Y12 AS Spanish Induction Tasks to do over the summer • Revise grammar (do tasks on pages 7-12) and practise further using websites such as www.languagesonline www. studyspanish.com www.bbc.co.uk/education/languages/Spanish • Revise vocabulary and some key phrases for discussion : : see themes pages 3-6 & vocab topics on pages 13 – 17 • Read Spanish magazines online : ¡Hola!, Mia, Pronto, ¡Qué me dices! Diez Minutos • Read Spanish newspapers online such as ABC, El País, El Mundo • Keep up to date with the news events in Spain and Latin America and all current affairs by reading the English press, listening to Spanish Radio on the internet (eg me.es Radio Nacional de España) and watching Spanish TV channels online eg rtve.es, antena3tv.com • Read internet articles in Spanish eg: on yahoo.es and www.bbcmundo www.youtube/vnews and find videos on topics of interest to develop your listening skills. • Get to know about more about Spanish/Latin American culture by exploring the website www.cervantes.es • Borrow/rent Spanish films with English subtitles (eg: Volver and Pedro Almodóvar films) and watch any of your favourite films in Spanish. ¡Mucha suerte y buenas vacaciones! AS Spanish The exams • Unit 1: Listening, Reading & Writing (2 hour written exam) • Unit 2: Speaking (20 min preparation + 15 min oral) AS Spanish The topics 1. MEDIA • Television (TV viewing habits / range of programmes and their appeal & popularity / range of channels including satellite & internet / benefits & dangers of watching TV) • Advertising (purposes of advertising / advertising techniques / curbs on advertising eg: tobacco & alcohol / benefits & drawback of advertising) • Communication technology (popularity of mobile phones, MP3 players etc / benefits & dangers of mobile phones, MP3 players etc / Internet, its current & potential usage / benefits & dangers of the interne AS Spanish The topics 2. POPULAR CULTURE • Cinema (types of films, changing trends / the place of cinema in popular culture / A good film I have seen / cinema versus alternative ways of viewing films) • Music (types of music, changing trends / the place of music in popular culture / Music I like / how music defines personal identity) • Fashion / Trends (How we can alter our image / Does how we look define who we are? / lifestyle & leisure activities / the cult of the celebrity) AS Spanish The topics 3. HEALTHY LIVING & LIFESTYLE • Sport / Exercise (traditional sports versus “fun” sports / reasons for taking part in sport, physical exercise / factors influencing participation in sport, physical exercise / links between physical exercise & health) • Health & Well-being (Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs / diet, including eating disorders / the work-life balance / risks to health through accidents) • Holidays (types of holiday & holiday activities / the impact on tourism on holiday destinations / purposes & benefits of holidays / changing attitudes to holidays) AS Spanish The topics 4. FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS • Relationships within the family (role of parents & the importance of good parenting / attitudes of young people towards other family members / conflict between young people & other family members / changing models of family & parenting) • Friendships (Characteristics & roles of friends / conflicts with friends / importance of friends / friendship versus love) • Marriage / Partnerships (changing attitudes towards marriage or cohabitation / separation & divorce / staying single: benefits & drawbacks / changing roles within the home) The present tense Pablo is talking about what he does at the weekend. Fill in each gap with a verb from the box, making sure you use the correct form of the present tense. Normalmente los sábados por la mañana no (1) ……….. mucho. A veces (2) ……………………….con mis amigos por la tarde y (3) …………………………. al tenis o al baloncesto. Por la noche siempre (4) ……………………………….. al cine o al disco. Si (5) ………………………una fiesta entonces (6) ………………………………..ropa fina, si (7)……………………llevar vaqueros o chándal. De todos modos los domingos (8) ……………….. día de (9)…………………con la familia y después de un buen almuerzo muchas veces (10) ……….. hacer una siesta antes de pasear con mis padres. hacer jugar tener ir ser querer salir estar ponerse preferir The preterite tense: translate into Spanish I arrived late to school this morning My holidays were incredible Last Saturday we had a party to celebrate my birthday The day before yesterday I went to the cinema and saw a fantastic film Yesterday I did nothing and read a very good book My brother studied eight subjects at school I got good marks in my exams I was really bored in the history lesson Last night my friends went to the sports centre to play in a football match I looked for my watch but couldn’t find it The imperfect tense The imperfect is a past tense which is used to describe what something was like, what someone was doing, what used to happen or happened on a regular basis. It is also used to refer to events that happened over a period of time. Match up the sentence halves. Then underline all the verbs in the imperfect tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. Señora Lopez leía Los jóvenes desayunaban Mi amiga jugaba Señor Martinez y su hermana se daban 5. Roberto se peleaba 6. Pilar esperaba 7. La familía hacía sus maletas 8. Ana hablaba por teléfono 9. Elena tomaba 10.Los negociantes tomaban A. con su hermano B. una copa en el bar C. un paseo en el jardín D. una novela romántica E. con todos sus amigas F. antes de salir G. al golf H. a un amigo en la recepción I. una ducha J. en el comedor Translate each sentence into English: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The future tense: translate into Spanish I don’t know what I’ll do next year If I get good marks I’ll be able to continue studying Next week I’ll know the results of my exams Perhaps I won’t have enough money to study at university In the future the world will be very different How many pupils will study s Spanish next year? Schools will have more computers If I have time I’ll play basketball on Friday It’s a pity but I think that there will always be bullying in schools Tomorrow evening we’ll go to a party and dance all night The conditional tense: translate into Spanish The conditional tense is used to describe what you would do in the future. Me encantaría trabajar con ordenadores (I’d love to work with computers) What would you do if you had more time? Translate these examples into Spanish : My brother would play football a lot more My friends would go swimming every day I would send text messages to all my family My sister would go to the cinema every weekend Rosa would watch television all the time My mother would go shopping with a friend every Saturday Would you go to the sports centre to do gym? I would have more parties We would be fit because we would do more sport Expresiones y frases claves ¿Cómo se dice en inglés? español inglés a mi parecer hay que comprender (no) vale la pena lo bueno es que lo importante es que a mi modo de ver me parece que adémas sin embargo desde mi punto de vista sin duda por un lado por otro lado por eso / por lo tanto quizás / tal vez en primer lugar (no) estoy de acuerdo estoy a favor de … estoy en contra de …….. hay que tener en cuenta de … afortunadamente desafortunadamente desgraciadamente tanto …….. como …………... no sólo ………… sino también es cierto que …… no comparto tu opinión Los medios La televisión la telebasura- = trashy TV la tertulia = chat show la telerealidad = reality TV la caja tonta = ‘the box’ (TV) la parabólica = satellite dish la telenovela = soap el culebrón = soap hacer zapping = to zap ser el bombazo / el fracaso = to be a hit/flop ser el fracaso Las tecnologías de la comunicación el internet / la red = the Internet el sitio web = web site el correo electrónico = email la palabra clave = password el teléfono fijo = fixed line phone el teléfono móvil = mobile el navegador = browser el ordenador pórtatil = laptop el apodo / psuedónimo = username el mensaje de texto = a text message el acoso escolar = bullying el daño = harm la amenaza = threat bajarse = to download subir = to upload chatear = to chat online mandar = to send La publicidad El anuncio = advert El spot publicitario = advert (TV) El eslogan = catchphrase El lavado del cerebro = brainwashing La pausa publicitaria = commercial break La vida sana la salud = health sano = healthy el consumo de drogas = drug taking el drogadicto / el toxicómano = drug addict el traficante de droga / el camello = drug addict el trastorno alimenticio = eating disorder el SIDA = AIDS la droga blanda / dura = soft / hard drugs la drogodependencia = drug addiction drogarse = to take drugs la comida rápida = fast food la obesidad = obesity la anorexia = anorexia la bulimia = bulimia borracho = drunk el alcohol = alcohol el alcoholismo = alcoholism un resaca = hangover el embriaguez = drunkeness el tabaquismo = smoking el regimén = diet estar en forma = to be fit mantener la forma = to stay in shape fumar = to smoke dejar de fumar = to give up smoking La familia la familia monoparental = single parent family la familia unida = close family la pareja = partner/couple la esposa = wife la novia = girlfriend la ama de casa = house wife la tasa de natalidad = birth rate Masculine: el matrimonio = marriage el divorcio = divorce el amo de casa = house husband el marido = husband el compañero = partner el novio = boyfriend el comportamiento = behaviour el conflicto generacional = generation gap Verbs vivir juntos = to live together cuidar a los niños = to look after the children criar una familia = to bring up a family La cultura popular La música la canción = song el/la cantante = singer el coro = choir la música clásica = classical music la música pop = pop music la estrella de pop = pop star la música bacalao = techno music la gaita = bagpipes el compositor = composer componer = to compose la orquesta = orchestra las cuerdas = strings, chords la grabación = recording grabar = to record El cine El Goya = Spanish equivalent to Oscar el premio = the award el actor / la actriz = actor/actress alquilar un DVD = to rent a DVD el cineaste / el director = director el guión = the script el / la guionista = scriptwriter la cartelera = cinema listings los efectos especiales = special effects grabar = to film, record rodear = to shoot a film los palomitos = popcorn la pantalla = the (big) screen el público = the audience La moda la adoración de celebridades = the worship pf celebrities aspirar a ser como ellos = to aspire to be like them la alta sociedad = the jet set el aspecto físico = physical appearance la cirugía plástica = plastic surgery la delgadez = slimness estar de moda = to be fashionable la imagen = the image el peinado = hairstyle la présion de grupo = peer group pressure la ropa de marca = designer clothes la revista de corazón = a glossy magazine el tatuaje = a tattoo comprar en las cadenas = to buy in the high street chains estar guay = to be cool estar pasado de moda = to be out of fashion