Applied Biological Psychology by Glen Getz

Biological Basis of Behavior
APPL 601
Location: AC 403
Alyssa Dietz M.S.
Spring 2015
Monday 5:30-8:00pm
Office Hours:
Contacting the Instructor
Monday 1:00-2:00 and/or by appointment
LC 410
Course Description
Survey of the anatomical structures and physiological processes that underlie psychological
functioning. Topics include the role of the central nervous system and the sensory, endocrine and
muscular systems as they contribute to the individual’s adaptations to internal and external
environments. Additional emphasis placed on biological underpinnings of research, assessment and
treatment of various mental health disorders and related conditions.
Course Objectives:
1. Learn about basic brain structures as relevant to behavior and health
2. Learn about brain structures implicated in the development, assessment, and treatment of
mental health disorders and related conditions
3. Increase comfort and ability to discuss mental health from within a biological framework.
4. Increase proficiency in providing psychoeducation as relevant to communicating biological
Required Text:
Applied Biological Psychology by Glen Getz
ISBN = 978-0-8261-0922-4
Students are expected to attend every class period and be punctual in their arrival to class. Though
attendance will not be taken formally, only students who are in attendance will have the opportunity
to earn points toward their grade via unannounced quizzes and assignments.
Academic Integrity
All students also are expected to be honest and to do their own work. This includes quizzes,
exams, term papers, homework, extra credit work, presentations, and any other assignment to
be completed in or out of this and any other class (unless otherwise directly indicated by the
instructor). Academic honesty includes, at the very least, submitting work that is yours, giving
appropriate credit whenever someone else’s work is used, and taking tests and completing
assignments strictly according to the conditions specified by the instructor. Any evidence to
the contrary will result in a failing grade for this course, as well the filing of a report of
academic dishonesty with the Academic Integrity Review Board. Plagiarism and other acts of
academic dishonesty will not be tolerated under any circumstance. If you are not sure what
the expectations are for any assignment, please ask your instructor for clarification.
The most frequently occurring problem behavior in this context is plagiarism. Plagiarism
occurs when a person submits written work as her/his own, when in fact the work has been
done entirely or in part by someone else to whom the person has not given appropriate credit.
This includes any written work that copies the language, structure, ideas, or thoughts of
another, work that has been paraphrased, and even the reporting of facts derived from another
source and not a part of common knowledge.
Exam Policies
Late arrival exam policy
o Once the first student to finish an exam has left the classroom, students who arrive to
class after the first student to finish has left WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE THE
o If you are in a position where you know you will miss an exam, you must talk to me
before the day of the exam. When I have not been notified in advance, make-up exams
will only be given under EXTREME circumstances and must be completed within one
week of the exam.
Percentage-to-letter grade chart
Points Earned
59.4 and below
Letter Grade
Evaluation Procedures
Grade Categories
Description of the requirements
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exams are based on material presented in the text, in class
lectures, and from peer presentations. Exams will consist
of a selection of multiple choice questions, fill-in-theblank questions, and short response questions.
The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience
translating biological terminology and concepts for varied
audiences while allowing students an in-depth focus on an
area of particular interest. You will facilitate a 30 minute
psychoeducation group with the class. Because this class is
biological basis of behavior, you are expected to focus the
majority of your mock group on biologically related topics
(e.g., discuss both what we know about physiological
structures and processes in terms of the development,
assessment, diagnosis, and treatment [i.e.,
psychopharmacology AND non-medication based
therapies]). You are free to be as creative as you like and
the incorporation of handouts, worksheets, video clips,
etc. is HIGHLY encouraged. A detailed rubric will be
posted to Sakai.
Weight of
final grade
100 points each
= 300 total
100 points
These unannounced assignments will vary in format and
will provide an estimate of attendance and participation as
the student must be in class that day in order to receive
points for the assignment. If missed, these assignments
cannot be made up. To allow for unforeseen circumstances
that may prevent a student from attending every class
period or otherwise perform to the best of her or his
ability, one of the grades for in-class assignments will be
dropped from the total points allotted for this type of
assignment in the overall course final grade. This means
that every student is allowed to miss one of these
assignments without detriment to the overall grade. These
in-class assignments may involve unannounced quizzes
over the readings assigned for that day, experiential
activities designed to promote active learning, or other
types of activities.
5 at
20 points each
= 100 total
Course Schedule
**The syllabus is a tentative guide, and the instructor reserves the right to make changes.
Required Reading
Syllabus Review; History of Neurobiology
Research & Clinical Methods
Nervous System & Brain structure
Major brain systems
EXAM #1 - Chapters 1-4
Childhood disorders (Mock Groups Begin)
Mood disorders; Anxiety Disorders
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Eating Disorders
EXAM #2 – Chapters 5-9
Sleep Disorders
Substance Disorders
Medical Disorders & TBI
Personality Disorders
FINAL EXAM (Exam #3; Chapters 10-14)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14