Advanced Higher English

Advanced Higher English
Course Outline: 2014-15
Advanced Higher English
Three Parts
Dissertation/Specialist Study
(40 marks)
Creative Writing Folio
(30 marks)
Literary Study Essay – Exam
(30 marks)
Advanced Higher English
Dissertation/Specialist Study
 A comparative analysis on texts of your
choice (usually two or three novels)
 Must be between 3500 and 4500 words
 Worked on throughout year
 Sent to SQA for assessment in April
Advanced Higher English
Creative Writing Folio
 A variety of genres studied (e.g.
Reflective, Short Story, Monologue for
performance, Screenplay)
 Worked on throughout year
 Sent to SQA for assessment in early
Advanced Higher English
Literary Study
 Various texts studied in class from SQA
set text list leading to one Critical Essay
in exam
 Drama: Othello and Antony and
 Poetry: various works by Plath
Advanced Higher English
 One NAB for each area of course
 Passes needed in redrafted Dissertation,
redrafted Creative Writing and one
practice Critical Essay under timed
Advanced Higher English
 As mature students you may be offered
light refreshments (i.e. tea/coffee) and
you may be required to bring cake!