Practice Test Questions Christianity

Practice Test Questions Christianity
1. Which of the following terms means the worship of many gods within a religion?
A. Monotheism
B. Henotheism
C. Polytheism
D. Deism
2. Christianity and Islam come from which of the following religions?
A. Judaism
B. Hinduism
C. Confucianism
D. Shamanism
3. Who is the man that laid the foundation for the central teachings of Christianity?
A. Abraham
B. Jacob
C. Mohammed
D. Jesus
4. Which of the following verses states the central theme of Christianity?
A. Genesis 1:1
B. John 1:1
C. John 3:16
D. Titus 3:5-8
5. Which of the following preached the tenants of Christianity to the Jews after
Jesus’ death and ascension?
A. Peter
B. Paul
C. John
D. Titus
6. Which of the following men betrayed Jesus and turned him over to Roman
A. Peter
B. Pontius Pilate
C. Judas Iscariot
D. Paul
Which of the following is NOT true about Jesus’ death?
He died and rose three days after he was crucified
Jesus foretold of his death prior to being crucified
Ate Last Supper ONLY with Judas to inform him of his role in the prophecy
concerning Jesus’ death
D. Death on the cross was symbol of his payment for man’s sins
8. Which of the following converted to Christianity after a life-changing experience
on the road to Damascus?
A. Peter
B. Paul
C. John
D. Titus
9. A person who follows the doctrine of a religious figure is called a _______.
A. Student
B. Pupil
C. Disciple
D. Imperator
10. A _____ is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth,
religious principle, or moral lesson.
A. Limerick
B. Parable
C. Novel
D. Haiku
11. All of the following where the focus of Jesus’ ministry EXCEPT
A. Poor
B. Diseased
C. Outcasts
D. Rich
12. Books of the Bible which tell of Jesus’ ministry and the ministries of Peter and
Paul is called the _________.
A. Old Testament B. Apocrypha
C. New Testament
D. Vedas
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. C