Opportunity for YEAR 12 to excel in EXAMINATION with private tuition EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Our past HSC students who have achieved outstanding results in the HSC are enthusiastic about supporting our current senior students by offering extra tuition during their senior study periods where possible, at very little cost. Students may discover they can do with extra tuition or indeed want to extend themselves and capitalise on their grades. Whatever the motivation, taking advantage of our new– Student Tutorial Program at Blackwattle Bay campus, would be a sensible initiative. The tuition will be a 60min one on one tutoring session over the school week for four or eight weeks, where possible held during school hours in study periods, Tuesday afternoons 3.15 – 4.15pm and sport time Thursday afternoons the study centre. The program will provide: Consolidation of course content Specific focus on the Mid Course Examinations. – revision of course content, preparation of examination techniques and reviewing past examinations Individual attention, targeting each students personal requirement ANCIENT HISTORY BIOLOGY BUSINESS STUDIES CHEMISTRY DRAMA ECONOMICS SUBJECTS ENGINEERING LEGAL STUDIES MATHEMATICS MODERN HISTORY PHYSICS PDHPE SOCIETY & CULTURE SOFTWARE DESIGN PHYSICS PDHPE SOCIETY & CULTURE VISUAL ARTS COST: HSC $100 per subject (4 X 60min sessions) VENUE SYDNEY SECONDARY COLLEGE – BLACKWATTLE BAY CAMPUS BEGINNING TERM 1 WEEK 5 - 8, Beginning Monday 22 February 2016 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST CLOSE Friday 12 February 2016 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPRESSION OF INTEREST I am interested in this program Student Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Subject/s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… Student’s Mobile number……………………………………… Student’s Email…………………………………………………………… Any enquires to Denise Nicola at denise.nicola@det.nsw.edu.au. Return to Ms Nicola or Box outside staffroom. Office use only Tutor Time Slot