are waiting for change and looking for the Messiah
▪ The Jews have a history of struggle
▪ During the time of Jesus of Nazareth’s life, there was no concept of a
Christian. Everyone was a Jew
▪ Women were placed at a lower status in Jewish society
Religion Taking Root
 Messiah of a heavenly kingdom soon to come
▪ “Son of God”
▪ King of the Jews
▪ Arrested by Pontius Pilot
 Crucified and the cross became a symbol for Christians in
the years to come
▪ Peter seen as the first Pope
▪ Paul spreads the message to non-Jews
Formalization of the Church
▪ Constantine legalizes Christianity after his conversion in 313 with the Edict
of Milan
▪ Brings about the meeting of the Council of Nicaea 325 to
formalize Christianity as a religion
▪ They create a body of Dogma-an officially agreed on set of
▪ Christ is fully human and fully divine
▪ Trinity: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit
▪ Developed 20 canons, or laws for the church to follow
▪ Over time, the books of the New Testament (including the Gospels) were
decided upon and the Old and New Testament become the Christian Bible
Put the following events in order
▪ Edict of Milan
▪ Rome conquers Judea
▪ Paul spreads message to
▪ Theodosius bans displays
of other religions
▪ Uprising against Rome
and the sacking of
▪ Early Christians face
▪ Teachings of the 12
▪ Teachings of Jesus (30 CE)
▪ Council of Nicaea
▪ Jesus is arrested, tried, and
Correct Order-Add the dates in
▪ Rome conquers Judea 63 BCE
▪ Teachings of Jesus (c. 30 CE)
▪ Jesus is arrested, tried, and crucified
▪ Teachings of the 12 apostles
▪ Uprising against Rome and the sacking of Jerusalem 66-70 CE
▪ Paul spread message to Gentiles
▪ Early Christians face persecution
▪ Edict of Milan 313 CE
▪ Theodosius bans displays of other religions 391 CE
▪ Council of Nicaea 325 CE
Pick 1 of the following questions and reflect
1) What are the main differences between Christianity and
2) Why did Christianity spread so effectively?