Spread of Christianity What Made Christianity popular? • 1) People who believed in God would enter heaven (salvation) • 2) Easily understandable • 3) Preached God loved all people, not just Jews and people equal in sight of God. Spreading of Christianity • Jesus instructed apostles to spread message. – They became missionaries, or people that spread a religion. • Peter great missionary for 30 years, (arguably more effective was Paul) Common Beliefs of Christians • Believe in Jesus Christ. • Believed he was raised from dead. Persecution Ends • Once persecution ends the Church: – 1) Define common beliefs for Christians – 2) Develop hierarchy in church Orthodoxy • Decision at Council of Nicea, established orthodoxy, or all members had to follow official teachings and practices of church. Church Leaders • As New Testament organized, church leaders such as Jerome, and Augustine made additional writing that did not become part of New Testament. • These writings or theology, explained beliefs about God. Monasteries • Monasteries developed • A monastery is religious community • Benedict found a monastery that – Monks could not owe anything – vowed obedience to abbot (head of monastery) – Food and clothing restricted – Could not travel without permission Role of Monasteries • Benedictines and Franciscans monks did following: – Preserved works of Western Civilization – Passed knowledge to others – Discovered new farming techniques – New medical treatments – Helped improve lives of everyday people. Church Hierarchy • By 400 A.D. Christian church became called Catholic (universal) Church. • Church had hierarchy, or organization of people ranked by power. • Church Hierarchy is: – – – – – Pope (Bishop of Rome) Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Priests Judeo-Christian values • Spread values beyond influence of religion (individualism) • Emphasis on family, respecting elders, humility, and honesty. • Also found in other religions. Edict of Milan • Edict of Milan (313A.D.) proclamation by Constantine that Christians can worship without hindrance. How and Why did Constantine convert to Christianity? • 312 A.D., Constantine saw vision that changed course of Christian history. • Before battle, Constantine saw vision of Christian cross in sky and told him to call upon power of God. • He puts symbol of cross on soldiers shields and wins battle. • In 313 A.D. he issued Edict of Milan. How and Why did Constantine convert to Christianity cont.? • Edict of Milan turning point because ended Roman persecution of Christianity • Constantine baptized before his death in 337 A.D. What else helped Christianity Grow? • Reasons besides Edict of Milan that allowed Christianity to grow. • Reason 1: Christian message had wide appeal. Rich and poor welcomed. • Reason 2: People unhappy of Roman control of life. Religion explain meaning in life and provided moral guidance. What else helped Christianity Grow cont.? • Reason 3: Rome’s well built roads/ infrastructure allowed missionaries to spread word. • Reason 4: Explained suffering and evils of world and promised heaven. • Reason 5: Universal love and brotherhood won the hearts of many. The End