DfE Assessment Tool R10, HQ e-Design workshop, Best practices for local govt. R9 Sustainable Electronics Design Challenge HQ DFE LeadFree Solder project HQ DFE Computer Display project HQ Greening Electronics Fact sheet HQ NEPSI (Consumer & Small Biz focus) HQ Federal Electronics Challenge: EOL R10, R5, HQ TCLP Testing of Electronic Compone nts R4/R5 BFR Roundtable w/stakeholdersdiscussion of design thru disposition R9 Return to the Electronic Stewardship Page WEPSI (NW Focus Multi Stakeholder Group) R10 Thermal Treatment of Electronics Waste HQ-ORD Electronics Mgmt/Recycling Wkshp & Collection Event R4 ECycling Project R3 Plug Into Recycling Campaign HQ E-Recycling Toolkit for Communities R7 Govt. Procurement Guide for EPP Computers R1 Federal Electronics Challenge: Purchasing R10, R5, HQ Eco-industrial park/demfg. of used electronics, modeling costs HQ, PAZ Nat’l Electronics Mgmt & Compliance Assist. Workshops R4 Electronics Life Cycle EPP for Electronic Products R10 Guidelines for electronics for CA agencies R9 Federal Electronics Stewardship Working Group HQ, OFEE Old Materials become new feedstock Proposed CRT Rule HQ Evaluation of Cell phone reuse programs R2 Reused Electronics Market Study R1 Testing plastics from HOME used electronics R5 Nat’l Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative (NEPSI) Goal is “the development of a system, which includes a viable financing mechanism, to maximize the collection, reuse, and recycling of used electronics, while considering appropriate incentives to design products that facilitate source reduction, reuse and recycling; reduce toxicity; and increase recycled content.” Stakeholders: State/Local Govts., Manufacturers, Electronic Industries Alliance, Non-profits, Recyclers, Retailers www.nepsi.org Contact: Clare Lindsay, HQ (703.308.7266 - lindsay.clare@epa.gov) HOME Western Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative (WEPSI) Agreement signed August 2002 Characteristics and features of a sustainable product stewardship system Highlights activities that govt., industry and nonprofits in the West can take to catalyze market and infrastructure development for product stewardship Stakeholders: R9, R10, State/Local Govts., Manufacturers, Non-profits www.wepsi.org Contact: Viccy Salazar, R10 (206.553.1060 - salazar.viccy@epa.gov) HOME Federal Electronics Stewardship Working Group Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperatively develop a cohesive national strategy to increase demand for “greener” electronic products address end-of-life management issues Partners: Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE), CEQ, DOD, DOE, EPA, DOI, USPS Currently supporting the Federal Electronics Challenge Contact: Juan Lopez, OFEE (202.564.9288 - lopez.juan@epa.gov) HOME Brominated Flame Retardants Roundtable Conference & Stakeholder Meeting held in September 2002 Partners: EPA, CDC, State/local govts., Nonprofits, Manufacturers, Electronics mfg. www.greenstart.org/efc9 Contact: Eileen Sheehan, R9 (415.972.3287 – sheehan.eileen@epa.gov) HOME e-Design workshop, Best practices for local govt. Goal: Promote sustainable manufacturing and disposal practices in the high tech industry Partners: Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, Materials for Future Foundation and Industrial Designers Society of America Project includes Partnership-building with Industrial Design Community E-waste Forum on Foreign Exports (local govt. & communities) Model Policy Development for Local Government Contact: Adrienne Priselac, R9 (415.972.3285 - priselac.adrienne@epa.gov) HOME DfE Assessment Tool Design for Environment assessment tool for electronic products using a multi-stakeholder process Similar to the LEEDS system with tiers of achievement Partners: Zero Waste Alliance, Rifer Environmental, EPA OPPT/OSW Contact: Viccy Salazar, R10 (206.553.1060 - salazar.viccy@epa.gov) HOME Sustainable Electronics Design Challenge Goal: To motivate electronics designers and manufacturers to fundamentally re-think electronics design and to create sustainable products for the long term Green Blue Institute will create a set of ambitious design criteria for future electronics products, focusing on redesigning the products of the future address life cycle impacts of electronics promote development of sustainable products Designers and industry players will be formally challenged to meet criteria in visionary future products Judging panel will identify winning submissions by late 2003 Partners: Designers, manufacturers, public and private stakeholders Contact: Marie Boucher, HQ (703.308.8754 – boucher.marie@epa.gov) HOME DfE Lead-Free Solder project Life-cycle assessment of tin-lead and lead-free alternative solders for informed industry choices about lead-free solders, moving away from tin-lead solder in the next few years Goal definition and scoping phase completed Collection of life-cycle inventory data by February 2003, Draft LCA report in May 2003, Final LCA in August 2003 Partners: Electronic Industries Alliance, IPC (printed wiring board trade association), the Univ. TN Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies, Electronics/Solder mfg., Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Contact: Kathy Hart, HQ (202.564.8787 – hart.kathy@epa.gov) HOME DfE Computer Display project Final Life-cycle assessment of impacts published December 2001 associated with cathode-ray tube (CRT) and liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors CRT monitor has greater impacts than the LCD monitor in all but two impact categories (eutrophication and aquatic toxicity) Can lessen LCD environmental impacts by Reducing energy consumption during manufacture Cutting back on the use of chemicals that pose aquatic toxicity risks or that contribute to global warming (e.g., sulfur hexafluoride) Eliminating the use of mercury LCD manufacturers working toward improving the environmental profile of their displays Partners: Electronic Industries Alliance, IPC, the University of Tennessee Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies, original electronic equipment and component manufacturers and suppliers, the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition www.epa.gov/oppt/dfe/pubs/comp-dic Contact: Kathy Hart, HQ HOME (202.564.8787 – hart.kathy@epa.gov) Greening Electronics Factsheet Gives federal procurement officials info on the purchasing of electronic equipment Environmental and Health Concerns EnergyStar® sample contract language Green Purchase Model Criteria and Contract Success Stories, Contacts and Resources Timeline: Originally published in 5/02, undergoing internal/stakeholder review, revised fact sheets available by 3/03 Partners: EPA EPP team document with internal and external stakeholder review Contact: Chris Kent, HQ (202.564.8842 - kent.christopher@epa.gov) HOME Environmentally Preferable Purchasing for Electronic Products Develop the Green Purchasing Guide and host the www.productstewardship.net website with lots of information. Support "green" purchasing of Electronic products, especially within the public sector Partners: Northwest Product Stewardship Council, (See web site for full list of participating agencies) Contact: Viccy Salazar, R10 (206.553.1060 - salazar.viccy@epa.gov) HOME Govt. Procurement Guide to Purchasing Environmentally Preferable Computers Targeted to state/local govt. procurement officials Covering Environmental Health & Safety issues, identify EPP strategies to reduce impacts, how to start EPP program for computers Partners: created by Product Stewardship Institute NERC, SVTC, Full Circle Environmental MA, state/local govts, City of Denver EIA, TCO, IBM, Apple Contact: Chris Beling, R1 (617.918.1792 - beling.christine@epa.gov) HOME Guidelines for electronics for CA agencies To be completed by summer 2003 Partners: Green Seal, California Integrated Waste Management Board Contact: Adrienne Priselac, R9 (415.972.3285 - priselac.adrienne@epa.gov) HOME Federal Electronics Challenge Will develop a hierarchy of options that federal organizations can implement to make greener purchasing decisions better manage their electronic assets and Project will recognize both the economic and environmental impacts of federally owned electronic equipment. Partners: OFEE, EPA R5/R9/R10/HQ, Federal Network for Sustainability Contact: Viccy Salazar, R10 (206.553.1060 - salazar.viccy@epa.gov) HOME Reused Electronics Market Study Study of Reused Electronics Market Sustainability in New England Surveying vendors involved with the reuse of computers and TVs to determine the economic viability and sustainability of this aspect of used electronics management Survey ongoing, completion date Spring 2003 Partners: Northeast Recycling Council www.nerc.org/currentprojects.html#9 Contact: Chris Beling, R1 (617.918.1792 - beling.christine@epa.gov) HOME Testing plastics from used electronics Testing high-end reuse of engineering plastics from used electronic products Identify barriers & opportunities to recycling plastics from used electronic products in the manufacture of new electronic products. The project seeks to advance the establishment of closed-loop recycling for engineering plastics Partners: MN, WI, IL, Sony, etc. Contact: Jason Swift, R5 (312.886.0754 – swift.jason@epa.gov) HOME Evaluation of Cell phone reuse programs Goal: to study the effectiveness of selected cell phone donation and take-back programs Determine how their value is recaptured and how collected phones are ultimately managed at endof-life Assess the environmental benefits of these programs Partners: INFORM Funded as EPA Innovations Pilot Contact: Lorraine Graves, R2 (212.637.4099 - graves.lorraine@epa.gov) HOME E-Recycling Toolkit for Communities Toolkit for communities planning electronics recycling events developed from Midwest Electronics Recycling conference (2001) Tool-kit will be completed Winter 02/03 Partners: NE State Recycling Association Contact: Dave Flora, R7 (913.551.7523 - flora.david@epa.gov) HOME ECycling project Goal: to develop an economically and environmentally sustainable collection, reuse, and recycling system for electronics sharing responsibility among business (electronics manufacturers and retailers), government, and consumers. Partners: DE, MD, WV, VA, PA Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, Envirocycle Inc., Waste Management Asset Recovery Group, Elemental Inc., Electronic Industries Alliance Polymer Alliance Zone of West Virginia. www.epa.gov/reg3wcmd/eCyclingwaste.htm Contact: Claudette Reed, R3 (215.814.2997 – reed.claudette@epa.gov) HOME Plug Into Recycling Campaign Goal: Increase the number of used electronics safely collected and recycled nationwide by educating consumers on why it’s important and motivating them to visit new and existing collection events across the US Consumer awareness campaign linked to electronics recycling events around Earth Day 2003, launch at the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2003 Partners: Manufacturers, retailers, states, locals, feds, and non-profits. Contact: Kathy Kaplan, HQ (703.308.8659 - kaplan.katharine@epa.gov) HOME Electronics Mgmt/Recycling Workshop & Collection Event Mobile, Alabama Collection event was a 'hands-on' training event for the workshop participants Workshop attended by 30 AL state and local officials and was followed by a 2-day collection event for public, area businesses Contact: Pam Swingle, R4 (404.562.8482 - swingle.pamela@epa.gov) HOME National Electronics Mgmt & Compliance Assistance Workshops Discussed regulatory/compliance issues, policies, markets, and needs of regulated community Over 100 participants at each workshop First in Denver - July 2002 Second in Atlanta – September 2002 Organized by Southern Waste Information eXchange Contact: Pam Swingle, R4 (404.562.8482 - swingle.pamela@epa.gov) HOME TCLP Testing of Electronic Components Testing whole computer (CPU), keyboards, and peripherals for 8 RCRA metals, inc. Lead Using Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure To identify toxicity issues for electronics beyond the Cathode Ray Tubes (monitors) Partners: Regions 4 and 5 funded research at the University of Florida Contact: Pam Swingle, R4 (404.562.8482 - swingle.pamela@epa.gov) HOME Thermal Treatment of Electronics Waste Goal: To evaluate emissions from low and high temperature thermal processing of e-waste Laboratory and pilot-scale experimental program Low temperature processing simulates roasting operation High temperature processing simulates municipal waste combustor Variables of interest Partitioning of metals between bottom ash and fly ash Leachability of metals from bottom ash and fly ash Formation of organic air toxics (e.g., dioxins and furans, brominated products of incomplete combustion) Currently funded through ORD/NRMRL exploratory research grant Looking for partners Contact: Eric Stewart, ORD (919-541-3684 - stewart.eric@epa.gov) HOME Eco-industrial park/electronics demanufacturing Congressional earmark to construct an eco-industrial park in the Parkersburg, WV area To dismantle used electronics and manufacturing new products using the plastics obtained from this recycling Polymer Alliance Zone doing economic and business modeling on how to collect, transport and recycle used electronics Partners: PAZ, DOE Contact: Clare Lindsay, HQ (703.308.7266 - lindsay.clare@epa.gov) HOME Proposed CRT Rule Status of CRTs (product - waste) Households, small generators, intended reuse/repair = not regulated Streamlined requirements for glass processors Haz waste rules apply if landfilled or incinerated Final Rule in May 2004 Contact: Marilyn Goode, HQ (703.308.8800 - goode.marilyn@epa.gov) HOME Return To OFEE.gov HOME