The Night the Moon Fell Day 1 Today at a Glance… Oral Vocabulary: adjust, landmark, unexpected Syllable Patterns Oral Rereading Conventions: Adverbs that tell when and where Writing: Narrative Poem Unit’s Big Question: How do things change? How do they stay the same? Question of the Week Why are some changes difficult? Concept Talk Video Think Pair Share pages 120-121 Anchored Talk Look at the little photo of the people with boxes. What is happening? Anchored Talk This family will have to adjust, or get used to a new situation. Anchored Talk Moving to a new place is a difficult change. Anchored Talk Now look at the photo of the boy. How do you think his smile changed as he grew older? Anchored Talk Why might this be a difficult change for the boy? Anchored Talk Everyone grows older. Sometimes this can bring a difficult change. This week you will read an old story about a time when the moon felt sad and lost when she moved to a new place. Amazing Words adjust landmark unexpected Listen for these Amazing Words: adjust landmark unexpected adjust The song says the family will have to adjust to many new things. When you adjust to something new, you get used to it. The children will soon adjust to their new school. The crossing guards will adjust to the freezing weather. Some animals must adjust to living in an animal shelter. Would you prefer to adjust to living in a desert or living in a rain forest? Why? landmark A landmark is an object (as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land . landmark The moon landing is a landmark in space exploration. landmark Name a landmark that is located in the state you live in. Remember these landmarks? unexpected Unexpected means not expected. unexpected The rain was unexpected today. I got an unexpected gift today. unexpected Sing with me It looks like the family is moving out of their home. Look at the song book, what will the little girl take with her? How will her toy help the girl adjust to her new home? Use adjust in your answer. The song says the move was unexpected. Explain what this means. Why is the boy looking at a map? What landmark might the boy see on the map to guide him? We need to adjust to the new ______. A landmark is a feature like _____. The ______ was unexpected. Academic Vocabulary Do you recognize these terms? myth plot theme adverbs Phonics This word has two consonants in the middle with a vowel on each side..... bas * ket bas * ket We divide it between the two consonants. We read the first syllable with a short vowel sound. Phonics This words has one consonant in the middle with a vowel on each side...... ti * ger ti * ger When we divide it after the first vowel, we read that vowel with a long sound. ti * ger playground This word has two vowels which stand for one sound in the first syllable. play * ground playground There are two vowels that spell the sound /ou/ in the second syllable. play * ground play * ground Each vowel pair stays together in its own syllable. paper picnic chapter boyhood frozen downtown sailboat robot window • pencil soybean oatmeal Page 122-123 The Night the Moon Fell Day 1 Phonics bonus problem pilgrim music velvet freeway raincoat bailout cookout cowboy joyful flower oily powder thousand Spelling Words downstairs football cowboy houseboat railroad rainbow boyhood oatmeal soybean roadway outplay Daydream Challenge Words: needlepoint downspout Coattail Syllable Patterns Skill Strategy Plot and Theme Visualize Envision It! Plot Many things happen to characters in a story. These events make up the story plot. Where do good readers look in a story to figure out the story plot? Look at the events that happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the story! Theme Once readers identify the story plot, they use this information to help them figure out the story theme. Theme A story theme is the ‘big idea’ that the author wants the reader to learn from reading the story. Visualize After reading the first paragraph, I pictured in my mind a girl cutting a square in the side of a huge backing box. Visualize Creating images in Your head helps you understand the story. What did you picture in your mind? Creating images helps us better understand the events in a story. Visualize Lesson Vocabulary balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper Vocabulary What do these words have in common? Then, name the vocabulary word that fits in the same category..... balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper steadiness, upright, footing balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper clatter, clink, jangle balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper mumble, shout, babble balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper slices, chunks, chips balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper valleys, mountains, cliffs balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper swing, jump, glide balance canyons coral rattle slivers sway whisper seaweed, sand, shells Practice Conventions Adverbs That Tell When and Where A verb tells what someone or something does. An adverb is a word that tells more about a verb. The words today and upstairs are adverbs. Adverbs like: first, next, and last... ......tell the order in which things happen. Adverbs 1. We will have a test _______. 2. When it rains, I play ______. Adverbs 3. Seth will play the piano first and I will play ________. This week, we will write a narrative poem. A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story. Poem Tomorrow, we will plan our own narrative poem. Research and Inquiry Identify and Focus Topic What ideas about difficult changes would you like to know more about? Let’s make a list of questions Research and Inquiry Topic: Why Some Changes Are Difficult Question: What kinds of changes are difficult? Answer: Wrap up your Day How many syllables are in each word: basket paper downtown Wrap up your Day ¡ Spelling ¡ In “We Are Moving,” Why might it be difficult for the person in this song to make the change to a new house? ¡ Tomorrow, we’ll read a myth about a change that happened when the moon fell from the sky.