Science - Dumas Independent School District

Science Room 612
Coach Smith
Rules and Procedures
Materials needed:
Notebook, Notebook Paper, Pens and Pencils, Colored Markers, Journal
Textbook, Sciencesaurus, Green Workbook
Daily work is graded and recorded in the grade book once. All tests and quizzes are recorded twice in
the grade book. At times, note cards will be allowed to use for tests.
Science Starters: A power point program that will help us review various Science topics. This will help
us to prepare for TAKS test. There will be questions from the program that will be assigned and graded each 6
SRA Readers: Each student will be required to complete a series of independent readings and
summaries each six weeks. (This is at your own pace however; a certain number will be required each six
Your Responsibilities:
 Be Respectful to others.
 My name is Mr. Smith or Coach Smith please use the title.
 Be TOTALLY inside the room when tardy bell rings. Quickly get to seat and be
prepared for class.
 Read assignment on board.
 If I can’t read the name or the information on the paper you WILL get to do the paper
 Keep up with class work when you are absent. Turn homework in ON TIME.
 Your green lab book will help you with notes and studying for tests if you will fill it out. On
occasion I will check these for a grade.
 NO HORSEPLAY!! Especially on lab days!! This could result in a “0” for a lab grade or
removal from the lab. Points will be deducted from conduct grade on report card.
 Keep the room clean, safe and orderly. Clean your own messes. The entire lab group is
responsible for clean up. If this takes after the dismissal bell, NO TARDY EXCUSES unless it
is the teachers’ fault you are after the bell.
 No Gum and/or candy?
 Keep “grooming items” out of the science room. We have already seen how you look, no
changes are necessary. 1st time is warning, 2nd time it becomes mine. (I will give it back at the
end of the day if you come get it)
 Follow DJHS Academic Management Plan. (See Handbook)
Classroom Management:
Class time is my time. It is for learning. I will try to make this as fun as possible but I will NOT allow
anyone to keep me from teaching or others from learning. I will follow the DJHS Academic Management Plan
and the following:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Teacher/Student Conference (Documented)
3. Teaming Conference, Phone call to parents
4. Parent Conference with Team. (Could include the Principal.)
5. If get this far, Immediately to the office, and phone call to parents. (See School
My desk and computer area are mine and I ask that NO ONE BE IN IT OR BEHIND IT WITHOUT
You are responsible for school material checked out to you, this includes all school property like
textbooks, desks and lab equipment. Take care of this equipment and do not tear or destroy it. A new textbook
is $45.00.
There will be times that a substitute is required. I do not choose these substitutes they are assigned by
the office. You are expected to be respectful and helpful. I always leave instructions so if you have a concern,
see me when I return.
If a substitute should leave your name (s) and/or notes about behavior, the perpetrator(s) will receive one
or more of the following:
Refer to class/school discipline guidelines
A 1-2 page report on behavior AND what was being covered in class that day.
Phone Call to parents
Visit to principal’s (SWATS?)
Team and Parent conference
I ____________________________________ have read and understand the classroom rules and procedures for
Signature (Student)