Pembukaan World Charter for Nature 1982

Prinsip & Konsep
Pengaturan Hukum Lingkungan
Pendekatan interdisipliner
• Seberapapun canggihnya sains dan teknologi, perlindungan
lingkungan tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan jika berdasarkan
pertimbangan ekonomi tidak memungkinkan dan dari
aspek sosial-politik tidak dapat diterima.
• Meskipun dalil-dalil ekonomi dan dana mencukupi tetapi
tidak tesedia teknologi yang memadai perlindungan
lingkungan tidak akan mencapai hasil yang maksimal.
• Tersedianya teknologi, dana dan dalil-dalil ekonomi tidak
ada artinya tanpa adanya kemauan politik dan kesadaran
• Walaupun kesadaran masyarakat cukup tinggi dan ada
kemauan politik dari pemerintah tetapi dana dan teknologi
tidak tersedia, upaya perlindungan lingkungan tidak akan
dapat tercapai sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.
Pendekatan Antropocentris
Pr.2 Dek Stockholm-72:
The natural resources of the earth, including the air, water, and
flora and fauna and especially representative samples of natural
ecosystems, must be safeguarded for the benefit of present and
future generation through careful planning or management, as
Pembukaan para. 3(a) WCN-1982:
Every form of life is unique, warranting respect regardless of its
worth to man and, to accord other organisms such recognition,
man must be guided by a moral code of action[.]
Pembukaan World Charter for Nature 1982:
Mankind is a part of nature and life depends on the uninterrupted
functioning of natural systems which ensure the supply of energy
and nutrients.
Pr.1 Dek Rio-92:
Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable
development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in
harmony with nature
Pendekatan Fungsional
Pr. 21 the 1982 World Charter for Nature:
States and, to the extent they are able, other public
authorities, int’l organizations, individuals, groups and
corporations shall:
(a) Cooperate in the task of conserving nature through common
activities and other relevant actions, including information
exchange and consultations;
(b) Establish standards for products and manufacturing processes
that may have adverse effects on nature, as well as agreed
methodologies for assessing these effects;
(c) Implement the applicable int’l legal provisions for
conservation of nature and the protection of the env’t;
(d) Ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not
cause damage to the natural systems located within other
States or in the areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
(e) Safeguard and conserve nature in areas beyond national
Pendekatan Fungsional
Pr.7 Dek Stockholm-72:
States shall take all possible steps to prevent pollution of the
seas by substances that are liable to create hazards to
human health, to harm living resources and marine life, to
damage amenities or to interfere with other legitimate uses
of the sea.
Pr.22 World Charter:
Taking fully into account the sovereignty of States over their
natural resources, each State shall give effect to the
provisions of the present Charter through its competent
organs and in cooperation with other States.
Art.192 KHL-1982:
States have the obligation to protect and preserve the
marine environment.
Kepentingan Bersama Ummat Manusia
The 1972 UNESCO Conv Concerning the Protection of the
World Cultural and Natural Heritage:
the deterioration or disappearance of any item of the
cultural or natural heritage constitutes a harmful
impowerishment of the heritage of all nations of the world.
The 1979 Bonn Conv on the Conservation of Migratory
Species of Wild Animals:
... wild animals in their innumerable forms are an
irreplaceable part of the earth’s natural system which must
be concerned for the good of mankind;
... each of man holds the resources of the earth for future
generations and has an obligation to ensure that this legacy
is conserved and, where utilized, is used wisely [.]
The 1974 Paris Conv for the Prevention of Marine
Pollution from Land-Based Sources:
the marine environment and flora and fauna which it
support are of vital importance to all nations.
Sustainable development
Pengertian: 'dev't that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs’ (The 1987 Bruntland Report, “Our Common
Preservation & Protection of the environment
Protection: general principle which includes both abstaining
from harmful activities and taking affirmative measures to
ensure that env'l deterioration does not occur.
Preservation: long term perspective which take into account
the rights and interests of future generations for whom
natural resources should be safeguarded.
• Prinsip ini dibentuk tidak hanya untuk
mengendalikan pencemaran dan untuk
menghilangkan kerusakan
• Tetapi juga untuk mencegah munculnya dampak
lingkungan hidup yang negatif dari kegiatan
manusia yang mungkin terjadi, jika mungkin
pencegahan dilakukan pada sumber dan dengan
tujuan pengurangan resiko.
• Ini juga dikenal sebagai produksi yang bersih,
yang meliputi identifikasi sumber pencemaran
dalam proses produksi dan menghilangkannya
dari proses atau menggantikannya dengan cara
produksi yang kurang merusak lingkungan hidup
Polluter pays principle
Pengertian: 'the costs of pollution prevention, control and
reduction measures are to be borne by the polluter'.
The principle obliges the polluter to incorporate the costs of
pollution control in its own costs, to 'internalize' them.
• Prinsip ini dipahami sebagai suatu dasar pengalokasian
kembali biaya.
• Prinsip ini membantu menghindari distorsi ekonomi.
• Dalam menetapkan prinsip, perlu diklarifikasi ketika
alokasi biaya tidak dimungkinkan karena pencemar tidak
dapat diidentifikasi, biaya harus ditanggung oleh
masyarakat dan negara.
• Penjelasan UUPLH mengacu pada prinsip mengenai
pembayaran ganti rugi karena menyebabkan perusakan
lingkungan hidup (pasal 34 (1)).
Precautionary principle
• Belum ada definisi yg komprehensif & autoritatif.
• pd pokoknya prinsip ini mendasarkan pd asumsi2, bahwa:
* lingkungan itu rentan;
* akurasi sains dalam memprediksi bahaya atau ancaman
thd lingkungan memiliki keterbatasan; dan
* tersedianya alternatif berupa proses dan produk yg lebih
rendah bahayanya terhadap lingkungan.
• Prinsip kehati-kehatian berbunyi bahwa pendekatan
berhati-hati akan diterapkan secara luas oleh negaranegara bagian sesuai dengan kapabilitasnya.
• Ketika ada ancaman serius atau kerusakan yang tidak
dapat dikembalikan, ketiadaan kepastian ilmiah
(scientific uncertainty) yang sempurna tidak bisa
digunakan sebagai alasan penundaan upaya
pencegahan (cost-effective) untuk mencegah
merosotnya lingkungan hidup
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
(contains 27 principles); Principle 15:
"In order to protect the environment, the precautionary
approach shall be widely applied by States according to their
capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible
damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a
reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation."
Preventive principle
• golden rule for safe-guarding the environment.
• It requires state to exercise 'due diligence', which means to
act reasonably and in 'good faith' and to regulate public and
private activities subject to its jurisdiction or control that
are possibly harmful to any part of the env't.
Integrated Protection & Pollution Control
• Pendekatan ini berasal dari Laporan
Bruntland yang mengkritik pendekatan
tradisional secara partial, tidak terpadu
(compartmentalised approach) untuk
pengendalian pencemaran, yang meliputi
pendekatan media yang spesifik dan tidak
memper-timbangkan dampak lintas media
dari pencemaran.
• Prinsip ini mengusulkan pendekatan
keseluruhan (a holistic approach) untuk
pengendalian pencemaran dalam kaitannya
dengan berbagai media (air, tanah dan
udara) dan strukturisasi lembaga
Common heritage of mankind
Pengertian: bhw kekayaan dasar samudera dalam adl warisan
bersama ummat mns.
tdk sm dg prinsip2 dlm hk. laut 'res nullius' ataupun 'res
Konsep dasar:
• exclusive use for peaceful purposes;
• rational utilization in a spirit of conservation; dan
• good management and transmission to generations to
Common concern of humanity
• General basis for the int'l community to act..
• The respect and protection of such concern is the legal
basis of regulation which imposes obligations on states,
regional or local authorities and can limit, when necessary,
individual freedoms and rights, but which also can support
such rights.
• Dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dr sistem 'kontrak'.
Common but differentiated responsibility
Prinsip ini dikembangkan dari penerapan prinsip umum HI
'equity' dan pengakuan thd keadaan neg berkembang dlm
proses pengembangan, penerapan dan interpretasi ketent2
hk lingk int'l.
Intergenerational equity
(right of future generation)
• right of each generation to benefit from and develop the
natural and cultural patrimony inherited from previous
generations in such manner that it can be passed on to
future generations in no worse condition than it was
• each generation should be required to conserve the diversity
and maintain the quality of the planet, and provide each
member with equitable rights of access to the legacy of past
generations and should conserve this access for future
International human rights
(1948 UNDHR, 1966 ICESCR, 1966 ICCPR, 1950 ECHR,
1961 ESC, 1969 ACHR, 1981 African Charter, UNGA Res.
2398(XXII) 1968; pr. 1 D. Stockholm 1972; D. Den Haag1989; dsb.)
Economic & social rights: the entitlement to realization of economic, social & cultural rights indispensable for dignity;
stan-dard of living; standard of health; safe & healthy
working con-ditions; protection of children against social
exploitation; dsb.
Civil & political rights: the right to life; prohibition against
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; the right to equal
protection against discrimination; the right to receive
information; the right to a fair and public hearing; the right
to take part in the conduct of public affairs; dsb.
Environmental security
env'l disaster may constitute real threats to int'l security
(military, political & economic)