3800-PM-BPNPSM0025e Module Rev. 8/2012 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF POINT AND NON-POINT SOURCE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGES FROM THE APPLICATION OF PESTICIDES ANTIDEGRADATION MODULE PESTICIDE APPLICATION TO HIGH QUALITY OR EXCEPTIONAL VALUE WATERS APPLICANT NAME TREATMENT AREA NO. WATER BODY NAME PESTICIDE NAME(S) (HQ or EV) TARGET ORGANISMS ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Check here if treatment area is “grandfathered” and proof is attached ANTIDEGRADATION ANALYSIS Public Health and Environmental Benefits: Explain the public health and/or environmental benefits of controlling the organism(s). Non-Discharge Alternatives: All environmentally sound and cost effective options that do not involve any application of pesticide (e.g., no action, prevention, source reduction, education, biological control agents, mechanical removal, stream buffers) must be considered before deciding to apply a pesticide. Describe and compare the non-discharge alternatives to pesticide application that were considered and why it was decided that they were not environmentally sound and cost effective, and that pesticides must be used. -1- 3800-PM-BPNPSM0025e Module Rev. 8/2012 Antidegradation Best Available Combination of Technologies (ABACT): Best practices must be employed to assure that adverse impacts on aquatic life other than the targeted organism are minimized, the minimum effective dose will be applied, and water quality effects do not persist beyond the timeframe needed for effective treatment. List the selected pesticide and the dose rate per unit area, flow, time or volume. Describe: 1) How the pesticide was evaluated to assure that it is the best option to minimize impacts on aquatic life other than the targeted species; if additional water uses will be affected, describe how they will be protected (e.g., public water supply, recreation, etc.). 2) How the dose rate was determined to be the minimum effective dose rate (e.g., label instructions); and 3) For pesticides that persist in the environment beyond the timeframe needed for effective treatment, the expected ultimate fate and effects on the aquatic environment. Check here if you are attaching a separate Social or Economic Justification (SEJ) demonstration in order to allow for some degree of degradation in High Quality waters (see instructions, 3800-PM-BPNPSM0025d). -2-