Physical Properties of Aquifers Groundwater Hydraulics Daene C. McKinney Outline • Porous Medium – – – – – – – Porosity Moisture Content Particle Size Distribution of water in subsurface Capillary Pressure Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves Specific Yield and Retention • Piezometric head in aquifers • Aquifer Types – Aquifer Storage Porous Medium • • • • Groundwater – All waters found beneath the ground surface – Occupies pores (void space space not occupied by solid matter) Porous media – Numerous pores of small size – Pores contain fluids (e.g., water and air) – Pores act as conduits for flow of fluids Type of rocks and their – Number, size, and arrangement of pores – Affect the storage and flow through a formation. Pores shapes are irregular – Differences in the minerals making up the rocks – Geologic processes experienced by them. Continuum Approach to Porous Media • Pressure, density etc. apply to fluid elements that are large relative to molecular dimensions, but small relative to the size of the flow problem • We adopt a Representative Elementary Volume (REV) approach • REV must be large enough to contain enough pores to define the average value of the variable in the fluid phase and to ensure that the pore-to-pore fluctuations are smoothed out • REV must be small enough that larger scale heterogeneities do not get averaged out (layering, etc.) Porosity Soil volume V (Saturated) Pore with water solid Porosity • Property of the voids of the porous medium • % of total volume occupied by voids Cubic Packing Soil volume V (Saturated) Pore with water solid Rhombo Packing Porosity Porosity: total volume of soil that can be filled with water V f= i V f= Soil volume V (Saturated) V - Vs V V = Total volume of element Vi = Volume of Pores Vs = Volume of solids Pore with water solid r - rd r f= m = 1- d rm rm rm = particles density (grain density) Void Ratio: Vi f e = = rd = bulk density Vs 1- f Typical Values of Porosity Material Porosity (%) Peat Soil 60-80 Soils 50-60 Clay 45-55 Silt 40-50 Med. to Coarse Sand 35-40 Uniform Sand 30-40 Fine to Med Sand 30-35 Gravel 30-40 Gravel and Sand 30-35 Sandstone 10-20 Shale 1-10 Limestone 1-10 8 Volumetric Water Content Soil volume V (Unsaturated) Saturation Soil volume V (Unsaturated) Particle Size of Some Soils 11 Particle Size Distribution Poorly sorted silty fine to medium sand Well sorted fine sand • Particle size distribution curves – Relative % of grain sizes • Soil classification standards • Soil texture 12 Particle Size Distribution Sand 49% Clay 40% Soil Characteristics of Cyprus Soil Sample 13 Occurrence of Groundwater • Ground water occurs when water recharges the subsurface through cracks and pores in soil and rock • Shallow water level is called the water table 14 Distribution of Water in Subsurface Moisture Profile • Different zones – • Unsaturated Zone – • Water moves down (up) during infiltration (evaporation) Capillary fringe – – • Water held by capillary forces, water content near field capacity except during infiltration Soil zone – • depend on % of pore space filled with water Saturated ar base Field capacity at top Saturated Zone – Fully saturated pores Field capacity - Water remaining after gravity drainage Wilting point - Water remaining after gravity drainage & evapotranspiration Soil Profile Description Saturation • Saturation • Water Content • Water Saturation Soil volume V (Unsaturated) Surface Tension • Below interface – Forces act equally in all directions • At interface – Some forces are missing – Pulls molecules down and together – Like membrane exerting tension on the surface • Curved interface Interface water air Net force inward – Higher pressure on concave side • Pressure increase is balanced by surface tension – s = 0.073 N/m (@ 20oC) • Capillary pressure – Relates pressure on both sides of interface No net force Surface Tension sgl gas ssg b < 90o - liquid is wetting the solid b > 90o - liquid is non-wetting the solid b solid air air solid solid b Hg b water Mercury nonwetting solid Water wetting solid liquid ssl Capillary Pressure • Two immiscible fluids in contact exhibit a discontinuity in pressure across the interface separating them. • This pressure difference is capillary pressure pc • It depends on the curvature of the interface. pnw is the pressure in the nonwetting fluid (air, say) pw is the pressure in the wetting fluid (water, say) Capillary Pressure Air pair z pair y p Solid pw Solid Water pc r Rise of water in a capillary tube. Capillary forces must balance the weight of water Capillary pressure head Capillary Pressure Air pair z B Negative pressure y Solid A pw p Positive pressure pair Water pc r (A) Below the water level (B) Above the water level Difference in pressure across the interface is Solid Drainage • Drainage occurs when the water pressure in the pores becomes less than the air pressure • Interfacial tension prevents displacement of water in the left pore solid Pore water press. = -p r Pore air press. = 0 solid If pc increases, radius must decrease, or water occupies smaller pores. Water recedes into pores small enough to support the interface with a radius required to balance the capillary force. Water drains from the large pores first. Energy in Flow Systems Velocity head p/g Pressure head z Elevation head v2/(2g) v2/(2g) EGL HGL p/g v2/(2g) z Hydraulic grade line (HGL) – height of water in piezometer tube datum Energy grade line (EGL) – Height of water in pitot tube Piezometric Head • Confined aquifer h p g z • Unconfined aquifer h p g z Pressure p 0 head = 0 p g hz z Piezometric Head in Unsaturated Flow Soil volume V (Unsaturated) Saturated Zone Water Table Unsaturated Zone qf <0 =0 q<f >0 pw > 0 pw = 0 pw < 0 Subsurface Pressure Distribution z Capillary pressure head in zone above water table y = y(q ) Hydrostatic pressure distribution exists below the water table (p = 0). ¶p = -g ¶z Ground surface Pressure is negative above water table Unsaturated zone y Water table Pressure is positive below water table Saturated zone p<0 z 0; p 0 d1 P gd1 0 p0 p0 Soil Water Characteristic Curves Vadose Zone Porosity y = y(q ) Capillary Zone b Critacal Head (Bubbling Press.) • Capillary pressure head • Function of: – Pore size distribution – Moisture content qo Irreducible Water content y = y(q ) f Porosity Capillary Rise in Soils Aquifer Types • Confined aquifer – – • Phreatic or water table Bounded by a water table Aquifer – Store & transmit water – Unconsolidated deposits sand and gravel, sandstones etc. Under pressure Bounded by impervious layers Unconfined aquifer – – • • Aquitard – Transmit don’t store water – Shales and clay Aquifer Storage • Storativity (S) - ability of an aquifer to store water • Change in volume of stored water due to change in piezometric head. • Volume of water released (taken up) from aquifer per unit decline (rise) in piezometric head. Unit area Unit decline in head Released water Aquifer Storage • Fluid Compressibility (b) • Aquifer Compressibility (a) • Confined Aquifer – Water produced by 2 mechanisms 1. Aquifer compaction due to increasing effective stress 2. Water expansion due to decreasing pressure • Unconfined aquifer – Water produced by draining pores V arg S = r g(a + fb ) S = Sy Unconfined Aquifer Storage • Storativity of an unconfined aquifer (Sy, specific yield) depends on pore space drainage. • Some water will remain in the pores - specific retention, Sr • Sy = f – Sr Unit area Unit decline in head Released water Porosity, Specific Yield, & Specific Retention Sr f S y Confined Aquifer Storage • Storativity of a confined aquifer (Ss) depends on both the compressibility of the water (b) and the compressibility of the porous medium itself (a). Unit area Unit decline in head Released water Example • • • • • • Storage in a sandstone aqufier f = 0.1, a = 4x10-7 ft2/lb, b = 2.8x10-8 ft2/lb, g = 62.4 lb/ft3 ga 2.5x10-5 ft-1 and gbf 1.4x10-7 ft-1 Solid Fluid 2 orders of magnitude more storage in solid b = 100 ft, A = 10 mi2 = 279,000,000 ft2 S = Ss*b = 2.51x10-3 • If head in the aquifer is lowered 3 ft, what volume is released? V = SAh = 2.1x10-6 ft3 Summary • Porous Medium – – – – – – – Porosity Moisture Content Particle Size Distribution of water in subsurface Capillary Pressure Soil Moisture Characteristic Curves Specific Yield and Retention • Piezometric head in aquifers • Aquifer Types – Aquifer Storage