ppt - Montana Pesticide Safety Education Program

How to Use the EPA Core Manual
Pesticide Safety Education Program
MSU Extension
What is the EPA Core Manual
Study guide for taking the private applicator certification exam.
Satisfies the basic training requirements of FIFRA
Resource for questions you may have in the future
Covers many critical topics including:
How to Manage a Pest
Federal Pesticide Laws
Reading the Product Label
Different Formulations
Hazards and First Aid
How to Protect Yourself
Environmental Concerns
How do you use this as a study guide?
Do not panic about the test!
You have unlimited time
It is ungraded
It is an open book quiz
This is to help you as a future
Use the table of contents
Example #1: Your question relates to
Use Table of Contents
to narrow your search
Find the page
to refer
List some pest
Use the table of contents.
Turn to the page
and find the
Example #2: You have a question
relating to toxicity.
What are 2
types of
then page
Turn to
page then
Use Table of Contents
Look at bolded or highlighted words.
Refer to chapter summary for a quick review
if time is limited when studying.
Refer to index in the back of the manual if
you cannot find subject area in table of
contents (page 225).
If you have time to study
Take practice tests at the end of the chapter
Take Practice Exam on page 211.
Also a useful reference source
 Glossary
of pesticide
terminology (page 187).
continued - Also a useful reference source
Calibration formula’s for your sprayer (p.170)
continued - Also a useful reference source
Table of pesticide toxicities (page 77)
continued - Also a useful reference source
Conversions and calculations (page 199)
continued - Also a useful reference source
Other pesticide calculations (page 200)
This is not meant only as an aid for taking a
test. This is your resource to aid in your
future pesticide program!
Pesticide Safety Education Program
MSU Extension