07. Shapes_19mar13

32A Lab “Molecular Shapes”
• Introduction to Lewis Structures
– Graphical variation on the “Octet Rule”
• Molecular Shapes
– Electronic versus Atomic
– Mutual electrostatic repulsion, VSEPR idea
• Materials of modern interest
– Hydrocarbons, graphene, nanotubes
• Lab experiment
– Chime Tutorial, Cabrillo exercises
Electron Dot Diagrams
• G.N. Lewis idea (UC Berkeley)
– Elegantly simple idea, but very instructive
– Show each bonding electron as a dot
• As elements brought together, dots merge
• Most stable configuration is filled shell
– 2 dots for Hydrogen (2s2 or [He] configuration)
– 8 dots for most others (s2+p6, Octet rule)
• Methane example C(4dot) + 4*H (1dot)
– Can have more electron pairs than bonds
• “lone pairs” are non-bonding electrons
• Lone pairs occupy a geometrical position
– Are part of molecular shape consideration
Lewis Structure (electron dot diagram) for ammonia
Each of the 3 hydrogen atoms will share its electron with nitrogen to
form a bonding pair of electrons (covalent bond) so that each hydrogen
atom has a share in 2 valence electrons (electronic configuration of
helium) and the nitrogen has a share in 8 valence electrons
(electron configuration of neon)
3 of Nitrogen’s 5 valence electrons shared with 3 Hydrogen
atoms in Ammonia. “Lone Pair” electrons attract Hydrogen ion
Result is formation of the Ammonium ion
Each oxygen will share 2 of its valence electrons in order to form 2
bonding pairs of electrons (a double covalent bond) so that each oxygen
will have a share in 8 valence electrons (electronic configuration of neon).
Lewis Structure (electron dot diagram) for the oxygen molecule
Examples across the chart
Lewis Dot Diagrams for elements
Electron Dot Diagrams
• Lines between atoms are 2-electrons
– One line equivalent to 2 dots
• 2 lines (double bond) equivalent to 4 dots
• 3 lines (triple bond) equivalent to 6 dots
– Can rotate around one line (no interference)
• 2 lines (double bond) restricts rotation
• 3 lines (triple bond), no rotation, always planar
Each of 4 carbon valence electrons
shares an orbit with 1 from Chlorine
Electron Accounting
• “AE” is shorthand for Available Electrons
– Sum of valence electrons from elements
– Final arrangement must have same AE count
• Arranging atoms
– Hydrogen always at the ends (never center)
– Most positive non-metal in center
– Carbon in center for Organic compounds
• Arranging electrons
– Hydrogen shares 2 electrons (full 1s2 shell)
– Other atoms share 8 electrons (ns2 + np6)
• “Lone Pairs” complete the shell, but are unbonded
• Lone pairs take up positions as if bonded
Available electrons include 7 for Chlorine and 6 for Oxygen.
By picking up an electron elsewhere, the Cl and O both
have full octets with a negative charge of -1 overall
What kind of bonds?
• Bond order, how many ?
– singles, doubles, triples
• Most books suggest trial & Error
• Alternative is a simple calculation
– Compare AE with total including sharing
– Difference/2 is number of bonds needed
– Courtesy of Nisha, a Chem-1A student
• She got it from her high school AP-Chem class
3 of 5 Phosphorus electrons share
orbits with 7th Bromine electron
Difference/2 = 6/2 = 3 bonds
Usually written as triple bond
AE=(2*4)+(2*1) = 10
Nisha=(2*8)+(2*2) = 20
Δ/2 = 5 bonds, so a triple is required
Resonance Structures
Two (or more) equivalent arrangements
Actual molecule perhaps a hybrid of the two
Dipole Moment, a quick review
Separation of charge, allowing molecule to be
“twisted” by external electrical field (turn=“moment”)
Fluorine most electronegative, Francium the least negative.
Pauling’s scale maximum is 4, also indicated by column height
Arrow Convention
Head of arrow points to negative end(s) of molecule
Symmetry negates moment
Molecule with symmetrical charge separation
is NOT effected by external fields
3 representations for water
What about Shapes?
Paintings versus Sculptures
• Lewis Diagrams are 2-D on paper
– Do not provide shapes in nature
• Need 3-D models to handle geometry
– Molecular shapes define behavior
• Right hand and left hand molecules in biology
• “Hydrogen Bonding” a key attribute of water
– Relies on angles and lone pair electrons
• Macro-molecules, chains, gels, drugs
2D versus 3D in Art
Soyer painting versus Rodin Sculpture …
which is more realistic?
Escher illusions
3-D exploration in 2-D space
Escher 2-D illustration,
executed in 3-D with Legos
2-D illusion and 3-D reality
How can we apply this to Chemistry?
How to represent 3D molecules?
• Pictures and physical models
– Drawings of “ball & stick” or “balloon” models
– 3-D constructions using tinker-toys, legos, etc.
• Other forms of analogies and models
– Computer simulations
– Objects from other fields
– Mathematical shapes
Another 3-D representation in 2D
Distortion inevitable, like Mercator Projection of globe
Mercator Projection
viewing a sphere as a flat object creates large distortions at
top and bottom, try flattening out an orange peel !
Mathematical Shapes
• Geometry provides a number of
convenient shapes we can use
• Many molecules are examples from
mathematical ideas
• There are 5 “Platonic Solids”, we will
consider many of these as molecules
• A regular tetrahedron is composed of
four triangular faces, three of which meet
at each vertex. This example with = four
"equilateral triangles, " is one of the 5
Platonic solids.
Shape of Ammonium is Tetrahedral
4 hydrogen ions repel each other, most equidistant
arrangement is Tetrahedral, 109 degree angles
Same geometry applies for Methane, CH4
Electronic vs Mechanical shapes
• Electronic configuration define spatial positions
– Electrons avoid each other, max. separation
– Common electronic shapes
• Linear, planar, tetrahedral, pyramidal, octahedral
• Mechanical (molecular), is where atoms are
– Not all electronic positions have atoms
– Lone pairs define shape, but no atom there
– Common molecular shapes
• Linear, planar, tetrahedral, pyramidal, octahedral
• missing atoms  bent (water), see-saw, square pyramid
VSEPR is a useful model
(Valence Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion)
• Like-charge atoms push each other away
– Repelling atoms try for maximum separation
• Max. separation varies by number of items
2 items repelling => 2-D linear shape, 180o
3 items repelling => 2-D trigonal shape, 120o
4 items repelling => 3-D tetrahedral shape, 109o
5 items repelling => trigonal bi-pyramid, 120o & 90o
6 items repelling => 3-D octahedral shape, 90o
(same as “square bi-pyramid”)
Electron Avoidance
Like Charges repel (electrons are all negative) …
so electrons put maximum distance between each other
• “Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion” = VSEPR
– Basic idea is that electrons within orbitals repel each other
– Orbital repulsion gives rise to specific directions for bonding
– Specific bonding directions lead to 3-D shapes of molecules
• 2-Cloud case
– Repulsion forces in-line orientation, 180 degree separation
– Minimum influence from most distant arrangement
– Examples include O=C=O, H-C≡N
• 3-Cloud case
– Maximum separation achieved in planar arrangement
– Approximately 120 degrees between atoms, depends on charge
– Example includes formaldehyde H2-C=O
Balloon Illustration
2 objects must have linear (1-D) arrangement
3 objects must have triangular (2-D) arrangement
4 object often have Tetrahedral (3-D) arrangement
3-cloud case
Triangular (planar) Symmetry
3 single bonds equivalent (in shape)
to a mix of 2 single + 1 double
VSEPR Models
• 4-Cloud case
Repulsion forces maximum separation into tetrahedron
Minimum influence between most distant electrons
Angle between any 2 is 109.5 degrees
Many examples, such as Methane CH4
Lone pairs help define shape, but do not involve other atoms
4-cloud case
Methane, a 4-cloud case
Tetrahedral Symmetry
4 chlorines at apex of tetrahedron
Similar to Methane (CH4), and many others
cannot show accurately in 2-D, need a 3-D version
• 5-Cloud case
– Maximum separation achieved in 5 directions
– 3 direction outward in a plane, plus above and below
• Called a “Trigonal Bi-pyramid” shape
– Most common with elements having 5 valence electrons
• PCl5 is a typical example
An example of trigonal bi-pyramid molecular geometry that results from five electron pair geometry is PCl5. The
phosphorus has 5 valence electrons and thus needs 3 more electrons to complete its octet. However this is an
example where five chlorine atoms are present and the octet is expanded to 10. The Lewis diagram is as follows:
Cl = 7 e- x 5 = 35 eP = 5 e- = 5 eTotal = 40 eThe Chlorine atoms are as far apart as possible at nearly 90o and 120obond angle. This is trigonal bi-pyramid
In this example, SF4, the Lewis diagram shows S at the center with one
lone electron pair and four fluoride atoms attached, total of 10. Lewis diagram is as follows:
S = 6 eF = 7 e- x 4 = 28 eTotal electrons = 34 eWith four atoms and one lone pair, the electron pair geometry is
trigonal bi-pyramid. The molecular geometry is called see-saw.
• 6-Cloud case
– Maximum separation in 6 directions is an
• 4 clouds in a plane (as a square), plus above and below
• 90 degree angle between any two faces or cloud directions
– Another very common configuration
• Uranium hexaflouride for isotope separation by gas diffusion
6-Cloud Case
• Octahedral shape
• A regular octahedron is a Platonic solid composed of
eight equilateral triangles as faces, four of which meet at
each vertex.
• The regular octahedron is a special kind of triangular
antiprism and of square bipyramid. The regular
octahedron has 6 vertices and 12 edges
Uranium Hexafluoride
a gas used for separating isotopes via diffusion
example of octahedral shape, 6 clouds
6 Cloud case (less one)
example is Bromine pentafluoride
• Square Pyramidal has 6 lobes, but one is
non-bonding and unseen in BrF5
Can have word combinations …
such as “trigonal planar”
Trigonal around each carbon
Double bond denies rotation, forces planar shape
Summary so far …
• Lewis Diagrams, a 2-D structure model
One dot = 1 electron
One dash = 2 electrons (single bond)
Two dashes = 4 electrons (double bond)
Three dashes = 6 electrons (triple bond)
Lone pairs = 2 electron surplus, NOT bonded
• Attracts (+) species, often H+  “Hydrogen Bond”
– More positive atom in molecule center
• But hydrogen always on the outside perimeter
– All atoms (not hydrogen) surrounded by 8 electrons
• Electrons can be transferred, shared, or in lone pairs = 8 total
• Hydrogen always surrounded by 2 electrons (full 1s2 shell)
Summary so far …
• VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion)
– Electron (-) charge repels all other electrons
– Repulsion leads to maximum separation of (-) species
– Maximum repulsion leads to geometric shapes.
• Geometric models from Mathematics
– Basic 2-D & 3-D shapes found in Geometry
2 repulsion items = a line, 180o separation (2-D)
3 repulsion items = a triangle, 120o separation (2-D)
4 repulsion items = tetrahedron, 109.5o (3-D)
5 repulsion items = trigonal bi-pyramid, 90o & 120o (3-D)
6 repulsion items = square bi-pyramid (Octahedron), 90o
– Works exactly per the model with single bonds
• Lone pair angles deviate slightly
Multiple Bonds
• Single, Double, and Triple bond shapes
– All bond species form equivalent bond angles
– Consider 8 electrons (4 electron pair) for Carbon
• 4 single bonds = tetrahedral
– Methane, Carbon Tetrachloride, the most common shape
• 2 single + 1 double = 3 bond separation = Triangular
– Formaldehyde H2C=O
• 2 double = 2 bond separation = linear
– Carbon Dioxide O=C=O
• 1 Triple + 1 single = 2 bond separation = linear
– Acetylene
Dot Structures and Resonance
• “Equivalent but Different” results can occur
– Ozone
O=O-O, and O-O=O are equivalent
– Sulfur dioxide O-S=O, and O=S-O are equivalent
• Not stereo-isomers, no chemical difference, same stuff
• Both considered correct simultaneously
– Resonance
• Our system of dots and lines is an accounting tool
– Nature does not worry about “counting the dots”
• Electrons resonate back and forth between the bonds
– Amounts to electron sharing between equivalent configurations
– An accountant might call it 1.5 bonds (hard to conceptualize)
• The overall system is considered a “Resonance Hybrid”
– Bond lengths the same from either end
– Bonds are entirely equivalent
– Another example of electron sharing
Summary on Shapes
• Electronic Structures & Shapes
– Dominated by electron behavior
– Explains how repulsion dictates geometry
– “Lone Pairs” contribute to shapes, geometry
• Molecular Structures
– Shapes from “Real Atoms”, not electrons
– What a atom-sized person would see
– Shapes with missing parts
• You see the atoms in a molecule
• You can’t observe electrons
Summary on Shapes
• Electronic Structure of water is Tetrahedral
– Oxygen has 4 electron “arms” as SP3 bonds
– Two arms attached to hydrogen + 2 lone pairs
• Molecular Structure of water is Bent
– 2 hydrogens engage two arms of tetrahedron
– 2 lone pairs occupy other 2 arms … felt but unseen
Organic Molecules
• Organic ≡ Carbon based
– Most numerous class of materials
– Countless combinations are possible
– Carbon bonds with almost any other element
• Carbon to carbon bonds very common
– Gases (acetylene, propane)
– Linear chain liquids (gasoline, oil)
– Ring structures (benzene, cyclopentane)
– Crystalline structures (diamond, graphite)
Basic shapes for Organics
• Carbon is electronically tetrahedral
– Implication is NOT a straight line formation
• Real hydrocarbons zig-zag at 109o
• Ring structures are common
– Benzene, cyclohexane
• Recently discovered new shapes
– Buckeyballs (found in soot)
– Graphene sheets (in pencil lead)
– Carbon Nanotubes, fibers
We draw straight lines for convenience, it’s easier
Real molecules hve tetrahedral carbon, zig-zag shaped
Fig. 13-12, p. 382
• Alkane series, linear progression of carbon
– Methane = 1 carbon (natural gas)
– Ethane = 2 carbon (ripening fruit)
– Propane = 3 carbon chain (gas BBQ)
– Butane = 4 carbon chain (cigarette lighters)
– Pentane = 5 carbon chain
– Hexane = 6 carbon chain (Naptha)
– Heptane = 7 carbon chain
– Octane = 8 carbon chain (gasoline reference)
Octane and Iso-Octane
Zig-Zag shape from tetrahedral bonding
“Buckeyballs” named for Buckminster Fuller
60 carbons in sockerball shape, “C60” a
closed surface hexagon & pentagon mix
Graphene, a 2-D array of carbon
excellent electrical conductor, very strong
DIY graphene on a DVD player
Carbon Nanotubes, graphene rolled up like
“chicken wire”, some are semiconductors
Computer Modeling
• CABRILLO COLLEGE has an interactive molecule display,
allowing users to twist and turn common molecules to
investigate their structures. Almost like a video game, but
more educational than killing aliens. We will use this in lab
class, lots of options to investigate, plus some answers
• http://c4.cabrillo.edu/chem30a/exercises/Exer_1/index.html
• http://c4.cabrillo.edu/chem30b/exercises/chpt_11_060700/index.html
Cabrillo website interactive exercises,
part 1 is on Lewis Structures, draw them out
Answers to selected items also provided
Section 2, shapes of ions,
You draw Lewis dot structures & name the shape
Section 3, Polar & Non-Polar materials
You will identify which is which
Section 4: show structure, charge
distribution, and if polar
Section 5, naming compounds
Section 6, naming ions
Section 7, involves nomenclature
combine anion in picture with cations in the list
Section 8 (last one)
Match the ion with the name and give its charge
Computer Lab reserved for us
• Do the Chime Tutorial first
– Use Internet Explorer to load it
• Google Chrome, other browsers do NOT work
– Answer questions in lab supplement
– Can finish this at home … but with extra effort
• Requires JAVA program, free download
• Requires Chime program, copy available here
• Do Cabrillo College exercises after tutorial
– Start each section, ask questions
– Can finish at home, need only JAVA
– See Jaguar posting for details
More instructions are on Jaguar