What is the ocean?

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The 3rd graders will be able to:
1) Students will be able to identify and label
each ocean on a blank map.
2) Students can define the difference between
an ocean and a sea
3) Students will be able to name the oceans
largest to smallest.
Slide Menu
Slide 01- Title Slide
Slide 02- Objectives
Slide 03- Slide Menu
Slide 04- What is the Ocean?
Slide 05- Oceans of the World
Slide 06- What is the Ocean? Part 2
Slide 07- Ocean vs. Sea
Slide 08- Blue Planet
Slide 09- Pacific Ocean
Slide 10- Atlantic Ocean
Slide 11- Indian Ocean
Slide 12- Southern Ocean
Slide 13- Arctic Ocean
Slide 14- Takeaways
• The oceans cover more than 2/3 of the Earth’s
• Contain almost all of the living space on the
• Living space- both on and miles below the
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• All these oceans are part of one
enormous water system that
flows all over the globe
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• The oceans cover the largest mountain range,
the highest waterfall, and the deepest canyon
in the world which are not seen by humans
• The oceans control the world’s climate,
weather systems, and air temperatures
• Climate- prevailing weather conditions of a
region throughout the year
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• Seas- parts of oceans that are mostly surrounded by land
• Mediterranean and Caribbean Sea connect to the Atlantic
• Arabian Sea connects to the Indian Ocean
• Some seas are connected to the oceans only through other
• The Black Sea is almost completely landlocked, connects
to the Atlantic Ocean through the Adriatic Sea and
Mediterranean Sea
• landlocked- completely surrounded by land
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• Oceans contain 97% of all the water on Earth,
which is 1.4 billion trillion tons of water
• Oceans cover 80% of the Southern Hemisphere
and about 40% of the Northern Hemisphere
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• The largest and deepest ocean in the world
• The Pacific Ocean alone contains half of all the world’s water
• Reaches from the far Northern Hemisphere to the far Southern
• All the continents and almost all of the other
oceans could fit into it
• Underneath is where the Earth is most active
• Continental plates grind against each other
causing major earthquakes and volcanoes
• Home to one of the world’s most amazing natural
wonders: Great Barrier Reef
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• Second-largest ocean in the world, about half the size of the Pacific
• Shaped like an “S” and separates Europe and Africa from North and
South America
• Home to the world’s longest mountain range: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
• Most diverse ocean plants and animals in the world
• World’s largest fisheries
• Youngest and most studied ocean
• Scientists discovered largest waterfall underneath the surface
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• Located mostly in the Southern Hemisphere,
between Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and
• Third largest ocean and holds 20% of the
world’s ocean waters
• Largest amount of river sediment
• The currents change direction with the season
• In the winter, monsoon winds push currents
toward Africa
• Summer winds push currents toward Asia
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• Surrounds the continent of Antarctica
• Wasn’t an “official” ocean until 2000
• Was called the Antarctic Ocean and considered a polar region
of the other 3 major oceans
• Winds that blow around Antarctica are so strong that the surface
currents of Southern Ocean qualify it as its own ocean
• Twice the size of the United States
• Coldest ocean on the planet
• Temperatures ranging 28-50 degrees
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• Smallest and shallowest ocean in the world
• Completely landlocked
• Surrounded by North America, Europe, and
northern Asia
• Full of ice and in winter is almost entirely frozen
• Least studied ocean because it is hard for ships to
get through the ice
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