
Opening Writing
“That is part of the beauty of all literature.
You discover that your longings are
universal longings, that you're not lonely
and isolated from anyone. You belong.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Course Description
This class is designed to build on the knowledge students acquired last
semester. Close reading will continue to be a focal point for this semester.
To further develop students ability to “closely read” literature, this class
will introduce the concept of reading texts through literary lenses. This
will allow students to approach any text and investigate them through
different perspectives and will also help them model the work of
professional academics. In addition, this class will continue ensure that
students have a sound understanding of grammar and mechanics, and
more importantly, how to use these tools in “real” writing situations
(across different writing genres). For this semester, this will include
creative writing. It is critical that students who enroll understand that the
central pedagogical philosophy in this class is the dynamic of “teacherstudent” and “student-teachers.” That is, students will learn to take
agency in their own learning, as well as, consistently contribute to class
Learning Outcomes:
Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical
members of a variety of literacy communities.
Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own
purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of
Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate,
and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions
with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other
texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual
features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context,
Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g.,
conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of
audiences and for different purposes.
Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g.,
libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize
information and to create and communicate knowledge.
Required Materials
Frankenstein- Mary Shelley (Barnes and Noble Classics)
The Moonstone- Wilkie Collins (Penguin Classics)
The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need- Susan Thurman and Larry Shea
A one-subject notebook (college rule)
A three-ring binder (1 1/2 in. should be large enough)
Pen/ pencil and paper to take notes in class (you can use whatever medium
works for you)
Access to a computer and a printer for homework (you must print your work
at home and have it ready to be turned in before class starts)
Weekly Assignments
 6 Dialectical Journal Entries
 Summary/ Reflection Assignments
 Vocabulary Exercise/ Discussion Questions
 Grammar Assignments
Dialectical Journals
 Weekly, students must complete entries into their
dialectical journals. In this journal they will write
about different elements they are reading about in the
text (theme, setting, etc.). This assignment is designed
to record students’ reactions to what is going on the
text in an informal manner.
Summary/ Reflections
 Students must also complete summary/reflection
assignments. This is a more formalized inquiry of the text.
Student must write a one-page (250) word summary of the
novel selection assigned for reading for any given week.
They must also complete a one-page reflection. From week
to week instructions for the reflection will change. Some
weeks I will give students a specific topic to write about in
their reflections, while other weeks I will give them agency
to write about whatever they want (theme, conflict,
character development). At the end of the reflection
students must provide two questions that they would like
to start the classroom discussion with.
Summary/ Reflection
 4 Sentence Summary
 Short Analysis on theme following the model paragraph:
1)Make a general assertion
2)Point to a specific area in the text
3)Use evidence
4) Explain why your evidence demonstrates your point
5) Concluding statement that revisits your initial assertion
 In addition, students will complete a small vocabulary
exercise. At the top of the summary/ reflection
assignment, they must define five words they are
unfamiliar with (or simply want to add to their
vocabulary). Furthermore, they must use these five
words in their summary/ reflection assignment.
Grammar Exercises
 Finally, students will be completing grammar
exercises, either found on the class website or through
the use of the grammar bytes (free) online site.
Major Assignments
 Midterm Test
 Term Paper
 Creative Writing: Short Story
 Creative Writing (In Class Reading )
Midterm Test
 Students will be given a midterm test to test their
comprehension of texts read up to that point in the
semester. The test will include multiple-choice
questions, a grammar quiz portion, as well as a timed
writing assignment.
Term Paper
 There will be one term paper for this course, which will
involve the use of outside research. More details on
this assignment will be given out during the semester.
Creative Writing
 During this semester we will be investigating two
genres of literature. The first of these is the “gothic
novel” while the second is the “sensational novel.”
Both of these genres of literature were popular in 19th
century England. Students will choose one of these
genres and write a short story; this will demonstrate
that they understand what literary elements contribute
to each genre.
Creative Writing Reading
 On the final day of class we will have a reading of the
short stories that students created. Though the reading
of the short story is central to this presentation,
students will also have to design a book cover for their
short story.
Grading Breakdown
Summary/ Reflection (with Vocabulary): 10%
Grammar Assignments: 5%
Dialectical Journal: 5%
Quizzes/Participation: 5%
Midterm Test: 20%
Term Paper: 25%
Creative Writing Assignment: 20%
Creative Writing Reading: 10%
Technology, Submission of Work, and the
 It is expected that students have access to a computer, the Internet
and a printer outside of the classroom. The excuse of, “I could not
print out my homework because I did not have ink or paper” will
not be accepted. This will result in a zero for the week. You will
not be allowed to email the work later. Do not rely on the church
resources to print out your work, as they can be “glitchy.” You are
responsible for your own work.
 It is expected that students check their emails at least once a day
to make sure they don’t miss relevant information.
 If you are going to be absent, you must email me your work the
night before. Work will only be accepted if the absence is excused.
 Cell phones should not be used in the classroom unless
instructed as a part of research. Cell phones should not
even be visible. Students must make sure that their cell
phones are put up, and most importantly, out of sight.
 Students are expected to attend all class meetings and
to participate in discussions and workshops. We are
responsible for the classroom environment, meaning
that everyone’s voice, observations, and opinions are
critical for the success of the classroom.
A Quick and Brief Look at the World Mary
Shelley was Living In
England and The British Empire as a Military Power House:
June 23 1757-”The Battle of Plassey took place between Siraj Ud Daulah, the last
independent ruler of Bengal, and the forces of the British East India Company led
by Colonel Robert Clive. The defeat of Daulah, who was backed by the French,
led to the entire province of Bengal passing into Company control.”
1767- “n 1767, Charles Townshend, the chancellor of the exchequer, drew up
legislation to raise taxes from North American colonists on selected imports,
including glass, paint, lead and tea. As with the repealed Stamp Act of 1765, the
intention was to make colonists contribute towards their own defence against
French incursions.”
1775- American War of Independence Begins and ends with colonies winning
their freedom in
 1781- “British forces were besieged on the Yorktown peninsula,
Virginia, by the American continental army in the west and the
French fleet closing on Chesapeake Bay. Left in a hopeless
situation, General Charles Cornwallis surrendered to American
general George Washington, effectively ending the American War
of Independence.”
 1789- French Revolution Begins
 1815- “The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive victory for Britain
and its allies in the Napoleonic wars. The British general who
masterminded the victory, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington,
had once been dismissed by Napoleon Bonaparte as a 'sepoy
general' (a derisive reference to his service in India).”
Industrial Change-18th to 19th century Industrial Revolution
“The industrial revolution and steam powered engines. 250 years ago
also saw the start of the Industrial Revolution following from
inventions made by early English engineers to automate textile
production (wool from English sheep, cotton from America and India)
all driven by steam engines designed in England (Watt) powered by
English mined coal. The mining process made safer by Watts steam
engine driven water extracting pumps. (Circa 1775). Coal was initially
moved round the country by canal barge (Bridgewater 1761) then
almost 100 years later by steam railway. (Richard Trevithick built the
steam locomotive-1804 enabling Stevenson's Stockton to Darlington
railway in 1825).”
The move from agrarian to urban, creation of new classes [class
distinction], factory life, England gains more power because of their
ability to produce goods.
Scientific Exploration-
 “This was a European movement starting in England and France
following the new discoveries of the physicists (particularly Sir
Isaac Newton) and Chemists of the day who were using logical
thought to explain life as opposed to the rigid dogmas of the
Church. This movement had started some 150 years previously
with Englishman John Locke (1632- 1704). He wrote on subjects
like ‘Essay Concerning the Human Understanding’ (1689) and
‘Some Thoughts Concerning Education’”
 “Englishman Charles Darwin publishes his theory of "Origin of
Species by means of natural selection" (Then dangerous and
revolutionary thinking flying in the face of the accepted
"Creation" in the Bible.)”- Published in (1859). Though this was
published decades after the Frankenstein, this demonstrates the
zeal for exploring the world through scientific methods in 19th
century England. The Beagle expedition was 1831-1836.
When Frankenstein is published on March 11, 1818 , England is
the world’s most powerful superpower. They are the greatest
empire in resources and wealth, at the forefront of scientific
exploration, and leaders in the technological realm.
The Gothic Novel
 “The Gothic novel took shape mostly in England from 1790
to 1830 and falls within the category of Romantic literature.
It acts, however, as a reaction against the rigidity and
formality of other forms of Romantic literature.”
 “The Gothic featured accounts of terrifying experiences in
ancient castles — experiences connected with subterranean
dungeons, secret passageways, flickering lamps, screams,
moans, bloody hands, ghosts, graveyards, and the rest.”
 “The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by
Horace Walpole, whose The Castle of Otranto (1764)”
 “The Gothic hero becomes a sort of archetype as we
find that there is a pattern to their characterization.
There is always the protagonist, usually isolated either
voluntarily or involuntarily. Then there is the villain,
who is the epitome of evil, either by his (usually a
man) own fall from grace, or by some implicit
 “The plot itself mirrors the ruined world in its dealings
with a protagonist's fall from grace as she succumbs to
temptation from a villain.”
Elements of the Gothic
“Setting in a castle”- Link to gothic architecture
“ An atmosphere of mystery and suspense.”
“An ancient prophecy”
“Omens, portents, visions.”
“Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events.”
“High, even overwrought emotion.”
“Women in distress”
“Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male.”
“The metonymy of gloom and horror. Metonymy is a subtype of
metaphor, in which something (like rain) is used to stand for
something else (like sorrow).”
Other Gothic Authors
 Edgar Allen Poe (American)
 Charlotte Bronte (English)- Jane Eyre (1847)
 Bram Stoker (English)- Dracula (1897)
 Nathanial Hawthorne (American)
 Read: Frankenstein: Preface, Letters 1-4,
Chapters 1-2
 Turn in summary/ reflection 1 (with
vocabulary words and discussion questions)
 6 Entries in Dialectical Journal