Saluki Engineering Company Presents HOT SEATS Design Report Team 25 Project number: SP2010-25-HOT SEATS April 27, 2010 Saluki Engineering Company Saluki Engineering Company Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901 April 26, 2010 Dr. Harackiewicz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Southern Illinois University Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901-6603 RE: SP2010-25-HOT SEATS Dr. Harackiewicz; Attached is the completed Design Report by Saluki Engineering Company team reference number SP2010-25-HOT SEATS. Saluki Engineering Company understands all implications towards the submission of this document and the declared completion of this project. Saluki Engineering Company requests that the client, Southern Illinois University, review this report. SEC is confident that this Design Report meets all requirements and specifications. SEC thanks Southern Illinois University for allowing the design and implementation of the project, and look forward to collaborating in the future. I would be happy to answer any question on the contents of this document. Please contact me at (618)-203-4368 Sincerely, Aaron Mallory Team# 25 Project Manager Saluki Engineering Company Table of Contents Acknowledgements (JZ) ................................................................................................................................ 9 Executive Summary (AB) ............................................................................................................................. 10 Project Description ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Introduction (JZ) ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Project Overview (AB) ............................................................................................................................. 11 Cost Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Prototype Cost Data ................................................................................................................................ 14 Design Cost Data ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Approximate Implementation Schedule ..................................................................................................... 15 Future Implementation ........................................................................................................................... 15 Schedule .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Health, Safety, Environmental, Economic, and Societal Issues (MA) ......................................................... 16 Conclusion and Recommendations (MA) ................................................................................................... 17 References: ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Wind Research and Data (AS) ..................................................................................................................... 19 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Description & Procedure......................................................................................................................... 20 Calculations & Results ............................................................................................................................. 20 Discussion & Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 23 References .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Wind Turbine (MA) ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Description of function ........................................................................................................................... 26 Discussion of Options and Chosen Options ............................................................................................ 26 Wind Turbine Specifications ................................................................................................................... 27 Wind Turbine Components: .................................................................................................................... 34 1&2 The Blades / Cage mounting plates ................................................................................................. 35 3- Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) ................................................................................................ 35 Gearbox ................................................................................................................................................... 37 Turbine Installation and installation planning ............................................................................................ 37 Legal Restrictions and Zoning Laws ........................................................................................................ 37 Tower and tower mounting .................................................................................................................... 40 Location................................................................................................................................................... 42 Wiring ...................................................................................................................................................... 42 Cost Data ................................................................................................................................................. 43 Venders ................................................................................................................................................... 43 Wind Turbine Controller (JZ)....................................................................................................................... 44 Description of function ........................................................................................................................... 44 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Inverter (JZ) ................................................................................................................................................. 45 Description of function ........................................................................................................................... 45 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Inverter Installation Location .................................................................................................................. 46 Net Metering (JZ) ........................................................................................................................................ 48 References .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Storage Subsystem (AB) .............................................................................................................................. 51 Description of Function........................................................................................................................... 51 Discussion of Options and Chosen Option .............................................................................................. 51 Cold Weather .......................................................................................................................................... 51 Price ........................................................................................................................................................ 51 Summary of Calculations: ....................................................................................................................... 52 Final Decision .......................................................................................................................................... 53 References: ................................................................................................................................................. 54 Heating Subsystem (AB).............................................................................................................................. 55 Description of Function........................................................................................................................... 55 Discussion of Options and Chosen Option .............................................................................................. 55 Heat Comfort .......................................................................................................................................... 55 Heat Distribution..................................................................................................................................... 56 Energy Efficiency ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Installation Difficulties ............................................................................................................................ 57 Final Heater Choice ................................................................................................................................. 57 Radiant Heaters ...................................................................................................................................... 58 Final Decision .......................................................................................................................................... 60 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 60 Summary of Calculations: ....................................................................................................................... 61 Cost Data ................................................................................................................................................. 63 References: ................................................................................................................................................. 65 Prototype Vertical Axis Wind Turbine ........................................................................................................ 66 Part description........................................................................................................................................... 67 Turbine Blade Base ................................................................................................................................. 67 Wind turbine Blade ................................................................................................................................. 67 Flange Bearing......................................................................................................................................... 68 Caster Bearing ......................................................................................................................................... 68 Pulleys ..................................................................................................................................................... 69 Belt .......................................................................................................................................................... 69 Equations used and Analysis ................................................................................................................... 69 Prototype Testing........................................................................................................................................ 74 Test 1 connection of 555 timer a-stable (AM) ........................................................................................ 74 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 74 Observation:............................................................................................................................................ 75 Test 2 connection of the Monostable 555 timer Chip ............................................................................ 76 Test 3 Connection of the Monostable and a-stable circuit..................................................................... 79 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 82 Test 4 connection of the relay to the system ......................................................................................... 82 Inverter ....................................................................................................................................................... 88 Schematic of the inverter ....................................................................................................................... 88 Test of System ......................................................................................................................................... 90 Prototype Electrical System Simulation (JZ) ............................................................................................... 92 Appendix A (AS) .......................................................................................................................................... 98 Appendix B (MA) ....................................................................................................................................... 110 Appendix C (OA) *Engineering Drawings* ................................................................................................ 112 Appendix D: (AM)...................................................................................................................................... 115 List of Figures Figure 1: Flowchart showing the different subsystems and the energy path from the wind turbine to the radiant heater and the grid. ........................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 2: Chicago Weather Stations............................................................................................................ 20 Figure 3: Weather Station Wind Radar ....................................................................................................... 23 Figure 4: Daily maximum and minimum temperature for Chicago City for 2010. Note that January is the coldest month. Data were obtained from the Chicago National Weather Service 7 .................................. 30 Figure 5: Shows values of coefficients of performance versus wind speeds for a “good design” ............. 32 Figure 6: Shows the power curve that has Wind speed at its X axis and Power at its Y axis. The graph shows the cut in wind speed point as well as rated wind speed points. .................................................... 34 Figure 7: Components of the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine........................................................................... 35 Figure 8: Shows Tower Mounting adapters for VAWT ............................................................................... 41 Figure 9: VAWT with 9 m Tower ................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 10: Net Metering Device 17 .............................................................................................................. 48 Figure 11: A deep cycle battery1 ................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 12: Temperature vs. capacity plot2 .................................................................................................. 51 Figure 13: Depth of discharge vs. Battery life in terms of cycles. How deep the battery is discharged, or DOD, relates inversely to the life of the battery2 ....................................................................................... 53 Figure 14: A diagram showing a radiant heater1 ........................................................................................ 55 Figure 15: A picture showing a quartz radiant heater1 ............................................................................... 57 Figure 17: Diagram demonstrating a 60° spread angle heater1 ................................................................. 58 Figure 16: Diagram demonstrating a 90° spread angle heater1 ................................................................. 58 Figure 18: Diagram showing spread pattern for a 3200W 60° heater1 ...................................................... 59 Figure 19: Diagram showing spread pattern for a 3200W 90° heater1 ...................................................... 59 Figure 20: The figure shows the time it takes for the lamps to reach 100% of working capacity, as well as the time it takes to cool down, which is approximately 2 minutes2........................................................... 61 Figure 21: Wind Turbine Engineering Drawing ........................................................................................... 66 Figure 22: Turbine Blade Base Engineering Drawing .................................................................................. 67 Figure 23: Wind Turbine Engineering Drawing ........................................................................................... 67 Figure 24: Flange Bearing Engineering Drawing ......................................................................................... 68 Figure 25: Caster Bearing Engineering Drawing ......................................................................................... 68 Figure 26: Pulley Engineering Drawing ....................................................................................................... 69 Figure 27: V-Belt Dimensions ...................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 28: Prototype Power Curve .............................................................................................................. 72 Figure 29: Generator Power and Voltage curve ......................................................................................... 73 Figure 30: Connection of 555 Timer ........................................................................................................... 74 Figure 31: Time Period Diagram ................................................................................................................. 75 Figure 32: Output Square Wave.................................................................................................................. 76 Figure 33: Connection of 555 monostable chip .......................................................................................... 77 Figure 34: Output Response ....................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 35: Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 36: Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 37: Circuit Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 38: Inverter Schematic ..................................................................................................................... 86 Figure 39: Simulation of the PWM Generator responsible for the control system of the inverter ........... 93 Figure 40: Plots of Output Voltage, Inverter output current and output power....................................... 96 Figure 41: Plots of Nominal Current chare and discharge Characteristics ................................................. 97 List of Tables Table 1: Cost data of the prototype built by the SEC team......................................................................... 14 Table 2: Cost data of the wind turbine including the installation of the wind turbine as well as the incentives. ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 3: Weather Station Annual Data ....................................................................................................... 21 Table 4: Power Density Wind Directions Results ........................................................................................ 22 Table 5: Specifications of the vertical axis wind turbine. ........................................................................... 28 Table 6: Shows the available power at each given speed. It shows the power at cut in wind speed as well as at rated wind speed. ............................................................................................................................... 33 Table 7: PMG generator has the following specification ............................................................................ 36 Table 8: Basic electrical schematic for PMG5. ............................................................................................ 36 Table 9: Cost data of the wind turbine including the installation of the wind turbine as well as the incentives. ................................................................................................................................................... 43 Table 10: Recommended vendors for the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine ....................................................... 43 Table 11: Specifications of the controller ................................................................................................... 44 Table 12: Shows the specifications of the inverter ..................................................................................... 46 Table 13: Suggested Vendors ...................................................................................................................... 64 Table 14: Minimum Area of wind turbine................................................................................................... 71 Table 15: Wind Turbine Parameters ........................................................................................................... 72 Table 16: Generator Data ........................................................................................................................... 73 Table 17: Testing Results ............................................................................................................................ 81 Table 18: Results ......................................................................................................................................... 84 Acknowledgements (JZ) The team would like to express our gratitude to those who made this project possible. First during the initial design phase the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC) allowed us the use of several software packages. Acknowledgments to the contributions of all persons or parties outside the development team and Saluki Engineering Company will be extended. Such persons include the following: David Williams for his contribution with guiding us all the time, and for all the effort he put in this project to make it happen. The team would like to thank Ahmad Al- Banna for the Contribution in designing the actual prototype, the help in Simulation tools and electric part connection. Brian Snow for his Assistance in decreasing the amount of error in the prototype, and showing us what is the best way to go with building the prototype. Justin Harrell, PE for his incite concerning wind studies and his knowledge on most of the electric systems. Acknowledgements also go to Ross O’Connor for his guidance and supervision on all the aspects of building the prototype. Executive Summary (AB) In comparing the constructed design to other designs already on the market, it becomes apparent that the SEC design has innovative ideas that can improve several existing designs and provide the ground work for future improved ideas. The design was based on finding the wind data for specific locations in the area of Chicago, using that data to help in the design of a vertical axis wind turbine, and then design a controller and a load which are suitable for the area of Chicago. In considering the project as a schedule, we began work on the actual project as early as February 9, 2010 and completed the system as a whole by April 4, 2010. The total cost as spent by the team amounted to around $494, but several components and services were donated towards the completion of the final prototype as a whole. For the real system it would cost around $5,138 for it to be built, so SEC worked on lowering the price by including some new ideas, for example using net metering in our system which will provide some money in return, also there are some incentives given by Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and by The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) which also lowered the price of the system. The total implementation time for the designed system is estimated to be 9 weeks. Design aspects for the actual system to be implemented in Chicago, as well as design aspects taken into consideration while building the prototype are discussed below. The report starts by discussing designed aspects of the actual system, then transitions into the prototype. Project Description Introduction (JZ) The purpose of this project is to design a system that provides heat to a bus shelter by using renewable energy. The issue is that commuters are exposed to extreme cold temperatures as they use bus station shelters during winter months in many northern cities. Most existing systems consume large amounts of power unnecessarily. The project is based on the idea of using wind as a renewable energy as well as designing and building a system that generates power by using a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine which will provide heat with radiant heaters. These radiant heaters will be powered by the VAWT and the grid in a specific time periods of the day according the bus schedule by using a controller. In the mean time, the unused power when the heaters are turned off will be fed back to the grid by using an inverter and a net metering. This feature will save a lot of money for the bus company as well as it will provide a more convenience shelters for the customers. In this project, two systems were designed, one was for the prototype and the other was for the actual system. The actual system is the one meant to be implemented in Chicago. All the design aspects of the actual system were analyzed according to Chicago’s weather data. On the other hand, the prototype was designed based on the local weather data. The prototype was completed and tested to provide a proof of concept. Project Overview (AB) The design consists of five major subsystems which are; the vertical axis wind turbine, the controller, the inverter, the met metering, and the load. Each of these subsytems will interface with one another. The vertical axis wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical enrergy which in turn spins the generator producing elecrical power. The vertical axis wind turbine was chosen over the horizontal one because it is much more suitable for urban areas as it catches the wind from all directions, has a lower cut in speed, and produces less noise than the horizontal axis wind turbine. The generator in this system is a permanent magnet generator (PMG) which is included with the specified turbine. One the power is generated by the PMG, it goes to the controller which decides whether it goes to the load or the inverter. The controller redirects the power to the inverter in order to sell it back to the grid when the heater is not working. On the other hand, when the heater is working and the power produced by the wind turbine is not suffecient, the controller provides the required energy to the heater from the grid. The inverter converts the DC it receives from the controller into AC and synchronizes it in order for it to go through the net-metering device and sold back to the grid. The net-metering equipment is used to enable the system to sell power back to the grid when it produces power that is not needed by the heater. The heater type chosen for this application is a radiant infrared heater. The reason a radiant heater was chosen is that it heats commuters directly by radiation without losing almost any energy to the air. It is perfect for spot heating and out door heating applications. The radiant heater was designed according to ASHRAE calculations to meet the required heat comfort standards. Flowchart Wind Turbine Controller Radiant Heater Inverter Net Metering Grid Figure 1: Flowchart showing the different subsystems and the energy path from the wind turbine to the radiant heater and the grid. Cost Data For this project, there are two different cost data, one for the prototype built the by SEC team, and the other is an estimation for the client design. Prototype cost data includes many parts which were donated, therefore, data does not necessarily reflect the actual total cost of the prototype. Prototype Cost Data Table 1: Cost data of the prototype built by the SEC team. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description Aluminum Pipes Generator Controller Inverter Battery Pulley Screws Wood Flanges Bearings Infrared Bulb Caster Bearings Breadboard Resistor, C,BJT, LED Total Cost $60 $260 On Hand $45 $29 $20 $15 $40 On Hand $20 $5 On Hand On Hand $494 Design Cost Data Table 2: Cost data of the wind turbine including the installation of the wind turbine as well as the incentives. Turbine Retail Price Package includes ( Inverter , Wind Controller) Estimated Turbine Installation at 50% of Turbine Price Before Financial Incentives DCEO - Solar Energy Incentive Program Federal Tax Credit (30% of Gross Cost at Installation) Total Financial Incentives Radiant Heater Wire Guards TOTAL After All Financial Incentives $7,900 $3,950 $11,850 $ 3,555 $ 3,555 $ 7,110 $ 376 $ 22 $ 5,138 Approximate Implementation Schedule Future Implementation In order to be able to estimate an implementation schedule, two steps must be taken in advance. First, wind data should be found for a general location. Second, specific locations within the general location should be chosen depending on the wind data. One thing to consider is that an assumption of 4 weeks estimated time for the approval of local authorities installation permits have been made for the city of Chicago. Schedule Apply for installation permits.................................................................................. Week 0 Design heater and timer for specific location.......................................................... Week 0 Confirm permits received and order parts............................................................... Week 4 Install vertical wind turbine and pole...................................................................... Week 5 Install radiant heater and electrical parts................................................................. Week 5 Connect electrical parts with mechanical.................................................................Week 6 Connect the whole system to the grid.......................................................................Week 7 Test the final system..................................................................................................Week 8 Apply changes or improvements as needed..............................................................Week 9 Health, Safety, Environmental, Economic, and Societal Issues (MA) Generally, the Vertical Axis Wind turbine offers a very safe and environmentally friendly purpose. Vertical Axis Wind turbines are like other engineering products such as cars and aircrafts. They are designed to operate at high standards of safety. However, there have been a very small number of injuries and fatalities to people across the word1. The VAWT does an excellent job and a great deal of reducing the noise. The fact that VAWT operates at lower rpm’s and with tip speed ratios only 2-3 times the wind speed means that they can produce power without creating noise. The VAWT offers a very safe environment to birds and other wildlife animals. Usually, birds see the VAWT as solid object so they do not fly into it. Furthermore, Animals are not frightened by the VAWT due to its silent and vibration free operation1. VAWT provides an economical alternative for domestic applications having the ability to self-start in light winds. The other advantage of VAWT that it is easy and cheap. The only expensive part is the construction aspect of it. Over 80% of the costs for wind energy are because of construction materials and building2. VAWT has the compact size which can fit almost anywhere, and don’t necessarily need to be posted on a high spot. It can be fitted in the yard, on an outdoor porch, and on top of a home or garage. Furthermore, VAWT is an alternating energy source and does not provide power on demand as will fossil fuel power plants. These advantages of VAWT make it more economical and efficient. As far as the health issues, according to American Wind Energy Association, the use of U. S. wind turbines may lessen the amount of carbon dioxide in the air by one-third2. Wind turbines in general are economical, quiet and reliable. In the future, wind turbines may offer an economical alternative source of energy. 16 Conclusion and Recommendations (MA) Since this design is going to be implemented in an urban area which is Chicago, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine was chosen. Changes in wind direction have fewer negative effects on this type of turbine because it does not need to be positioned into the wind direction. Other advantages of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine have a major role in choosing it. These advantages include that Vertical Axis Wind Turbine tend to be safer and easier to build, it offers benefits in low speed situations, and it can be mounted close to the ground so it can be more accessible for maintenance. However, the overall efficiency of these turbines in producing electricity is lower than Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. For this design, it is concluded that Small wind turbines installed in typical urban areas are likely to operate at low capacity, be subject to periods of nonoperation and take a long time before achieving payback on the initial costs. Therefore urban wind turbines demonstrate poor economic performance and long payback periods due to a lack of accurate wind measurement preceding installation as well as the difficulty of predicting wind resource in a given urban location3. There are some recommendations and issues to consider when building Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Many aspects of the design should be considered like legal restriction, tower, location, safety, and wiring. The insulation of the wind turbine should be done according to zoning laws, regulations, and building codes of Chicago City. It is recommended that the insulation permits should be planed weeks to months in advance to allow time for applications to be processed. Wind speed is low close to the ground and increases with increasing height above the ground. Because of that, it is recommended to place the wind turbine on a tower that is tall enough to give the cage proper exposure to the wind. In most cases, the minimum recommended tower height is 9 m 4. 17 Since the wind turbine installation is semi-permanent, the future plans for the property should be taken into consideration. Often the most compelling consideration for locating the wind turbine tower is the space where it will not interfere with vehicle traffic, fence lines, gardens, septic system lateral lines, or power poles. For safety reason, wind turbine should never be installed close to a power line because if any part of the wind turbine that contains metal or the tower it is mounted on makes contact with power lines there is a risk of electrocution. References: [1] Department for Business Innovation and Skills (2001). Wind power: environmental and safe issues [Online]. Available: [2] Wind Energy Facts [Online]. Available: [3] Alicia Webb (2007). The Viability of Domestic Wind Turbines for Urban Melbourne [Online]. Available: of_domestic_wind_turbines_for_urban_Melbourne_2007.pdf [4] PacWind, Inc. (2006). The PacWind SeaHawk 12, 24 or 48 VDC Battery Charging System Owners Manual [Online]. Available: 18 Wind Research and Data (AS) Introduction Like all renewable energy sources, location is almost as important on the technology itself. Independently neither can provide the optimal power output unless one is considered with respect to the other. Wind energy is no different and the chosen location dictates the type of turbine that is selected. The location must have the qualities to provide the necessary power and the turbine must have the specifications to obtain that power cost effectively. In contrast if renewable energy is the main goal in sight the technology must be chosen in the manner that it produce the optimal amount of power given the environment. In preparation for a wind turbine, a feasibility study is performed to determine whether a certain location is suitable to handle a wind turbine. These studies usually encompass a year to bet accurate accounts for the possible power that can be produced at a certain location. Without the necessary resources to conduct feasibility in the city of Chicago or a specific location to place the wind turbine a study was performed using historical online data provided by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration1 from eight weather stations located around the city of Chicago. The goal of this analysis was to get a general account for the present environment and the feasibility of a small wind turbine application and still recognize that a full intensive study would be necessary outside of this analysis. 19 Description & Procedure Hourly wind data was accumulated to obtain an accurate account for the possible wind power produced, which could translate directly to power output in Watts and the possible offset costs measured in dollars per Kilowatt-hour. Also calculating the direction that the wind blows that produces the most power for a given location can give incite to possible street locations in Chicago without realtime data. The data was obtained from Figure 2: Chicago Weather Stations eight weather stations around Chicago including Lansing Municipal Airport, Midway International Airport, O’Hare International Airport, Aurora Municipal Airport, Waukegan Municipal Airport, Lewis University Airport, and Dupage Airport shown in Figure [2] created in Google Maps1. Hourly data from each month in 2009 was pulled into Microsoft Excel workbooks for each station to calculate annual power production based off available wind and the most powerful wind direction for the given wind speed. See appendices for sample data sheets form each location. Calculations & Results Once the data was pulled into the workbook the data was manually formatted before calculations could be performed. See the appendices for 20 sample formatted data sheets. Data provided by each station was not exactly “hourly” and had to be formatted into a continuous list of hourly readings to get an accurate account for a year of data. Data from each station accounted for over 90% of the total hours in a year. With a continuous year of hourly wind data the possible power produced could be calculated using the power equation for our proposed wind turbine, taking into account varying air density, temperature, pressure, wind speed, data included in the online wind data. An overall average cost per kilowatt hour of $.1342 was used to calculate a rough idea of the offset cost from the power that the turbine would produce. The resulting offset cost for each table are displayed Table 3 below. Table 3: Weather Station Annual Data Annual Power Offset [W] Cost 1 Lansing Municipal Airport 514,285 $68.91 2 Midway International Airport 730,299 $97.86 3 O' Hare International Airport 889,857 $119.24 4 Lewis University Airport 770,622 $103.26 5 Waukegan Municipal Airport 460,544 $61.71 6 Dupage Airport 693,236 $92.89 7 Aurora Municipal Airport 889,069 $119.14 8 Prospect Height Municipal Airport 471,857 $63.23 Average $90.78 To calculate the most viable street direction to place a turbine wind power and the frequency of wind blowing in every direction was taken into account. For a given station all of the wind directions for a given year were divided in to 36 bins from 0-35. Each bin would 21 encompass 10 circular degrees to account for wind blowing in every direction. The frequency of wind blowing in each bin was calculated and depicted as a directional frequency over the total frequency of all the bins to get the percent of the time that the wind blew in a certain direction. To calculate the most powerful wind direction a power density was calculated based on the total power that each direction over the total power that the turbine could produce in a given location. This calculation would describe the amount of power that each direction produced in comparison to the total power produced at that location in a percent. The power density gave calculation gave a more accurate account to how much power was produced by certain direction of the wind. The overall power produced by each wind direction would give an accurate account of the energy yield or energy potential at that location. The frequency and power density were calculated for each weather station and compared on radar graphs shown in Figure 3. The radar graphs for all the stations are located in the appendices. Also sample calculations are displayed in tabular form in the Appendix A. Table 4 below shows the results from analysis of all of the radar graphs from all of the weather stations. Table 4: Power Density Wind Directions Results Lansing Municipal Airport Midway International Airport O' Hare International Airport Lewis University Airport Waukegan Municipal Airport Dupage Airport Aurora Municipal Airport Prospect Height Municipal Airport 22 Wind Direction [Degrees] 210 270 210 210 220 170 280 190 Aurora Municipal Airport 34 35 10% 33 0 1 2 3 9% 32 8% 4 7% 31 5 6% 30 6 5% 4% 29 7 3% 2% 28 8 1% 27 9 0% 26 Frequency Power Density 10 25 11 24 12 23 13 22 14 21 15 20 19 18 16 17 Figure 3: Weather Station Wind Radar Discussion & Conclusion The results of the wind research provide a gage and a standard to base sound decisions for small wind turbine applications in Chicago. The annual power produced and offset costs calculated are relative estimates of how much power a small wind turbine will produce in an urban setting. Some assumptions to take into account include the inconsistency in the hourly weather readings that will affect these results. Also these readings were calculated on 1.5 meter 23 poles in relatively open fields at local airports. These are not exact representations of the urban conditions that this project aims to accommodate. Research still does not account for a Ventri effect caused by buildings and the topography of Chicago, which the project aims to capitalize on. To counteract this fact the directional power density data was calculated in order in efforts to find a street or location in the directional path of the wind. When taking the directional data from all the stations into account it can be inferred that the most powerful winds come of Lake Michigan at the calculated angles. Whether the wind sustain their power over the distance from the lake to the outlying weather stations is not clear. Yet, this inference can support the placement of turbines streets that run off of the lake with numerical confidence. While this research does provide adequate knowledge on making educated decisions of the environment of small wind turbine application in Chicago, it is only a segregate for an all inclusive wind study in downtown Chicago. 24 References [1] Google Maps [Online]. Available: [2] Midwest Information Office (2010). AVERAGE ENERGY PRICES IN THE CHICAGO AREA - DECEMBER 2009 [Online]. Available: [3] Moran, Michael j. and Howard N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of Engineering 6th ed. John Wiley & Son, Inc., 2007. [4] Wikipedia. Density of air [Online]. Available: [5] National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Quality Controlled Local Climatological Data [Online]. Available: 25 Wind Turbine (MA) Description of function Wind turbine is a device that converts the Kinetic Energy in wind into the Mechanical Energy of a rotating shaft. This Mechanical Energy is then converted by a generator into Electrical Energy. The generator is usually connected to the turbine shaft through gears which turn the generator at a different speed than the turbine shaft. According to the first law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to convert all the wind’s Kinetic Energy to Mechanical Energy. This can show that wind turbines have their limitations and that has to be considered when the wind turbine is designed1. Since this design is to be implemented in Chicago, a careful attention should be paid to Wind Energy in urban environments to have a functional design for wind turbine. Wind profiles in urban areas tend to be more turbulent and not along a single axis. The presence of buildings in urban areas increases the turbulence of the flow of wind. For this reason as well as to be effective, the wind turbine system must be easy to integrate with architecture of urban areas2. Discussion of Options and Chosen Options The initial considerations for the wind turbine design were focused on two wind turbine types which are: 1. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). 2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). A vertical axis wind turbine differs from the horizontal axis wind turbine that its blades are attached to a central vertical shaft instead of a horizontal one. In the more common horizontal 26 form, the blades are on the top, spinning round in the air. The vertical design has the generator positioned at the base of the tower, and has the blades wrapped around the shaft3. The vertical axis wind turbine was chosen for the design. This choice was made based on many practical reasons that are listed below3, 4: 1- Although HAWTs is more efficient than VAWTs, VAWTs do offer benefits in low speed situations. 2- VAWTs tend to be safer, easier to build. 3- VAWTs can be mounted close to the ground so it can be more accessible for maintenance. 4- VAWTs handle wind turbulence much better than horizontal wind turbines. 5- VAWT s can offer up to 30% efficiency and they work equally well no matter which direction the wind is coming from. Wind Turbine Specifications The wind turbine that is being used in the current design is a vertical axis wind turbine as mentioned earlier. This wind turbine has the following specifications5: 27 Table 5: Specifications of the vertical axis wind turbine. Rated Power VAWT Nominal Power 1.2 Kw Nominal Speed 13 m/s Start wind speed 2.7 m/s Stop Wind Speed N.A m/s Maximum Wind Speed 49.6 m/s Rotor weight 160 kg Rotor diameter 1.78 m Rotor Area 3.56 m2 Rotor Height 5.5 m Dimensions Other Data Safety Number of Blades Voltages (AC) Noise at 3 m distance with 6.7 m/s Warranty Mechanical Break 5 Blades 183-304 V 32 DB 5 Years 28 Based on the previous specifications, some equations can be used to get the amount of power available at a given wind speed. Because air has mass and it moves to form wind, it has kinetic energy which is expressed as6: Kinetic energy (joules) = 0.5 x m x V2 (1) Where: m = mass (kg) V = velocity (m/s) Since power is more needed than energy and since Energy = Power x Time x ρ is more convenient way to express the mass of flowing air, equation (1) can be converted into a flow equation6: P = 0.5 x ρ x A x V3 (2) Since it is impossible to extract all the power from the wind because some flow must be maintained through the rotor, more efficiencies terms have to be added to equation (2) to get more practical equation. The new equation can be written as6: P = 0.5 x ρ x A x Cp x V3 x Ng x Nb (3) Where: P = power in (W). ρ = air density in (kg/m3). A = rotor swept area, exposed to the wind (m2) Cp = Coefficient of performance. V = wind speed in (m/s) 29 Ng = generator efficiency. Nb = gearbox/bearings efficiency. In order to find the amount of power at a given wind speed, other parameters have to be obtained. The swept area, exposed to the wind equal to the diameter of the rotor times the height of the blades which is equal to 1.78 x 2 = 3.56 m2. Air density (ρ) can be obtained by having the altitude and the temperature at Chicago area. According to the Chicago National Weather Service, it is assumed that January is the coldest month in Chicago and it has the average temperature of 290F by consulting figure 1 7. The altitude of Chicago is 583 ft above the sea8. The air density based on a 290F temperature and altitude of 583 ft is 1.2 kg/m3. This value was obtained by using air density calculator and air density tables 9, 10. Figure 4: Daily maximum and minimum temperature for Chicago City for 2010. Note that January is the coldest month. Data were obtained from the Chicago National Weather Service 7 30 The coefficient of performance can be obtained by referring to Betz’s Law. According to Betz’ Law, the theoretical maximum value for the coefficient of performance is 0.593. An "ideal" wind turbine with this maximum value is known as a Rayleigh-Betz machine11. However, in practical life the value of the maximum values of coefficient is in the range 0.25 to 0.45. By using Figure B-02 which shows coefficient of performance values versus wind speeds, it can assumed that the coefficient of performance for this design is 0.3511. 31 Figure 5: Shows values of coefficients of performance versus wind speeds for a “good design” Generator efficiency Ng depends on the generator type. The generator being used in this design is a 3 phase synchronous permanent magnet. This type usually has 80% and more efficiency6. Hence, 80 % generator efficiency which is the minimum would be used at this case to ensure that good calculations have been conducted. Gearbox/bearings efficiency is another important factor. It is assumed that the gearbox/bearings efficiency is 95% for a good design6. After obtaining all of the parameters of Equation 3, power available at a given wind speed can be found by substituting all numbers obtained previously in Equation 3. Power at cut in wind speed and rated wind speed will be calculated first as below: Cut in wind speed = 2.7 m/s (6.1 MPH) P = 0.5 x ρ x A x Cp x V3 x Ng x Nb P= 0.5 x 1.2 (kg/m3) x 3.56 (m2) x 0.35 x 2.73(m3/s3) x 0.80x .95 P = 11.2 W At rated wind speed = 13 m/s (29.12 MPH) P = 0.5 x ρ x A x Cp x V3 x Ng x Nb P= 0.5 x 1.2 (kg/m3) x 3.56 (m2) x 0.35 x 133(m3/s3) x 0.80x .95 P = 1248 W = 1.2 KW 32 The same equation and process can be done for different wind speeds. At each wind speed, a different amount of power would be generated from the wind turbine. A table and a graph of the available amount of power at a given wind speed can be created by using these calculations. Table 6: Shows the available power at each given speed. It shows the power at cut in wind speed as well as at rated wind speed. Wind speed ( m/s ) wind speed (mph ) Area ( m2) Power (W) 1 2.24 3.56 0 2 4.48 3.56 0 2.7 6.048 3.56 11.18341 3 6.72 3.56 15.34075 4 8.96 3.56 36.36326 5 11.2 3.56 71.022 6 13.44 3.56 122.726 7 15.68 3.56 194.8844 8 17.92 3.56 290.9061 9 20.16 3.56 414.2003 10 22.4 3.56 568.176 11 24.64 3.56 756.2423 12 26.88 3.56 981.8081 13 29.12 3.56 1248.283 33 Power at cut in wind speed Power at rated wind speed Power Curve 1400 Rated Wind Speed Power Output (W) 1200 1000 800 600 Cut in Speed 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Wind Spees (m/s ) 12 14 16 18 Figure 6: Shows the power curve that has Wind speed at its X axis and Power at its Y axis. The graph shows the cut in wind speed point as well as rated wind speed points. Wind Turbine Components: The used Vertical Axis Wind turbine has the following components: 1- The blades 2- Cage mounting Plates 3- Permanent Magnet Generator ( PMG) 34 Figure 7: Components of the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. 1&2 The Blades / Cage mounting plates There are two cage plates which are the upper plate and the lower plate. The cage assembly also is seen by birds as a solid object so they avoid flying into the turbine. This cage system consists of six blades of extruded PVC. PVC blades are exceptionally strong, but flexible to withstand high winds and for resisting ice and snow buildup. These blades have also exceptional wind capture. 3- Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) The Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) converts the rotational energy of the rotor into electricity. The PMG is a direct drive generator with one moving part. The output from the generator is three-phase alternating current (AC), but it is rectified to direct current inside the PMG housing. Since it uses permanent magnets, the PMG is generating voltage whenever the rotor is turning5. 35 Table 7: PMG generator has the following specification Generator Type 3 phase synchronous permanent magnet Rated VAC Output 300 VAC CE Certified yes Peak Brake Current 19.3 Amps Special feature Built-in Rectifier Table 8: Basic electrical schematic for PMG5. 36 Gearbox No gearbox needed because the PMG was specially designed for this VAWT and produces power at low speeds, eliminating the need for a speed increasing gearbox, see Figure 5. Turbine Installation and installation planning Legal Restrictions and Zoning Laws Zoning laws, also called ordinances, establish what activities can be carried out in any area according to the local county and state. Many Cities and towns can place limits on what kinds of development are acceptable in specific areas of a community through various sorts of local ordinances such as zoning regulations. According to the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, the following regulations apply to any Wind Energy Conversion System 12: 1. Sitting Approval Application o To obtain sitting approval, the Applicant must first submit a sitting approval application to the County/Municipality. o The sitting approval application shall contain or be accompanied by the following information: ď§ The project Summary including a description of the project and all the required projects details like height of the tower, diameter of the rotor, location, etc. ď§ The name(s), address (es), and phone number(s) of the Applicant(s), Owner and Operator, and all property owner(s), if known. ď§ A site plan for the installation of the project. 37 2. Design Safety Certification o The project shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). o a Professional Engineer shall certify that the foundation and tower design of the project is within accepted professional standards, given local soil and climate 3. Controls and Brakes o The VAWT shall be equipped with a redundant braking system. This includes both aerodynamic over speed controls and mechanical brake. 4. Electrical Components o All electrical components of the VAWT shall conform to applicable local, state, and national codes. 5. Color o Towers and blades shall be painted white or gray or another non-reflective, unobtrusive color. 6. Compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration o The Applicant for the VAWT shall comply with all applicable FAA requirements. 7. Warnings o A reasonably visible warning sign concerning voltage must be placed at the base of all pad-mounted transformers and Substations. o Visible, reflective, colored objects, such as flags, reflectors, or tape shall be placed on the anchor points of guy wires and along the guy wires up to a height of 15 feet from the ground. 38 8. Climb Prevention o The VAWT Tower must be not be climbable by design or protected by anticlimbing devices. 9. Coordination with Local Fire Department o The Applicant, Owner or Operator shall submit to the local fire department a copy of the site plan. 10. Materials Handling, Storage and Disposal o All solid wastes related to the construction, operation and maintenance of the VAWT project shall be removed from the site promptly and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state and local laws. 11. Noise Level o Noise levels from the VAWT Project shall be in compliance with applicable Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) regulations. 12. Materials Handling, Storage and Disposal o The Applicant, Owner or Operator shall submit to the local fire department a copy of the site plan. 39 Tower and tower mounting The Wind speed close to the ground is slowed down by friction and the effect of obstacles whereas it increases with increasing height above the ground. Turbulence, which is rough air caused by the wind passing over obstructions such as trees and buildings, reduces the output energy and puts grater strain on VAWT. These issues can be overcome simply by putting the VAWT sufficiently high above the ground. The VAWT must be placed on a tower that is tall enough to give the cage proper exposure to the wind. An 18 m pole is included with the VAWT and part of it can be used as a tower. According to many manufactures, the minimum recommended tower height is 9 m so a 9 m tower will be used for this design13. The VAWT can be attached to its tower by pipe adapters, shown in Figure 6. These adapters are designed to fit inside pipes with inner diameter of (3.5 in), (5 in), or (9 in). However, since the tower that comes with the VAWT is used, the VAWT will bolt directly in place. 40 Figure 8: Shows Tower Mounting adapters for VAWT After the tower and the VAWT are attached, the assembly of the wind turbine can be continued simply by following the instructions on Appendix 1. The next step is assembling the base and the tower. The tower base can be mounted onto the concrete foundation bolts. The torque is to be between 350-524 ft.Ib5. The complete installation is shown in Figure 7. Figure 9: VAWT with 9 m Tower 41 Location Since the designed VAWT makes no noise, no special consideration is necessary for noise. Since system performance improves with increased wind turbine elevation it is sometimes best to choose a tall tower. The tower can be mounted close to the bus stop] since most the bus stops are not tall and will not prevent the air from reaching the VAWT. Wiring It is recommended that the tower wiring be with SO cord. The SO cord’s neoprene jacket will provide good abrasion resistance. For ground runs, it is recommended to use thin wire buried inside plastic conduit rated for electrical service. Before assembling the wind turbine the tower, wiring must be in place. It is recommended to have at least 30 cm (12 in) of free wire at the top of the tower for making the electrical connections to the wind turbine. 42 Cost Data Table 9: Cost data of the wind turbine including the installation of the wind turbine as well as the incentives. Turbine Retail Price Package includes ( Inverter , Wind Controller) Estimated Turbine Installation at 50% of Turbine Price Before Financial Incentives DCEO - Solar Energy Incentive Program Federal Tax Credit (30% of Gross Cost at Installation) Total Financial Incentives TOTAL After All Financial Incentives $7,900 $3,950 $11,850 $ 3,555 $ 3,555 $ 7,110 $ 4,740 The cost analysis was calculated based on some consecrations that were kept in mind when the cost was done. First of all, the turbine price is including 18 m/150 mph rated pole and excluding shipping. Also, actual installation cost can vary substantially based on site conditions. Financial Incentives are including rebates and investment tax credits. These incentives are available and they are given by Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and by The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) 14, 15. Venders Table 10: Recommended vendors for the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Supplier WePOWER, LLC. PacWind, Inc. Location 32 Journey Suite 250 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 23930 Madison Street, Torrance, CA 90505 USA Web page Telephone Email (866)-3859463 (310)- 3759952 43 Wind Turbine Controller (JZ) Description of function The controller or, wind interface, conditions the energy coming out of the 3âphase Permanent magnet generator, and rectifies into DC. For this design, the controller is equipped a microchip MCU and static switch. The controller has many mechanisms to achieve a high degree of efficiency and reliability. Theses mechanisms contribute in protecting the wind generator. Theses mechanisms can explained as follow5: ďˇ The controller inverts AC current from the generator to DC ďˇ The controller is reverse connection protected from DC output ďˇ The controller is overload protected ďˇ The controller shuts down in case of the overheating Specifications Table 11: Specifications of the controller Input Voltage Range (VAC) Rated Input Voltage (VAC) Output Voltage Range (VDC) Rated Output Voltage (VDC) Controls Protection Operating Ambient Temperature Dimensions Weight 58 â 218 VAC 210 VAC 140 â 480 VDC 300 VDC Maximum power point tracker, wind energy Grid failure, short circuit, overload with dummy load â20°C to 50°C (â4°F to122°F) 380 mm X 260 mm X 170 mm (15.0” X 10.2” X 6.7”) 77 lbs (35 kg) 44 Inverter (JZ) Description of function The inverter feeds the power grid by using the power generated from the VAWT. The mechanical energy from the wind is converted by the generator to 3 phase AC voltage. The variable voltage and frequency generated by VAWT depend on the wind speed. The produced power needs to be at the level of the voltage and the frequency of the grid to be transferred to the utility grid. The main function of the invert is to do this conversion. The conversion is done by two steps1: 1- The 3 phase AC voltage generated from the PMG is first converted to DC voltage. This step can be done inside the controller. 2- The DC voltage output resulted from the controller is connected to inverter input and converted into AC power with the proper voltage and frequency to be exported to the grid. The load will be using DC directly from the controller and inverter will be used only to convert DC from the controller to AC to be compatible with the grid and the net metering equipment. According to national and local standards and regulations, the produced energy can be sold to the grid or credited to the user against future consumption, thus reducing costs and providing what could be significant savings5. 45 Specifications The inverter synchronizes with the local electrical supply system. It is designed as a grid tie system. Unused power is fed back onto the grid automatically. The system uses an inverter with the following specifications5: Table 12: Shows the specifications of the inverter Model Nominal AC Power (total) Type Nominal AC Voltage Rated Voltage Continuous AC Output Current Operating Temperature Dimensions Net Weight CEC Efficiency PVIâ6000âOUTDâUSâW 12000 (6000 W X 2) (requires 2 inverters) Split phase 240V – single phase 208 V / 277 V 240 V 240 V (216â260 VAC) 29A – 25A – 21.6A â25° C to 60° C (â13°F to 140°F) output power derating for Tamb > 50°C (122°F) 98 cm X 32.5 cm X 19.5 cm (38.6” X 12.8” X 7.7”) each 66 lbs (29.9 Kg) each 96.50% Inverter Installation Location Selecting the location of the inverter is important to achieve a high level of safety and reliability. The location should be selected based on the following consideration: 1- Height from ground level should be such as to ensure that the display and status LEDs are easy to read. 2- A dry, sheltered, wellâventilated location free of pollution and from direct sun Radiation should be selected. 3- A location that allows unobstructed airflow around the inverter should be chosen. 4- Sufficient room around the inverter to enable easy installation and removal from the mounting surface should be allowed. 46 47 Net Metering (JZ) Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers who own renewable energy systems, such as wind or solar power. Net metering can provide a simple. The inverter is connected to the main circuit-breaker panel. When the heater is turned off and the system is still producing electricity, a utility company would purchases that excess electricity at the wholesale price. Additionally, net metering allows the meter to literally be set back. Power coming out of system, which is in DC, will have to be converted to AC in order for it to be given to the grid, and that is done by using the inverter. The inverter includes all the necessary protective relays and circuit breakers needed to synchronize safely and reliably with the utility grid16. Figure 10: Net Metering Device 17 48 References [1] David Watson (2005). Wind Turbines and the Energy in Wind [Online]. Available: [2] Charles Miles (2006). Survey of Urban Wind Energy Technology [Online]. Available: pdf [3] Renewable Energy UK (2007). VAWT Vertical Axis Wind Turbine [Online]. Available: [4] High Plains Wind & Solar, Inc. VAWT Differences Between Vertical and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines [Online]. Available: [5] High Plains Wind & Solar, Inc. VAWT Differences Between Vertical and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines [Online]. Available: [6] Falcon. Falcon 1.2 kW VAWT [Online]. Available: [7] American Wind Energy Association. Wind Energy FAQ [Online]. Available: [8] Charles Fisk (2010). Graphical Climatology of Chicago Temperatures, Precipitation, and Snowfall (1871-Present) [Online]. Available: [9] Chicago Facts & Figures [Online]. Available: [10] Fan Engineering and Fan Selection Software. Air Density Calculator [Online]. Available: [11] The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program. Air Density table [Online]. Available: [12] Data & Analysis Services for Industry & Education (2005). Rayleigh Distribution [Online]. Available: [13] The Chicago Environmental Law Clinic and Baker & McKenzie (2003). Model Wind Energy Siting Ordinance [Online]. Available: 49 [14] PacWind, Inc. (2006). SeaHawk Vertical Axis Wind Turbine [Online]. Available: [15] Wayne Hartel (2010). Solar Energy Incentive Program [Online]. Available: 2-solar+Energy+Incentive+Program.htm [16] Ron Stimmel (2006). Net Metering[Online]. Available: [17] Lee Borde. Energy [Online]. Available: 50 Storage Subsystem (AB) Description of Function The function of the subsystem is to store power when the system is not being used or when extra energy is Figure 11: A deep cycle battery1 being produced for when it is needed later on. Discussion of Options and Chosen Option ďˇ Deep cycle batteries ďˇ Use the grid as a way of storing energy indirectly Cold Weather Since the system is meant to be working mostly in colder weather, the batteries will be less than 100% capacity most of the time, according to figure 2, capacity would be at 80% at 0 Celsius and at -10 Celsius it would be at 70%. Nevertheless battery life tends to increase in colder weather2 Price High wattage systems require a large amount of energy to be stored in order to be of any use to the system and that would drive the price of the Figure 12: Temperature vs. capacity plot2 system up, which is discussed further after calculating the require battery bank sizing. 51 Summary of Calculations: For prototype: 125 W load Design usage time = 2 hours Watts-hours = 250 Whr Fudge Factor (accounting for efficiency) = 1.3 Adjusted Whr = 250/1.3 = 325 Whr Depth of discharge = 0.6 or 60% Watts-hours needed = 325/0.6 = 541.7 Whr For a 12V, Amps-hours = 541.7/12 = 45W So a 50AH battery would be enough For actual system 6400 W load Design usage time = 2 hours Watts-hours = 12800 Whr Fudge Factor (accounting for efficiency) = 1.3 Adjusted Whr = 12800/1.3 = 16640 Whr Depth of discharge = 0.6 or 60% Watts-hours needed = 16640/0.6 = 27733 Whr For a 12V, Amps-hours = 27733/12 = 2311AH Therefore, approximately 2300AH would be sufficient, which requires a lot of batteries raising the price of the system. (A typical 12V/100AH battery would cost anywhere between 150-450$) 52 Using the grid by installing a netmetering device as a way to store energy works by selling energy back to the grid in the case of producing energy that is not need such as the case when the system is not running. And energy is taken back when it is needed from the grid which makes it work as an Figure 13: Depth of discharge vs. Battery life in terms of cycles. How deep the battery is discharged, or DOD, relates inversely to the life of the battery2 indirect battery. Refer to net-metering section for further discussion. Final Decision The grid would be the better choice for this application as having to install batteries with the effect of cold weather means that it would have to be much more expensive than the simply selling the power to the grid then buying it back when needed. Also keeping up with maintenance on a battery system in conjunction with the decrease in efficiency over time make the battery more costly than the power it is actually storing. 53 References: [1] Deep Cycle Battery Information [Online]. Available: [2] Northern Arizona Wind & Sun (1998-2009). Deep Cycle Battery FAQ [Online]. Available: 54 Heating Subsystem (AB) Description of Function The main function of the heating subsystem is to provide thermal comfort for bus station users during cold and harsh weather conditions. Preferably, it would provide sufficient heating to as many people using the Figure 14: A diagram showing a radiant heater1 bus station as efficiently as possible. Discussion of Options and Chosen Option Many different options were considered for the purpose of this subsystem ďˇ Ability to provide heat comfort ďˇ Heat distribution ďˇ Energy efficiency ďˇ Difficulty of installment and existing regulations Some of the considered options were radiant heaters, heated seats, an underground heat pump that uses the earth’s heat, and regular heat pumps. Heat Comfort The most capable system of providing heat comfort would be a regular heat pump in an enclosed bus station, but that would be a lot more expensive than the rest of the options. Also, frequent entering and leaving of the bus station would cause huge energy losses. The next system would be a radiant heater which would be able to provide required heat to provide heat comfort. Heated seats would not be as capable of providing as much heat comfort as a radiant heater as they would have to get through the heavy coats of people using the bus stations without heating their hands or faces which are the coldest parts usually. 55 Heat Distribution A heat pump in an enclosed bus station would be very good for distributing heat except for the losses from entry and exit to the station. A radiant heater is also very good at this as it provides heat to people standing in the station. Heated seats would provide heat only to the people sitting on the seats, which is not near as good as the other two systems. An underground heat pump that uses the earth’s heat to heat the seats would also be limited to the number of seats as well. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency varies depending on the type of heating element. Using a heat pump will lower the efficiency substantially as losses to the environment would be enormous. Using a radiant heater would be much more efficient as the energy produced as infrared radiation would go through the air with minimal losses to reach bus users directly. 56 Installation Difficulties The idea of using a heat pump after isolating and enclosing the bus station means that many changes would have to be made to the bus station itself in order for the system to be installed. Installing the radiant heater would require minimum changes or additions to the system. There are two types of heat pumps that could be considered for this application. One would be a ground source heat pump and the other would be an air source heat pump. The ground source heat pump would involve taping Figure 15: A picture showing a quartz radiant heater1 into the underground sewer system which would be very difficult. The air source heat pump would be easier, but it would be an inefficient system in the winter months. Final Heater Choice The final choice regarding the heating system was the radiant heater as it satisfies the most of the considered properties of the subsystems at the same time, more specifically, a quartz heater. The radiant heater provides sufficient heat satisfying ASHRAE heat comfort standards, minimizes efficiency losses relative to the other systems, distributes the heat to as many people standing in the heated spot as possible, and it relatively easy to install. 57 Radiant Heaters ďˇ The main choices for infrared heating are clear quartz lamps, red quartz lamps, quartz tubes, and straight or U-shaped metal rods. The most suitable type for this application is the clear quartz lamps choice because of the specifications listed below. ďˇ Another factor to consider is the spread angle of the infrared heater which, for this manufacturer (Fostoria), come in 30°, 60°, and 90° spread angles, symmetric or asymmetric. From their spread angle graphs one can see that the choice is most likely between 60° and 90°. Figure 17: Diagram demonstrating a 60° spread Figure 16: Diagram demonstrating a 90° spread angle heater1 angle heater1 58 Figure 18: Diagram showing spread pattern for a 3200W 60° heater 1 As can be seen from the two graphs above, the 60° is a better choice as at the most common installation height (2.5m to 3m, or 8ft to 10ft), the spread length of the heated are is 10’6” to 13’ for the 60° model while it’s 17’ to 21’ for the 90° model, which results in more heat not being directed at the commuters but rather at the walls of the bus shelter and therefore losing more energy. Figure 19: Diagram showing spread pattern for a 3200W 90° heater 1 59 Final Decision Use a 3200W 60° clear quartz infrared heater to provide heat comfort in the bus station shelter, which is the best choice to provide the most heat comfort while being as efficient as possible. Specifications Clear Quartz Lamps2 ďˇ 3/8” diameter quartz envelope ďˇ Cooled tungsten filament positioned on tantalum spacers; sealed porcelain end caps; gas filled Color temperature emitted: approximately 4100° F – high brightness (6 – 8 Lumens per Watt) ďˇ 96% radiant efficiency ďˇ Fastest heat up and cool down time compared to red quartz lamps and quartz tubes (Refer to figure 2 below) ďˇ Moisture resistance: highest ďˇ Mechanical ruggedness: average ďˇ Available Wattages: 500-3650; available voltages 200-600 ďˇ Life Expectancy: 5000 hours warranted, 4-year pro-rated ďˇ May be used in series, if necessary APPLICATIONS: All snow/ice control; all outdoor and most indoor applications; high bay applications; indoor area highly exposed to cold air infiltration Mounting heights: 10’ and ABOVE (Indoor) 10’ and BELOW (Outdoor) 60 Figure 20: The figure shows the time it takes for the lamps to reach 100% of working capacity, as well as the time it takes to cool down, which is approximately 2 minutes 2 Summary of Calculations: ASHRAE Calculations • Mean radiant temperature (MRT) is the temperature of an imaginary isothermal black enclosure in which an occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation as in the actual nonuniform environment3. • Ambient temperature is the temperature of the air surrounding the occupant3. • Operative temperature ta to is the temperature of a uniform isothermal black enclosure in which the occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation and convection as in the actual nonuniform environment. For air velocities less than 0.4 m/s and mean radiant temperatures less than 50°C, the operative temperature is approximately equal to the adjusted dry-bulb temperature, which is the average of the air and mean radiant temperatures3. 61 • Adjusted dry-bulb temperature is the average of the air temperature and the mean radiant temperature at a given location. The adjusted dry-bulb temperature is approximately equivalent to the operative temperature for air motions less than 0.4 m/s and mean radiant temperatures less than 50°C3. • Effective radiant flux (ERF) is defined as the net radiant heat exchanged at the ambient temperature between an occupant, whose surface is hypothetical and all enclosing surfaces and directional heat sources and sinks. Thus, ERF is the net radiant energy received by the occupant from all surfaces and sources whose temperatures differ from ta. ERF is particularly useful in high-intensity radiant heating applications3. Activity level: Sedentary = 70 W/m2 Clothing Insulation: 0.3 KWâm2 Air Movement: 2 m/s t° = 16 °C Surrounding Temperature = ta = 0 °C Assume tr = 15 °C Comfort ERF (ASHRAE Calculations) ERF = h ( t° - ta ) = 15.65 ( 16 - 0 ) = 249.19 W/m2 New tr = 70 °C Mounting Height = 2.5 m Elevation Angle = 45 ° Azimuth Angle = 0 62 Source Temperature = 2227 °C Referring to ASHRAE provided charts and graphs Projection Area factor = 0.3 Relative Absorbance = 0.85 d = Mounting height – Sitting height = 2.8 – 0.7 = 2.1m IK,sitting (W/sr)= ERF(d2 ⁄ αK feff fp) = 125.83 ( (2.1)^2/(0.85*0.71*0.3) =3064 W/sr For 60° spread 3064 * (60 (π/180)) = 3209 W Cost Data One (1) Radiant Quartz Lamp Comfort Heating Reflector Assembly (3.2kW 60° 208V) 222-60-TH-208V…..………………………….………………...……………$376 One (1) Wire Guards - 222 Series, CHWG-222 ………………………………….$21.94 Lamp replacement costs: Life expectancy for the clear quartz lamps specified is 5000 hours warranted by manufacturer. Depending on the frequency of usage for the bus station location, the heater will be set to work a certain hours per day. Usage hours per day will determine how fast the lamps will have to be changed according to their warranted life expectancy. Depending on the frequency of usage for a certain location, the heater can be set to work more or less minutes per hour as needed, which will change the frequency of changing the lamps. If 6 hours/day (15min/hr) for 6 months per year usage, the lamps will last 833 days. If 12 hours/day (30min/hr) for 6 months per year usage, the lamps will last 416 days. Two replacement lamps for the heater would cost 114.4$. 63 Table 13: Suggested Vendors Vendor Name Website Phone Number Fostoria 1-800-495-4525 Solaira 1-905-568-7655 UFO heaters 1-213-553-8440 64 References: [1] MOR ELECTRIC HEATING ASSOC., INC. Fostoria Mul-T-Mount Quartz Lamp Comfort Heating Reflector Assemblies [Online]. Available: [2] Fostoria Electric Infrared Heating Manual [Online]. Available: [3] ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook (SI), 1999. 65 Prototype Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Figure 21: Wind Turbine Engineering Drawing In applications where renewable energy is a viable option for producing power, the machine chosen to perform this task must harness and effectively convert that energy into usable energy. The Savonius vertical axis wind turbine is a machine designed to complete this task. This wind turbine is a drag type turbine which takes advantage of the ability to harness wind from any direction with comparatively low cut in speeds. This wind turbine was found to be suitable for the system design because it is designed for low wind speeds which are found in urban environments. This turbine is in junction with a generator by a pulley and belt connection to produce electrical power. This junction transfers the mechanical power of the turbine into the generator which is converted into electrical power. The generator is a permanent earth magnet generator that lowers rpm due to the inverse relationship with torque resistance caused by the magnets. 66 Part description Turbine Blade Base The base is made out of a wooden plate with a 20” diameter. The diameter for the blade placement is 23.8”. Due to the fact that the width of the base only added structural support for the blades it was applicable to reduce the size of the base to Figure 22: Turbine Blade Base Engineering Drawing reduce weight. Weight reduction was necessary to reduce pressure on the lower flask bearing. The curves on this base represent the placement of each blade. The blades are fixed on a 60° angle with its curvature tangent to the face of the preceeding blade. Wind turbine Blade The wind turbine blade was designed based off of the necessary area of the wind turbine used to produce around 70 Watts in 10 mph winds. The total calculated area is 24.35 ft2 which is divided between six blades. The width of each blade is 16.25 inches and the height Figure 23: Wind Turbine Engineering Drawing is 36 inches. The face of the blade is the plane where wind enters creating torque to produce 67 rotation. The face of each blade is sectioned 60° apart from one another and the curvature of each blade is tangent to the face of the blade behind it. This placement allows for the maximum amount of wind to hit the active surface of each blade. The blades are made out of thin aluminum for its light weight and structural rigidity. The curvature of the aluminum also serves as structural support by preventing buckling or bending caused by the wind force and the weight of the system. Flange Bearing This bearing is used to mate the Turbine Blade base to the cart base and for pulley attachments. The flange bearing was chosen because it is double sided which allowed the turbine to be fixed to a base. Although the Bearing is not perfect it allows Figure 24: Flange Bearing Engineering Drawing the turbine to have partially frictionless revolutions about its axis of rotation. Caster Bearing This bearing was chosen to fix the top of the turbine to the base cart. It was also chosen because it allowed the turbine to revolve comparatively frictionless about its axis of rotation. Figure 25: Caster Bearing Engineering Drawing 68 Pulleys The five inch pulley is used on the shaft of the wind turbine to transmit power to the 4 inch pulley on the generator. This ratio allows for 20% rpm increase from the turbine shaft to the generator shaft to generate the necessary rpm to produce a charging voltage on the battery. Figure 26: Pulley Engineering Drawing Belt The belt that was used is a ½” by 5/16” V-belt. This is the belt specified for use with the ½” by 5/16” pulley. The pulley and belt system was used for gearing to Figure 27: V-Belt Dimensions allow for necessary slip and absorption of force during variably high winds that may damage the system. Equations used and Analysis 54 1 1. đ´đđđ = đđđđĽ ∗ 16 ∗ đđ 3 This is the Equation used to calculate the area. Pmax is the power 70 watts. ρ is the air density and V is the velocity. The Area of the turbine was calculated based off an output power of 70 watts at the shaft and ten mph winds. This power is based off the necessary corresponding voltage needed to charge the battery used to power the system at around 14.7v. The area was calculated to be around 24.35 69 ft2. The Area of each blade was calculated to be around 4.0 ft2. This takes account for six blades with a height of three feet and a width of 16.25 inches. 16 1 2. đđđ¤đđ = 27 ∗ [2 ∗ đđ´đ 3 ] This is the equation used to determine the power produced at variable wind speeds. In this equation A denotes the Area V is the velocity ρ is the air density and the fraction 16/27 is the Bertz limit for the turbine. 3. đ đđ = [ (đ)88 đđˇ ] ∗ (đĄđ đ) This is the Eqauation used to calculate the Rpm of the wind turbine in variable wind speeds. In this equation V denotes velocity, D is the diameter, and 88 converts mph to ft/s for the equation. TSR is the tip speed ratio, for savinious wind turbine this number varies between 85% and 100% for turbines whose blades extend to the axis of rotation. 4. đ = 2đđ đđ 60 5. đĄđđđđ˘đ = This is the equation used to convert rpm to radians per second. đđđ¤đđ đ This equation uses power and radians per second to calculate available torque at various wind speeds. 6. đ1 = đ2 ⇒ đ1 đ1 = đ2 đ2 This is the equation that was used to calculate the gearing ratio to achieve the desired generator speed in ten mph winds. In this equation r denotes pulley radius. The necessary radius reduction to produce the generator rpm was calculated be around 17%. Due to the pulleys only being offered in 1 inch sizes 70 the ratio was set at a 20% reduction from the turbine pulley. The pulley on the turbine shaft is 5 inches in diameter and the generator shaft pulley is 4 inches. This table is used to calculate the necessary area for producing 70 watts in 10mph winds. This corresponds to the charging voltage for the battery around 14 volts. The area wind turbine was calculated to be 24.33 ft2. The each blade had an area of around 4ft2. Table 14: Minimum Area of wind turbine. Minimum Area for 70Watts at 10mph m2 2.260806463 2 in 3504.257026 ft2 ft per blade Height ft width ft width in Diameter in Diameter ft 24.33511824 2 4.05585304 3 1.351951013 16.22341216 23.861 1.988416667 71 Table 15is a sample portion of the wind turbine parameters used to calculate the power toque and the speed of the wind turbine. Table 15: Wind Turbine Parameters Wind speed (m/s ) 1 Wind speed (mph) Power at shaft (watts) rpm at shaft Rpm at shaft tsr=90% ω Radians/sec torque at shaft (N-m) 2.23693629 0.783746 31.51222 28.361 2.9699569 0.263891 1.5 3.355404435 2.645144 47.26833 42.5415 4.45493535 0.593756 56.722 5.93991381 1.055566 2 4.47387258 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 5.592340725 6.71080887 7.829277015 8.94774516 10.06621331 11.18468145 12.3031496 13.42161774 6.26997 63.02444 12.24604 21.16115 33.60312 50.15976 71.41888 97.96828 130.3958 169.2892 78.78055 70.9025 94.53666 85.083 110.2928 99.2635 126.0489 113.444 141.805 127.6245 157.5611 141.805 173.3172 155.9855 189.0733 170.166 7.42489226 8.90987071 10.3948492 11.8798276 13.3648061 14.8497845 16.334763 17.8197414 1.649322 2.375023 3.23267 4.222263 5.343802 6.597286 7.982716 9.500092 Figure 28 shows the relationship between the turbine shaft power and the turbine speed. This graph was generated from the full wind turbine parameter chart. Turbine Power curve Power (W) 4000 3000 2000 Turbine Power curve 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 rpm Figure 28: Prototype Power Curve 72 Table 16 is a sample portion of the generator table used to calculate generator torque and generator power. The generator voltage, rpm and current were pulled from the generator specifications table. Table 16: Generator Data Generator rpm Generator ω Generator Voltage Generator current (Amps) Generator power (Watts) Generator Torque 130.6451613 135.483871 140.3225806 145.1612903 150 154.8387097 159.6774194 164.516129 169.3548387 13.6811293 14.18783779 14.69454628 15.20125478 15.70796327 16.21467176 16.72138025 17.22808875 17.73479724 11.193548 11.645161 12.096774 12.548387 13 13.451613 13.903226 14.354839 14.806452 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.3225806 0.483871 0.6451613 1.80541103 1.87825182 1.95109261 2.0239334 2.09677419 2.16961498 4.48491155 6.9458897 9.55254943 0.1319636 0.13238464 0.13277665 0.13314252 0.13348479 0.13380567 0.2682142 0.40317239 0.53863313 Figure 29 shows the relationship between voltage and rpm and power and rpm. This graph was generated from the full generator chart. 160 140 Power 120 100 Generator Power Curve 80 60 Voltqage curve 40 20 0 150 200 250 300 350 Rpm Figure 29: Generator Power and Voltage curve 73 Prototype Testing Test 1 connection of 555 timer a-stable (AM) Purpose To set up and configure a 55 timer chip that will be able to synchronize a time for the desired output. An a-stable circuit produces a 'square wave', which is a digital waveform with a transition from low voltage and high voltage. The circuit is called the a-stable because the output is continually changing between 'low' and 'high'. Procedure: simulation of the a-stable 555 circuit that will rotate and cycle on and off using a 1k resistor. Material: ďˇ ďˇ ďˇ ďˇ ďˇ ďˇ ďˇ 100uf Capacitor 1K ohm resistor *2 555 timer chip Bread board Led 330 Ohm resistor .01uf capacitor Figure 30: Connection of 555 Timer 74 Equation: T = 0.7 × (R1 + 2R2) × C1 f= 1.4 (R1 + 2R2) × C1 T = .7*(1k + 1K) x 100*10^-6 T = .014 seconds F = 1.4/(R1+2R2)*C1 Frequency would be 46HZ Observation: When I completed the installation of the 555 timer chip I was able to get an output of every 1 second the LED would light up pack and forth. I know for the actual prototype I will need to use bigger resistor so that it has adequate time to power the heating system. Figure 31: Time Period Diagram 75 The Output of the square wave when performing the test with the 555 a-stable chip. Figure 32: Output Square Wave With the output high (+Vs) the capacitor C1 is charged by current flowing through the resistor. The threshold and trigger inputs monitor the capacitor voltage and when it reaches 2/3Vs the output becomes low and the discharge pin is connected to 0V. The capacitor now discharges with current flowing through R2 into the discharge pin. When the voltage falls to 1/3Vs (trigger voltage) the output becomes high again and the discharge pin is disconnected, allowing the capacitor to start charging again. Test 2 connection of the Monostable 555 timer Chip Purpose: A Monostable circuit produces a single output pulse when triggered. It is called a monostable because it is stable in one state: 'output low'. When the output is high the state is temporary. Build a monostabe 555 timer to understand how this will work for the system. Procedure: Using the 10k resistor we will monitor the state of the monstable 555 timer and monitor the time it takes to have a high and low output. 76 Material: 10k resistor *2 100uf capacitor .01uf capacitor LED Bread Board Figure 33: Connection of 555 monostable chip Equation: time period, T = 1.1 × R1 × C1 T = 1.1*10,000*10^-6 T=.11 seconds 77 Observations By running this experiment understanding of how the 555 timer was used, and also noted that for the prototype system a bigger resistor will be need for the prototype system. Figure 34: Output Response The timing period is triggered (started) when the trigger input pin 2 is less than 1/3 Vs, this makes the output high (+Vs) and the capacitor C1 starts to charge through resistor R1. The threshold input 555 pin 6 monitors the voltage across C1 and when this reaches 2/3 Vs the time period is over and the output becomes low. At the same time discharge pin 7 is connected to 0V, discharging the capacitor ready for the next trigger. 78 Test 3 Connection of the Monostable and a-stable circuit Purpose The prototype will demonstrate a timing system that will switch the heat lamp on and off during different iterations. The actual system will be designed to have a timing system during peak hours when customers use the bus system, and a sensor, or button system during the system hours for it to be used. This system will replicate and demonstrate how this will work. The monostable represents during the course of the day its activated, and the a-stable represent the cycles in which they are being used to heat people when the monostable is running. It is important that we calculate the appropriate time we will want this system to run for. Procedure: The procedure is connect the astable and monostable, together and to have it displayed by two LED’s. Materials: o 820k ohm resistor o 750k Ohm resistor X 2 o 2* 555 timers o 2 LED o 2 100uf capacitor o .01uf capacitor o Wires o Breadboard 79 Connection of Circuit: Monostable 1 2 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 6 850k resistor 100uf capacitor 10k resistor 3 a3 b3 a4 b4 7 330 resistor LED 4 8 .01uf capacitor voltage Astable 1 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 100uf capacitor 2 6 750K resistor 3 a3 b3 7 750K resistor 330 resistor 4 a4 b4 LED Ground Figure 35: Circuit Diagram 80 8 Monostable Equations Astable Equations Monostable time results: T = 1.1*850,000*100*10^-6 = 935 Astable tiem results: T= .7(750K+750K)*100uf High time = 103.94 seconds Low time = 51.97 seconds Results Table 17: Testing Results Attempts Results Attempt 1 No LED lit up bad connection in wire Attempt 2 Bad 555 timer chip Attempt 3 System not cycling correctly bad connection of asatble capacitor Attempt 4 System run correctly 81 Conclusion With this test an analysis was able to be made that the 555 chip circuit will perform the necessary performance for the demonstration of our prototype. Test 4 connection of the relay to the system Purpose With understanding of the 555 circuit and with the circuit running properly it is now time to run the test of the relay connected to the 555 timer. The purpose of the relay is to provide enough current to run the inventor so that it can power our load which is a 125 radiant heat lamp. Procedure: attach the 555 circuit chip with the relay and make sure that the system will work together. Materials: o 820k ohm resistor o 750k Ohm resistor X 2 o 2* 555 timers o 2 LED o 2 100uf capacitor o .01uf capacitor o Breadboard o 3904 transistor o 20 amp relay o 1k resistor 82 Connection: Monostable 1 2 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 6 850k resistor 100uf capacitor 10k resistor 3 a3 b3 a4 b4 7 330 resistor LED 4 8 .01uf capacitor voltage Astable 1 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 100uf capacitor 2 6 750K resistor 3 a3 b3 7 750K resistor 330 resistor 4 a4 b4 1k resistor LED Ground 3906 transistor Figure 36: Circuit Diagram 83 8 Results: Table 18: Results Attempts Results Attempt 1 Bad connection Attempt 2 System runs and is able to draw 20amps Test 5 Connecting the Invertors Purpose: Connecting the inverter to the system so that the system will take the 12 volt dc power and convert it to 175 watt ac power. Procedure: attach the 555 timer with the relay, and connect the relay with the invertors. Materials: o 820k ohm resistor o 750k Ohm resistor X 2 o 2* 555 timers o 2 LED o 2 100uf capacitor o .01uf capacitor o Wires o Breadboard o 3904 transistor o 20 amp relay o 1k resistor o 200 watt invertors 84 Circuit Monostable 1 2 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 6 850k resistor 100uf capacitor 10k resistor 3 a3 b3 a4 b4 7 330 resistor LED 4 8 .01uf capacitor Astable 1 a1 b1 a2 b2 5 100uf capacitor 2 6 750K resistor 3 a3 b3 7 750K resistor 330 resistor 4 a4 b4 8 1k resistor LED Ground 3906 transistor 200 Watt Invertor V+ C+ GND Vout Figure 37: Circuit Diagram 85 C- H/C Inverter Schematic: Figure 38: Inverter Schematic 86 Results: Attempts Results Attempt 1 Inverters does not power up Attempt 2 Inventers cycles on and off Attempt 3 Inventers does not power up bad connection Attempt 4 Inverter makes a strange noise bad connection. Attempt 5 Improve inverter connection 87 Inverter The inverter is used to take the dc voltage and convert it to ac voltage. In the system for the prototype has two inverters, one that is a 175 watt inverter and the other is a 200 watt inverter. Schematic of the inverter Equation: Test Results: Amps X Voltage = Watts 88 Power Current drawn 175 Watt inverter 14.58 amps 200 Watt inverter 16.667 amps 400 watt inverter 33.33 amps 500 watt inverter 41.66 amps Results: When inverter was connected to the load, the system worked just as calculated the advantages of using the inverter are: ďˇ Can use large supply of power on a small batter ďˇ Can use AC applications ďˇ Can provide adequate heat ďˇ The inverter is efficient for small scale use. 89 Test of System Purpose: The purpose of this test is to run the system with the wind turbine and the heated system. Procedure: Connecting the system with the wind turbine to the battery. The battery is then connected to the bread board, in which the system is the connected to the 555 timer system. This is then connected to the inverter and powers up the heated lamp load. Materials: o 820k ohm resistor o 750k Ohm resistor X 2 o 2* 555 timers o 2 LED o 2 100uf capacitor o .01uf capacitor o Wires o Breadboard o 3904 transistor o 20 amp relay o 1k resistor o 200 watt invertors o Wind Turbine o Two 175 watt heat lamps Results: ďˇ The system is able to provide heat in a closed system 90 ďˇ The system is having trouble charging the battery due to the limited amount of current coming from the battery ďˇ The battery is low in Amp hours and is not providing a sufficient amount of energy. Ways to improve ďˇ Purchase a bigger battery with more amp hours ďˇ Purchase a wind turbine Charge control system ďˇ Minimize the amount of wires being used for the system 91 Prototype Electrical System Simulation (JZ) The simulation of our electrical system was mainly to understand how our prototype will work in the real world, and how to understand all the electrical connections between all of the subsystems. We used Simulink provided in the ECE labs to simulate our results and using Simulink we were able to change all values we needed to make sure that we got the needed output voltage to get the needed output power. We faced problems when we started building our system , mostly because the inverter which is the most essential part in our electrical system was not found in Simulink provided by our ECE labs, so the main challenge was to build and design an inverter which will be good enough for our system. To know how to design an inverter we used the ECE 583 book “Power Electronics” chapter 6 and we designed a Single phase Bridge Inverter. This inverter consists of four choppers, when the transistors 1 and 2 are turned on, the input Voltage (Vs) appears across the Load. On the other hand if transistors 3 and 4 are turned on the Voltage across the Load is reversed and its now (-Vs). For our electrical simulation we used a constant power supply of 14 volts instead of our generator, this voltage charged the battery and supplied the load directly using a switch that was working instead of a charge controller. The Voltage was going through the inverter which is all packed in a universal bridge in Simulink. After the simulation was finished we got the graph of the output voltage and the output power. Also we got the charging and discharging of the battery. 92 Figure 39: Simulation of the PWM Generator responsible for the control system of the inverter 93 Matlab code for plotting the Output Voltage, Current and power, also plots of the charging and discharging of the battery. %% Simulation of the Electric Part (Senior Design 495(b) group #25) close all t=VI.time; Voltage=VI.signals(1,1).values; Current=VI.signals(1,2).values; Power=P.signals(1,1).values; figure subplot(3,1,1) plot(t,Voltage) hold on plot(t,112.5*sin(377*t),'r') xlim([5/60 6/60]) xlabel('Time(sec)') ylabel('V') title('Inverter output voltage when the amplitude modulation index = 3') set(gca,'ytick',-90:90:90) subplot(3,1,2) plot(t,Current) xlim([5/60 6/60]) xlabel('Time(sec)') ylabel('A') title('Inverter output current') hold on plot(t,0.78*sin(377*t),'r') set(gca,'ytick',-0.78:0.78:0.78) subplot(3,1,3) plot(t,Power) xlim([5/60 6/60]) xlabel('Time(sec)') ylabel('W') title('Instantaneous output power') hold on plot(t,50.28+11.53*sin(2*377*t),'r') line([0 6/60],[50.28 50.28],'linestyle','--','color','k') %% 94 95 Figure 40: Plots of Output Voltage, Inverter output current and output power 96 Figure 41: Plots of Nominal Current chare and discharge Characteristics 97 Appendix A (AS) 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Continuous Hourly Data 1.2kw area kwh cost payback Bins year Hours Read hours No Reading Readings 3.56 0.134 4000 64.81627 TOTAL READING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Date Time (Lst) 1/1/2009 52 1/1/2009 152 1/1/2009 252 1/1/2009 352 1/1/2009 452 1/1/2009 552 1/1/2009 652 1/1/2009 752 1/1/2009 852 1/1/2009 952 1/1/2009 1052 1/1/2009 1152 1/1/2009 1252 1/1/2009 1352 1/1/2009 1452 1/1/2009 1552 1/1/2009 1652 1/1/2009 1752 1/1/2009 1852 1/1/2009 1952 1/1/2009 2052 Wind Speed (MPH) 7 7 13 10 10 13 9 11 13 15 21 20 17 16 13 11 15 14 16 13 11 460544.1 Wind Speed POWER (m/s) Wind dir [W] 3.129194 180 18.4653 3.129194 160 18.4465 5.811361 180 118.034 4.470278 180 53.68855 4.470278 170 53.63375 5.811361 180 117.7531 4.02325 180 39.05905 4.917306 180 71.26495 5.811361 180 117.5925 6.705417 180 180.5207 9.387583 190 494.5029 8.940556 180 426.001 7.599472 190 261.1691 7.152444 200 217.4391 5.811361 190 116.5491 4.917306 190 70.55984 6.705417 200 178.856 6.258389 190 145.2662 7.152444 210 216.8405 5.811361 230 116.2681 4.917306 230 70.38964 108 36 8760 8750 486 8264 61.7129 Cardinal Combine 0 SAVED direction and 36 0.002474 18 18 0.002472 16 16 0.015817 18 18 0.007194 18 18 0.007187 17 17 0.015779 18 18 0.005234 18 18 0.00955 18 18 0.015757 18 18 0.02419 18 18 0.066263 19 19 0.057084 18 18 0.034997 19 19 0.029137 20 20 0.015618 19 19 0.009455 19 19 0.023967 20 20 0.019466 19 19 0.029057 21 21 0.01558 23 23 0.009432 23 23 99.89% 5.55% 94.34% Total Time Total Frequency Total Power diff 100% Max 8264 99.35% Direction Power Frequency Avg Power 53953.63 381 185.5181 22 22 20 Average Power [w] 6.01281844 71.3150392 68.2874715 54.1317865 45.1318398 47.9474978 66.4236339 50.1290834 51.980694 77.0397823 57.2511747 42.1888034 55.721993 58.3671719 52.9115565 52.06938 51.7505248 60.1648615 83.2472372 113.543407 Power Density [P/TP] 1.81% 2.82% 3.37% 2.69% 2.04% 1.81% 2.12% 1.69% 1.99% 2.61% 2.23% 1.52% 2.08% 2.59% 2.18% 1.78% 0.99% 1.16% 2.53% 4.31% Power Density [AP/TP] 1.31E-05 0.000155 0.000148 0.000118 9.8E-05 0.000104 0.000144 0.000109 0.000113 0.000167 0.000124 9.16E-05 0.000121 0.000127 0.000115 0.000113 0.000112 0.000131 0.000181 0.000247 0 Direction 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Frequency % time 1386 17% 182 2% 227 3% 229 3% 208 3% 174 2% 147 2% 155 2% 176 2% 156 2% 179 2% 166 2% 172 2% 204 2% 190 2% 157 2% 88 1% 89 1% 140 2% 175 2% Total Power [w] 8333.766 12979.34 15501.26 12396.18 9387.423 8342.865 9764.274 7770.008 9148.602 12018.21 10247.96 7003.341 9584.183 11906.9 10053.2 8174.893 4554.046 5354.673 11654.61 19870.1 109 Appendix B (MA) Air density table Air density [kg/m3] as a function of elevation Z [m a.s.l.] and mean temperature (from -25ºC to 40ºC) at the same elevation. A lapse rate of 6.5 K/km and a sea level pressure of 1013.25 hPa are assumed. Power curves are often referenced to 'standard conditions' corresponding to sea level pressure and 15ºC. Z -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 1.316 1.292 1.269 1.247 1.225 1.204 1.184 1.164 1.145 1.127 100 1.300 1.276 1.254 1.232 1.211 1.190 1.170 1.151 1.133 1.115 200 1.283 1.260 1.238 1.217 1.196 1.176 1.157 1.138 1.120 1.103 300 1.267 1.245 1.223 1.202 1.182 1.163 1.144 1.126 1.108 1.091 400 1.251 1.230 1.208 1.188 1.169 1.150 1.131 1.113 1.096 1.079 Z -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 500 1.258 1.236 1.214 1.194 1.174 1.155 1.136 1.118 1.101 1.084 600 1.242 1.220 1.199 1.179 1.160 1.141 1.123 1.106 1.089 1.072 700 1.226 1.205 1.185 1.165 1.146 1.128 1.110 1.093 1.077 1.061 800 1.210 1.190 1.170 1.151 1.133 1.115 1.098 1.081 1.065 1.049 900 1.195 1.175 1.156 1.138 1.120 1.102 1.085 1.069 1.053 1.038 Z -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1000 1.200 1.180 1.161 1.142 1.124 1.106 1.089 1.073 1.057 1.042 1100 1.184 1.165 1.146 1.128 1.111 1.094 1.077 1.061 1.045 1.030 1200 1.169 1.151 1.132 1.115 1.097 1.081 1.065 1.049 1.034 1.019 1300 1.154 1.136 1.118 1.101 1.084 1.068 1.052 1.037 1.022 1.008 1400 1.140 1.122 1.105 1.088 1.072 1.056 1.040 1.025 1.011 0.997 Z -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 1500 1.143 1.125 1.108 1.091 1.075 1.059 1.043 1.028 1.014 1.000 1600 1.128 1.111 1.094 1.078 1.062 1.046 1.031 1.017 1.003 0.989 1700 1.114 1.097 1.081 1.065 1.049 1.034 1.019 1.005 0.991 0.978 1800 1.100 1.083 1.067 1.052 1.037 1.022 1.008 0.994 0.980 0.967 1900 1.086 1.070 1.054 1.039 1.024 1.010 0.996 0.983 0.969 0.957 Z -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 2000 1.088 1.072 1.056 1.041 1.026 1.012 0.998 0.985 0.971 0.959 2100 1.074 1.058 1.043 1.028 1.014 1.000 0.987 0.973 0.961 0.948 2200 1.060 1.045 1.030 1.016 1.002 0.988 0.975 0.962 0.950 0.938 2300 1.046 1.031 1.017 1.003 0.990 0.977 0.964 0.951 0.939 0.927 2400 1.033 1.018 1.005 0.991 0.978 0.965 0.953 0.941 0.929 0.917 The air density for a specific elevation and mean annual air temperature may be calculated with the WAsP air density calculator. 110 111 Appendix C (OA) *Engineering Drawings* Minimum Area for 70Watts at 10mph m2 2.260806463 in2 3504.257026 2 24.33511824 ft ft2per blade Height ft width ft width in Diameter in Diameter ft 4.05585304 3 1.351951013 16.22341216 23.861 1.988416667 112 Wind turbine parameters chart Wind speed (m/s ) 1 Wind speed (mph) power at shaft (watts) rpm at shaft Rpm at shaft tsr=90% ω Radians/sec torque at shaft (N-m) 2.23693629 0.783746 31.51222 28.361 2.9699569 0.263891 1.5 3.355404435 2.645144 47.26833 42.5415 4.45493535 0.593756 56.722 5.93991381 1.055566 2 4.47387258 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 5.592340725 6.71080887 7.829277015 8.94774516 10.06621331 11.18468145 12.3031496 13.42161774 14.54008589 15.65855403 16.77702218 17.89549032 19.01395847 20.13242661 21.25089476 22.3693629 23.48783105 24.60629919 25.72476734 26.84323548 27.96170363 29.08017177 30.19863992 31.31710806 32.43557621 33.55404435 34.6725125 35.79098064 6.26997 63.02444 12.24604 21.16115 33.60312 50.15976 71.41888 97.96828 130.3958 169.2892 215.2363 268.825 330.6429 401.2781 481.3182 571.351 671.9644 783.7462 907.2842 1043.166 1191.98 1354.314 1530.754 1721.89 1928.31 2150.6 2389.348 2645.144 2918.573 3210.225 78.78055 94.53666 110.2928 126.0489 141.805 157.5611 173.3172 189.0733 204.8294 220.5856 236.3417 252.0978 267.8539 283.61 299.3661 315.1222 330.8783 346.6344 362.3905 378.1467 393.9028 409.6589 425.415 441.1711 456.9272 472.6833 488.4394 504.1955 113 70.9025 85.083 99.2635 113.444 127.6245 141.805 155.9855 170.166 184.3465 198.527 212.7075 226.888 241.0685 255.249 269.4295 283.61 297.7905 311.971 326.1515 340.332 354.5125 368.693 382.8735 397.054 411.2345 425.415 439.5955 453.776 7.42489226 8.90987071 10.3948492 11.8798276 13.3648061 14.8497845 16.334763 17.8197414 19.3047199 20.7896983 22.2746768 23.7596552 25.2446337 26.7296121 28.2145906 29.699569 31.1845475 32.6695259 34.1545044 35.6394828 37.1244613 38.6094397 40.0944182 41.5793966 43.0643751 44.5493535 46.034332 47.5193105 1.649322 2.375023 3.23267 4.222263 5.343802 6.597286 7.982716 9.500092 11.14941 12.93068 14.84389 16.88905 19.06616 21.37521 23.8162 26.38915 29.09403 31.93087 34.89964 38.00037 41.23304 44.59766 48.09422 51.72272 55.48318 59.37558 63.39992 67.55621 Generator Chart Generator rpm Generator ω Generator Voltage Generator current (Amps) Generator power (Watts) Generator Torque 130.6451613 135.483871 140.3225806 145.1612903 150 154.8387097 159.6774194 164.516129 169.3548387 174.1935484 179.0322581 183.8709677 188.7096774 193.5483871 198.3870968 203.2258065 208.0645161 212.9032258 217.7419355 222.5806452 227.4193548 232.2580645 237.0967742 241.9354839 246.7741935 251.6129032 256.4516129 261.2903226 266.1290323 270.9677419 275.8064516 280.6451613 285.483871 290.3225806 295.1612903 300 13.6811293 14.18783779 14.69454628 15.20125478 15.70796327 16.21467176 16.72138025 17.22808875 17.73479724 18.24150573 18.74821422 19.25492272 19.76163121 20.2683397 20.77504819 21.28175669 21.78846518 22.29517367 22.80188216 23.30859066 23.81529915 24.32200764 24.82871613 25.33542463 25.84213312 26.34884161 26.8555501 27.3622586 27.86896709 28.37567558 28.88238407 29.38909257 29.89580106 30.40250955 30.90921804 31.41592654 11.193548 11.645161 12.096774 12.548387 13 13.451613 13.903226 14.354839 14.806452 15.258065 15.709677 16.16129 16.612903 17.064516 17.516129 17.967742 18.419355 18.870968 19.322581 19.774194 20.225806 20.677419 21.129032 21.580645 22.032258 22.483871 22.935484 23.387097 23.83871 24.290323 24.741935 25.193548 25.645161 26.096774 26.548387 27 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.1612903 0.3225806 0.483871 0.6451613 0.8064516 0.9677419 1.1290323 1.2903226 1.4516129 1.6129032 1.7741935 1.9354839 2.0967742 2.2580645 2.4193548 2.5806452 2.7419355 2.9032258 3.0645161 3.2258065 3.3870968 3.5483871 3.7096774 3.8709677 4.0322581 4.1935484 4.3548387 4.516129 4.6774194 4.8387097 5 1.80541103 1.87825182 1.95109261 2.0239334 2.09677419 2.16961498 4.48491155 6.9458897 9.55254943 12.3048907 15.2029136 18.2466181 21.4360042 24.7710718 28.251821 31.8782518 35.6503642 39.5681582 43.6316337 47.8407908 52.1956296 56.6961498 61.3423517 66.1342352 71.0718002 76.1550468 81.383975 86.7585848 92.2788762 97.9448491 103.756504 109.71384 115.816857 122.065557 128.459938 135 0.1319636 0.13238464 0.13277665 0.13314252 0.13348479 0.13380567 0.2682142 0.40317239 0.53863313 0.67455455 0.81089929 0.94763393 1.08472848 1.22215594 1.35989196 1.4979145 1.63620356 1.77474097 1.91351018 2.05249608 2.19168482 2.33106373 2.47062117 2.61034643 2.75022963 2.89026167 3.03043411 3.17073916 3.31116958 3.45171867 3.59238016 3.73314826 3.87401753 4.01498292 4.15603971 4.29718346 114 Appendix D: (AM) Specifications on transistor: 115 116 Specifications Sheet of the 555 timer Trigger input: When 1/3 Vs active low this makes the output high (+Vs). It monitors the discharging of the timing capacitor in an astable circuit. It has a high input impedance 2M . The trigger also represent a button that will start the 555 system in what ever phase it is required to do. Threshold input: When 2/3 Vs active high this makes the output low (0V)*. It monitors the charging of the timing capacitor in astable and monostable circuits. It has a high input impedance 10M . Reset input: When less than about 0.7V this makes the output low (0V), overriding other inputs. When not required it should be connected to +Vs. It has an input impedance of about 10k . 117 Control input: Usually this function is not required and the control input is connected to 0V with a 0.01µF capacitor to eliminate electrical noise. It can be left unconnected if noise is not a problem. Discharge pin is not an input, but it is listed here for convenience. It is connected to 0V when the timer output is low and is used to discharge the timing capacitor in astable and monostable circuits. 118 119