From the Pastor October 9, 2005

From the Pastor
August 30, 2015
22nd Sunday in
Ordinary Time - B
In week 11 of my
summer sacred study
Eucharistic Prayers for
Various Needs [EPFVN],
which is one EP with 4
themes, we reflect on
the special intentions
particular to EPFVN-II:
God Guides His Church along the Way of
Salvation. These inserts are added after the
anamnesis [remember], offering and epiclesis
[calling down the Holy Spirit on those entering
into Holy Communion] and before we
remember the dead and all the Saints.
EPFVN - II: God Guides His Church along the Way of Salvation
Special Intentions
The Priest, with hands extended, says:
And so, having called us to your table, Lord,
confirm us in unity, so that, together with
N. our Pope and N. our Bishop,
with all Bishops, Priests and Deacons,
and your entire people,
as we walk your ways with faith and hope,
we may strive to bring joy
and trust into the world.
We Are Called To God’s Table. That we are
called to holy Mass may be the least thought of
aspect of Mass! We do not invite ourselves to be
God’s guests; God summons us to come to eat
and drink; God even provides the food and
drink, and with all due respect for the sacred
entertainment!’ For the orations, canticles,
hymns and responses, the rites and rubrics, are
taken either directly from the Bible or they
paraphrase God’s holy word.
we digest mentally, physically and spiritually.
Conversely, we cannot become what we do not
receive or practice.
Bishops, Priests and Deacons. In every EP a
petition is offered for all those in Holy Orders,
not just the Pope and local Bishop. EP-I has the
all-inclusive “and all those who, holding to the
truth, hand on the catholic and apostolic faith.”
EP-II says “and all the clergy” to which EP-III
adds “the Order of Bishops” and EP-IV adds “the
whole Order of Bishops.” While the EP for
Reconciliation I implies all the clergy, the EP for
Reconciliation II adds “and all the Bishops.”
What makes the EPFVNs unique is that - while
EPFVN-I only adds “and the whole Order of
Bishops” - the other three EPFVNs are the only
EP’s that mention all three ranks of Holy Orders:
“Bishops. Priests and Deacons.” Since EPFVN’s
II, III and IV are the only EP’s that mention
Deacons, I often use these EP’s in Ordinary Time
when a Deacon preaches the homily.
We Walk With Faith and Hope. Years ago I told
the story of a group of pilgrims who, while
touring the catacombs beneath the streets of
Rome, were plunged into total darkness during
a power failure. Fear gripped them all - until the
guide told them to simply walk in the footprints
that were embedded in the stone floor beneath
them by the countless Christians who, over the
centuries, had trod through that same darkness.
As we journey through life, we not only have
God’s promise that He will journey with us; we
also have the consoling example and timetested testimony of the Saints who have gone
before us. As we walk in their ways, we also
blaze an easier trail for those who will come
after us to follow.
We Bring Joy and Trust into the World. Unless
Those who host parties know how rude it is
when the invited guests do not ‘RSVP’ - or say
they are coming but do not show up without a
valid excuse. Imagine how God feels when He
invites us to dine at the table of His holy Word
and the table of His Son’s most holy Body and
Blood - and we ‘dis’ His gracious hospitality!
we have seen others do something, we’re often
reluctant - or clueless about how to even begin
doing what we have not seen. In a world with
so many challenges and sorrows, where so
many succumb to despair or hopelessness,
negativity or cynicism, Christians must radiate
that joy which is only possible knowing “with
God nothing is impossible.” [Luke 1:37] How can
you better exemplify your joy and trust in God?
Confirmed in Unity. What we do at holy Mass
In His holy Name,
presupposes, celebrates and strengthens our
unity - which is all the more reason to readily
and regularly accept God’s invite to His table!
For by hearing His Word and taking it to heart
and mind - and by receiving the Blessed
Sacrament, we are empowered to become what
Rev. Thomas J. Serafin
Mass or Communion Prayer Service Intentions
Vigil: 22 Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Irene DiStefano
r/o: Mary & Lou Cestra
8:00 am
9:30 am
22 Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lena Ambrose
r/o: Nancy LaVecchio
Millard Branch
r/o: RCIA Team
11:30 am Mary Jane Tovey
r/o: Marquez family & Elsa Budjinski
9:00 am
Donald McCrystal
9:00 am
James Connolly
r/o: Connolly family
r/o: Connolly family
9:00 am Theresa Troegner
r/o: Bill & Barbara Troegner & families
9:00 am
9:00 am
Saint Gregory the Great
Joseph Martin
r/o: David & Lynn Ambrose
Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Vigil: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Adele Luth
r/o: Geri & Joe Kaczorek
23 Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am In Celebration of the Ordination of
Deacon Kevin Kilcommons
9:30 am
r/o: Nancy & Fred Fischl
Theresa Troegner
r/o: Kilpatrick family
11:30 am Eleanor Riggio
r/o: Betty Franck
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week
in memory of Mia Celluzzi
as requested by Jean Pagano
Last Weekend’s Collection
August 23
Thank you!
Renegotiated Mortgage Information
New Mortgage (5/1/2015)
$ 1,865,560.60
Principal Paid to Date
Interest Paid to Date
Current Balance (as of 8/1/2015) $ 1,847,825.06
Monthly Payment
This Week’s Daily Readings
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Luke 4:16-30
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, 9-11; Luke 4:31-37
Colossians 1:1-8; Luke 4:38-44
Colossians 1:9-14; Luke 5:1-11
First Friday
Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 5:33-39
Our Parish Prayers
“For everything there is a season and a time for
every purpose under heaven…”
a time to be born…
a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our
Parish and especially for:
Jack Boland
Josephine Knobloch
Joseph Clark
Dave Kreutzer
Carol Clerico
Julianne Mazur
Dan Cummings
Ann Padovani
Bill DeLise
Arjan Panjwani
Shirley Frey
Zarefth Parveez
James Hegadorn
Chris Santella
Mary Hotaling
Anthony Sorrentino
Kathy Ibbetson
Paul Urban
Samuel John
Christopher Viscuso
Names will remain on our sick list for three months
after which time they will be removed, unless we are
notified to keep them on the list.
a time to die… George J. Murphy
This Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8
Moses tells the people to always observe the
statutes God has given them, without adding or
subtracting from these laws. He reminds them
that the law is just, and that any nation who
heard their statutes would consider them a wise
Second Reading: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27
James discusses the gifts that God has given to
all people and implores them to respond by
welcoming the words of truth that can save
them. He emphasizes that through good deeds
and pure conduct, our faith in God is proven to
Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
The Pharisees observed some of Jesus’ disciples
eating without first purifying their hands and
ask the disciples why they are going against
their ancestor’s traditions. Jesus responds that
nothing from the outside can make a person
The only true evil, acts such as
fornication, murder, and greed among others,
come from within and make a person impure.
© 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.
Next Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a
Second Reading: James 2:1-5
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37
Parish Ministry Contacts
To join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A
complete list of ministries can be found in the narthex
or on our website: www.parishesonline/seasthreebridges.
Adult Choir/Cantors ........ Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20
Adult Faith Formation ..... Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Baptismal Prep ........... Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136
Cancer Support Group ...... Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475
Employment Group ................ Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036
EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital .............
Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617
Fatima Rosary .............................. Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889
Knights of Columbus . Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905
Lazarus Ministry ......................... Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660
Linens Ministry .......................... Parish Office ~ 782-1475
Liturgical Environment ...... Norma Santella ~ 782-1475
Men’s Club .......................... Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13
Military Outreach ...... Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114
Prayer Shawls ........................ Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973
Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890
Readers ........................... Ann McCrystal ~ 908-797-4070
Georgann Scibilia ~ 908-782-6625
Respect for Life........................ Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
R.C.I.A. ................................. Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Sacristans ........... Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331
Usher/Minister of Hospitality .... Bob Caron ~ 236-6492
Wedding Coordinator ...........Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712
Women’s Spirituality ..... Loraine Richmond ~ 725-2502
Youth Ministries
Altar Servers ....................... Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390
Children’s Choir ........................Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367
Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) ... Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234
Religious Formation Main Line ......................... 284-2929
P.C.L............................. Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23
Confirmation ..................... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
RF Secretary................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Safe Environment Background Coordinator ................
Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
Summer RF..................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Karen Baron ~ 806-4384
WINGS Teen Ministry ......... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s
Twelfth Annual
September 20, 2015
1:00 - 5:00 PM
of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Music by
Pete ‘with a beat’ Sepesi
after all Masses
September 5/6 & September 12/13
Donations appreciated.
Cecil the Lion and Planned Parenthood:
Why The Double Standard?
No one likes to see the senseless killing of animals, but
why is the outcry in the media so one sided? While
officials in President Obama’s administration are offering
to help the Zimbabwean government investigate the highprofile killing of a lion, the President still supports [PP]
Planned Parenthood. He has also threatened to veto any
action that stops PP’s funding. And did you know the
judge who forbad those possessing videos of PP’s
heinous practices from releasing them was appointed by
President Obama, and raised [according to Public Citizen]
$230,000 to support him. Where’s the TRUTH in our
media? Do pregnant women and babies have to dress like
lions to be kept safe, protected and alive? God bless
America - and pray for her! Mary Immaculate, pray for us!
Ministers of the Liturgy
The following Liturgical Ministers will serve at next
weekend’s Masses: September 5 & 6
5:00 PM Mass
Sacristan: Fran Riccardi; EMs: Lisa O’Connell,
Geri Kaczorek, Gordon Eyler, Patricia Snyder,
Cindy Campbell, Floyd Cambell; Readers: Tracy Kirk,
Jim McQuade; Altar Servers: Jacob Romano,
Emma Carman, Luke Romano, Peter Romano
8:00 AM Mass
Sacristan: Judy Herdman; EMs: Carol Iden,
Ann Letchford, David Madovoy, Fran McAfee,
Gertrude Neis, Norma Santella, Jeanmarie Dool,
Rick Dool; Readers: Julia Wooby, Bob Clarke; Altar
Lucas Polkowski, Lily VanDine
9:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Dot Scarpa; EMs: Frank Cuccio,
Mary Cuccio, Sharon Boehmer, Diane Buckland,
Marian Wasitowski, Linda Williams; Readers:
Maureen Lybarger, Rich Kilpatrick; Altar Servers:
Danielle Ferrari, Cecilia Smola, Sara Rothemich,
Sophia Smola
11:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Lynne Dawkins; EMs: Mike Schuler,
Helen Schuler, Patricia Petrelli, Laurie Markowski,
Karen Geddis, Monica Haldeman, Bob Kloss,
Cathy Kloss; Readers: Robert Lucchesi, Tom Boelter;
Altar Servers: Leah Kenny, Riley Walker, Julia Clark,
Stephane Kornspan
Catechetical Sunday
September 13, 2015
This Year’s Theme:
Safeguarding the Dignity of Every
Human Person. A Year of Mercy.
Religious Formation News
First Day of RF Classes: Prayer
Service with children and parents.
Go directly to the Church.
September 8, 2015
Upcoming RF Meetings
Aug. 30, 2015 - Catechist/Aide Mtg 10:30 - HFR
Thinking of Becoming a Catechist or a Children’s
Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Leader?
Pass on the Good News!
What good news? The Good News of Jesus
Christ and our Catholic Faith! This fall, over 800
children and young people, kindergarten to
grade 8 will sign up to learn more about Jesus
and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn
and grow in faith by becoming a Catechist for
Faith Formation. Be a CLOW Leader for preschool to 4th grade children. CLOW is offered
Saturday evening and Sunday mornings at each
Mass. Mon, Tues, and Weds classes are offered
for the school year. You are almost sure to find
a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture
the faith of our young, you will learn and grow
as well!
We provide you with training,
materials, and support. Classes begin Sept. 8th.
If interested, please contact the RF office at 908284-2929 x23 or email
Mandatory Training for all New Catechists
Dear Religious Formation Ministers,
By the grace of God we have been blessed with
RF Ministers for this year Sept, 2015-2016.
Coordinators/Hall Monitors and lay ministers
and volunteers. May God grant you wisdom to
spread His word through words and actions.
On behalf of Fr. Tom, Deacon Paul, Deacon
Mike, Deacon Kevin, and the staff, I would like
to welcome each one you to this new
catechetical year 2015-2016.
Be sure you are always in my prayers. May GOD
continue to bless you all so that you may
continue to establish His Kingdom on Earth. If
you have any questions or concerns, please do
not hesitate to contact me at 908-284-2929 x23
or email I look forward
to meeting all of you as we begin the
Catechetical year together. God bless you and
your families.
A million thanks, Love and Prayers,
Mariam Nawab PCL
“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS. 127:3
2015-2016 Fall Religious Formation Registration
is currently in progress.
Echoes of Faith - The Methodology Set
Methodology Part 2: Catechism of the Catholic Church
Sunday, September 13 - 10:30AM-12:30PM
Protecting God’s Children Workshop
For All New Catechists/Aides/Hall Monitors
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 6:30-8:30pm
Attention Parents of Upcoming 2nd Graders
Mark Your Calendars!
There will be a meeting for parents of upcoming
2nd graders on September 21, 2015 at 12:30pm
OR 7:30pm in the Holy Family Room.
Please register your children if you have not
already done so.
Religious Formation Office
Please contact Mariam Nawab,
Parish Catechetical Leader at 908-284-2929 x23
or for any RF concerns.
Adult Faith Formation
With fall just around the corner, now is the time
to plan your fall activities! Don’t forget to
include plans for your faith formation in your
schedule! See below for the programs we offer
right here at SEAS! If you have questions or
would like to register for any of our AFF
programs, please contact Diane Luceri:
782-1475 X 14 or
The Prophets Bible Study
Wednesdays: 9:30-11:15 am or 7:30-9:15 pm
September 30th - December 9th, 2015
Sometimes it just hits you - the incredible love
that God has for you! And you want to find out
more - more about this love, more about how
you can respond to this love! This program is
ideal for such a quest! You will come to know
Jesus better and deepen your relationship with
your Divine Bridegroom…and the time could not
be better! Beginning with this bible study, we
now have an online capability to supplement
our usual program.
Our program will run as usual, beginning with
Hospitality and prayer, then breaking into
discussion groups on the questions, and finally
gathering to watch the DVD together.
What’s different:
- You
- You will order your materials yourself and they
will ship them directly to your house.
- You will be able to access the DVDs from your
home computer, iPad, iPhone, etc.
Advantages of this program:
- The cost is less.
- You will receive your materials earlier.
- Since you can access the DVDs online, no
worries if you miss a session. Even if you can’t
make it to this study at all, you can still take
the study online on your own.
If you are interested in the online opportunity,
sign up through or
contact Diane Luceri and you will be sent a link
that will take you directly to our study - it could
not be easier!
***Note you can still sign up and order your
materials the usual way by contacting Diane
Luceri - the cost for this option is $35.
So the choice is yours - but the best choice you
can make is to join us for this wonderful
Beloved: Program for Married Couples
Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 PM
Sept. 15, 29, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17
In order to have a strong relationship with
Christ, we need to put Christ at the center of our
lives. Putting Jesus at the center of your
marriage is the key to establishing and
maintaining a strong marriage! Join with other
couples in the parish to explore the meaning
and the mystery of the Sacrament of marriage
through an exploration of Scripture, Tradition,
and Church teaching. It is a great opportunity
to get to know other couples in the parish as
well as to enrich your marriage! There is no cost
or materials required for this program. We will
meet every other week, but each session stands
on its own. For planning purposes, please
contact Diane Luceri if you would like to attend
this program.
Symbolon: the Catholic Faith Explained
Have you been interested in finding out more
about our Catholic Faith but could not find the
time to do so? Has someone ever questioned
you about your faith and you did not know how
to respond? Then the Symbolon program is
perfect for you! It covers the essentials of our
faith in a way that is easy to understand, and it
is offered at a number of times throughout the
week, so there is sure to be a time that works for
your schedule!
In addition, the schedule is ideal for those who
have a child in the Religious Formation program
as sessions meet at the same time as RF classes when you bring your child, stay and learn about
the faith yourself! It couldn’t be any easier!
There is no cost and no materials required for
these sessions. Sessions meet throughout the
year beginning the week of October 12th at the
following times: Mondays (4:45-6pm, 7-8:30
pm), Tuesdays (4:45-6pm, 6:30-7:45 pm), and
Wednesdays (4:45-6pm) and on Tuesday
mornings (9:30-11 am). Each session stands on
its own, so come whenever you’d like.
****If you are interested in this program, please
contact Diane Luceri for a complete schedule
and to be kept up to date on program specifics.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Have you or anyone you know been
considering the possibility of becoming a
member of the Catholic Church?
Is there someone in your life with whom you’d
like to share their Catholic faith?
Have you been coming to Mass for years and
feel that now is the time for you to become
Have you been experiencing a desire to receive
Jesus in the Eucharist?
Whatever your reasons might be for choosing
to become Catholic, beneath that choice is God
who is calling you to “Come and see!”
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is
the way in which adults become fully active,
participating members of the Catholic Church.
It helps adults grow in their relationship with
God, become familiar with Catholic teachings
and practices, get acquainted with people in the
parish and get involved in service with the
parish and wider community.
Through this process non-Christian adults are
prepared for Baptism, Confirmation and first
Eucharist, and non-Catholic Christians and
Catholics who are only baptized are prepared
for Confirmation and first Eucharist, which takes
place at the Easter Vigil.
Ready to find out more?
Respect for Life Rosary
September 6 - After all Sunday Masses
The Knights of Columbus and Respect
for Life Ministry will continue to lead
the Rosary for Life on the first Sunday
of the month - Sunday, September 6 - in
the chapel after all Sunday Masses.
Make the Rosary a part of your - and your
family’s - life!
Altar Server Ministry
Any child who has already received
First Holy Communion and wishes to
become part of the SEAS Altar Server
Ministry is invited to attend a training
session on Wednesday, September 9
at 7:00 PM in the church. At least one parent
should accompany the child as important
information about the ministry will be shared as
well. Training should take approximately one
hour. After a period of observing current Altar
Servers at Mass, newly-trained servers will be
‘albed’ on Seton Sunday and added to the
All interested in this ministry should email
Suzanne Wooby at
with child's name, grade, and email address.
Women’s Spirituality Group
At the WSG Core Group meeting last Thursday
night, the following tentative schedule for the
first half of the 2015-2016 was set.
RCIA Inquiry Sessions ~ Sept. 19th & 20th
Come to any Mass the weekend of September
19th & 20th. There will be speakers at each Mass
talking about their experience in the RCIA.
Following each Mass you will have the
opportunity to talk with the speaker and the
RCIA team to receive more information and to
have any questions answered. If you prefer, you
may contact our RCIA Director, Diane Luceri, at
782-1475 X 14 or, at any
time to find out more information or to set up
an appointment.
Adult Catholics needing
Confirmation should also contact Diane.
Sunday, September 20 - Parish Picnic (WSG
assisting with food serving)
Thursday, October 1 - Judy Ashcraft facilitates
our first meeting of the year with a
presentation on the Shroud of Turin
Saturday, October 10 - Day of Reflection with Sr.
Mary Cleary, speaking on "Untying the Knots
of Our Lives with God's Mercy."
Thursday, November 5 - Nancy Lacorte will
speak on Our Lady of Kibeho from Rwanda,
the last Vatican-approved apparition site.
Thursday, December 3 - Elaine Lenskold will
present a music-related speaker.
Wednesday, December 16 - WSG will be
ushering at SEAS Advent Penance Service.
SEAS Ministry Information
All meetings will get underway at 7:30 PM in
the Holy Family Room and conclude by
approximately 9:00 PM.
Seton Men’s Club
The next meeting sponsored by the Men’s Club
will be on Thursday, September 10 at 7:30 PM in
the Holy Family Room.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this
schedule, or if you would like to contribute on a
particular topic, please send an email to
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl
Ministry will be on Thursday,
September 10, 10 AM-12 Noon and
also 7-8:30 PM. ALL are welcome!
Come whenever it fits your schedule!
If you know someone who could use one of our
shawls, or for more information, please call Judy
Herdman at 908-782-7973.
Pre-Employment Ministry
The SEAS Pre-Employment Ministry is designed
to help anyone deal with employment, and
If there are enough
participants, a group will meet to discuss the
interviewing, marketing, etc. Or, members of
the ministry are willing to help anyone one-onone. Anyone is welcome to join. Contact
at for more info.
Silver & Golden Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 4:00 PM
You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th
or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of
Metuchen. Renew your marriage vows with
Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski at a special Evening
Prayer Service in the Cathedral of St. Francis of
Assisi, Metuchen.
Application forms may be secured by contacting
the parish office or by logging on to the
diocesan website: Click
on EVENTS tab (top of page) - scroll over to
EVENTS BY CATEGORY (left side of page) and
Please note: this form can be typed on and
printed out but cannot be forwarded. If you
wish to keep the information it must be SAVED
AS a word document in your computer. Forms
are also available in the Parish Office.
Forms must be signed by a pastoral minister and
returned to the Family Life Office by the SEAS
Parish Office.
Application forms will be
accepted by the Family Life Office until the
deadline for registration Monday, October 5. A
confirmation letter with further details will be
sent once your application has been processed.
For additional information, please call the
Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen 732562-1990 x 1705.
Summer Series - Top Ten Reasons People Give
For Not Going To Church
We all try to find ways to justify our lack of Mass
attendance and believe (momentarily) that our
justification will convince ourselves and others
of their correctness. We continue our look at
some of the most popular excuses along with a
humorous and realistic response.
9: I’m Excommunicated
Not very likely! If you were married in the
Catholic Church and divorced, you are not
excommunicated. If you were married in the
Church and got remarried without an
annulment, are in your first marriage but were
not married in the Church or maybe you have
been away from the Church or have some other
problem - you are probably not in full
communion, but you are NOT excommunicated!
Not in full communion means that you are more
than welcome to come to Mass, pray and be a
part of things. But, you cannot receive Holy
Communion. Sometimes it is just a matter of
going to Confession. If you want to get the real
answer on how to get back into full
communion, call the Parish Office to find out
what needs to be done. Fr. Tom would LOVE to
help you!!!!
How to Report Sexual Abuse
If you were sexually abused as a minor by a
member of the clergy or anyone representing
the Catholic Church, or you know of someone
who was, you are encouraged to report that
abuse to law enforcement, through the
diocesan website (, or by
calling Lawrence Nagle, diocesan Office of Child
and Youth Protection, 732-562-2413.
Around the Diocese
Diocese of Metuchen, Office of Cemeteries
Temporary Cemetery Maintenance Worker in
Piscataway, NJ.
Must be able to perform
manual labor, work some weekend/overtime
shifts, and have a familiarity with operating
heavy machinery and equipment.
Resumes for the above position should be sent
to Please indicate the
interested position in the subject line. No
phone calls please.
World Apostolate of Fatima, Blue Army Shrine
Saturday, September 5
"You at Least Try to Console Me"
World Apostolate of Fatima, Blue Army Shrine,
674 Mt. View Rd., Washington, NJ, invites all to
honor Our Lady's plea of December 10, 1925
requesting five consecutive First Saturdays of
Blasphemy of Instilling Hatred
directly in Her Sacred Image will be explained
this month.
10:30 AM Confessions
11:30 AM Rosary w/15 minute Meditation
12:00 PM Holy Mass - Fr. R. Murphy, Celebrant
and Homilist
1:30 PM Confessions
2:00 PM Outdoor Rosary/Children's Video/
Holy House Talk
3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet
Bring your family and friends to answer the call
of the Child Jesus: "And have you spread
through the world what our heavenly Mother
requested of you?" 908689-1700
Assistance for Papal Visit
Desperate for Diapers…and other help!
The babies and toddlers of the Center
for Great Expectations, and their
moms, need your help! This summer
has been especially quiet for all types of
donations, and our shelves are empty. Please
consider helping us to furnish these rooms with
new bedding and bath items, as well as replenish
our current critical needs:
Diapers Size 5 & 6
Girls Pull-ups 2T/3T,
3T/4T & 4T/5T
Boys Pull-ups 2T-3T & 3T4T
Infant Socks & Baby
Play mats for infants
Toiletries - Hair
conditioner & Deodorant
New Sheets Sets - Twin
New blankets - Twin
New mattress pads Twin/vinyl
New Shower curtains &
New Towel sets - bath,
hand, face
Women’s low/black
athletic socks
Great Expectations serves adult and adolescent
mothers and their children who have experienced
significant trauma, homelessness and abuse, and
provides intensive, individualized programs to
assist each mother in breaking this destructive,
generational cycle. Please call Noreen at 732-2477003 x25 or email if you
can help! If you prefer to shop online, you can
have your donation shipped directly to us at 19B
Dellwood Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873. Monetary
donations are always welcome and needed, and
can be sent to the address above or donated
online at Whatever you can
afford to share, please know your donation will
provide support and grow the self-esteem of
clients who have no one else to help them. Thank
you on behalf of our families and Great
Veterans of America Day
Sunday, August 30, beginning at 4:00 PM
TD Bank Ballpark
1 Patriots Park, Bridgewater, NJ
Guest of Honor
Colonel Jack H. Jacobs - Medal of Honor (1969)
We would like to welcome you, your family and
friends to celebrate and salute all of our
We owe them the respect and
gratitude they have earned by defending our
country for all of the freedoms we enjoy today!
After the celebration, stay and enjoy the game
at 5:05 pm. “FREE” tickets for veterans! Family
& friends are only $5 per ticket. For further info,
please contact Gerry Cadwallader at 908-3031765.
Annual Charity Golf Event
Shown above is a presentation of our donation to
Kaitlynn Deal, donation coordinator, at
Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick
The Knights of Columbus Council 15540 at SEAS is pleased to announce our Third Annual Charity
Golf Event is nearly upon us. Last year, over $6,500 was raised to fund the many outreach
programs of the council: Elijah’s Promise, Lyon's VA Hospital, Life Choices in Phillipsburg, the
Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program, the Home for Battered Woman, Immaculata H.S., and the
Center for Great Expectations. This is our single largest fundraising event of the year. So, in order
to continue supporting these programs, we are asking everyone who can participate as a
Sponsor to please send a check to Tim Connolly at 48 Copper Penny Rd. Flemington, NJ
08822. The fun begins Monday, September 21st at Beaver Brook Country Club. Play is open to
all. Pamphlets with details will be handed out after this week's Masses. As many have requested,
this year we will have a dinner only option so more may participate.
All checks should be made payable to:
Knights of Columbus Council 15540
and mailed to:
Tim Connolly, 48 Copper Penny Rd, Flemington, NJ 08822
Questions may be directed to: Joe Lang at 908-371-0885, Tim Connolly at 908-788-0996,
Mike Schuler at 908-812-8298, or Bob Besecker at 908-310-6236