PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DESIGN WITH VHDL Objectives Upon completion of this training, your VHDL knowledge will enable you to: Implement efficient combinatorial and sequential logic Design state machines and understand implementation trade-offs Use hierarchy / Create reusable components Identify how VHDL will synthesize and fit into a PLD, CPLD and FPGA Objectives (contd.) Upon completion of this training, you will be able to use Warp to: Compile and synthesize VHDL designs for programmable logic devices Create VHDL or Verilog timing simulation models for popular third party simulators. Target PLDs/CPLDs • Simulate the resulting device with the Aldec full timing simulator • Use the report file to determine operating frequency, setup time, clock to output delay, and device resource usage. Agenda Intro, Why Use VHDL?, Design Flow VHDL Design Descriptions The Entity, Ports, Modes, Types Exercise #1 - Write an entity statement The Architecture, differing styles Concurrent and Sequential statements Processes: Signals vs. Variables VHDL Operators/Overloading/Inferencing VHDL Identifiers Exercise #2 - write an architecture Tri-State Logic, Don't Cares Warp GUI overview Exercise #3 - Design a bus controller Aggregates and Subscripts Registers, Latches and Implicit Memory Exercise #4 - Design a counter Lunch State Machines and State Encoding Exercise #5 - Design a state machine Design Hierarchy - components, pkg’s, libraries Exercise #6 - Design a loadable counter hierarchy Generate Statement Multiplexing I/O pins Exercise #7 - DRAM output controller User defined attributes CPLD synthesis directives Miscellaneous Topics and Wrap-up Introduction VHDL is used to: document circuits simulate circuits synthesize design descriptions Synthesis is the reduction of a design description to a lowerlevel representation (such as a netlist or a set of equations). This training course covers VHDL for PLD synthesis The course will at times draw upon the concepts of VHDL as a simulation language Why Use VHDL? Quick Time-to-Market Allows designers to quickly develop designs requiring tens of thousands of logic gates Provides powerful high-level constructs for describing complex logic Supports modular design methodology and multiple levels of hierarchy One language for design and simulation Allows creation of device-independent designs that are portable to multiple vendors. Good for ASIC Migration Allows user to pick any synthesis tool, vendor, or device VHDL vs. Verilog History Developed by DoD in early 80s as means for Contractors to Describe Designs-Funded VHSIC 1987 IEEE ratified 1076 and DoD mandated VHDL(F-22) and EDA vendors created tools. 1993 - IEEE 1076 ‘93 1996 Commercial Sim and Synthesis tools become available and 1164 pkg enables multi value logic 1983 -Gateway founded by Genrad’s HDL and HILO simulator author.Releases Verilog HDL and Simulator 1985 Enhanced VerilogXL-used for high end designs -Fast Simulator interpretive-no need to precompile 1990 Cadence buys Gateway-nearly all ASIC foundries used XL as Golden Simulator 1995 IEEE 1364 VHDL vs. Verilog Compilation/Data Types/High Level Constructs/Verbosity/Ease Many E-A pairs may reside in single system file. User Can define Data Types-Powerful High Level Modeling w/ Package, Config, Generate Strongly Typed Language models must be precisely coded-often longer code Less intuitive but much more powerful constructs Order or Code is crucial to obtaining desired output. Simple Data Types are controlled by language No Equivalent High Level Modeling Constructs Verilog has looser structure-can lead to unwanted and unidentified errors-more concise code. Easiest to Grasp-more prone to create unwanted results WARP5.0 WARP2 Release 5.0 now supports Verilog Synthesis Same great Synthesis as VHDL Includes Aldec Full Timing Simulator and FSM Editor Generates timing simulation models for major third party VHDL and Verilog simulators New GUI-Microsoft Std Interface Even Better HDL Editor Supports All Cypress Devices Windows 95, NT, UNIX Same Great $99 Price Warp2/Warp3/Programming Design Entry Schematic Text/FSM Front End Simulation Synthesis Design Compilation Fitting Design Verification JEDEC Sim. Model JAM file Simulator ISR/Impulse3 Back End VHDL Design Descriptions VHDL design descriptions consist of an ENTITY declaration and an ARCHITECTURE body The ENTITY declaration describes the design I/O The ARCHITECTURE body describes the content or function of the design Every architecture needs an entity so it is common to refer to them together as an ENTITY/ARCHITECTURE PAIR Example Entity/Architecture Pair: A 2-Input And Function ENTITY and2 IS PORT ( a,b : IN std_logic; f: OUT std_logic); END and2; ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF and2 IS BEGIN f <= a AND b; END behavioral; The Entity A “BLACK BOX” The ENTITY describes the periphery of the black box (i.e., the design I/O) BLACK_BOX rst q[7:0] d[7:0] clk co Example Entity declaration ENTITY black_box IS PORT ( clk, rst: IN std_logic; d: IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); q: OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); co: OUT std_logic); END black_box; BLACK_BOX What does all this mean? rst q[7:0] d[7:0] clk co The Entity Declaration ENTITY entity_name IS -- optional generics PORT ( name : mode type ; ... ) ; END entity_name; entity_name is an arbitrary name generics are used for defining parameterized components name is the signal/port identifier and may be a comma separated list for ports of identical modes and types mode describes the direction the data is flowing type indicates the set of values name may be assigned Ports The Entity (“BLACK BOX”) has PORTS PORTS are the points of communication • PORTS are usually the device pins PORTS have an associated name, mode, and type Port Modes A port’s MODE indicates the direction that data is transferred: Entity IN Data goes into the entity only OUT Data goes out of the entity only (and is not used internally) INOUT Data is bi-directional (goes into and out of the entity) BUFFER Data that goes out of the entity and is also fed-back internally IEEE 1076 Types VHDL is a strongly typed language (you cannot assign a signal of one type to the signal of another type) bit - a signal of type bit that can only take values of '0' or '1' bit_vector - a grouping of bits (each can be '0' or '1') SIGNAL SIGNAL a: BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 3); -- ascending range b: BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); -- descending range a <= "0111"; -- double quotes used for vectors b <= "0101"; This means that: a(0) = '0' b(0) = '1' a(1) = '1' b(1) = '0' a(2) = '1' b(2) = '1' a(3) = '1' b(3) = '0' IEEE 1076 TYPES (contd.) INTEGER • useful as index holders for loops, constants, generics, or high-level modeling BOOLEAN • can take values ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ ENUMERATED • has user defined set of possible values, e.g., • TYPE traffic_light IS (green, yellow, red); IEEE 1164 A package created to solve the limitations of the BIT type Nine values instead of just two ('0' and '1') Allows increased flexibility in VHDL coding, synthesis, and simulation STD_LOGIC and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR are used instead of BIT and BIT_VECTOR when a multi-valued logic system is required STD_LOGIC and STD_LOGIC _VECTOR must be used when tri-state logic (Z) is required To be able to use this new type, you need to add 2 lines to your code: LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; 1164 Types std_logic and std_logic_vector are the industry standard logic type for digital design Values for Simulation & Synthesis ‘0’ -- Forcing ‘0’ ‘1’ -- Forcing ‘1’ ‘Z’ -- High Impedance ‘L’ -- Weak ‘0’ ‘H’ -- Weak ‘1’ ‘-’ -- Don’t care Values for Simulation only (std_ulogic): ‘U’ -- Uninitialized ‘X’ -- Forcing Unknown ‘W’ -- Weak Unknown Entity Declaration Example LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY black_box IS PORT ( clk, rst: IN std_logic; d: IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); q: OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); co: OUT std_logic); END black_box; BLACK_BOX MODE TYPE rst q[7:0] d[7:0] clk co Exercise #1: The Entity - A Walk through Write an entity declaration for the following: Port D is a 12-bit bus, input only Port OE and CLK are each input bits Port AD is a 12-bit, three-state bi-directional bus Port A is a 12-bit bus, output only Port INT is a three-state output Port AS is an output also used internally my_design d[11:0] oe clk ad[11:0] a[11:0] int as Exercise #1: Solution LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY my_design IS PORT ( d: IN std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0); oe, clk: IN std_logic; ad: INOUT std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0); a: OUT std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0); int: OUT std_logic; my_design as: BUFFER std_logic); END my_design; ad[11:0] d[11:0] -- In this presentation, VHDL keywords a[11:0] oe -- are highlighted in bold, CAPITALS; int clk as -- however, VHDL is not case sensitive: -- clock, Clock, CLOCK all refer to the -- same signal, -- means a comment The Architecture Architectures describe what is in the black box (i.e., the structure or behavior of entities) Descriptions can be either a combination of Structural descriptions • Instantiations (placements of logic-much like in a schematic-and their connections) of building blocks referred to as components Behavioral/Dataflow descriptions • Algorithmic (or “high-level”) descriptions: IF a = b THEN state <= state5; • Boolean equations (also referred to as dataflow): x <= a OR (b AND c); The Architecture Declaration ARCHITECTURE arch_name OF entity_name IS -- optional signal declarations, etc. BEGIN --VHDL statements END arch_name; arch_name is an arbitrary name optional signal declarations are used for signals local to the architecture body (that is, not the entity’s I/O). entity_name is the entity name statements describe the function or contents of the entity Architecture Body Styles : Behavioral ENTITY compare IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(0 TO 3); equals: OUT std_logic); END compare; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF compare IS BEGIN comp: PROCESS (a,b) BEGIN IF a = b THEN equals <= '1' ; ELSE equals <= '0' ; END IF ; END PROCESS comp; END behavior; Architecture Body Styles : Dataflow ENTITY compare IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(0 TO 3); equals: OUT std_logic); END compare; ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF compare IS BEGIN equals <= '1' WHEN a = b ELSE '0' ; END dataflow; Architecture Body Styles : Structural ENTITY compare IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(0 TO 3); equals: OUT std_logic); END compare; USE WORK.gatespkg.ALL ; ARCHITECTURE structure OF compare IS SIGNAL x : std_logic_vector (0 to 3) ; BEGIN u0: xnor2 PORT MAP (a(0),b(0),x(0)) ; u1: xnor2 PORT MAP (a(1),b(1),x(1)) ; u2: xnor2 PORT MAP (a(2),b(2),x(2)) ; u3: xnor2 PORT MAP (a(3),b(3),x(3)) ; u4: and4 PORT MAP (x(0),x(1),x(2),x(3),equals) ; END structure; Mixing Architecture Styles The various styles may be mixed in one architecture. ENTITY logic IS PORT ( a,b,c: IN std_logic; f: OUT std_logic); END logic; LOGIC a b d c USE WORK.gatespkg.ALL; ARCHITECTURE archlogic OF logic IS SIGNAL d: std_logic; BEGIN Behavioral/Dataflow d <= a AND b; Structural g1: nor2 PORT MAP (c, d, f); END archlogic; g1 f Comparing Architecture Styles These examples synthesize to equivalent circuits In more elaborate designs, some descriptions may yield more efficient circuits sloppy code = inefficient results (see section 3.3.4) Use styles that make your designs easier to describe and maintain Behavioral/Dataflow exploit module generation (described later) Structural descriptions may make the design less portable (may rely on a library of vendor-specific components) Module Generation In Warp release 4.0, a package called ‘std_arith’ can be used to overload the arithmetic (+, -, etc.) and relational operators (=, /=, <, etc.,) for std_logic, std_logic_vector and integer types Using this package causes adders, counters, comparators, etc., to automatically replace the operators in the design. These are optimized for the target architecture and synthesis goal (area/speed) • This is known as module generation Ultragen Synthesis if (a = b) then c <= ‘1’; end if; Speed Speed Adders Speed Adders Subtractors Subtractors Adders Adders Subtractors Subtractors Multipliers Multipliers Subtractors Subtractors Multipliers Multipliers Comparator Comparator Multipliers Multipliers s Comparators s Comparators Comparators Comparators Counters Counters Counters Counters Counters Counters Shifters Shifters Shifters Shifters Shifters Shifters FUltra39000 LASH370i Ultra37000 Ultra37000 c <= ‘0’; Area Area Adders Area Adders FLASH370i else Pre-optimized Circuits Ultra39000 The VHDL code below describes a comparator Warp chooses the best pre-optimized circuit to meet your design goals A Simple Counter LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE WORK.std_arith.ALL; clk ENTITY count8 IS PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; count: BUFFER std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0)); END count8 ; ARCHITECTURE arch_count8 OF count8 IS BEGIN upcount: PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF clk’EVENT and clk=‘1’ THEN count <= count + 1; END IF; END PROCESS upcount; END arch_count8; count VHDL Statements There are two types of statements, Concurrent and Sequential Concurrent Statements (means in parallel) Concurrent statements are “executed” concurrently (at the same time) The order of concurrent statements is not important Most of the examples we have seen so far have been concurrent statements: – Boolean Equations – WHEN-ELSE – WITH-SELECT-WHEN VHDL Statements (cont.) Sequential Statements (means in series) Sometimes we need to model complex functions. In that case, we can use an “algorithm” or model to describe the function. This is done with Sequential Statements With Sequential statements, the ORDER of the statements is important (example later) Therefore, we use a process to mark the beginning and end of a block of sequential statements Each completed process is considered to be one big concurrent statement (there can be many processes inside one architecture) What is a VHDL “Process” ? Processes are either awake or asleep (active or inactive) A process normally has a sensitivity list When a signal in that sensitivity list changes value, the process wakes up and all of the sequential statements are “executed” For example, a process with a clock signal in its sensitivity list will become active on changes of the clock signal At the end of the process, all outputs are assigned and the process goes back to sleep until the next time a signal changes in the sensitivity list The Process (contd.) label: PROCESS (sensitivity list) -- variable declarations BEGIN -- sequential statements END PROCESS label ; The process label and variable declarations are optional The process executes when one of the signals in the sensitivity list has an event Combinational Logic Can be described with concurrent statements boolean equations when-else with-select-when component instantiatons Can be described with sequential statements if-then-else case-when Combinational Logic w/ Boolean Equations Boolean Equations can be used in both concurrent and sequential signal assignment statements. A 4-1 multiplexer is shown below s x <= (a AND NOT(s(1)) AND NOT(s(0))) OR (b AND NOT(s(1)) AND s(0)) OR (c AND s(1) AND NOT(s(0))) OR (d AND s(1) AND s(0)) ; 2 a b c d mux x Selective Signal Assignment: with-select-when Assignment based on a selection signal WHEN clauses must be mutually exclusive Use a WHEN OTHERS when all conditions are not specified Only one reference to the signal, only one assignment operator (<=) WITH selection_signal SELECT signal_name <= value_1 WHEN value_1 of selection_signal, value_2 WHEN value_2 of selection_signal, ... value_n WHEN value_n of selection_signal, value_x WHEN OTHERS; Combinational Logic w/ Selective Signal Assignment The same 4-1 multiplexer is shown below with s select x <= a when “00” , b when “01” , c when “10” , d when others ; s 2 a b c d mux x More on with-select-when You can use a range of values with int_value select x <= a when 0 to 3, b when 4 | 6 | 8 , c when 10 , d when others ; Conditional Signal Assignment: when-else Signal is assigned a value based on conditions Any simple expression can be a condition Priority goes in order of appearance Only one reference to the signal, only one assignment operator (<=) Use a final ELSE to avoid latches signal_name <= value_1 value_2 ... value_n value_x WHEN condition1 ELSE WHEN condition2 ELSE WHEN condition N ELSE ; Combinational Logic w/ Conditional Signal Assignment The same 4-1 multiplexer is shown below x <= a when (s = “00”) else b when (s = “01”) else c when (s = “10”) else d; s 2 a b c d mux x Combinational Logic w/ Conditional Signal Assignment The when conditions do not have to be mutually exclusive (as in with-select-when) A priority encoder is shown below j <= w when (a = ‘1’) else x when (b = ‘1’) else y when (c = ‘1’) else z when (d = ‘1’) else “000” ; Combinatorial Logic w/ Sequential Statements Grouped together with Processes Processes are concurrent with one another and with concurrent statements Order of sequential statements does make a difference in synthesis Sequential Statements: if-then-else Used to select a set of statements to be executed Selection based on a boolean evaluation of a condition or set of conditions Absence of ELSE results in implicit memory IF condition(s) THEN do something; ELSIF condition_2 THEN -- optional do something different; ELSE -- optional do something completely different; END IF ; if-then-else 4-1 mux shown below mux4_1: process (a, b, c, d, s) begin if s = “00” then x <= a ; elsif s = “01” then x <= b ; elsif s = “10” then x <= c ; else x <= d ; end if; end process mux4_1 ; s 2 a b c d mux x Sequential Statements: Case-When CASE selection_signal IS WHEN value_1_of_selection_signal => (do something) -- set of statements 1 WHEN value_2_of_selection_signal => (do something) -- set of statements 2 ... WHEN value_N_of_selection_signal => (do something) -- set of statements N WHEN OTHERS => (do something) -- default action END CASE ; The CASE Statement: 4-1 Mux ARCHITECTURE archdesign OF design IS SIGNAL s: std_logic_vector(0 TO 1); BEGIN mux4_1: PROCESS (a,b,c,d,s) BEGIN CASE s IS WHEN "00" => x <= a; WHEN "01" => x <= b; WHEN "10” => x <= c; WHEN OTHERS => x <= d; END CASE; END PROCESS mux4_1; END archdesign; s 2 a b c d mux x Signal Assignment in Processes Which Circuit is Correct? ARCHITECTURE arch_reg OF reg IS SIGNAL b: std_logic reg2: PROCESS BEGIN WAIT UNTIL clock = '1' ; -- implied sensitivity list b <= a; c <= b; -- after the rising clock edge, a goes to b -- after the rising clock edge, b goes to c END PROCESS reg2; END arch_reg a a c clock clock b c Signal Assignment in Processes Inside processes, signals are not updated immediately. Instead, they are scheduled to be updated The signals are not actually updated until the END PROCESS statement is reached Therefore, on the previous slide, two registers will be synthesized (c <= b will be the old b) In some cases, the use of a concurrent statement outside the process will fix the problem, but this is not always possible So how else can we fix this problem ? Variables When a concurrent signal assignment outside the process cannot be used, the previous problem can be avoided using a variable Variables are like signals, BUT they can only be used inside a PROCESS. They cannot be used to communicate information between processes Variables can be of any valid VHDL data type The value assigned to a variable is available immediately Assignment of variables is done using a colon (:), like this: c := a AND b; Using Variables vs. Signals Solution using a variable within a process: -- assume a and c are signals defined elsewhere ARCHITECTURE arch_reg OF reg IS PROCESS VARIABLE b: std_logic ; BEGIN WAIT UNTIL clock = '1' ; b := a ; -- this is immediate c <= b ; -- this is scheduled END PROCESS ; END arch_reg; Native Operators Logical - defined for type bit, bit_vector, boolean* AND, NAND OR, NOR XOR, XNOR NOT Relational - defined for types bit, bit_vector, integer* = (equal to) /= (not equal to) < (less than) <= (less than or equal to) > (greater than) >= (greater than or equal to) * overloaded for std_logic, std_logic_vector Native Operators (contd.) Unary Arithmetic - defined for type integer* - (arithmetic negate) Arithmetic - defined for type integer* + (addition), * (multiplication) - (subtraction) Concatenation - defined for strings & Note, a STRING is any sequence of characters, therefore a std_logic_vector is an example of a STRING * overloaded for std_logic, std_logic_vector Overloaded Operators In VHDL, the scope of all of the previous operators can be extended (or overloaded) to accept any type supported by the language, e.g., ----- assume a declaration of a 16-bit vector as SIGNAL pc IS std_logic_vector(15 DOWNTO 0); then a valid signal assignment is pc <= pc + 3; assuming the '+' operator has been overloaded to accept std_logic_vector and integer operands The std_logic_1164 package defines overloaded logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, etc.,) for the std_logic and std_logic_vector types In this training, you will learn to use overloaded operators, but not to define them Legal VHDL Identifiers Letters, digits, and underscores only (first character must be a letter) The last character cannot be an underscore Two underscores in succession are not allowed Using reserved words is not allowed (the VHDL editor will highlight reserved words for this reason) Examples Legal • tx_clk, Three_State_Enable, sel7D, HIT_1124 Not Legal • _tx_clk, 8B10B, large#num, case, clk_ The Warp Design Environment Using the Project Wizard Entering Project Name / Path Adding Files to the Project Selecting a Device Opening up a File for Editing Additional Tools Review Describing the left hand files pane Overview of Pull down menus Reviewing On-line Help Using the Project Wizard Open Galaxy Using the <file> pull down menu, select <new> Select “Project - Target Device”, then <ok> Entering Project Name / Path In the Project Name dialog box, enter “exercise2”, then <ok> In the Project Path dialog box, browse to “C:\warp\class”, then select <next> Adding Files to the Project Highlight “ex2.vhd”, select <add> then <ok> Selecting a Device Double click on “Small PLDs” Select “22V10” on the left and “PALCE22V10-5JC” on the right, then hit <finish>, then <ok> Opening up a File for Editing In the left hand pane, double click on “ex2.vhd”. This will open the file up in the editor on the right Exercise #2: Architecture Declaration of a Comparator The entity declaration is as follows: a(3:0) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; b(3:0) ENTITY compare IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); aeqb: OUT std_logic); END compare; Write an architecture that causes aeqb to be asserted when a is equal to b Multiple solutions exist aeqb Three possible solutions Concurrent statement solution using a conditional assignment: ARCHITECTURE arch_compare OF compare IS BEGIN aeqb <= '1' WHEN a = b ELSE '0'; END arch_compare; Concurrent statement solution using boolean equations: ARCHITECTURE arch_compare OF compare IS BEGIN aeqb <= NOT( (a(0) XOR b(0)) OR (a(1) XOR b(1)) OR (a(2) XOR b(2)) OR (a(3) XOR b(3))); END arch_compare; Three possible solutions (contd.) Solution using a process with sequential statements: ARCHITECTURE arch_compare OF compare IS BEGIN comp: PROCESS (a, b) BEGIN IF a = b THEN aeqb <= '1'; a(0 TO 3) ELSE aeqb <= '0'; b(0 TO 3) END IF; END PROCESS comp; END arch_compare; aeqb Using Tri-State Logic ENTITY test_three IS PORT( oe : IN std_logic; data : OUT std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); END test_three; ARCHITECTURE archtest_three OF test_three IS BEGIN PROCESS (oe) BEGIN IF (oe = '1') THEN data <= "01100100"; ELSE data <= "ZZZZZZZZ"; END IF; END PROCESS; END archtest_three; Behavioral Don’t Cares Warp uses explicit "don’t care" conditions to produce optimal logic equations IF (a = '1') AND (b = '1') THEN x <= c; ELSE x <= '-'; END IF; Produces the equation x = c To assign don’t cares in VHDL: mysig <= '-'; 'X' means "unknown" and is not useful for synthesis Comparing Vectors to Strings -more on don't cares Comparing "1101" to "11-1" will return FALSE Use std_match(a,"string") Must include std_arith package Example: ... signal a : std_logic_vector (1 to 4) ; ... IF std_match(a,"10-1") THEN x <= '1' ; END IF ; Additional Tools Review Describing the left hand files pane Source File Listing Design Hierarchy Output File Listing Pull down menus File, Edit, View, Format, Project, Compile, Templates, Bookmarks, Tools, Window, Help On-line Help Source File Listing Click on the leftmost tab on the bottom of the left hand pane All source files for the current project will be displayed Double click on any file to open it up in the editor window on the right Hierarchy Listing Click on the centermost tab on the bottom of the left hand pane The project hierarchy will be displayed Output File Listing Click on the rightmost tab on the bottom of the left hand pane All output files for the current project will be displayed Double click on any file to open it up in the editor window on the right By selecting a sub-heading within a file, the editor will go to that section Lower Status Windows The lower window pane of Galaxy displays the following Compiler - A line by line account of the entire compilation process. If an error is shown, you can jump into the proper file and line by double clicking on the error. Errors & Warnings - This tab only shows errors & warnings Search in files - Shows all occurrences generated by search in files button Pull-down Menus Files Menu - Allows the opening or closing of files and projects, printing, and recalling of prior files and projects Pull-down Menus Edit Menu - Typical Cut, Copy and Paste commands as well as Find, Replace and Search all files. Additionally, the editor and project user preferences dialog box can be selected. Output File Listing The Preferences screen allows the user to select editor options such as autosave, font size, tab spacing and highlighting. Additionally, project settings can be set up as well Pull-down Menus View Menu - Allows the user to select several viewing options such as viewing pane options and toolbars Format Menu - Allows block comment / un-comment as well as the setting of tabs Pull-down Menus Project Menu - Used to add and remove files from a project and perform library management. Additionally the user can select/change device types, set compiler options, set a project as the top level in a hierarchy as well as back annotate pins and nodes to a control file. Compiler Options The Compiler options screen allows the user to choose generic attributes for his file such as area/speed and optimization effort, I/O voltage, slew rate and bus hold. Additionally technology mapping attributes can be set. Finally, the timing model output and test bench output formats can be selected. Pull-down Menus Compile Menu - Allows the user to compile the selected file or the entire project. Templates Menu - The user can browse through VHDL constructs or place LPM modules within his VHDL code. Bookmarks Menu - Allows the user to add and recall bookmarks within his files. Tools Menu - Launches the Jam Composer, Aldec Simulator and Aldec FSM Editor Pull-down Menus Window Menu - Allows positioning of files within the edit window as well as swapping between tabbed windows. Help Menu - Access to on-line help and device selector guide. Exercise #3: The Schematic en(0) dir gnd en(1) nOE LE nOE LE control[7:0] status[7:0] gnd dir CY74FCT373T en(2) en(3) nOE T/R CY74FCT373T nOE LE data[7:0] CY74FCT245T CY74FCT373T addr[1:0] dir nvalid en[0:3] PLD Exercise #3 Use Warp to compile the VHDL design description of the truth table below: Addr(1:0) nvalid "00" "00" "01" "01" "10" "10" "11" "11" '0' '1' '0' '1' '0' '1' '0' '1' en(3) en(2) en(1) en(0) dir 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Write the Architecture for the given Entity (next) Save design in file named “ex3.vhd” Exercise #3: The Entity Declaration the entity declaration is as follows: LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ex3 IS PORT ( addr: IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); nvalid: IN std_logic; en: BUFFER std_logic_vector(0 TO 3); dir: OUT std_logic ); addr END ex3; nvalid dir en PLD Exercise #3: Instructions Create a new project using the Project Wizard Choose <file>, <new>, <Project - Target Device> Name your project exercise3, click <Next> Select the file ex3.vhd and <Add> it to the project To choose a device: In the left hand window, double click on the SPLD folder, then single click on the 22V10 folder. In the right hand window, select a PALCE22V10-5PC. Note that the details of the device are outlined below. Click <Finish> Double click on the ex3.vhd folder in the left hand window to open the file up into the editor window on the right. Exercise #3: Instructions (contd.) To designate that ex3.vhd is the top level design, either choose <Project> <Set Top> or hit the shortcut button. Output an 1164/VHDL timing file by selecting <Project> <Compiler Options>. In the Simulation Timing Model box, select 1164/VHDL Modify the code in the editor window on the right to perform the function shown in the prior truth table. To compile your design, either choose <Compile> <Selected> or hit the shortcut button. If an error appear in the lower window, double click on it to highlight the location of the error in the editor. Re-compile until all errors are gone Exercise #3: Instructions (contd.) Simulate the design using the Aldec simulator Select <Tools> <Active-HDL Sim> Select <File> <Open VHDL> and select c:\warp\class\vhd\ex3.vhd Select <File> <Open Waveform> and select c:\warp\class\wave_ex3.awf Assure the ‘Time To Run’ is 200ns Run the simulator <F5> or Review against output on the following page Reference the application note handout for additional details Exercise #3: Aldec Simulator Waveform Exercise #3: The Solution The architecture is as follows: ARCHITECTURE archex3 OF ex3 IS BEGIN en(0) <= '0' WHEN (addr = "00" AND nvalid = '0') ELSE '1'; en(1) <= (NOT addr(1)) AND addr(0) AND (NOT nvalid) ; en(2) <= '0' WHEN (addr = "10" AND nvalid = '0') ELSE '1'; en(3) <= addr(1) AND addr(0) AND (NOT nvalid); dir <= '0' WHEN (addr = "00" AND nvalid = '0') OR (addr = "10" AND nvalid = '0') ELSE '1' ; END archex3; Aggregates and Subscripts An aggregate assignment concatenates signals together Good for creating a bus from several inputs The concatenation operator can be used as well tmp <= (a,b,c,d); tmp <= a & b & c & d; Signals can be “pulled” from larger vectors Good for grouping outputs as an “alias” Sizes on both sides of assignment must match rw <= ctrl(0); ce <= ctrl(1); oe <= ctrl(2); highcount <= count(7 DOWNTO 4); Exercise #3: Alternate Solution Using With/Select and aggregates ARCHITECTURE archex3 OF ex3 IS SIGNAL control : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL outputs : std_logic_vector(0 TO 4); BEGIN control <= addr & nvalid; WITH control SELECT outputs <= "00100" WHEN "000", "10101" WHEN "001", "11101" WHEN "010", "10101" WHEN "011", "10000" WHEN "100", "10101" WHEN "101", "10111" WHEN "110", "10101" WHEN "111", "-----" WHEN OTHERS; en <= outputs(0 TO 3); dir <= outputs(4); END archex3; Synchronous Logic PLDs work well in synchronous applications Two methods of creating synchronous logic Structurally • instantiating components with registers Behaviorally • Using a processes with a clock signal in the sensitivity list Registers in Behavioral VHDL Example: a D-type flip-flop ENTITY registered IS PORT ( d, clk: IN std_logic; q: OUT std_logic); END registered; ARCHITECTURE archregistered OF registered IS BEGIN flipflop: PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk) THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS flipflop; END archregistered; Registers in Behavioral VHDL The synthesis compiler infers that a register is to be created for which signal q is the output because The clock (clk) is in the sensitivity list The construct, rising_edge(clk), falling_edge(clk) or clk’event AND clock=‘1’ appears in the process The rising_edge(clk) or falling_edge(clk) statement implies that subsequent signal assignments occur on the rising/falling edge of the clock The absence of an “else” clause in the “if-then” statement implies that if the clk’event and clk = ‘1’ condition is not fulfilled (i.e. not a rising-edge), q will retain its value until the next assignment occurs (this is referred to as implied memory) Rising/Falling Edge Functions The 1164 package defines 2 functions for edge detection rising_edge (signal) • similar to (signal’event and signal =‘1’) falling_edge (signal) • similar to (signal’event and signal =‘0’) if rising_edge(clk) then q <= d; end if; A Registered Process (1) A 4-bit counter with synchronous reset USE WORK.std_arith.ALL; ... count upcount: PROCESS (clk) clk BEGIN rst IF rising_edge(clk) THEN IF reset = '1' THEN count <= "0000"; -- or x"0" instead ELSE count <= count + 1; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS upcount; This process is only sensitive to changes in “clk”, i.e., it will become active only when the clock transitions A Registered Process (2) A 4-bit counter with asynchronous reset USE WORK.std_arith.ALL; ... upcount: PROCESS (clk, reset) BEGIN IF reset = '1' THEN count <= x"0"; ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN count <= count + 1; END IF; count clk rst END PROCESS upcount; This process is sensitive to changes in both clk and rst, i.e., it will become active during clock or reset transitions. A Registered Process (3) A 4-bit loadable counter with asynchronous reset USE WORK.std_arith.ALL; ... data load upcount: PROCESS (clk, reset) clk BEGIN IF reset = '1’ rst THEN count <= x"0" ; ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN IF load = '1' THEN count <= data; ELSE count <= count + 1; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS upcount; count Creating a level-sensitive latch Instead of using the rising_edge or falling_edge function, replace it with clk=‘1’ or clk=‘0’ and put d in the sensitivity list latch: PROCESS (clk, d) BEGIN IF clk = '1' THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS latch; d clk q Instantiating a registered component Example: Using LPM library LIBRARY ieee; d USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE WORK.lpmpkg.all ; clk ENTITY registered IS PORT ( d: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); q: OUT std_logic _vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END registered; q ARCHITECTURE archregistered OF registered IS BEGIN flipflop: Mff generic map (lpm_width=>4,lpm_fftype=>lpm_dff) PORT MAP (data=>d,clock=>clk,enable=>one,q=>q); END archregistered; The WAIT statement This is another method to activate a process The WAIT statement is a sequential statement which suspends the execution of a process until the condition specified becomes valid (true) i.e., an implied sensitivity list, e.g., sync: PROCESS BEGIN WAIT UNTIL clock='1'; IF enable='1' THEN q_out <= d_in; ELSE q_out <= '0'; END IF; END PROCESS sync; enable d_in clock D Q q_out Implicit memory Signals in VHDL have a current value and may be scheduled for a future value If the future value of a signal cannot be determined, a latch will be synthesized to preserve its current value Advantages: Simplifies the creation of memory in logic design Disadvantages: Can generate unwanted latches, e.g., when all of the options in a conditional sequential statement are not specified Implicit memory: Example of incomplete specification ARCHITECTURE archincomplete OF incomplete IS BEGIN im_mem: PROCESS (a,b) a c BEGIN IF a = '1' THEN c <= b; b END IF; END PROCESS im_mem; END archincomplete; Note: the incomplete specification of the IF...THEN... statement causes a latch to be synthesized to store the previous state of ‘c’ Implicit memory: Example of complete specification ARCHITECTURE archcomplete OF complete IS BEGIN no_mem: PROCESS (a, b) BEGIN IF a = '1' THEN c <= b; ELSE c <= '0'; END IF; END PROCESS no_mem; END archcomplete; a b The conditional statement is fully specified, and this causes the process to synthesize to a single gate c The rules to avoid implicit memory To avoid the generation of unexpected latches always terminate an IF...THEN... statement with an ELSE clause cover all alternatives in a CASE statement • define every alternative individually, or • terminate the CASE statement with a WHEN OTHERS... clause, e.g., CASE coin_inserted IS WHEN quarter => WHEN dime => WHEN nickel => WHEN OTHERS => END CASE; total<=total+25; total<=total+10; total<=total+5; total<=total; error<=‘1’; Exercise #4 Making use of the previous examples, write an entity/architecture pair for the following design: ENC COUNTER DATA LD 4 DIN LD COUNT Q 4 ENC COMPARATOR CLOCK P RST RESET (sync) P=Q Q REGISTER DIN ENR Q ENR 4 Exercise #4: Instructions Create a new project using the Project Wizard Choose <file>, <new>, <Project - Target Device> Name your project exercise4, click <Next> Select the file ex4.vhd and <Add> it to the project The target device is 32 Macrocell 8.5 ns CPLD in a 44 pin TQFP package. Choose CY7C371I-143AC Modify the code in the editor window on the right to perform the function shown in the prior diagram. Hints: Use 2 processes and a concurrent statement Use the register, counter, and comparator shown previously Incorporate count enable logic in count process Exercise #4: Instructions (contd.) To simulate your design with the Aldec Simulator, open the VHDL file C:\warp\class\vhd\ex4.vhd and then select <Simulation> <Initialize Simulation> Add all of the signals by selecting <Waveform> <Add Signals> (or using the shortcut ). When the window opens, double click on each signal in the right hand box until all signals are added. Enter the stimulus found on the following page, reference the applications note handed out in class for additional details Exercise #4: Instructions (contd.) Add the following stimulus: reset <= formula 1 0, 0 20 ns, 1 300 ns clock <= clock of 100 MHz enr <= formula 0 0, 1 70 ns, 0 80 ns ld <= formula 0 0, 1 120 ns, 0 130 ns data <= 0000 0, 1100 50 ns, 16#3 100 ns, 16#0 150 ns enc <= formula 0 0, 1 160 ns After completing your design, back annotate the pin numbers by choosing <Project> <Annotate> and then <OK>. To view the back annotated pins, select <View> <Control File> from the pull down menu’s Exercise #4: Additional Help To get help on the format for adding stimulators (or any other topic), open up the stimulator dialog box and click on the question mark in the upper right corner ( ) then in the Enter Formula box. Exercise #4: Aldec Simulator Waveform Exercise #4: Solution LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ex4 IS PORT ( clock, reset, enc, enr, ld: IN std_logic; data: IN std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); count: BUFFER std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END ex4; USE WORK.std_arith.ALL; -- for counter and Ultragen ARCHITECTURE archex4 OF ex4 IS SIGNAL comp: std_logic; SIGNAL regout: std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN reg: PROCESS (clock) BEGIN IF RISING_EDGE(clock) THEN IF enr = '1' THEN regout <= data; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS reg; Exercise #4: Solution (contd.) cntr: PROCESS (clock) BEGIN IF RISING_EDGE(clock) THEN IF reset = '1' THEN count <= "0000"; ELSIF ld = '1' THEN count <= data; ELSIF enc = '1' AND comp = '0' THEN count <= count + 1; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS cntr; comp <= '1' WHEN regout = count ELSE '0'; END archex4; Exercise #4: Control File Ex4.ctl: Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS PIN_NUMBERS of of of of of of of of of of of of of count(1) is "37" ; count(2) is "30" ; data(2) is "29" ; data(1) is "27" ; data(0) is "26" ; count(3) is "25" ; count(0) is "18" ; data(3) is "15" ; ld is "14" ; enc is "13" ; reset is "12" ; clock is "7" ; enr is "4" ; State machines Moore Machines A finite state machine in which the outputs change due to a change of state Mealy Machines A finite state machine in which the outputs can change asynchronously i.e., an input can cause an output to change immediately Moore machines Outputs may change only with a change of state Multiple implementations include: Arbitrary state assignment • outputs must be decoded from the state bits • combinatorial decode • registered decode Specific state assignment • outputs may be encoded within the state bits • one-hot encoding Example: A Traffic Light Controller Let’s take a look at an example state machine and see how to describe it using the 3 types of implementations: TIMER2 TIMER3 RESET (asynchronous) TIMER1 TIMER2 RED GREEN R='1' G='1' YELLOW TIMER1 TIMER3 Y='1' Moore state machine implementations (1) Outputs decoded from state bits COMBINATORIALLY combinatorial output logic is in series with state registers outputs are a function of the present state only time from clock to output (tco) is long Present State Inputs Next State Logic Next State Output Logic State Registers Tco + tpd Outputs Example: The Entity Declaration The entity declaration remains exactly the same for each implementation. For example: LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY state_machine IS PORT ( clock, reset: timer1, timer2, timer3: r, y, g: END state_machine; IN std_logic; IN std_logic; OUT std_logic); Example: Solution 1 Combinatorial outputs decoded from the state registers ARCHITECTURE arch_1 OF state_machine IS TYPE traffic_states IS (red, yellow, green); -- enumerated type SIGNAL sm: traffic_states; BEGIN fsm: PROCESS (clock, reset) -- the process describes the BEGIN -- state machine only IF reset = '1' THEN sm <= red; ELSIF rising_edge(clock) THEN CASE sm IS WHEN red => IF timer1=‘1’ THEN sm <= green; ELSE sm <= red; END IF; WHEN green => IF timer2=’1' THEN sm <= yellow; ELSE sm <= green; END IF; Example: Solution 1 (contd.) WHEN yellow => IF timer3=’1’ THEN sm <= red; ELSE sm <= yellow; END IF; WHEN others => sm <= red; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; -- the outputs are decoded from the state machine -- registers using combinatorial logic r <= '1' WHEN (sm = red) ELSE '0'; g <= '1' WHEN (sm = green) ELSE '0'; y <= '1' WHEN (sm = yellow) ELSE '0'; END arch_1; Moore state machine implementations (2) Outputs decoded from state bits using REGISTERS registered output logic is in parallel with state registers outputs are a function of the previous state and the inputs tco is shorter, but you need more registers Inputs Next State Logic State Registers Output Logic Output Registers tco Present State Outputs Example: Solution 2 Registered outputs decoded from the state registers ARCHITECTURE arch_2 OF state_machine IS TYPE traffic_states IS (red, yellow, green); SIGNAL sm: traffic_states; BEGIN fsm: PROCESS (clock, reset) -- the process describes the BEGIN -- state machine AND the outputs IF reset = '1' THEN sm <= red; r<=‘1’; g<=‘0’; y<=‘0’; ELSIF rising_edge(clock) THEN CASE sm IS WHEN red => IF timer1=‘1’ THEN sm <= green; r<=‘0’; g<=‘1’; y=‘0’; ELSE sm <= red; r<=‘1’; g<=‘0’; y=‘0’; END IF; Example: Solution 2 (contd.) WHEN green => IF timer2=’1' THEN sm <= yellow; r<=‘0’; g<=‘0’; y<=‘1’; ELSE sm <= green; r<=‘0’; g<=‘1’; y<=‘0’; END IF; WHEN yellow => IF timer3=’1' THEN sm <= red; r<=‘1’; g<=‘0’; y<=‘0’; ELSE sm <= yellow; r<=‘0’; g<=‘0’; y<=‘1’; END IF; WHEN others => sm <= red; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; END arch_2; Moore State Machine Implementations (3) We encoded the outputs within the state registers State Red Green Yellow State Encoding S0 1 0 0 100 S1 0 1 0 010 S2 0 0 1 001 Note: Both bits of the state encoding are used as outputs Inputs Logic State Registers Tco Outputs Example: Solution 3 Outputs encoded inside the state registers ARCHITECTURE arch_3 OF state_machine IS SIGNAL CONSTANT CONSTANT CONSTANT sm: red: green: yellow: std_logic_vector(2 std_logic_vector(2 std_logic_vector(2 std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO DOWNTO DOWNTO DOWNTO 0) 0) 0) 0) ; := ”100" ; := "010" ; := "001" ; BEGIN fsm: PROCESS (clock, reset) -- the process describes the BEGIN -- state machine only IF reset = '1' THEN sm <= red; ELSIF rising_edge(clock) THEN CASE sm IS WHEN red => IF timer1=‘1’ THEN sm <= green; ELSE sm <= red; END IF; Example: Solution 3 (contd.) WHEN green => IF timer2=’1' THEN sm <= yellow; ELSE sm <= green; END IF; WHEN yellow => IF timer3=’1’ THEN sm <= red; ELSE sm <= yellow; END IF; WHEN others => sm <= red; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; r <= sm(2); g <= sm(1); y <= sm(0); END arch_3; -- the outputs are just taken from -- the state machine registers -- (no decode logic required) State Machines: One-hot Encoding One state per flip-flop in FPGA-type architectures • reduces the next state logic • requires fewer levels of logic cells • enables high-speed state machines (> 100MHz) in CPLDs • reduces the number of product terms • can eliminate ‘expander’ product terms (i.e. reduce delays, and increase operating speed) • but, uses more macrocells Example: One-hot-one Solution Combinatorial outputs decoded from the state registers ARCHITECTURE arch_1 OF state_machine IS TYPE traffic_states IS (red, yellow, green); -- enumerated type SIGNAL sm: traffic_states; ATTRIBUTE state_encoding OF traffic_states: TYPE IS one_hot_one; BEGIN fsm: PROCESS (clock, reset) -- the process describes the BEGIN -- state machine only IF reset = '1' THEN sm <= red; ELSIF rising_edge(clock) THEN CASE sm IS WHEN red => IF timer1=‘1’ THEN sm <= green; ELSE sm <= red; END IF; WHEN green => IF timer2=’1' THEN sm <= yellow; ELSE sm <= green; END IF; Example: One-hot-one Solution (contd.) WHEN yellow => IF timer3=’1' THEN sm <= red; ELSE sm <= yellow; END IF; WHEN others => sm <= red; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; -- the outputs are decoded from the state machine -- registers using combinatorial logic r <= '1' WHEN (sm = red) ELSE '0'; g <= '1' WHEN (sm = green) ELSE '0'; y <= '1' WHEN (sm = yellow) ELSE '0'; END arch_1; State Machine Encoding: Example State Sequential S0 000 S1 001 S2 010 S3 011 S4 100 S5 101 One-hot-one 000001 000010 000100 001000 010000 100000 S3 State Logic Sequential - enable * /b2 * b1 * b0 One-hot-one - enable * b3 Moore Machines: Summary Outputs decoded from the state bits • flexibility during the design process • using enumerated types allows automatic state assignment during compilation Outputs encoded within the state bits • manual state assignment using constants • the state registers and the outputs are merged • reduces the number of registers • but, may require more product terms One-Hot encoding • reduces next state decode logic • high speed operation • but, uses more registers Mealy Machines Outputs may change with a change of state OR with a change of inputs Mealy outputs are non-registered because they are functions of the present inputs State Registers Inputs Logic Outputs Example: The Wait State Generator State diagram: PWAIT RESET (async) REQ IDLE RETRY RETRY_OUT='1' if, ENABLE='0' REQ PWAIT Example: Mealy Machine Solution ARCHITECTURE archmealy1 OF mealy1 IS TYPE fsm_states IS (idle, retry); SIGNAL wait_gen: fsm_states; BEGIN fsm: PROCESS (clock, reset) BEGIN IF reset = '1' THEN wait_gen <= idle; ELSIF FALLING_EDGE(clock) THEN CASE wait_gen IS WHEN idle => IF req = '0' THEN wait_gen <= retry; ELSE wait_gen <= idle; END IF; WHEN retry => IF pwait = '1' THEN wait_gen <= idle; ELSE wait_gen <= retry; END IF; WHEN OTHERS => wait_gen <= idle; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; retry_out <= '1' WHEN (wait_gen = retry AND enable='0') ELSE '0'; END archmealy1; Exercise #5 Design a state machine to implement the function shown below: RESET (sync) POS hold POS sample extend clear='0' track='1' track='1' Exercise #5: Instructions Using the Project Wizard create a new project named exercise5 and add the template ex5.vhd The target device is 32 Macrocell 10 ns CPLD in a 44 pin PLCC package. Choose CY7C371I-110JC Use automatic state bit assignment using an enumerated type Compile and synthesize your design using Warp Check the report file for the number of macrocells used. What is the clock-to-output time (tco)? Change your state machine to use constants as follows: hold=“10” sample=“01” extend=“11” Re-compile your design and check the report file again How many macrocells are utilized now ? What is the tco? Exercise #5: Instructions (contd.) To simulate your design with the Aldec Simulator, open the VHDL file C:\warp\class\vhd\ex5.vhd and then select <Simulation> <Initialize Simulation> Add all of the signals by selecting <Waveform> <Add Signals> (or using the shortcut ). When the window opens, double click on each signal in the right hand box until all signals are added. Select the ‘clock’ signal with the <left mouse> button. Now depress the <right mouse> button and select <Stimulators>. Choose <Clock> from the stimulator type pull down menu, set the frequency to 50MHz and then depress <apply>. Exercise #5: Instructions (contd.) Select the ‘reset’ signal with the <left mouse> button. Now choose <Waveform> <Edit Mode> (or using the shortcut ). Move the mouse pointer to <0ns> then hold down the <left mouse> button and drag to the <300ns> mark (section will highlight). Depress the <1> key. Select <50ns> to <250ns> and depress the <0> key. Select the ‘reset’ signal with the <left mouse> button. Now depress the <right mouse> button and select <Stimulators>. Choose <Custom> from the stimulator type pull down menu, then depress <apply>. Repeat the above for the ‘pos’ signal, making it high from <0ns> to <100ns>, low from <100ns> to <120ns> then high from <120ns> to <300ns>. Remember to set to <Custom> Run the simulator for 300ns Exercise #5: Instructions (contd.) If you are having a problem drawing waveforms, assure that the simulator is not running. To stop the simulation, choose <End Simulation> from the <Simulation> pull down menu. If you are having problems saving the waveforms that you have drawn in by hand, assure that the the letters ‘Cs’ are in the stimulator column of the waveform view. If a ‘Cs’ is not displayed it is because the <Apply> button was not depressed after setting the signal to a <Custom> stimulator type. After loading a new waveform it is best to reset the simulator by choosing <Initialize Simulator> from the <Simulation> pull down menu. Verify that your waveform is similar to the view on the following page. Exercise #5: Aldec Simulator Waveform Exercise #5: Solution A Using an Enumerated Type Macrocells = 3, Tco2 (Tco + Tpd) = 10.5ns LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ex5 IS PORT ( clock, pos, reset: IN std_logic; clear, track: OUT std_logic); END ex5; ARCHITECTURE archex5 OF ex5 IS TYPE states IS (hold, sample, extend); SIGNAL fsm: states; BEGIN clear <= '0' WHEN fsm=sample ELSE '1'; track <= '1' WHEN (fsm=extend or fsm=sample) ELSE '0'; Exercise #5: Solution A (contd.) sync: PROCESS (clock) BEGIN IF rising_edge(clock) THEN IF reset = '1' THEN -- synchronous reset fsm <= hold; ELSE CASE fsm IS WHEN hold => IF pos = '0' THEN fsm <= sample; ELSE fsm <= hold; END IF; WHEN sample => fsm <= extend; WHEN extend => fsm <= hold; WHEN OTHERS => fsm <= hold; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS sync; END archex5; Exercise #5: Solution B Using Constants - Macrocells = 2, Tco = 6.0ns LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ex5 IS PORT ( clock, pos, reset: IN std_logic; clear, track: OUT std_logic); END ex5; ARCHITECTURE SIGNAL CONSTANT CONSTANT CONSTANT BEGIN clear <= track <= archex5 OF ex5 IS fsm : std_logic_vector(1 hold : std_logic_vector(1 sample : std_logic_vector(1 extend : std_logic_vector(1 fsm(1); fsm(0); downto downto downto downto 0); 0) := “10”; 0) := “01”; 0) := “11”; Exercise #5: Solution B (contd.) sync: PROCESS (clock) BEGIN IF rising_edge(clock) THEN IF reset = '1' THEN -- synchronous reset fsm <= hold; ELSE CASE fsm IS WHEN hold => IF pos = '0' THEN fsm <= sample; ELSE fsm <= hold; END IF; WHEN sample => fsm <= extend; WHEN extend => fsm <= hold; WHEN OTHERS => fsm <= hold; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS sync; END archex5; Hierarchical (Modular) Designs A hierarchical design is one which is broken down into many levels, with a top level design bringing all the lower-level components together This allows very complex designs to be divided down into smaller, more easily managed modules In the past, this was the major advantage of schematic capture tools But, VHDL also supports hierarchical designs !! Hierarchical Design Methodology Advantages: Components (VHDL models) can be created, tested and stored for later use Allows the re-use of common building blocks Allows you to purchase 3rd Party off-the-shelf modules (e.g. UART, PCIbus Interface etc) Makes the design more readable and easier to understand Complex design tasks can be split across many designers in a team VHDL Hierarchy Decomposition In VHDL, hierarchy is composed of: COMPONENTs • entity/architecture pairs which can be instantiated (placed) within other designs PACKAGEs • a collection of one or more COMPONENTs and other declarations LIBRARIES • a collection of COMPILED design units • e.g. packages, components, entity/architecture pairs etc. Packages: How it all fits together mux2to1 p q a c a i r b c t b sel s sel • • schematic entity/architecture toplevel mux2to1 • • mux2to1 a • • c b sel • • symbol component library package schematic entity/architecture Hierarchy Management Libraries are used to store re-usable components, type definitions, overloaded operators etc. You add the ‘LIBRARY’ and ‘USE’ clauses to your code to get access to them Your Design (VHDL) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.. USE work.std_arith.all Library (Compiled) Packages (VHDL) ieee std_logic_1164 Library (Compiled) Packages (VHDL) work std_arith Others (VHDL) std_logic type definitions Others (VHDL) overloaded operators Package and Component Declarations When you have created a working entity/architecture pair, you need to add a component declaration to make it a re-usable COMPONENT COMPONENTS need to be stored in PACKAGES, so you need to write a package declaration to store all your components When you compile your package with no errors, the components will be stored in the WORK library WORK is the default library where everything YOU compile gets stored. Because it is the default library, you do NOT need to add: LIBRARY WORK; -- not required Package and Component Declarations: An Example LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE mymuxpkg IS COMPONENT mux2to1 PORT ( a, b, sel: IN std_logic; c: OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT; END mymuxpkg; LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY mux2to1 IS PORT ( a, b, sel: IN std_logic; c: OUT std_logic); END mux2to1; ARCHITECTURE archmux2to1 OF mux2to1 IS BEGIN c <= (a AND NOT sel) OR (b AND sel); END archmux2to1; Package and Component Declaration File (VHDL) Entity/Architecture File (VHDL) Hierarchical design: Example Signals are connected via a PORT MAP that associates signals with the component's I/O Port map association can be either explicit (named) or implicit (positional) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY toplevel IS PORT ( s: IN std_logic; p, q, r: IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); t: OUT std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0)); END toplevel; USE WORK.mymuxpkg.ALL; ARCHITECTURE arch_top_level OF toplevel IS SIGNAL i: std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); Named Association BEGIN m0: mux2to1 PORT MAP (a=>i(2), b=>r(0), sel=>s, c=>t(0)); m1: mux2to1 PORT MAP (c=>t(1), b=>r(1), a=>i(1), sel=>s); m2: mux2to1 PORT MAP (i(0), r(2), s, t(2)); i <= p AND NOT q; Positional Association END arch_top_level; Schematic of example mux2to1 a i(2) t(0) i(1) mux2to1 a m0 c b r(0) sel s mux2to1 t(1) i(0) a m1 c r(1) b sel m2 c r(2) b sel t(2) Exercise #6 Making use of exercise #4, we will use a separate entity/architecture for each block and use VHDL hierarchy ENC COUNTER DATA LD 4 DIN LD COUNT Q 4 ENC COMPARATOR CLOCK P RST RESET (sync) P=Q Q REGISTER DIN ENR Q ENR 4 Exercise #6 : Instructions Write a hierarchical VHDL description of the previous schematic which instantiates all of the components shown in the design The entity/architecture is given for all 3 components • count4.vhd, reg4.vhd, comp4.vhd Complete the package which has the component declarations for all 3 components • package.vhd Complete the top level file which instantiates the 3 components and makes the interconnections • ex6.vhd Exercise #6: Instructions Using the Project Wizard create a new project named exercise6 and add the templates count4.vhd, reg4.vhd, comp4.vhd, package.vhd and ex6.vhd in THE ORDER shown The target device is 256 Macrocell 7.5 ns CPLD in a 160 pin TQFP package. Choose CY7C37256P160-154AC Highlight the top-level (lowermost) file (ex6.vhd) and Click-on the Set top button Highlight the top 3 files (one at a time) and Click-on the Compile selected button Before compiling package.vhd and ex6.vhd, you must complete the files. Once all of the files have been compiled separately, use the Compile Project button for subsequent compiles Exercise 6 Solution: package.vhd LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE ex6_pkg IS COMPONENT comp4 PORT ( p, q : IN std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0); peqq : OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT reg4 PORT ( clk, enr : IN std_logic; din : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); q : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END COMPONENT; Exercise 6 Solution: package.vhd (cont) COMPONENT count4 PORT( clk, enc, ld, rst : IN std_logic; din : IN std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); q : BUFFER std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); END COMPONENT; END ex6_pkg; Exercise 6 Solution: Top Level File - ex6.vhd LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ex6 IS PORT ( load, clock, reset enr, enc data count END ex6; : : : : USE work.ex6_pkg.ALL; ARCHITECTURE ex6_arch OF ex6 IS IN IN IN BUFFER std_logic; std_logic; std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); -- get access to your components SIGNAL regout : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); SIGNAL peqq : std_logic; SIGNAL not_peqq : std_logic; -- internal bus -- internal net -- internal net Exercise 6 Solution :Top Level File - ex6.vhd BEGIN U1: count4 PORT MAP (din=>data, ld=>load, enc=>not_peqq, clk=>clock, rst=>reset, q=>count); U2: reg4 PORT MAP (din=>data, enr=>enr, clk=>clock, q=>regout); U3: comp4 PORT MAP (p=>count, q=>regout, peqq=>peqq); not_peqq <= enc AND NOT(peqq); END ex6_arch; -- create the inverter Exercise 6: Summary We created entity/architectures for each component. We stored those components in a package so that we could RE-USE them We included ALL “components” in the “ex6_pkg” package which was compiled into the “work” library Your Design (VHDL) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.. USE work.ex6_pkg.all Library (Compiled) Packages (VHDL) ieee std_logic_1164 Library (Compiled) Packages (VHDL) work ex6_pkg.vhd count4 reg4 comp4 Others (VHDL) std_logic type definitions Components(VHDL) count4.vhd reg4.vhd comp4.vhd Creating repetitive structures e.g., a 32-bit serial to parallel converter: reset si q(31) q(30) q(29) ••• q(1) q(0) po(1) po(0) clock po(31) po(30) po(29) The GENERATE statement Used to specify repetitive or conditional execution of a set of concurrent statements Useful for instantiating arrays of components USE WORK.rtlpkg.ALL; -- User-defined package containing dsrff ENTITY sipo IS PORT ( clk, reset: IN std_logic; si: IN std_logic; po: BUFFER std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0)); END sipo; ARCHITECTURE arch_sipo OF sipo IS SIGNAL p_temp: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL zero: std_logic := ‘0’; BEGIN gen: FOR i IN 0 TO 30 GENERATE nxt: dsrff PORT MAP (p_temp(i+1), zero, reset, clk, p_temp(i)); END GENERATE; beg: dsrff PORT MAP (si, zero, reset, clk, p_temp(31)); po <= p_temp; END arch_sipo; Multiplexing I/O pins: LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE WORK.std_arith.all ; ENTITY ldcnt IS PORT ( clk, ld, oe: IN std_logic; count: INOUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0)); END ldcnt; ARCHITECTURE archldcnt OF ldcnt IS SIGNAL int_count: std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN cnt: PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF RISING_EDGE(clock) THEN IF ld = '1' THEN int_count <= count; -- count as "IN" ELSE int_count <= int_count + 1; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS cnt ; outen: PROCESS (oe, int_count) BEGIN IF oe = '1’ THEN count <= int_count ; -- count as "OUT" ELSE count <= (OTHERS => 'Z') ;-- count as "OUT" END IF ; -- equivalent to count <= "ZZZZZZZZ" END PROCESS outen; END archldcnt; Exercise #7 Design a Moore Machine to implement the Output Enable Controller shown below: 68040 DRAM BANK A DRAM BANK C Output Enable Controller DRAM BANK B DRAM BANK D DRAM Controller Exercise #7: The FSM chart Use the following FSM chart: RESET RAM IDLE OE=1111 /RAM CHOOSE OE=1111 /EOC /A3 AND /A2 BANK A OE=1110 /A3 AND A2 EOC BANK B OE=1101 A3 AND /A2 EOC A3 AND A2 BANK C EOC OE=1011 BANK D OE=0111 EOC Exercise #7: Instructions The target device is a CY7C371I-143JC Use a synchronous reset Decode the outputs in parallel with the next state Compile and synthesize your design using Warp Determine the maximum frequency of operation using the report file Exercise #7: Solution ENTITY ex7 IS PORT ( clk, reset: IN std_logic; ram, eoc: IN std_logic; a3a2: IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0) ; oe: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END ex7; ARCHITECTURE archex7 OF ex7 IS TYPE oe_states IS (idle, choose, banka, bankb, bankc, bankd); ATTRIBUTE state_encoding OF oe_states : TYPE IS gray ; SIGNAL present_state, next_state : oe_states ; SIGNAL oe_out : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) ; BEGIN Exercise #7: Solution (contd.) fsm: PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF RISING_EDGE(clock) THEN IF reset = '1' THEN next_state <= idle; ELSE CASE present_state IS WHEN idle => IF ram = '0' THEN next_state <= choose ; ELSE next_state <= idle ; END IF ; WHEN choose => CASE a3a2 IS WHEN "00" => next_state <= banka ; WHEN "01" => next_state <= bankb ; WHEN "10" => next_state <= bankc ; WHEN "11" => next_state <= bankd ; WHEN OTHERS => next_state <= banka ; END CASE ; WHEN banka => IF eoc = '1' THEN next_state <= bankb ; ELSE next_state <= idle ; END IF ; Exercise #7: Solution (contd.) WHEN bankb => IF eoc = '1' THEN next_state <= ELSE next_state <= END IF ; WHEN bankc => IF eoc = '1' THEN next_state <= ELSE next_state <= END IF ; WHEN bankd => IF eoc = '1' THEN next_state <= ELSE next_state <= END IF ; WHEN OTHERS => next_state <= idle; END CASE; END IF ; END IF; END PROCESS fsm; bankc ; idle ; bankd ; idle ; banka ; idle ; Exercise #7: Solution (contd). output_logic: PROCESS (next_state) BEGIN CASE next_state IS WHEN idle => oe_out <= "1111" ; WHEN choose => oe_out <= "1111" ; WHEN banka => oe_out <= "1110" ; WHEN bankb => oe_out <= "1101" ; WHEN bankc => oe_out <= "1011" ; WHEN bankd => oe_out <= "0111" ; WHEN OTHERS => oe_out <= "1111" ; END CASE; END PROCESS output_logic ; advance_state: PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF RISING_EDGE(clock) THEN present_state <= next_state ; oe <= oe_out ; END IF; END PROCESS ; END archex7; VHDL User-defined Attributes VHDL construct which is used to provide information about VHDL objects such as entities, architectures, types, and signals. Warp user-defined attributes are used as synthesis directives to the compiler. These include: • state_encoding • enum_encoding • pin_numbers • synthesis_off The state_encoding attribute This is used to specify the state encoding scheme of the FSMs in a VHDL file. The default scheme for CPLDs is sequential. Other schemes such as one_hot_one, one_hot_zero and gray encodings are available. TYPE state_type IS (idle,state1,state2,state3); ATTRIBUTE state_encoding OF state_type: TYPE IS sequential; The enum_encoding Attribute Used to specify the exact internal encoding to be use for each value of a user-defined enumerated type. Overrides state_encoding in same description. TYPE states IS (idle,state1,state2,state3); ATTRIBUTE enum_encoding OF states: TYPE IS "11 01 00 10"; The pin_numbers attribute Used to map the external signals of an entity to the pins on the target device Allows the back-annotation of pin placements after synthesis, e.g., LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY counter IS PORT ( clock, reset: IN std_logic; count: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) ); ATTRIBUTE pin_numbers OF counter:ENTITY IS "clock:13 reset:2" & " count(3):3 count(2):4 count(1):5 count(0):6"; END counter; The synthesis_off attribute Controls the flattening and factoring of signals Makes the signal a factoring point Useful when a signal with a large number of product terms is used in other equations Helpful in cases where substitution causes unacceptable compile time (due to exponentially increasing CPU and memory requirements) Achieves more efficient implementation Should only be used on combinatorial equations Registered equations are natural factoring points synthesis_off: CPLD Example An 8-bit comparator controlling a 4-bit, 2-to-1 multiplexer c(7 DOWNTO 0) d(7 DOWNTO 0) 8-bit compare a(3 DOWNTO 0) b(3 DOWNTO 0) mux x(3 DOWNTO 0) Without synthesis_off An implementation (without synthesis_off) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY mux IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); c, d: IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); x: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END mux; ARCHITECTURE archmux OF mux IS BEGIN x <= a WHEN (c = d) ELSE b; END archmux; Resources used: 1092 product terms, 68 sum splits, 72 macrocells - the comparison is not done on a bit by bit basis Comparison: with a 4-bit vector S_2 b + b S_1 = * c_0 * /d_0 + b * /c_3 * d_3 + b * c_3 * /d_3 + b * /c_2 * d_2 * c_2 * /d_2 + b * /c_1 * d_1 + b * c_1 * /d_1 + b * /c_0 * d_0 = a * c_3 * c_2 * c_1 * /c_0 * d_3 * d_2 * d_1 * /d_0 + a * /c_3 * c_2 * c_1 * /c_0 * /d_3 * d_2 * d_1 * /d_0 + a * c_3 * /c_2 * c_1 * /c_0 * d_3 * /d_2 * d_1 * /d_0 + a * /c_3 * /c_2 * c_1 * /c_0 * /d_3 * /d_2 * d_1 * /d_0 + a * c_3 * c_2 * /c_1 * /c_0 * d_3 * d_2 * /d_1 * /d_0 + a * /c_3 * c_2 * /c_1 * /c_0 * /d_3 * d_2 * /d_1 * /d_0 + a * c_3 * /c_2 * /c_1 * /c_0 * d_3 * /d_2 * /d_1 * /d_0 + a * /c_3 * /c_2 * /c_1 * /c_0 * /d_3 * /d_2 * /d_1 * /d_0 + a * c_3 * c_2 * c_1 * c_0 * d_3 * d_2 * d_1 * d_0 + a * /c_3 * c_2 * c_1 * c_0 * /d_3 * d_2 * d_1 * d_0 + a * c_3 * /c_2 * c_1 * c_0 * d_3 * /d_2 * d_1 * d_0 + a * /c_3 * /c_2 * c_1 * c_0 * /d_3 * /d_2 * d_1 * d_0 + a * c_3 * c_2 * /c_1 * c_0 * d_3 * d_2 * /d_1 * d_0 + a * /c_3 * c_2 * /c_1 * c_0 * /d_3 * d_2 * /d_1 * d_0 + a * c_3 * /c_2 * /c_1 * c_0 * d_3 * /d_2 * /d_1 * d_0 + a * /c_3 * /c_2 * /c_1 * c_0 * /d_3 * /d_2 * /d_1 * d_0 /x0 = /S_1.CMB * /S_2.CMB With synthesis_off A better implementation (with synthesis_off) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY mux IS PORT ( a, b: IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); c, d: IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); x: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END mux; ARCHITECTURE archmux OF mux SIGNAL sel: std_logic; ATTRIBUTE synthesis_off BEGIN sel <= '1' WHEN (c = d) x <= a WHEN (sel = '1') END archmux; IS OF sel:SIGNAL is TRUE; ELSE '0'; ELSE b; Resources used: 24 product terms, 1 partial result, 5 macrocells Results with synthesis_off DESIGN EQUATIONS x_3 = b_3 * /sel.CMB + a_3 * sel.CMB x_2 = /sel.CMB * b_2 + sel.CMB * a_2 x_1 = /sel.CMB * b_1 + sel.CMB * a_1 x_0 = /sel.CMB * b_0 + sel.CMB * a_0 /sel = + + + c_0 c_2 c_4 c_6 * * * * /d_0 /d_2 /d_4 /d_6 + + + + /c_0 /c_2 /c_4 /c_6 * * * * d_0 d_2 d_4 d_6 + + + + c_1 c_3 c_5 c_7 * * * * /d_1 /d_3 /d_5 /d_7 + + + + /c_1 /c_3 /c_5 /c_7 * * * * d_1 d_3 d_5 d_7 CPLD Synthesis Directives Some Warp synthesis directives only apply to CPLD architectures, e.g., Floor planning • lab_force • node_num • pin_avoid Product Term distribution • sum_split Speed/Power/Edge rates • slew_rate • low_power The lab_force Attribute Forces signals into specific logic blocks in CPLDs Should be used sparingly as it restricts the fitter First example below forces signal to upper half of logic block A. Second example forces signal to lower half of logic block B ATTRIBUTE lab_force OF mysig1: SIGNAL IS A1; ATTRIBUTE lab_force OF mysig2: SIGNAL IS B2; The node_num Attribute Used to specify internal location for a signal in a CPLD Allows signals to be manually allocated to a specific macrocell location May be used to improve product-term allocation • Example: to assign a signal to the first buried macrocell in a CY7C372: ATTRIBUTE node_num OF buried:SIGNAL IS 202; More restrictive than lab_force Can be used with SPLDs too The pin_avoid Attribute Instructs Warp to leave specified pins unused Useful for avoiding ISRTM pins on FLASH370i devices with dual-function pins Could also be used to reserve pins for later use ATTRIBUTE pin_avoid OF mydesign: ENTITY IS "21 24 26"; The sum_split Attribute Sum splitting occurs in FLASH370 when a signal's equation requires more than 16 product terms Two types of sum splitting Balanced (default) • More reliable timing for combinatorial signals • Uses more macrocells Cascaded ATTRIBUTE sum_split OF mysig:SIGNAL IS balanced ; ATTRIBUTE sum_split OF mysig:SIGNAL IS cascaded ; Balanced Sum Splitting All inputs arrive at same time Buried Macrocell #1 16 PT’s S_1 Buried Macrocell #2 6 PT’s S_2 2 PT’s PIM Output = S_1 + S_2 Cascaded Sum Splitting Other inputs arrive before S_1 If output combinatorial, it may be unstable Buried Macrocell 16 PT’s S_1 7 PT’s 6 PT’s PIM Output = S_1 + ... The low_power attribute The low power directive can be used to lower the power consumption in a logic block(s) by 50%. As a result, the logic block(s) slows down by 5 ns. This directive is valid only for the Ultra37000 family of CPLDs. In VHDL, use the following syntax. ATTRIBUTE low_power OF entity_name: ENTITY IS “b g e”; In Verilog, use the following syntax. ATTRIBUTE low_power OF module_name: MODULE IS “b g e”; The slew_rate attribute The slew_rate directive can be used to control the output slew rate of individual pins. This directive is valid only for the Ultra37000 family of CPLDs. Legal values for the slew_rate directive are fast and slow. A value of ‘fast’ sets the output slew rate to 3V/ns. A value of ‘slow’ sets the output slew rate to 1V/ns. ATTRIBUTE slew_rate OF sig_name: SIGNAL IS fast; Warp2/Warp3/Programming Design Entry Schematic Text/FSM Front End Simulation Synthesis Design Compilation Fitting Design Verification JEDEC Sim. Model JAM file Simulator ISR/Impulse3 Back End Third Party Tool Support CAE Bolt-in Tools - Viewlogic Workview Plus/Powerview/WorkView Office - Mentor (CY3144), Cadence (Q4) Synthesis Tools - Synopsys, Exemplar PLD Development Tools - Data I/O Abel 4/5/6 and Synario, CUPL, LOG/iC, OrCAD Simulation Tools - LMG SmartModels - All VHDL and Verilog Simulators (with timing) In System Reprogrammability ISRTM is the ability to program or reprogram a device after it has been soldered to the board Must be able to retain pin-out and timing to be useful CPLD architecture is the key here(Routability/Timing) Advantages of ISR Reduce device handling Ease prototyping Enable field upgrades Improve manufacturing efficiency PC Parallel port ISR connector Top Three Issues with ISR #1: Large file sizes 120KB to 22 MB for a 256-macrocell device complicates production impractical for field upgrades #2: No Software Standard Beyond JTAG, each approach is different Confusing file formats Solutions are vendor and platform-specific #3: Long Programming Times Time is money Programming can take several minutes on some equipment