MPG FOR THE WEEK STARTING 12/7/15 MONDAY 12/7 Day 2 TUESDAY 12/8 Day 1 WED. 12/9 Day 2 THURSDAY 12/10 Day 1 FRIDAY 12/11 Day 2 Class Agenda: Class Agenda: Class Agenda: Class Agenda: Class Agenda: Learning Target: 1. Discuss: What do we Want in a President? (Lindsey) 2. Video: Journeys With George (Bush) 3. Notes: Campaign Advertising 4. Living Room Candidate Exercise Learning Target: 1. Complete Notes: Campaign Advertising 2. Complete Living Room Candidate Analysis (2012 Election) Learning Target: Analyze campaign commercials for their effectiveness Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Practice/H.W.: Complete Analysis: “Peace, Little Daisy Girl” Ad (’64 Election Learning Target: Analyze campaign commercials for their effectiveness Vocabulary: Persuasion Agenda Setting Negative Ads Practice/H.W.: Learning Target: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Persuasion Agenda Setting Negative Ads Practice/H.W.: Practice/H.W.: Complete 2012 Campaign Analysis Practice/H.W.: