Mark Breunig NRES 797 Project 3 Problem 1 (a) The Generalized Randomized Block Design Model: yijv = + i+ j+ ()ij + eijv yijv = the response of the vth replicate of the jth pesticide treatment in area i (v=1,2,..5 j=1,2,3 i=1,2) = overall mean soil pH th i= i area effect j = jth pesticide treatment effect (averaged over areas) ()ij = area-pesticide treatment interaction of the ith area and the jth pesticide treatment eijv = the error associated with the vth replicate of the jth pesticide treatment in the ith area (b) First, the initial assumptions of normality and constant variance must be satisfied. Test for Normality of pH: Ho: errors from the ANOVA are normal H1: errors from the ANOVA are non-normal α =0.05 Shapiro-Wilk test The p-value for this test is 0.3237; therefore, I fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude the pH values are normally distributed. Test for Constant Variance: H0: σ²1 = σ²2 = σ²3 H1: at least one not equal α=0.05 Levene’s Test The p-value for this test is 0.4892; therefore, I fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude homogeneity of variance. Since the initial assumptions of normality by treatment and constant variance are satisfied, the following test for Block Treatment Interaction is valid: H0: ()ij=0 i,j H1: at least one not equal F test: MS(BT)/MS(E) GLM The p-value for this test is 0.2705; therefore, I fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude there is no significant interaction between area and pesticide treatment. Test for Difference in Treatment: H0: 1=2=...=3 H1: at least one not equal F test: MS(T)/MS(E) GLM The p-value for this test is 0.003; therefore, I fail reject the null hypothesis and conclude there is a significant difference pesticide treatment effects on soil pH values. (c) Multiple Range Test for Differences in pesticide treatments: µ = mean soil pH H0: µpesticide treatment 1 = µpesticide treatment 2= µpesticide treatment 3 H1: at least one not equal α =0.05 Tukey’s test Tukey Grouping Mean N treat A A A 6.4700 10 1 6.2100 10 2 B 5.6200 10 3 Conclusion: The mean soil pH, while no different between pesticide treatments 1 and 2, is significantly lower for pesticide treatment 3. (d) Pesticide treatment 3 had the most impact on soil pH. Problem 2 A B C D AB AC AD BC BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD yijklm = μ + αi + βj +γk + δl + αβij + αγik + αδil + βγjk + βδjl + γδkl + αβγijk + αβδijl + αγδikl + βγδjkl + ABCD E αβγδijkl + εijklm (b) (a) A: A + AB + AD + ABD + E BC: BC + BCD + E ACD: ACD + ABCD + E BCD: BCD + E BC: Βγjk + βγδjkl + εijklm ACD: αγδikl + αβγδijkl + εijklm C: γk + βγjk + γδkl + βγδjkl + εijklm BCD: βγδjkl + εijklm