Test Review Answers

1. Put the following elements in order from smallest to largest atomic radius and
explain why: C, O, Sn, Sr.
O, C, Sn, Sr. Atomic radius increases as you move left and down the periodic table.
2. Put the following elements in order from lowest to highest first ionization energy and
explain why: Al, Ar, Cs, Na.
Cs, Na, Al, Ar. Ionization energy increases as you move up and to the right on the
periodic table.
3. Which of the following elements most likely has the highest melting point – I, Mo,
Te? Explain why.
Mo. Melting point increases as you move towards the middle of the periodic table.
4. Which of the following elements is classified as a metal? – C, Xe, H, Na? Explain
Na. Sodium is on the left side of the dark line on the periodic table. The only nonmetal on this side of the table is hydrogen.
5. Which of the following elements is classified as a nonmetal? – B, N, K, Fe? Explain
N. Nitrogen is to the right of the dark line on the periodic table. Boron is on the line
and is considered a metalloid. The other two choices are metals.
6. Which of the following elements is classified as a metalloid? – N, Si, Pb, Li? Explain
Si. Silicon is located along the dark line that divides the periodic table. It has
properties of both metals and nonmetals.
7. Which of the following elements is classified as a transition metal? – Ir, Bi, Mg, Ar?
Explain why.
Ir. It is located in the “transition” or bridge piece in the periodic table (The “B”
8. Which of the following elements is classified as an inner transition metal? – Ir, Bi,
Mg, U? Explain why
U. It is located in one of the two rows that are pulled out of the periodic table and
positioned on the bottom of the chart. These two rows contain many of the radioactive
9. Which group contains the alkaline earth metals?
Group 2A
10. Which group contains the alkali metals?
Group 1A
11. Which group contains the chalcogens?
Group 6A
12. Which group contains the halogens?
Group 7A
13. Which group contains the noble gases?
Group 8A
14. Which run left to right on the periodic table, periods or groups?
15. Which can be used to determine the number of valence electrons in an atom, its
period number or group number?
Group number
16. Which can be used to determine the number of energy shells in an atom, its period
number or group number?
Period number
17. Draw the orbital diagram and longhand for the following atoms:
18. Draw the shorthand configuration for the following atoms:
Be able to choose the correct orbital configuration from a multiple choice
Be able to draw and complete the bohr and Lewis dot diagram for an atom.
Make sure you can pick out the correct one from a multiple choice question.
19. Describe shielding and how it affects atomic radius.
Shielding is when all the electrons inside the inner energy levels in an atom
“block” the positive charge from the nucleus towards an electron in an outer
energy level. As a result, that outer electron isn’t as attracted to the nucleus as
the inner electrons, and it isn’t held as tightly. It can roam around a wider orbital
or be more easily snatched off the atom by other atoms as a result of the weaker
attraction to the positive nucleus.
20. Which have a larger radius, cations or their regular atoms?
Their regular atoms.
21. Which have a larger radius, anions or their regular atoms?
22. Name and describe 2 requirements for matter.
(1) Has mass
(2) Takes up space (has volume)
23. Compare and contrast atom, element, and compound. Give 1 example of each.
An atom is the smallest unit of matter. An example of one atom of carbon could
be written as “C”, the symbol for carbon.
An element is composed of atoms of only one type. Any substance on the period
table is an example of an element (Sulfur, Oxygen, Carbon, Fluroine, Plutonium,
A compound is composed of two or more different elements chemically combined.
H2O, CH4, NaCl, CO2 are all examples of compounds.
24. What are the two types of pure substances?
Elements and compounds. They are considered pure substances because all their
particles are identical
25. What is the difference between an element and a compound?
An element is composed of only one type of atom. Compounds are composed of
two or more different elements chemically bonded together.
26. What are the two types of mixtures? Give an example of each type.
A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the particles look uniform
throughout. You can’t see the particles and tell them apart by looking at them.
Examples of homogeneous mixtures are air, grape juice, salt water, sugar water,
koolaid, windex, etc. They are also called “solutions”.
Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures in which the particles are different in
composition. You can see the differences in the particles. Examples are dirt,
granite countertops, orange juice, skittles and starburst in a bowl, blood, milk.
27. Can mixtures be separated by physical means?
What about elements?
Mixtures can be separated by physical means (magnetism, evaporating, picking
out particles, centrifuging, or being filtered. Elements and compounds cannot.
28. Can compounds be separated using chemical means? What about elements?
29. Explain the difference between monatomic and diatomic elements. Draw an
example of each.
Monatomic elements are elements that prefer to exist in a single, unbonded state.
Examples of monatomic elements are carbon, sulfur, iron, and lead. A drawn
example would look like this:
Diatomic elements are elements that prefer to exist in a paired state, in which they
are bonded to another atom of the same element. Examples of diatomic elements
are oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, and hydrogen. They are usually written with
subscripts such as: O2, N2, F2, H2. A drawn example would look like this:
30. Why do we consider regular atoms electrically neutral? (Atoms that are NOT ions)
Because their number of protons is the same as the number of electrons, and the
charges cancel each other out.