CLASSICAL STUDIES SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND UNDERSTANDING Higher the ability to develop and apply knowledge and understanding from across classical Greek and Roman societies and literature, comparing and contrasting the religious, political, social, moral and cultural values and practices of the classical and modern worlds to draw reasoned and detailed conclusions researching and using information collected from a range of sources of evidence evaluating the reliability and value of a range of complex sources of evidence to draw detailed conclusions structuring and sustaining lines of reasoned argument about universal ideas, themes or values interpreting and understanding a range of complex sources of evidence to understand issues from classical Roman society, including archaeological evidence, to draw detailed conclusions in-depth knowledge and understanding of universal ideas, themes, or values revealed by classical literature in-depth knowledge and understanding of a range of religious, political, social, moral and cultural values and practices of classical Greek and classical Roman societies, providing detailed explanations Advanced Higher evaluating, analysing and synthesising evidence from a wide range of sources synthesising information in order to structure and sustain lines of argument evaluating some of the religious, political, social, moral or cultural aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilisation comparing and contrasting classical Greek, Roman and modern societies evaluating and interpreting sources justifying appropriate research issues planning and managing a complex programme of research sourcing, collecting and recording appropriate and reliable information evaluating, analysing and synthesising information using appropriate referencing conventions demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding of universal human themes and values which have a continuing impact on contemporary society an in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical sources COURSE STRUCTURE Higher Course Structure: 3 Units and Course Assessment Life in Classical Greece Classical Literature Life in the Roman World Advanced Higher Course Structure: 2 Units and Course Assessment Social Aspects of the Classical World Researching the Classical World COURSE ASSESSMENT Higher Course Assessment: Component 1 – question paper (60 marks) Component 2 – assignment (30 marks) Question Paper Section 1, titled ‘Life in Classical Greece’, will have 20 marks. Section 2, titled ‘Classical Literature’ will have 20 marks. Section 3, titled ‘Life in the Roman World’ will have 20 marks. All three sections will be made up of extended response questions requiring the learner to draw on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired during the Course. The question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Learners will complete this in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Assignment This assignment will give learners an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: identifying an appropriate Classical Studies issue about which there are alternative or different points of view researching the issue analysing the issue synthesising information in a structured manner drawing on in-depth knowledge and understanding to explain fully and analyse the issue comparing and contrasting the Greek and/or Roman worlds with the modern world, in terms of religious, political, social, moral or cultural life reaching a detailed and well-reasoned conclusion on the issue describing supporting information and potential challenges/counter-arguments The assignment is managed by centres within SQA guidelines and conducted under a high level of supervision and control. Evidence will be submitted to SQA for external marking. Advanced Higher Course Assessment: Component 1 – question paper (100 marks) Component 2 – project: dissertation (50 marks) Question Paper Section 1: Classical Literature will have 50 marks. Learners will choose one Part and answer all questions in this Part only. 1. History and Historiography 2. Individual and Community 3. Heroes and Heroism 4. Comedy, Satire and Society Part 2: Classical Society will have 50 marks and will be made up of extended response questions requiring the learner to draw on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired during the Course. Learners will choose two questions to answer from this Part. This question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Learners will complete this in 3 hours. Project: Dissertation The project: dissertation will give learners an opportunity to undertake independent research in order to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: justifying an appropriate complex Classical Studies issue for research using a wide range of sources of information evaluating, analysing and synthesising evidence synthesising information to structure and sustain lines of argument to progress towards a conclusion organising, presenting and referencing findings using appropriate conventions The project: dissertation will be managed by centres within SQA guidelines and marked by SQA. It will be conducted under some supervision and control. Evidence for assessment will be produced independently by the learner, in time to meet a submission date set by SQA.