PSEL Self-Reflection Activities 2015

Self-Reflection Activities
Probably the most important skill for today's rapidly changing workforce is skills in self-reflection.
The highly motivated, self-directed learner with skills in self-reflection can approach the workplace
as a continual classroom from which to learn.
—Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC
Objectives: By engaging in self-reflective activities, you will:
 Identify your strengths and limitations in specific environments
 Begin to understand how your individual personality, learning, and behavioral
characteristics influence your interactions with others.
 Increase your self-awareness in order to maximize your individual effectiveness
Approach: In the following pages, you will find several self-reflection activities that you
are required to complete. You will utilize the results to create your Leadership Learning
Plan. You are encouraged to find meaning from the results of these activities including
trends and patterns, strengths, areas of growth, core motivators/drivers, etc.
List of Self-Reflection Activities
The activities listed below are explained in detail in the following pages.
Reflected Best Self Exercise: ........................................................................................................... 2
The Achievement Tool ................................................................................................................... 3
Personal Inventory .......................................................................................................................... 4
Leadership Assessment .................................................................................................................. 5
The Question of Leadership .......................................................................................................... 6
Discovering Your ‘Why It Matters’ .............................................................................................. 7
My Values ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire .................................................................................. 14
Completing a Life Inventory ....................................................................................................... 22
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Reflected Best Self Exercise:
Please follow the instructions that were emailed to you to complete this exercise.
All of us can recall our own extraordinary moments, those moments when we felt that
our best self was brought to light, affirmed by others and put into practice in the world.
These memories are seared into our minds as moments or situations in which we have
felt alive, true to our deepest selves and pursuing our full potential as human beings.
Over time, we collect these experiences into a portrait of who we are when we are at our
personal best. To help compose a best-self-portrait, it is important to draw on the
perceptions of significant others who have unique and valuable insights into the ways we
add value and make a contribution. The Reflected Best Self (RBS) exercise creates an
opportunity for you to receive feedback regarding who you are when you are at your
In this exercise, you will obtain data from other people to create a more extensive
reflected best-self-portrait. You will obtain short descriptions of who you are and what
you do when you are at your very best from a diverse array of significant people in your
life. From this feedback, you will learn important things about yourself that you may
have never realized before.
The goal of this feedback exercise is five-fold:
 To generate awareness of how others see you when you are at your best
To enhance understanding about what kinds of work situations bring out the best
in you
To create personal and career development plans and actions, based upon the
reflections that your reflected best-self feedback generates
To provide a tool for future times when you may be discouraged and need to get
back on track
To assess the individual strengths that exist within your learning groups.
Developed by Robert E. Quinn, Jane E. Dutton, and Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
The Achievement Tool
This tool has three main purposes:
1. To record, inquire into and celebrate an achievement
2. To gather rich information about yourself that will help you develop your
Leadership Learning Plan
3. To identify what helps you to be at your best
How It Works
The tool is inspired by ideas from ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ which suggests that if we can
inquire into, learn and understand what helps us be at our best, do our best work and be
most successful, then we can do what is necessary to re-create these conditions more
often, and that we will find more and more of what we are looking for: If we focus on all
of our deficiencies, we will find ever more of them, if we search for all of our strengths,
gifts and achievements, we will find ever more of these too.
1. Please use the following link:
2. Under Resource Files, click on “Achievement Tool (doc)”
3. Complete the first page of the document. (Instructions are on the following pages
of the document.)
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Personal Inventory
©2013 Sherpa Executive Coaching, extracted from The Sherpa Guide® materials, with permission
1. I want to be ______________________________ in five years.
2. My biggest strength at work is _____________________________.
3. My supervisor says ____________________ about the way I do my job.
4. I am willing to commit__________ hours per week to my job.
5. I am willing to commit to _______hours per month to my growth and
6. This really makes me happy (at work):
7. My biggest stress comes from_______________________________.
8. My biggest stumbling block is _______________________________.
9. I come to work because:
10. Success looks like this to me:
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Leadership Assessment
©2013 Sherpa Executive Coaching, extracted from The Sherpa Guide® materials, with permission
1. What kind of leader am I? Describe in detail:
2. I was proud of my leadership in this situation. Describe why
Within the last week:
Within the last month:
3. A situation where my leadership abilities fell short. Describe why:
4. Someone I think is an exceptional leader. Describe why:
5. Three areas in which I would like to improve my leadership abilities:
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
The Question of Leadership
Adapted from The W.K. Kellogg Grassroots Leadership Development Workbook for Aspiring or Current
Grassroots Leaders. The full workbook can be downloaded for free at:
1. How does your unit/department define its leaders?
2. What are their titles and roles?
3. Does this approach work? Is there anything you’d like to change about how
leaders carry out their responsibilities—or how they are viewed? (both from an
internal and external perspective)
4. How often is there a “changing of the guard” within the ranks of leadership in
your unit/department? Is there a plan for encouraging new leadership and for
recognizing the contributions of long-time leaders?
5. Are you clear about the purpose of your unit/department? What is it?
6. How do you see yourself contributing to this purpose?
7. Are you able to make a connection between what you want to learn to be a more
effective leader and what Penn State needs to continue its growth?
8. Have you made a decision to think of yourself as a leader? Why or why not?
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Discovering Your ‘Why It Matters’
A Story About Motivation
A manager wanted to see how his workers felt about their jobs. He went to his building site
to take an informal poll.
He approached the first worker and asked, “What are you doing?” – “What, are you blind?”
the worker snapped back. “I’m cutting these boulders with primitive tools and putting them
together the way the boss tells me. I’m sweating under this blazing sun, it’s back breaking
work, and it’s boring me to death.”
The executive quickly backed off and went looking for another worker. “What are you
doing?” he asked, “I’m shaping these boulders into different forms, which are then
assembled according to the architect’s plan. It’s hard work and it sometimes gets repetitive,
but I earn a good wage and that supports my family. It’s a job. Could be worse.”
Somewhat encouraged, he went to a third worker. “What are you doing?” he asked, “Why,
can’t you see?” Beamed the worker as he lifted his arms to the sky. “I’m building a cathedral!
I can imagine the steps over there, filled with throngs of people hurrying inside for a
wedding. I can hear the bells ringing out on Sunday morning. I can almost see the way the
morning sun will shine through stained glass, creating beautiful patterns. What a great job.”
You see three different people, all doing the same job, had three totally different ways of
looking at it.
 The first worker focuses on what he is doing—breaking stones. He’s not at all happy
with his job, and he’s probably not happy with his life.
The second worker appreciates why he’s doing his job—it’s part of a plan, and he’s
happy to be making a living. He seems more content doing exactly the same job.
The third worker has a mission and a vision. This worker’s ‘why it matters’ is to
elevate the human spirit—he sees a bigger picture. His ‘why it matters’ allows him to
approach work, and life, with joy and passion. He looks way past the construction and
the building; he is looking at what the experience is for the people who will enter. He
is thinking about the choir loft, the weddings that will take place and the stained glass
with the sun shining through. That’s ‘why it matters,’ and this worker is truly
©2013 Sherpa Executive Coaching, extracted from The Sherpa Guide® materials, with permission
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Understanding Your ‘Why It Matters’
Your ‘why it matters’ is about motivation. It is:
 The ultimate motivator at the core of who you are—it helps to explain why you do
what you do
 The one thing in your life that is so ingrained that it drives almost everything you
 Your internal engine that drives your actions and interactions
 Always on and never off
 Evident in your actions and words around
Your ‘why it matters’ explains why you do what you do. Another way to look at it: What
would you tell your children they need to do to “conquer the world?” Many times you
will consistently use that word or phrase in your communications. To help you discover
your ‘why it matters,’ consider what you seek in your work and in your relationships as
well as words and phrases that you tend to use often.
Trigger Questions to Help you Discover Your ‘Why It Matters’
1. What is the driving force that flips your switch and energizes you day in and day
2. Why do you get up and do what you do every day?
3. What makes you tick every day?
4. What needs to happen each day for you to say “This was a great day”?
5. What are the three most important messages that you would want to leave as a
legacy to your children—your advice for what they need to do to conquer the
6. If you were to give advice to a young person in just five words, what would you
©2013 Sherpa Executive Coaching, extracted from The Sherpa Guide® materials, with permission
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
7. What has been repeatedly ingrained in you throughout your childhood?
8. What motivates and energizes you most?
9. What are your passions?
10. What do you like most about your job?
11. What do you automatically do without even thinking about it?
12. What is your true north—your guiding star?
13. What do you offer the world, personally and professionally?
14. If you ran your own business, what would it be known for?
15. What are you determined to do, no matter what?
16. What would you continue to strive to do even in the face of limited resources,
personal disabilities, and formidable obstacles?
17. If you won the lottery and no longer needed to work, what would you do with
your time?
©2013 Sherpa Executive Coaching, extracted from The Sherpa Guide® materials, with permission
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Exercise to Help You Identify ‘Your Why It Matters’
Fast forward several years and assume that you attending your retirement celebration.
You have realized all of your career goals, and you have enjoyed a very fulfilling and
successful life. Write a 5-7 sentence speech that is being delivered by your best friend and
closest confidante to describe what drove and inspired you to achieve such great heights
throughout your entire career. As you look at the paragraph that you've written, use a
phrase to summarize your 'why it matters'—the ultimate motivator that lies at the core of
who you are.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
My Values
The objective of this exercise is to help you clarify your values, or beliefs. Since our values
and beliefs change from time to time, after reflection or certain events, it is useful to
review and consider our values and beliefs regularly. This exercise is adapted from
numerous instruments used to assess one’s values based on the ideas of Milton Rokeach,
described in The Nature of Human Values, New York: Free Press, 1973.
On the next page is a list of 49 values, beliefs, or personal characteristics for your
consideration. The following steps should help you identify which are most important to
you as guiding principles in your life. You might find it useful to determine degrees of
importance by considering whether you would be upset or elated if your present state or
condition in life regarding a particular value would be significantly reduced or increased.
Sometimes, you might find it helpful to consider two values at a time, asking yourself
about the relative importance of one over the other.
Whatever technique or method you use:
 First, please identify the fifteen or so values that are most important to you, and
mark them with an asterisk or circle them
Second, from this list of fifteen or so, identify the ten that are the most important to
you and write them on the lines in the space provided
Third, from this list of ten, identify the five that are the most important to you
Fourth, rank each of the five from “1” being the most important value to you to
“5” being the least important of these five important values
If you would find it helpful, you may want to rank the next five values (i.e., the “other
five” from the list generated in the third step above).
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
List of Values, Beliefs, or Desirable Personal Characteristics
Penn State Emerging Leaders
(a sense of accomplishment, success, or contribution)
(aspiring to promotion or progress within career)
(new and challenging experiences)
(love, caring)
(aesthetics in nature, art, or life)
(tidy, sanitary)
(capable, effective)
(winning, taking risks)
(prosperous or easy life)
(working well with others, teamwork)
(standing up for beliefs)
(being imaginative, innovative)
(self-controlled, restrained)
(steady, adequate income)
(egalitarianism in life, equal opportunity for all)
(a stimulating or challenging life)
(being famous, well known)
(nuclear and/or extended family that is happy)
(nuclear and/or extended family that is safe)
(willing to forget a judgment of others)
(independence, autonomy, free choice, self-reliant)
(close relationships, companionship)
(being physically and mentally well)
(assisting others, improving society)
(being at peace with yourself)
(honesty, sincerity, genuineness)
(participating with others, belonging)
(conceptual, abstract, or symbolic)
(affectionate, tender)
(duty, respectfulness, obedience)
(protection from attack)
(tranquility, stability, conformity)
(a world at peace, without war or conflict)
(personal growth)
(fun, laughs, an enjoyable, leisurely life-style)
(courteous, well-mannered)
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
(control, authority, influence over others)
(social recognition, respect from others, status)
(strong religious beliefs)
(dependable, reliable)
(eternal peace)
(self-esteem, pride, sense of personal identity)
(making money, getting rich)
(understanding life, discovering knowledge)
My Ten Most Important Values:
My Five Most Important Values:
Most Important Value Rank #1
Next Most Important Value Rank #2
Next Most Important Value Rank #3
Next Most Important Value Rank #4
Next Most Important Value Rank #5
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire
Answer the following questions by indicating your current preference in terms of
ranking the choices for each item. The option ranked "1" should be your first choice; the
option ranked "2" should be your second choice; and the option ranked "3" should be
your last choice. Although it is sometimes difficult to determine a preference, please
indicate your ranking in terms of the order that best reflects your preferences. Some of
the choices have multiple parts, separated by "OR". For each such item, select the
most important part (i.e., the segment separated by an OR you most like), underline it,
and assign the rank for that item (i.e., the rank reflecting your preference for the part
underlined while disregarding other parts of the item).
1. I think of my value, or worth, in terms of:
My relationships (e.g., family, friends)
My ideas OR ability to invent new concepts OR ability to analyze things
My financial net worth OR income
2. I feel most proud of organizations to which I belong when they:
Have created new products/services
Create financial worth for individuals (regardless of the people being
employees, investors, or partners) OR create jobs
Have helped people live easier and healthier lives
3. When someone asks me to commit to spending time on a project, I ask myself:
What can I learn from doing it?
Will it help someone, or is someone counting on me to do it?
Is it worth it to me?
4. Sometimes I will do something for no other reason than because:
I want to figure out why something works the way it does
It has to be done in order to do something else OR get something I want
It will allow me to be with a person I care about OR it would please someone I
care about
5. The way I can best contribute to others' lives is to:
Help them find jobs OR develop financial security and independence
Help them develop principles with which to guide their lives
Help them build relationships with others or me OR help them feel better about
6. I get most done when I am with someone I would describe as:
7. I consider my contribution to society in terms of:
Ideas, concepts, or products
People and relationships
© Richard E. Boyatzis, 1992. Permission for use granted to The Center for Workplace Learning &
Performance, Penn State University.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
8. I define myself in terms of:
What I accomplish OR what I do (i.e., my activity/behavior)
My thoughts, values, and ideas
The people with whom I have relationships
9. I would describe myself as:
10. I consider the most important stakeholders of the organization for whom I work
to be:
The field or industry of which we are a part
Shareholders/investors OR customers/clients
11. When I read or listen to the news, I often think about:
Whether it gives me an idea as to how to make money OR seize an opportunity
The statement/s it makes about the nature of our society
The people in the stories (i.e., those affected by the events)
12. I believe many of society's problems could be resolved if more people were:
13. When I have free time, I prefer to:
Do things that need to be done (e.g. chores duties)
Figure out things OR think about what, why, and how things work and are the
way they are
Spend time talking or doing things with specific other people
14. The following are good principles to live by:
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
To contemplate the meaning of life and events is an important activity.
15. I have the most fun, stimulation, or excitement when I am with someone who I
describe as:
16. I feel that an organization should contribute to society by:
Providing a place for people to realize their dreams, develop,
and contribute
Creating ideas, products, or services
Creating increased net worth (i.e., helping individuals build
their net worth) OR creating jobs
© Richard E. Boyatzis, 1992. Permission for use granted to The Center for Workplace Learning &
Performance, Penn State University.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
17. People have spent a full life if they have:
Cared for others and built relationships
Made a million OR achieved financial security OR created jobs
Developed ideas, products, or methods
18. Individuals should:
Identify their goals and then work toward them, making sacrifices
when necessary for their long term goals
Seek fulfillment through their relationships
Understand themselves and why they do things
19. I will feel successful, if in ten years, I have:
Written articles/books OR taught people ideas, concepts OR invented new
concepts, ideas, products OR have figured a number of things out
Known many people well OR a number of meaningful relationships
A greater net worth than I do now OR financial security and freedom
20. My time is well spent in an activity if:
I make friends OR meet interesting people
I get interesting ideas OR observations from it
I can make money from the activity
© Richard E. Boyatzis, 1992. Permission for use granted to The Center for Workplace Learning &
Performance, Penn State University.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Scoring, Profiling, and Interpretation Guide
To calculate your scores on the Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire, copy the
number you placed next to each item in the questionnaire (i.e., item 1 (a) is the first item,
item 6 (c) is the last item on the first page) to the right of that item on the chart below.
Add all of the items in each column for a column sub-total. Then, subtract the sub-total of
each column from 60 to obtain a score for Pragmatic Value, Intellectual Value, and
Human Value. The adjustment to the rankings makes it easier to understand.
1.c _____
2.b _____
3.c _____
4.b _____
5.a _____
6.a _____
7.b _____
8.a _____
9.c _____
10.c _____
11.a _____
12.a _____
13.a _____
14.a _____
15.a _____
16.c _____
17.b _____
18.a _____
19.c _____
20.c _____
1.b _____
2.a _____
3.a _____
4.a _____
5.b _____
6.c _____
7.a _____
8.b _____
9.a _____
10.a _____
11.b _____
12.b _____
13.b _____
14.c _____
15.c _____
16.b _____
17.c _____
18.c _____
19.a _____
20.b _____
1.a _____
2.c _____
3.b _____
4.c _____
5.c _____
6.b _____
7.c _____
8.c _____
9.b _____
10.b _____
11.c _____
12.c _____
13.c _____
14.b _____
15.b _____
16.a _____
17.a _____
18.b _____
19.b _____
20.a _____
Add the scores
Subtract from 60
for your TOTAL
© Richard E. Boyatzis, 1992. Permission for use granted to The Center for Workplace Learning &
Performance, Penn State University.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Management is a moral profession. As managers, each person pursues benefits to
themselves, their organization, their family, their community, and their society according
to their beliefs or values.
This questionnaire is designed to assist you in exploring your preferences regarding three
basic value orientations involved in management: pragmatic value, intellectual value, and
human value. We see the worth, benefit, or goodness in ourselves, others, and
organizations through the lens of our dominant value orientation. Our values are based
on beliefs and determine our attitudes. A value typically includes an evaluation (i.e.,
good or bad designation) of an object or subject. Sets of values form proscriptions and
prescriptions (i.e., statements of what NOT to do and what TO DO) that guide our daily
life. Values also affect how we interpret and perceive things and events around us. A
value orientation is a set of values.
Pragmatic Value Orientation
Pragmatic value orientation appears to be based in philosophies of utilitarianism,
pragmatism, or consequentialism. With a dominant pragmatic value orientation, a person
will tend to determine the worthiness of an activity in terms of its measurable utility
toward desired ends, or objectives. If the ends, or objectives, are not clear, or if the
measurability is difficult, the activity will be less valued by someone with a dominant
pragmatic value orientation. Although financial variables provide a convenient measure
(i.e., in terms of dollars, or local currency), a dominant pragmatic value orientation does
not imply that the person is focused or preoccupied with money. Money may merely be
the measure he/she uses to assess the relative inputs and outputs. The central issue
underlying a dominant pragmatic value orientation is a pragmatic concern.
Pragmatic value orientation has been shown, in research, to be correlated with
demonstration of Goal and Action Management abilities, in particular Efficiency
Orientation and Planning, in videotaped exercises. In terms of self-description with the
Learning Skills Profile, it appears correlated with Information Analysis, Quantitative,
Technology, Action, and Initiative Skills; and negatively correlated with Relationship,
Help, and Sense-Making Skills. Pragmatic value orientation is correlated with a
preference for Active Experimentation as one's learning style.
Intellectual Value Orientation
Intellectual value orientation appears to be based in a philosophy of rationalism, and
possibly in the abstractions of mysticism. With a dominant intellectual value orientation,
a person will tend to determine the worthiness of an activity in terms of its conceptual
contribution to understanding something. Creating a cognitive map, or a framework
describing what we know about something, is at the heart of this value orientation. There
is a tendency to use abstract and symbolic variables to understand, describe, or explore a
phenomena. The central issue underlying a dominant intellectual value orientation is an
analytic concern.
Intellectual value orientation has been shown, in research, to be correlated with a
preference for Abstract Conceptualization and Reflective Observation learning styles. In
terms of self-description with the Learning Skills Profile, it appears correlated with SenseMaking, Information Analysis, Theory, Quantitative, and Technology Skills; and
Penn State Emerging Leaders
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negatively correlated with Leadership, Relationship, and Action Skills. It appears
negatively correlated with demonstration of abilities involved in asserting oneself; that is
Persuasiveness and Initiative. It has also been shown to be correlated with performance
on standardized tests, such as the GMAT.
Human Value Orientation
Human value orientation appears to be based in philosophies of humanism and
communitarianism. With a dominant human value orientation, a person will tend to
determine the worthiness of an activity in terms of its affect on specific other people and
its impact on the quality of the relationship he/she has with specific others. Although
intimacy and friendship may be of primary importance to someone with a dominant
human value orientation, the concerns for others and relationships may occur in the
context of work or other types of settings. The central issue underlying a dominant
human value orientation is caring for others.
Human value orientation has been shown, in research, to be correlated with
demonstration of People Management abilities involved in building relationships,
namely, Empathy, Negotiating, and Group Management; it appears negatively correlated
with demonstration of Efficiency Orientation and Planning. In terms of self-description
with the Learning Skills Profile, it appears correlated with relationship and Help Skills;
and negatively correlated with Sense-Making, Information Analysis, Theory,
Quantitative, Technology, Goal Setting, and Initiative Skills. Human value orientation is
associated with a preference for Concrete Experience as one's learning style.
Philosophical Value Orientations
Each one of us believes in these three value orientations (i.e., pragmatic value, intellectual
value, and human value), but we weigh their importance differently. It is expected that
many people will believe one of these three value orientations is more important than the
others at any point in time in their lives. The relative weighting of the importance to us of
the three value systems may change over time.
Begin your interpretation of your responses to this questionnaire by asking yourself if the
Total scores (i.e., the relative raw scores) reflect your personal beliefs about the
importance or ranking of these three value orientations. My TOTAL scores were:
Pragmatic Value =
Intellectual Value =
Human Value
The gap between the various scores may reflect the degree to which your preference for
any one of these values is closely related (i.e., a small gap of several points) or not related
(i.e., a large gap with your score on one value double your score on another value).
Another way to examine the meaning of the scores is through a percentile chart. The
profile reflects a percentile distribution of your scores against 1,320 managers, executives
and professionals. This sample has a range of 17 to 63, with an average age of 32. It is just
over one third female, and comes from US, European, South American, and Asian
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
The raw scores and the percentile distribution are both helpful, but in different ways. The
raw scores reflect how you answered each question. The percentile distribution shows
your scores relative to the way in which others complete the instrument. The latter is said
to adjust for the distortion in responding to questionnaires resulting from the social
desirability, or political correctness, of certain answers. You can choose to analyze one of
these sets of scores or both of them.
How does this ranking, or preference affect your choices in life or at work? Does it affect
your self-image? Does it affect your choice of attractive jobs or organizations? Does it
affect your political preferences in elections? Does it affect your choice of friends? Does it
affect your choice of how to spend your time? Does it affect your feeling about the degree
to which you have been a good and virtuous person recently?
Organizational Values
Often, organizations communicate expectations and values to people within it and all
stakeholders. These are statements of the organization's culture, or the shared beliefs of
the people in the organization. Sometimes, these shared beliefs reflect the values of the
founders, top executives, dominant coalition, or opinion leaders. At other times, many of
the stakeholders have come to adopt and share the same beliefs or values.
A person can find it difficult, uncomfortable, stressful, or merely confusing to be involved
with an organization whose preference for one of the three values addressed in this
questionnaire is different than his or her own preference. Although working hard, a
person in a situation in which his or her value preference is different than the culture of
the organization may find himself or herself not being rewarded, or even recognized for
his or her contributions. Feeling "undervalued" will probably result.
As you consider each of the three value orientations, what do you think would be the
ranking of preferences of the organization in which you currently work, or recently
worked? That is, if the leaders, executives, dominant coalition, and opinion leaders
completed the Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire, how would their combine scores
compare with your scores? Are there differences in the ranking? What are the
consequences of these differences? Are there similarities in the rankings? What are the
Compatibility between a person's values and the organization's culture has been cited by
many as a source of commitment, enthusiasm, sense of belonging, pride, and willingness
to use capabilities to the fullest in pursuit of the organization's goals or agenda. Given
your value orientation preferences, do you think they are important to consider in
determining for which organization you want to work?
© Richard E. Boyatzis, 1992. Permission for use granted to The Center for Workplace Learning &
Performance, Penn State University.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
Completing a Life Inventory
Source: Creating Your Future: A Guide to Personal Goal Setting by George A. Ford and Gordon L. Lippitt
This life inventory is a display of all the things you do and would like to do—your
activities and your values.
There will be some overlap and duplication in your responses, but don’t let this fact
hamper you. Move quickly and spontaneously in responding; just write what first comes
to mind, and don’t edit what you have written.
1. Peak Experiences I Have Had
a. These are the great moments in your life. They do not have to be the most
exquisite moments you have ever had, but they should be the great times
when you felt you were really living and enjoying life. Your list should
include things that matter to you because they have made you feel glad that
you are human and alive.
2. Things I Do Well
a. Boast about yourself and focus on your strengths. Some of the things you
do well will be things that are very meaningful to you; others may simply
bore you. List all that you can think of quickly.
3. Things I Do Poorly
a. These are things that you do not do well, but for some reason you want to
do them or must to them. Don’t list things that you have no interest in
doing and do not need to do.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
4. Things I Would Like to Stop Doing
a. All of us know of things that we would like to stop doing. For you, these
might or might not be things that for some reason you have to do. After
you complete this question, you may want to check with friends, family
members or colleagues and ask them to suggest some things that they think
you should stop doing.
5. Things I Would Like to Learn to Do Well
a. These are things that you must do well and things that you want to do well.
6. Values I Want to Actualize
a. These are things you want that do not fit in any of the other categories. This
category may seem less clear to you than the others, but remember that
many of the intangible aspects of life are values.
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance
7. Peak experiences I Would Like to Have
a. These are things that you would like to have happen to you. They may be
new experiences or ones that you would like to have again.
8. Things I Would Like to Start Doing Now
a. List those things that come to mind as you write. Don’t censor anything
Penn State Emerging Leaders
Center for Workplace Learning & Performance