Directorate for Consultative Work Commission for Natural Resources Brussels, 17 September 2015 NAT commission meeting of 21 September 2015 Agenda item 4: organisation of future commission work PROPOSALS FOR EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES 2016 The NAT commission secretariat has received three proposals for an external activity to be held in 2016. External meeting and conference (9-10 May 2016) Seminar (March/April 2016) Seminar (end September/ beginning October 2016) The details are set out in the following pages. COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 1/11 — Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË — Tel. +32 22822211 — Fax +32 22822325 — Internet: EN PROPOSAL FOR AN EXTERNAL ACTIVITY NAT COMMISSION 9 and 10 May 2016 Dear Mr Carneiro, In your letter dated 9 July 2015, you asked the Natural Resources commission members to send in, by 9 September 2015, proposals for organising external activities in 2016. I should now like to extend an invitation for the NAT commission to hold an external commission meeting together with a thematic conference (over 2 days) in Innsbruck/Tyrol, possibly to be held on 9 and 10 May 2016. On the evening of 9 May, the official award ceremony will be held at the Kaiserliche Hofburg in Innsbruck for the 2016 European Kaiser Maximilian Prize for outstanding achievements in European local and regional politics. I would be pleased to invite all the members of the NAT commission to this event, which will be jointly hosted by the Austrian state (Land) of Tyrol and the city of Innsbruck. As you explained in your letter, the NAT commission would have to decide on external events at its meeting on 21 September; for this reason I would ask you to put my invitation to the NAT commission members then. I am aware that some of the costs are to be borne by the event organisers. Tyrol Land and the city of Innsbruck are prepared to cover the necessary costs and they support my proposal, as does the Austrian delegation to the Committee of the Regions. Please find enclosed details of the key points of and background to the proposed conference. Yours sincerely, Type of activity proposed (select one): External meeting and conference X Seminar Study visit (12 members) a) Title and subject matter of the proposed activity: Rural areas as the key to economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe - Governance and infrastructure in relations between towns, surrounding areas, regions and macro-regions Alongside the normal NAT commission meeting, the conference will be devoted to one of the CoR's priorities, namely the sustainable development of rural areas in the broader regional context and also where they are in competition with neighbouring towns and cities. The challenges facing rural areas are huge, particularly as regards infrastructure (e.g. road-building, internet access, civil contingency planning, health care, social welfare and integration). The assets of rural areas, such as air quality and COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 2/11 tourism, can only be turned to advantage when there are balanced, resilient relations with neighbouring towns and an appropriate division of labour between all concerned. The seminar would like to make a contribution to assessing and demonstrating anew the challenges for rural areas, as to how rural regions can become engines for the growth of Europe's economy and the development of cohesion. The latest developments are to be presented with examples from different European regions; a link can also be made with the implementation of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's plans in rural areas. b) Link between the proposed activity and the work programme and political priorities of the NAT commission and the CoR: Although the 2016 work programme is not yet available, it can nevertheless be predicted that high political priority will be attached to sustainable development in rural areas. The CoR will be issuing an opinion on the subject at the end of the year; discussions between the institutions on this matter will be continued. Moreover, in 2016 the CoR will be focusing on urban and rural development. The proposed seminar is to be the NAT commission's expert policy contribution to this field. The seminar's aim will be to demonstrate, using concrete examples and based on the latest research, how rural areas can develop their own dynamics, where they are in competition with towns and cities, and also in the context of macro-regional strategies. Such dynamics are not confined to the important sphere of the agricultural economy, but they do allocate a key role thereto, as well as to rural tourism. c) Political objective of the proposed activity: The political aim is to approach relations between towns and their surrounding areas as an opportunity for rural areas to grasp and to describe the particular strengths of rural areas more consistently. Furthermore, the conference is to help devise a comprehensive strategy for rural areas which have similar requirements and development potential. The Alps macro-region provides an important reference framework for this conference, particularly for mountain regions and their relations with the bigger cities. Innsbruck and Tyrol Land are a good example of this. d) Strategic relevance of the proposed activity (interinstitutional calendar, NAT activities): The harmonious development of all European regions is still one of the Committee of the Regions' main subject areas. The CoR's policy proposals focus on territorial cohesion, attaching considerable importance to both cities and rural areas. The strategic relevance of an event on the challenges facing rural areas in relations between towns and their surrounding areas also lies in the fact that, in 2016, the CoR will be organising key events on both urban policy and rural policy. Opinions will also be drawn up on the two subjects. The NAT event proposed here is to devise a strategic stance for the NAT commission in this debate, with the aid of examples and also using the results of new research in the area. e) Added value of proposed activity: Throughout Europe, increasing reference is being made to relations between towns and their surrounding areas, as well as to the role of rural areas in macro-regions, often viewed from the cities' COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 3/11 perspective. It is a policy concern of the NAT commission to view this from the perspective of rural areas. Several subject areas falling within the NAT commission's brief will be touched upon at this event, such as the development of sustainable tourism, the role of rural areas in civil contingency planning and protection, transport infrastructure, digitisation and health care. f) Political context: Please indicate if there are any elections planned within 3 months before and/or after the event, and if so, the date and type of election (e.g. local, regional, national). Elections planned: Date(s) of these elections: Type: No N/A N/A g) Additional remarks: The Austrian government has already promised to send a high-ranking ministerial representative and contacts with neighbouring national governments have been taken up to further enhance the conference politically. Proposed venue: INNSBRUCK (Tyrol, Austria) Planned date: 9 and 10 May 2015 Proposed by (name of member): Hanspeter Wagner COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 4/11 PROPOSAL FOR AN EXTERNAL ACTIVITY NAT COMMISSION March/April 2016 Type of activity proposed (select one): External meeting and conference Seminar X Study visit (12 members) a) Title and subject matter of the proposed activity: European regions as a smart tourist destination for regional development. This seminar is about reflecting, with the help of best practices, on how innovative digital tools can help promote tourism as a key element for growth and employment in the EU’s regions. b) Link between the proposed activity and the work programme and political priorities of the NAT commission and the CoR: The tourism sector is a priority of the current CoR (2015-2020) and NAT commission mandates. Digital tourism, in particular, is a priority for the NAT commission. Job creation and sustainable growth of the regions aimed at improving people's quality of life is a key CoR objective. Tourism plays a central role in developing many European regions, including the Region of Murcia, given its potential for job creation and the positive knock-on effect for a large set of productive activities. Boosting the competitiveness of the European tourism sector could make an significant contribution to the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, particularly its flagship initiative “An industrial policy for the globalisation era”. c) Political objective of the proposed activity: Tourism contributes to areas such as employment, sustainable development, the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage and shaping the European identity, and plays a key role in regional and local development. As has already been pointed out, boosting tourist activity has the potential to make a significant contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy. In March 2014, the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia adopted the research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation in the Murcia region (RIS Mur). RIS3 is a strategy that regions can use for their economic development through targeted support for research and innovation. Drawing up this strategy involves identifying the region’s competitive advantages, setting strategic priorities and implementing policies that maximise the development potential based on knowledge and innovation. RIS3 Mur has identified tourism as a high-potential sector for the Region of Murcia. COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 5/11 d) Strategic relevance of the proposed activity (interinstitutional calendar, NAT activities): In July 2010, the European Commission published its Communication Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe. This communication sets out the following strategic priorities for European tourism: Stimulate competitiveness in the European tourism sector; Reduce the seasonal nature of tourism; Promote development of innovation in the area of tourism; Promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism; Use EU financial instruments in the area of tourism. The January 2011 plenary session saw the adoption of the opinion on Europe, the world’s No 1 tourist destination: a new political framework for tourism in Europe, the rapporteur for which was Ramón Luis Valcárcel, former president of the Region of Murcia and the Committee of the Regions. This opinion strongly welcomes the Commission’s desire to deal with tourism policy in a coordinated and integrated way by linking it to other policies such as transport, agriculture and environmental protection policies, information and communication technologies, social policy and culture etc., and supports the general objective of coordinating efforts and initiatives related to tourism in order to create a competitive, modern, sustainable and responsible tourism sector. The December 2014 plenary saw the adoption of the opinion on A European Strategy for more growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism, for which the reference text was the Commission communication on the same subject. In this document the CoR stresses the need for European coastal and maritime regions to develop local strategies aimed at promoting distinctive local features, thus increasing their visibility as tourist destinations based on their uniqueness. The Commission’s priorities for the year 2015 regarding the tourism sector include digital tourism and cruise tourism. According to the NAT commission's programme for 2015, the commission is expected to follow up on its opinion on coastal and maritime tourism and continue to cooperate with the European Commission on issues such as innovation clusters in the tourism sector and the role of the cruise industry. The working document on Age-friendly tourism will be presented at the next meeting of the NAT commission on 21 September 2015 and is scheduled to be adopted in plenary in February 2016. e) Added value of proposed activity: The aim of the seminar is to present the NEXO project: a platform for managing the Region of Murcia as a smart tourist destination. With NEXO we have created a single space where public and private industry can combine efforts in promoting, marketing and managing a given tourist destination for the benefit of all stakeholders in the regional economy; all of this takes account of new technologies which can be used to maximise the amount of useful information available, which in turn helps strategically and tactically when making COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 6/11 decisions related to tourism. This includes both decisions made using a territorial cluster-based approach, as well as those made by the privates firms operating therein, seeking an efficient way to cooperate and coordinate. 1.- Why a smart tourist destination? In the current competitive environment, tourist destinations and enterprises are faced with the challenge of optimising processes, cooperating and making joint decisions, and above all, maximising the amount of valuable information they have for strategic and tactical decisionmaking and using it to make ever smarter, more effective, efficient and synergy-based decisions that enable them to compete sustainably in the long term. Likewise, decisions related to investments aimed at improving the competitiveness of the sector or destinations can nowadays be based on a greater quantity and quality of crosschecked information. This information is highly valuable as it uses data mining approaches, an analysis of indicators based on the concept of big data, additionally adding the relevant information regarding the reputation of the tourist activity generated online. 2.- What is a smart tourist destination? A smart destination is one that: a) is committed to its natural, cultural and socio-economic environment, and where infrastructure is equipped with advanced technological solutions to enable interaction between tourists and the destination. Smart destinations gather relevant information which enables them to learn and continuously improve in a way that is coordinated and in synergy with the territory, before making strategic and tactical decisions. b) develops tools geared towards the tourism policy of the destination that encourage a new way of managing a destination. c) is able to develop methods for producing new products, services and tourist experiences on the market. 3.- NEXO objectives: The Region of Murcia as a smart tourist destination The objectives to be achieved through NEXO are: Enhance the competitiveness of SMEs in the tourist sector in the Region of Murcia. Transform the sector by improving its position nationally and internationally. Facilitate the coordination of public and private industry to promote, market and manage the destination, including for the benefit of regional economy stakeholders. Secure a single space that offers as much useful information as possible to help with strategic and tactical decision-making in tourism matters. This includes both decisions made using a territorial cluster-based approach, as well as those made by the private firms operating therein, seeking an efficient way to cooperate and coordinate. COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 7/11 Establish a consistent framework that allows innovations from other tourist destinations to be incorporated and promotes technological and sustainable development and the creation of holistic tourist experiences. 4.- A platform with integrated technological tools for the benefit of the sector The technological tools available to businesses include: RITMO - management of the Region of Murcia's tourist office network HERMES - marketing platform. Includes a “channel manager” incorporating 50 OTAs, private-label central reservation system, inclusion on the websites of the destination, the local area or associations, etc. The tool enables the marketing of all types of tourist services. SABUESO: Competitor price monitor ARO: calculates RevPar and ADR Analysis of competitiveness at local, regional and national levels Destination “app” with marketing option Standardisation of tourism resources, with the option for these to be modified by all stakeholders News management Route and trail manager Satisfaction surveys System of indicators and statistics Online reputation management News and project management Business-to business (B2B) meetings … The HERMES marketing platform is currently available for use at eCalypso aims to strengthen trans-national tourism between the various European countries undertaken by the following types of tourists: young people, families experiencing difficulties, elderly people and people with disabilities. eCalypso is designed for organisations that coordinate trips for individuals or groups, as well as for accommodation providers, particularly during low season. These organisations must subscribe to the values related to social tourism laid out in the eCalypso ethical charter. The platform offers a large quantity of information on social tourism in Europe, including publications, best practices, news and general information on the eCalypso initiative. eCalypso also serves as a meeting place of supply and demand via a marketing module (HERMES), which is accessible to all members; in short, it is a meeting place for anyone working in the European social tourism industry. COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 8/11 f) Political Context: Please indicate if there are any elections planned within 3 months before and/or after the event, and if so, the date and type of election (e.g. local, regional, national). g) Elections planned: Yes / No Date(s) of these elections: December 2015 Type: National elections h) Additional comments: This model could be applied to other European regions Proposed place: Murcia Indicative date: March/April 2016 Proposed by (name of member): Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso Director-General Civic Participation, the EU and External Action Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 9/11 PROPOSAL FOR AN EXTERNAL ACTIVITY NAT COMMISSION end September/beginning October 2016 Type of activity proposed: Seminar a) Title and subject matter of the proposed activity: Working Title: Implementation of Sustainable Innovative projects in Coastal towns: Regions leading the Way This seminar will focus on how small towns across Europe can be the key to implementing the objectives and measures by which the CoR, and more especially the NAT commission, can promote their policies and action plans. It will demonstrate concrete examples of how European funding together with local financial contributions can create sustainable changes to the fishing industry, such as the Hastings fleet which is the largest under 10 metre beach launched fishing fleet in Europe, with innovative ways in which to maintain local natural open spaces and SSSI’s together with supporting and engaging with the local cultural diversity of being a small fishing town which had one of the most famous battles in the history of Europe in 1066, and how this supports the local economy and creates local jobs. b) Link between the proposed activity and the work programme and political priorities of the NAT commission and the CoR: This seminar will link very nicely with the NAT commission objectives to look at working examples of sustainable projects bringing life to struggling coastal economies, with innovative ways of diversifying delivery of programmes following changes to the CAP and CFP whilst encompassing the culturally diverse environment in which those areas are trying to work. This links with the political agenda of the CoR in demonstrating that direct financial support to local villages, towns and coastal areas, can implement quickly, innovatively, in a self-sustaining way, the CoR policy objectives and priorities through the local government structures. c) Political objective of the proposed activity: This seminar will demonstrate ways in which the CoR can put regional and local authorities at the heart of designing and implementing European policies whilst demonstrating the CoR driving force for building strong cross-border joint working. The examples will feed into the discussions around the changes in the CAP and how that directly affects our towns and villages and how the implementation of changes to the CFP can support sustainable local action on fishing giving real narrative to the discussions as part of the CoR ongoing priorities and work programme. COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 10/11 Finally I believe this will be a very constructive way of demonstrating different ways in which the CoR can shape how it is to work in future and how this can feed into the Commission and the decreasing activity that we now face. d) Strategic relevance of the proposed activity (interinstitutional calendar, NAT activities): This proposal is to give new ideas to the CoR on how important it is to have local representation in Europe and more especially allow for a follow up opinion on how the CoR can feed back into the European Commission and European Parliament the importance of the voices and experiences of the smaller towns and villages in changes to future policies. e) Added value of proposed activity: The seminar will provide for CoR NAT members to see first-hand the difference that EU funding can make directly to local communities and to demonstrate that regardless of the national political agenda, there are ways that the CoR could perhaps adapt its work and encourage cross border partnerships to deliver the environmentally sustainable objectives in the CoR programme. f) Political context: Please indicate if there are any elections scheduled within three months before and/or after the event, and if so, the date and type of election (e.g. local, regional, national). Elections planned: Yes Date(s) of these elections: 5 May 2016 Type: local elections g) Additional comments: The seminar will be held in Hastings, East Sussex in the heart of the fishing community. Hastings has direct train links to Ashford International for Eurostar users and to Gatwick Airport in London. Proposed venue: The seminar would be in Hastings and 1066 Country. Indicative date: end September/beginning October 2016 to coincide with the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Proposed by (name of member): Emily Westley (UK/PES) (Hastings) _____________ COR-2015-03641-00-01-TCD-TRA (DE) 11/11