ASPCC Rock CREEK - Portland Community College


ASPCC Rock Creek Student Congress

Monday January 28, 2013

Building 7, room 105

3:30 PM- 5:00 PM

1.0 Preliminary Business

1.1 Call to Order

3:31 pm


1.2 Roll Call

1.3 Approval of minutes

Pablo asks for change on last meeting’s minutes. The addition of Pablo’s answer “No, and the reason we have incorporated this is because…” to Section 4.1. Minutes approved with the change.

1.4 Approval of the agenda


3:35pm-3:35pm 2.0 Old Business

3.0 New Business

3.1 BAC Budget Recommendation

Suggestion and supporting documents attached


Pablo: What do the cuts look like for each individual department for ASPCC?

Luis: Most of the cuts took place from programming.

Chris S: Why did the MC take the biggest hit?

Sara (MC BAC Representative): We thought that we could do more with less. We found a way to lower tuition (for THRIVE) and we are not going to take anything from the classes. We just found a way to do more with less.

Aaron: I think it’s pretty cool that some centers actually gained funding.

Dave (VRC BAC Representative): You all need to realize that some of the money cut was volunteered. It wasn’t exactly cut, like the MC as Sara was saying. So there were several instances where money was volunteered to better PCC.

Susan: Not all subsections (funding) of ASPCC come from the Special Activity Fee right? It comes from other sources?

Jonathan: That’s incorrect all of it comes from the SAF.

Alejandra: Were the Arts and Lectures series cut?

Jonathan: They were cut, they were getting $7100 (per year) they will be getting $5500 (per year) in the future.

Susan: What was the disadvantage of not having equal funding for each department (MC, QRC, ASPCC)?

What drove you to arrive at those numbers rather than having more or less the same numbers for each center?

Huitzi: The way that the BAC worked is that we looked for equity, at the same time there is existing programming that could be affected if each center took a bigger cut. Also about $5000 are allocated to the MC from the DSC for Semana de la Raza. They cannot touch that money for anything else.

Susan: So in other words these numbers are based off of previous and predicted expenses?

Huitzi: Correct

Aaron: So was the money cut (from ASPCC) from the programming budget only?

Luis: Our priorities were (to protect) salaries, but because we wanted to help other centers we took a little bit more out, about $20,000. So we had to cut more from salaries and from more programming. The programming cut was across the board.

Luis suggests that the budget recommendation is approved by the student congress for the next biennium. Approved unanimously.

3.2 Club Business

See Clubs Business for more info.

3.2.1 Community Service Project Proposals Latino Outreach Club The Kitty Hawks Vet. Tech Club

Approved unanimously.

Approved unanimously.

Approved unanimously. Vietnamese Christian Students Club

Approved unanimously.

3.2.2 Community Service Project Reports Japanese Pop Culture Club

Where did you (JPCC) volunteer?

Albertsons on West Union.

What will you use the funds for?

We are planning an event for the campus so we need the funds.

Yolli suggests approving their 30+ (32.5) hours for $250. Approved unanimously. Yugioh Club

What did you do?

Talked to the elderly at Legacy

What will you use the funds for?

A card event for all club members.

Pablo suggests approving their 30 hours for $250. Approved unanimously.

3.3 Special Funds Request

3.3.1 Cheryl McLean

Dave: What type of gift are you thinking?

Cheryl: Cash (honorarium)

Pablo: Are you using your community service hours (club funds)

Cheryl: Yes ($250 from the club)

Nolby: So you want to give her $500 total?

Cheryl: Yes

Alejandra suggests that we approve Vet. Tech Club’s special funds request of $250. Approved unanimously.

3.3.2 Sean Colebrook Brenda Contreras & Axkana Rios

Chris S: How did you find out about this conference? How will the students be selected?

Brenda: Because we are not taking an advisor we cannot really come up with a selection process. We are thinking about just doing a sign-up sheet. I’ve known about this conference for a long time actually.

Mandy: Logistically you’ve created a nightmare for someone like me to pay for this with the 34.99 (student contribution).

Whether you want to work with an advisor or not you’re going to have to. I don’t object with this body passing the spirit of this proposal but there are some logistical things that we’re going to have to work out. Also we are liable for the transportation. I need the two of you to come and meet with me so we can figure out the logistics.

Jonathan: You will likely need an advisor to attend.

Ax: Is it mandatory.

Mandy: The dean (Narce) wants a professional staff go to these types of events.

Ax: We believed that it was possible to travel without an advisor.

Mandy: What student organization is associated with this? How is it affiliated with this body?

Brenda: The CRC is sponsoring this proposal.

Da Hyun: If you have to cover transportation will you still be requesting the money?

Ax: We were originally going to ask for $1580 but we lowered it down to $1050. So basically if you’re going to the conference you have to provide your own transportation.

Brenda: That’s what we originally thought before we knew that we have to take an advisor.

Maricruz: Where is this conference?

Brenda: Eugene, OR

Maricruz: Will all your students be from Rock Creek?

Brenda: Yes

Maricruz: If we ask you to revise your proposal will you come back and present next week?

Ax & Brenda: Yes

Ax: We want this conference open to the whole campus, not just ASPCC and the other centers.

Dave: Traditionally this body has asked for the sponsoring center to provide some funding towards their goal. Have you looked at this option?

Brenda: I talked to Valorie and we (the CRC) don’t have any money. The advisors just made sure our request was meaningful and worthwhile, and that is my understanding of what is necessary from a sponsor.

Brianda: You said you were planning on taking 15 students right?

Brenda: Yes the proposal is for 15 students.

Brianda: Do you have those 15 students picked out yet?

Brenda: No.

Susan: If we asked you to revise it. Would you have enough time to do it (present your proposal)?

Axkana: How long would it take to coordinate the logistics?

Mandy: If you came to me we could have this ready this week.

Brenda: Yes.

Pablo: Based on what Susan said, and seeing that this is an experimental conference I think you should take fewer students, maybe around 8 or so.

Aspen: It would make sense to have 8 or 10 but seeing how this is open to anybody I think 15 is good because we want to make sure that more students get the chance.

Ulises: If there are not 15 students interested the money that doesn’t get used comes back to the special funds request.

Nolby: So how are people going to sign up for this conference?

Brenda: We were thinking of a signup sheet but seeing how that might not be the most ethical way we will have to do a selection process.

Maricruz suggests that they bring back a revised version to the next meeting (table the proposal). 6 objections.

Suggestion to table proposal is approved.

4.0 Discussion Items

4.1 PCC Reads Thank You- Jessica Tamayo

5.0 Reports

5.1 Campus Affairs

5.2 Program Board

5.3 Legislative Affairs

5.4 Recreation Team

5.5 Sustainability

5.6 Clubs

5.7 Multicultural Center/OLI/Thrive

5.8 Women Resource Center

5.9 Career Resource Center

5.10 Queer Resource Center

5.11 Veterans Resource Center

6.0 For the Good of the Order/Announcements

7.0 Adjournment

8.0 Agenda Material




ASPCC Rock Creek 2013 - 14 Budget


***Recommendation only not actual 2013-14 figures


Professional Staff

Campus Affairs - Student Help

Public Relations

Legislative Affairs - Student Help

Program Board - Student Help


Q Center










Program Expenses

Women's Resource Center

Hillsboro Education Center

Child Care

Student Congress

Night Activities

Legislative Affairs

Program Board


Public Relations


Arts Lecture Series

Special Request

Multicultural Center

Q Center

Vet Center


Materials and Supplies






Out of State Travel



Club Business: 01/28/13




























Clubs to Charter:


New Voting Members: (Club Representatives)


Community Service Project Proposal:

Latino Outreach Club

Club Coordinator: Eric Ruiz

Service Description: MLK Food Drive



Social Skills applications

Help feed the hungry

Club Participants: 4

Date of Project: 01/21/13

The Kitty Hawks

Club Coordinator: Cassia Hardesty

Service Description: We would like to volunteer with the EAA’s monthly pancake breakfast. By helping cook, serve food, and clean we will have the opportunity to make important industry connections, learn about antique and experimental aircraft and give back to the Aviation community.


Build connections in the aviation industry that could help us in our future careers

Learn about antique and experimental aircraft

Club Participants: 4

Date of Project: 2/2/13

Vet. Tech Club

Club Coordinator: Cheryl McLean

Service Description: Pixie Project. Helping to wrap surgical packs to be prepared for spay/neuter surgeries. Packing and wrapping the surgical packs you have to know what goes in them, how to put them in correctly, and how to label them.


To help control the pet population

To aid pet owners in the education of the importance of spay/neutering pets

To educate students and club members in the prep that goes into getting ready for surgery

Club Participants: 1 - 2

Date of Project: 01/31/13

Vietnamese Christian Students Club

Student Coordinator: Tam Vu

Service Description: MLK Food Drive


Gathering can food

Helping the community

Feed the hungry

Club Participants: 3

Date of Project: 01/21/13

Community Service Project Report:

Japanese Pop Culture Club

Club Coordinator: Merlin Hold

Club Representative: Chris Cross

Service Description: MLK Food Drive

Club Participants: 8

Hours Completed: 32.5 hours

Service Date: 1/21/13

Amount Requested: $250

Yugioh Club

Club Coordinator: Corey Dang

Service Description: Club will be volunteering at Legacy hospital. We will be at the gift shop greeting people.

Club Participants: 5

Hours Completed: 30

Service Date: 01/19/13

Amount Requested: $250

Clubhouse Deadline:

Charter Packets and Community Service Forms are due on

Thursday at 5pm

in order to be on the following Monday’s agenda.

Rock Creek ASPCC Special Funds Request

Name Cheryl McLean__________________ Organization

(if applicable)

Vet Tech Club_____________

E-mail address __cheryl.mclean15@pcc.edu_________________

Amount requested __$250.00________________

Date Submitted

Need funds/ decision by ASAP

1/23/2013 ____


Matching funds to be provided-

(Suggested, but not required)

Amount Source

Sponsorship Info








Vet Tech Club_________

_____ ASPCC __________




Executive member (print and sign)


Executive member (print and sign)

What is being funded? Vet Tech program and Club dog trainer who volunteers her time to help the students train program dogs as to make them more adoptable. This is supplemental training in animal behavior and benefits both students and program dogs. She has been helping as a volunteer one day per week one to two hours per day Fall, Winter, and Spring terms for approximately 1 ½ years, sometimes more, if needed with no compensation. She spends her time and her money to teach the dogs and students.

Estimated number of students impacted and how they will benefit- _56 students this year. But up to 60 each year._________________________________________ ______________________

Itemized list to describe how the dollars will be spent-

Item Cost

_Dog Trainer-Teresa Malarkey CVT ___________










If my request is accepted, I promise to ensure the above is accurate and the money will be spent as agreed. I will submit a follow- up report no less than three weeks after the event.

X _____Cheryl McLean__________________________________________________________

Base criteria-


Must be a Rock Creek Student-led initiative.


Must benefit students and the Rock Creek community somehow.


Minimum recommended request is $100, maximum recommended request is $1000.


Each proposal must be sponsored by two executive members of one campus organization (one of those executive members can be a faculty advisor).

Campus organizations:

 Women’s

Resource Center (Bldg. 2- 103).

 Veteran’s Resource Center. (Bldg. 2- 108a)

Multi-Cultural Center. (Bldg. 5- upstairs)

 Oregon Leadership Institute. (Bldg. 5- upstairs)

 Associated Students of Portland Community College Rock Creek. (Bldg. 3-128)

Rock Creek clubs currently chartered by ASPCC. (Bldg. 3-128)

Queer Resource Center (Bldg. 3 – 128b)

By sponsoring a request, that representative is agreeing that the proposal is worthwhile, appropriate, and feasible. Sponsoring a proposal does not make that representative or their organization responsible for the execution or the outcome of the proposal.

Potential decision Criteria:

Quality and detail of proposal.

Educational value.

Matching funds are strongly encouraged.

Previous events or requests of the petitioner.

Total number of students who will benefit.

Request review process-

Proposal must be filled out completely and sponsored before submission. A completed paper copy must be submitted at the Student Help Desk in building three.

Proposals will be submitted to Campus affairs and the form will be checked for completion. Follow-up questions and requests for documentation will take place at this time.

The proposal will be presented at an ASPCC meeting where it will be voted upon.


Jonathan Mena Director of Campus Affairs

Huitzilli Rios Assistant Director of Campus Affairs

Mandy Ellertson ASPCC faculty Advisor

Rock Creek ASPCC Special Funds Request

Name _____Sean Colebrook Organization

(if applicable)

____Oregon Campus Compact__________

E-mail address _______sean.colebrook@pcc.edu______ Date Submitted ____ 01/24/13____

Amount requested __________$1580____________ Need funds/ decision by 01/28/13


Matching funds to be provided-

(Suggested, but not required)







_______ _____



Sponsorship Info




Executive member (print and sign)


Executive member (print and sign)

What is being funded?

15 Admissions to the student lead conference, A Changing World: Sifting Through the




Estimated number of students impacted and how they will benefit Hundreds. Student leaders who attend will not only get to meet and collaborate with students from many different colleges across the state, but they will also get to attend workshops like Social Media and campaigning, Social Justice and immigration,

Community organizing, activism, and working with local government, and many more. Students will be able to represent their school in the first statewide, student led collaboration conference, and they will be able to bring back valuable knowledge and resources to share and teach students at their campuses.

Itemized list to describe how the dollars will be spent-


15 tickets to the conference___________



_________________________________ ________





__________________________________________ ____________

If my request is accepted, I promise to ensure the above is accurate and the money will be spent as agreed. I will submit a follow- up report no less than three weeks after the event.

X ______________

Sean Colebrook


Base criteria-


Must be a Rock Creek Student-led initiative.


Must benefit students and the Rock Creek community somehow.


Minimum recommended request is $100, maximum recommended request is $1000.


Each proposal must be sponsored by two executive members of one campus organization (one of those executive members can be a faculty advisor).

Campus organizations:


Resource Center (bldg 2- room 103).

 Veterans’ Resource Center. (bldg 2- room 108a)

Multi-Cultural Center. (Bldg 2- room 128b)

College Assistance Migrant Program. (Bldg 5- room 203A)

Oregon Leadership Institute. (Bldg. 3- 128b)

Associated Students of Portland Community College Rock Creek. (Bldg 3-128)

Rock Creek clubs currently chartered by ASPCC. (Bldg 3-128)

By sponsoring a request, that representative is agreeing that the proposal is worthwhile, appropriate, and feasible. Sponsoring a proposal does not make that representative or their organization responsible for the execution or the outcome of the proposal.

Potential decision Criteria:

Quality and detail of proposal.

Educational value.

Matching funds are strongly encouraged.

Previous events or requests of the petitioner.

Total number of students who will benefit.

Request review process-

Proposal must be filled out completely and sponsored before submission. A completed paper copy must be submitted at the Student Help Desk in building three.

Proposals will be submitted to Campus affairs and the form will be checked for completion. Follow-up questions and requests for documentation will take place at this time.

The proposal will be presented at an ASPCC meeting where it will be voted upon.


Liliana Luna

Axkana Rios

Director of Campus Affairs

Assistant Director of Campus Affairs

Mandy Ellertson ASPCC faculty Advisor

Student Advisory Board

The student conference is planned by ORCC's Student Advisory Board. The Board is made up of a team of students who have each been nominated by their schools as outstanding leaders. ORCC works to provide them with additional leadership experience to move beyond their campus and make a powerful statewide impact. To learn more visit our website at:

Oregon Campus Compact

Oregon Campus Compact (ORCC) is a nonprofit in Portland, OR. ORCC leads efforts to build and strengthen the civic purpose of higher education. When students are engaged in quality curricular and co-curricular service-learning, civic engagement, and community-based research they complete college as active, engaged citizens with skills to enact change locally and globally. By convening, connecting, and collaborating, ORCC supports institutions to inspire and activate positive change in local communities.

Our Goal

To bring student leaders across the state of Oregon together, giving them the chance to collaborate on a state wide level, and create initiatives that will positively affect our local and neighboring communities.

About the Conference

The annual ORCC student conference will take place February 23rd at 11am through February 24th at 4pm at

Camp Harlow in Eugene, OR. Join service-minded student leaders, visionaries, and activists from across

Oregon for a weekend retreat conference and learn how to "sift through the clutter" of modern society.

Participants will learn how to navigate new technology, a multicultural landscape, and an interconnected world in order to positively affect change in our local and global community!

How this will positively affect students at the campus

Student leaders who attend will not only get to meet and collaborate with students from many different colleges across the state, but they will also get to attend workshops like Social Media and campaigning, Social Justice and immigration, Community organizing, activism, and working with local government, and many more.

Students will be able to represent their school in the first statewide, student led collaboration conference, and they will be able to bring back valuable knowledge and resources to share and teach students at their campuses.

How to sign up

Register here:


$100+$4.49(tax) This gets you 4 meals, Room and Board, 6 workshops, and 1 key note speaker presentation.

$20 for drivers who can car pool (3 or more people)

Fund Request

$1500 for 15 students

$80 for up to 4 drivers

Total Request: $1580





Name: Jessica Tamayo

Organization/Department : PCC Reads


Date requested: Jan. 28 th

2013 Time requested: 8 minutes

Brief description of the item:

PCC Reads wants to thank ASPCC for allowing us to receive 100 copies of Girl in Translation. I will be informing everyone about how the books were distributed as well as what the committee is planning to do next about the book.


Feedback: No feedback was needed, this was merely a thank you.


Campus Affairs




 Nothing New


 End of the Year Dinner?

Programming Report


Winter Book Sale


400 + books processed, about 200 sold

LAC Committee

Helped Out with Club Fair

M.L.K. Jr. Food Drive

Open Mind Open Mic


Theme: Oppression


Approx. 25 people


Hunger Recognition


Thanked Staff and Students


Had two speakers who also offered more volunteer opportunities


Approx. 40 people


ACUI Bowling Tournament


Winter Wonderland Dance Jan 31 st

Blood Drive – Tues/ Wed. Feb 5 th and 6 th

Legislative Affairs


Event: Voter Registration BBQ, Registration Goal Met, Election Night

Served burgers and hot dogs while attempting to register students.

Goal of 1200 students were registered on campus and then some.

Watched election coverage in Student Center, provided free food.

Number of Students:





Event: Preparing Lobbying Information

A binder containing lobbying information will be placed in the student center, containing OSA lobby information and allowing students to add articles that they find on their own time.

Number of Students:



Upcoming Events: Lobbying

Preparation to lobby in Washington in the future.

Expected Number of students:


Recreational Department


 ACUI o Went to the Michael Jackson Dance off at Sylvania o Hosted Ping Pong Tournament here o Went to Interstate Lanes for Billiards and bowling

 Went to LAC

o Talked about the feedback we got from Rock Creek o Switching gears to focus more on Cascade and Rock Creek

 Went to BAC o Talked about the proposed budget


 ACUI o Confirm with contestants and with UW

 Make up Contest o More Details to follow

Sustainability Report

Past events:

Tack Back the Tap Taste Test 1/15/13

Success! Many participants with lots pledging to not use bottle water. Gave away four water bottles to participants.

Between 50-75 people

Mug Days X2

People are continuing to bring their own mugs and enjoy free coffee.

40-60 free cups of coffee given away to people utilizing reusable mugs.

TGIF Proposal Meeting

Approved the proposals written for the TGIF funds including: Fixit station at Cascade, Learning

Garden design for SE campus, Auspens for Rock Creek, Compost structure for the Rock Creek

Learning Garden also 3 hoop houses to be installed on raised beds. Pending: An all in one machine for tilling, wood-chipping , mowing etc. for the Rock Creek Learning Garden.

Earth Week Planning Committee

Talked about possible campus wide earth week events. Discussed: An artist presentation, a green business fair, a farmers market, a district wide Erecycling effort, and a trash to art competition.

Future Events:

Mug Days- every Wednesday 9-11am

Green Careers 3/04/13

Green team meets career resource center in an event to educate students about the future of sustainable career paths. More details soon.

Clubs Report: 01/28/13

Past Events:

 Sent a ton of emails

 Tabled for Clubs

 MLK Food Drive

 Winter Club Fair

 International Club (Da Hyun)

 Hiring Committee

 Attended the B.A.C.

 Recognition Luncheon

Future Events:

 Clubs 101

(Tuesday) January 29 th

11:00 am – 1:00 pm


(Wednesday) January 30 th

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

 District Club Convention

(Saturday) February 9 th

9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Cascade Campus


HUGE THANK YOU for all of the contribution and participation received this past week with the

MLK Drive, the Club Fair, and the Recognition Lunch!!

Multicultural Center

Friday, January 25 th , 2012


 Syria Event (Jan. 16 th )

 District Student Council Meeting (Jan. 17 th )

 BAC Representative attended meetings

 MC participated in ASPCC Club Fair (Jan. 22 nd -24 th )

 MLK Week (January 21 st – 24 th ) o Monday- Day of Service o Tuesday- A Time for Justice: America’s Civil Rights Movement o Wednesday- A History of Hate in the Pacific Northwest o Thursday- MLK Week Reception

Northwest Farm Workers Association


 Breakfast kick-off @ OMSI (District wide BHM) (Jan. 31 st )

 Semana de la Raza: o Poster Competition: Deadline Feb. 1 st


 Semana de la Raza Committee o Monday Feb 4 th - Bldg. 5 Rm. 136 from 12pm- 2pm

 Valentine’s Day Event (Feb. 14 th ) o L<3VE Yourself Workshop – MCC & QRC

Women’s Resource Center Report


 Childcare Subsidy Applications (Jan 7-11)

 Scholarship Workshop (Jan 10, 15, 16, 22)

 Book & Clothing Sale

 Parenting Club First Meeting on Tuesday, January 22




 “Love My Body” Day (Feb 14)

Career Resource Center Report

Friday, January 11 th , 2013

Present (Winter 2013)

 Peer Advising: Career Assessments, Scholarship Research appointments, transfer info.

 Continuing Scholarship workshops with WRC

Future (Month of January)


MLK Day of Service! (WFWA)


Tabling at Club Fair


Int’l Office Tabling about CRC Services (Cocoa & Careers)


Planning a sustainable related event with the ASPCC Sus. Team! Coming March 4 th

Upcoming University Visits:

Pacific University Tabling

(Bldg. 3, Mall Area)

- Wed Jan 23 (9am-3pm)

Portland State University Advising

Appointment Required! (Bldg. 9, Advising Center)

- Wed Jan 23 (9am-4pm)

Queer Resource Center Report

October 29- November 2


Gender Neutral Bathroom Task Force meeting o Cascade o Jan15

QSA meeting Tuesday

o Jan 15

Met with MC EA to plan a joint event for Valentine’s Day

Ricky, the winner of the Condom Fashion Show went to Lady Gaga

MLK Day of Service: QRC collected cans outside Wal-Mart on o Jan 21

Ulises attended the BAC 1/18 and 1/25

Movie Night: “Milk” o Jan 23

3 people attended (conflicted with Open Mic/Open Mind)

Addie attended the Black History Month Planning Committee

Tabled and club fair


Pronoun Board

Collecting info from students for the QRC pronoun board, which is currently being put up

Talking with Newberg Center about how they can support LGBT students

Preparing questions for Ally Week video


When: Tuesdays

Time: Noon- 1pm

Location: QRC

Movie Night o When: TBA o Time: TBA o Location: QRC


Gender Neutral Bathroom Task Force o Next meeting probably Sylvania o When: February 5 o Time: TBA

QSA o QSA meetings every Tuesday

Movie Night o Movie Nights will be every two week in the QRC, o Day and time TBA o we will show movies and documentaries with LGBTQ characters and/or themes

Ally Week o When: February 4-7

National Condom Week o When: February 11-15 o Partnering up with CAP

Valentine’s Day “Love Yourself” o Partnering up with the MC

