Leadership/Leadership Chapter 10

 Review Your Learning – Chapter 9, page 221
 Article Reviews – Problem Solving
 Chapter 10 – Planning & Conducting Effective
 Test Your Knowledge
OH 10-1
Planning and Conducting
Effective Meetings
OH 10-2
 Hospitality and Restaurant Management
Chapter Learning Objectives
 Identify different meeting types.
 Describe steps in planning a meeting, including
its agenda.
 Identify ground rules for successful meetings.
 Describe steps to conduct meetings.
OH 10-3
Meetings Can Be Unpopular
 Participants are unprepared.
 Many meetings are too long.
 People are not focused; others are disruptive.
 Information is confusing.
 Many people do not say what they think.
OH 10-4
The Manager and Effective Meetings
 The manager must be prepared for meetings.
 To be prepared, the manager must effectively
plan meetings.
OH 10-5
Types of Meetings
 Information meetings
 Problem-solving meetings
 Brainstorming meetings
 Action meetings
OH 10-6
Steps in Meeting Process
OH 10-7
Meeting Objectives
 Business objectives should be identified.
 Feedback should be obtained from managers
and employees who will attend the meeting.
OH 10-8
Developing the Agenda
 Agenda—topics to be covered at a meeting
 Meeting “basics”
 Meeting objectives
 Agenda topics
 Time frames for each agenda topic
 Concluding activities
OH 10-9
Meeting Warm-Up Activities
 Quick, interactive activity to prepare attendees
to focus on the meeting and its objectives
 Examples
 Introductions
 Team-building activities
 Training activities
OH 10-10
Premeeting Activities and Assignments
 What, if any, preactivities or assignments must
be completed?
 Should the activities be completed before or
during the meeting?
 How much time and what materials and
instructions will be required for the
OH 10-11
Scheduling the Meeting
 A carefully planned agenda will indicate the time
required for the meeting.
 When scheduling, consider available times of
those who must attend.
 Meet during slow business volume times.
OH 10-12
How Would You Answer
the Following Questions?
OH 10-13
Meeting objectives should be planned
(before/after) employees to attend the meeting
are identified.
Every meeting will require pre-meeting
activities and assignments. (True/False)
Agendas (are/are not) required for “routine”
Employees who will attend a meeting
(should/should not) provide input about it.
Conducting Meetings
Careful planning for this meeting will not be wasted if the
manager properly conducts it.
OH 10-14
Responsibilities of the Meeting Facilitator
 Determining whether topic discussion should
continue or should be addressed later
 Keeping track of allowed time
 Refocusing the group, if necessary
 Remaining neutral when managing the
discussion of sensitive topics
 Preventing meeting domination by any person
 Bringing closure to agenda topics
OH 10-15
Tactics for a Successful Meeting
 Arrive early.
 Use a sign-in sheet.
 Start on time.
 Use and follow an agenda.
OH 10-16
Tactics for a Successful Meeting continued
 Understand the purpose and objectives of the
 Identify action items and assignments.
 End on time.
 Use evaluation information for improvement.
OH 10-17
Ground Rules for Meetings
 Promptness
 Conversational courtesies
 Breaks
 Interruptions
 Rotation of routine tasks
 Question and answer periods
OH 10-18
Focus on Agenda Items
 Each agenda item should be considered, and, if
necessary, action items should be identified.
 Action items should be assigned to someone
who must complete the assignment by
a deadline.
OH 10-19
Closing the Meeting
 All action items should be identified and
reviewed to assure that there are no
misunderstandings about responsibilities.
 A schedule for the next meeting should
be established.
 The facilitator should summarize the meeting.
OH 10-20
Meeting Evaluation
 Purpose—determine what worked well and
change things that did not.
 Evaluations can be written or oral.
 Evaluations should be short and concise.
OH 10-21
Meeting Minutes
 Minutes should focus on three types
of information:
 Decisions made
 Action items
 Open “parking” lot issues
OH 10-22
How Would You Answer
the Following Questions?
OH 10-23
A manager does not need to facilitate each
meeting. (True/False)
Managers should establish ground rules for
meetings. (True/False)
Pre-agenda items should be action items.
Minutes should be circulated within two weeks
of the meeting date. (True/False)
Key Term Review
 Action item
 Action meetings
 Agenda
 Brainstorming meetings
 Call/emergency meetings
OH 10-24
Key Term Review continued
 Facilitator
 Ground rules
 Information meetings
 Meeting
 Minutes
OH 10-25
Key Term Review continued
 Next steps
 Parking lot
 Planning
 Problem-solving meetings
 Warm-up activity
OH 10-26
Chapter Learning Objectives—
What Did You Learn?
 Identify different meeting types.
 Describe steps in planning a meeting, including
its agenda.
 Identify ground rules for successful meetings.
 Describe steps to conduct meetings.
OH 10-27