204 Week 3 Day 1 Learning Styles Sept 7 2011

C&I 204: Learning Styles
September 7, 2011
Today’s Class
• You be the teacher: Share ideas on
How Children Learn
• Discuss Learning Styles
• Investigate ways to incorporate
activities in the classroom that meet
the needs of different learners
How Children Learn
You be the teacher:
• Find the people who have the same number strip as you
• With your group, discuss the principle on your strip. Use the
following to guide your discussion
– Which professional teaching standard does it relate to?
– What does the teacher need to do in the classroom?
– What might it look like?
• How did the teacher in Monday’s video do this?
• How has Dana done it?
• How have you seen it incorporated in other classes (or not
Learning Modalities
•Aural / Auditory
Being Multimodal
Learning Styles
An individual ‘s preferences for the
conditions of the learning process. Includes,
where when, how learning takes place and
with what materials (Burden and Byrd, 2010)
Shout Out: Who are the different types of
learners in our classrooms?
•Employs 5 senses for input
•No emotional connection
•Like concrete facts, organization, structure
•Live and work in here and now
•Motivated by practicality and usefulness
•Realistic outlook
•Operate according to procedures
•Help to determine big concepts
•Give reality meaning
•Predict potential changes
•Want to know theory before facts
•Like flexibility freedom to explore possibilities
•Follow their inspiration and vision
•Feel constrained by procedures
•Order and organization
•Employ logic, reason, and evidence
•No need for social approval
•Uncomfortable in emotional situations
•Everything can be rationalized
•Spontaneous and social
•Bounce ideas
•Approval from peers
•Everything is personal
--Reflective learners
--Active learners
Auditory Learners
• Students with this style will be able to recall what
they hear and will prefer oral instructions. They learn
by listening and speaking. These students enjoy
talking and interviewing. They are phonetic readers
who enjoy oral reading, choral reading, and listening
to recorded books. They learn best by doing the
interviewing, debating
participating on a panel
giving oral reports
participating in oral discussions of written material
Visual Learners
Visual learners will be able to recall what they see
and will prefer written instructions. These students
are sight readers who enjoy reading silently.
Better yet, present information to them with a
video. They will learn by observing and enjoy
working with the following:
computer graphics
maps, graphs, charts
graphic organizers
text with a lot of pictures
Tactile Learners
• Students with this strength learn best by touching.
They understand directions that they write and will
learn best through manipulatives. They'll learn
best by :
– drawing
– playing board games
– making dioramas
– making models
– following instructions to make something
Kinesthetic Learners
Kinesthetic learners also learn by touching or
manipulating objects. They need to involve their
whole body in learning. They remember material
best if they act it out. These students learn best
playing games that involve their whole body
movement activities
making models
following instructions to make something
setting up experiments
Global Learners
• Global learners are spontaneous and intuitive.
They do not like to be bored. Information needs to
be presented in an interesting manner using
attractive materials. Cooperative learning
strategies and holistic reading methods work well
with these learners. Global learners learn best
choral reading
recorded books
story writing
computer programs
group activities
Analytic Learners
• Analytic learners plan and organize their work.
They focus on details and are logical. They are
phonetic readers and prefer to work individually
on activity sheets. They learn best when:
– information is presented in sequential steps
– lessons are structured and teacher-directed
– goals are clear
– requirements are spelled out
My Results
Naturalistic 17%
Bodily-Kinesthetic 33%
Musical 50%
Interpersonal 75%
Intrapersonal 44%
Visual-Spatial 5%
Logical-Mathematical 38%
Verbal-Linguistic 67%
What Kind of Learner are You?
Share with a partner what you’ve learned
about yourself as a learner
– What kinds of learning activities do you love?
– What kinds of learning activities do you dread?
– How do you see your learning style being an
asset for your students?
– What are you going to have to work on
What can you do?
Once you know the learning profiles of your students,
what can you do?
• Create a classroom with flexible spaces and learning
• Present information in different ways
• Offer opportunities for students to explore in different
ways (modes)
• Allow for a variety of groupings
• Offer choice of independent, cooperative or
competitive experiences
So What????
How does this play out in the classroom?
• Look at your “How Children Learn”
• How do each one of the principles
relate to learning styles
Let’s watch it in action:
1st grade science lesson (#2, 3:30)
How do we do it?
Lessons from Read Write Think
Art and Music
Spatial/Visual http://www.readwritethink.org/classroomresources/lesson-plans/building-matrix-lionni-books263.html?tab=4#tabs
3rd Grade Blog
Mrs. Yollis
How are the different learning styles incorporated here?
Explore this on your own and jot down your thoughts
related to what you know about the different learners
you will have in your classroom.
Next Time
Jury Duty Week- Check Wiki for class
For the week- Read Ch. 2, Fundamentals of
Planning (Do a 3,2,1 Response. See the wiki for
this on the Course Readings page)
Monday, September 12
• Learning Targets (Objectives)
• Exploring the Common Core Standards
Wednesday, September 14: Who Knows!?!
– Work on Initial Reflective Essay
– Open LiveText Lab hours, 10-2