NAME: Media & Marketing Final Project (200 points) MOD: Objective: Apply knowledge/skills acquired throughout the semester in a comprehensive advertising campaign. You will develop an advertising campaign. While the entire project is due at the final exam, you must provide your rough draft before you begin the project. 1) Select a product new to the market and justify your choice – Product must be original and the advertising campaign must be innovating. 2) Research your product i) Describe product ii) Identify any previous products which are similar and what makes yours unique iii) Relevant information about your product iv) Identify your target market and justify your choice v) Discuss what information you would need to help you formulate your plan and identify ways/methods to acquire information you do not have 3) Develop the advertising campaign a) Describe and justify your advertising strategy b) Select a time frame for your advertisement – Months, Years, or Seasonal-explain? c) Describe the elements of the following parts of your campaign: Print Ad Radio Ad – Just a Script Direct Mail Interactive Digital Media Outdoor Ad Specialty Item (Promotional Item) Before you may begin on the advertisements you MUST provide a rough draft of your product and campaign for approval. This must be typed out with specific information supporting your idea along with a picture. 4) Design your advertisements: Due - Date of Final Print Ad Full color ad that includes the four elements (20) Radio Ad Script (15) Direct Mailing (15) Detailed information about source of mailing list Sample and description of the direct mailing TV commercial (25) Complete storyboard TV commercial either as a fully animated PowerPoint, produced in Windows Movie Maker or recorded on any device and shown to me. Interactive Digital Media (25) Description and sketch of the homepage of your website or completed in Microsoft Word Description of the components of the website Outdoor Advertisement (20) Description and justification of your outdoor ad Sample of your outdoor ad (Billboard, Benches, Bus Ad, etc.) Specialty Item (10) Description, justification and distribution plan (Promotional Item) TOTAL POINTS: 130 5) Reflection Paper: 70 Points – Due: Date of Final a) Each student will write a reflection about the advertising campaign describing your role in the development of the campaign (be specific), a critique of your partner’s participation, what you would change about your campaign. It must be at least two paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences. Be thorough! b) Please provide any feedback about the course (likes, dislikes, suggestions, etc.)