Microbiology Test #2 Study Guide

This is just a guideline to help you study. Information from lab manual,
handout, lecture or discussion in class, as well as lab resources online will be
covered (www.jcapers-irsc.weebly.com).
The exam will consist of two parts: short answer and lab practical, total of
100 points
Week 1: Exercises 9-11
Know the final results of the UV light experiment and what happens to an
organism when exposed to UV light. Know what the best wavelength is for
maximum effectiveness. Compare and contrast and between B. subtilis and
S. aureus and effect of UV light on these two species.
Know the final results of the antiseptic experiment. Know which antiseptic
was most effective and why. Compare and contrast between P. aeruginosa
and S. epidermidis. What is a zone of inhibition?
Know results of hand-washing experiment. Know the organisms that make up
the skin’s normal flora.
Week 2: Exercise 12
Know the Kingdom, Phylum, genus, common name (if given), disease caused (if
given) for organisms listed in the lab manual.
Know body parts of Taenia.
For Fungi, be able to recognize fungi by its sexual/asexual spore under the
Week 3: exercise 13-14
Know how temperature can effect growth of bacteria.
Be able to categorize bacteria based on their optimum temperature and
Review the transformation experiment. What is transformation?