PowerPoint - Towson University

A Towson University MDLL Lab
Meet Alba the GFP Bunny, and...
...the Spider Goat!
What do you think of animals that have been genetically engineered to
possess genes from other organisms?
Transgenic Organisms
Foreign DNA added to an organism
NSF video explores spider goat uses and how
scientists developed them.
Bacteria as Transgenic
Benefits to Bacteria
• Bacteria are inexpensive to grow.
• Bacteria have simpler genome.
• Some bacteria “transform” easily.
• Universal Code means bacteria
read eukaryotic DNA.
How Does
Transformation Work?
First, explore the concepts of
– Culturing bacteria & aseptic techniques
– Plasmids, vectors, and marker genes
– Bacterial antibiotic resistance
– Bacterial competence, transformation
– Restriction enzymes and PCR
Next, read your scenario.
Then explain the basics to your lab assistant, Brad!
Develop Your Lab Plan
1. What research question are you trying to answer?
2. What will go on each of your four plates and why?
3. What plates will serve as your controls? Why?
Lab Overview
Click on the image to go to a
PBS video overview of
bacterial transformation.
Pre-Lab Technique
• Streak Plate Challenge
– Remember your aseptic technique!
• Micropipette Challenge
Golden Rules of Pipetting
1. Don’t rotate the volume adjuster beyond the upper or lower
range of the pipette; this can damage it.
2. Don’t use a pipette without a tip on it. If this happens,
liquid gets into the opening of the pipette and can damage
the mechanism inside.
3. Don’t lay down the pipette that has a tip filled with liquid.
If this happens, liquid can get inside the pipette and can
damage it.
4. Use new pipette tips between samples to prevent
Your Turn in the Lab!
• Carefully follow the protocol.
• Temperatures and times for each step are critically important!
• Wash hands and work bench thoroughly before and after lab work.
• Ask questions if you are confused.
• Clean up following your instructor’s directions.
Did your cells transform?
How do you know?