Enrichment Period Tasks for 5th Grade 2nd Nine Weeks Math: Apply

Enrichment Period Tasks for 5th Grade
2nd Nine Weeks
Apply your understanding of Adding and Subtracting Decimals by completing tasks
from the Choice Menu. Select any task from the menu, but your total points need
to add up to 100 pts.
If you have had the Motion and Design Unit in Science Class:
Create a boat with Google Sketch Up implementing the principles of formation of
boat (use research books and online-Big 6 Research Model). Then apply your design
by creating a model and racing in a teacher-made water source.
If you have had the Ecoystems Unit in Science Class:
Review the challenges of an ecosystem and analyze different components of a food
web. Then use that information to create a board game or electronic version of a
game. Follow the criteria and rubric within the packet.
If you have had the Microworlds Unit in Science Class:
Review the models of a plant and animal cell that was learned in science class.
Create a 3-D model of each cell using Google Sketch Up displaying the parts of
each cell (use research books and online-Big 6 Research Model).
ELA: In reading class you read about Thomas Edison and his inventions. There
have been numerous inventions created and some credit was given to the wrong
person. Do some research and find an invention where the credit was given to the
wrong person. Identify the person who had an original idea or was first to do
something. Then discuss if the credit was mistakenly given to another person or if
someone stole the idea. Create some type of presentation to display the
information that you found. Make sure to cite your references.
Social Studies:
In social studies class you were studying different explorers and identified their
contributions to the New World. Reflect on an explorer that you felt made a great
impact to the settlement of the New World or select an explorer you would like to
learn more about. Go onto Worldbook online which is on the computers to do
further research (Big6 Reserach Model). Take the information and create a
product to display your information. Examples could be a Powerpoint, Music video,
and develop a script for a play.
Extensions if you have time:
Important People in Pittsburgh-In ELA class you read the story about Nellie Bly who was
originally from the Pittsburgh area. Use the reference book Pittsburgh Born and Bred
which is located on the 5th grade enrichment shelf to identify a person you would like to
learn more about. Create a presentation about that person and their accomplishments.
Include some type of visual that reinforces the part of Pittsburgh and a well known
landmark from that area.
Explorer Menu Items-Select from the following Blooms Taxonomy leveled questions to
answer from. Then present your information in a creative way to represent an navigational
Census Takers-Complete an activity on using population sampling to figure out the number
of ants in an area. Then determine and analyze random sampling of different populations
in different ecosystems.
Math 24 Cards-Review your math skills with a partner. This math activity reviews the
different operations in an engaging Math 24 Challenge game.
Reading Task-Select a novel from Jules Verne (author mentioned in Nellie Bly) from our
collection. Create a summary or comic strip to review the key components of the story.
Creating knots –Write step by step directions, create video clip and model.