Tuck Everlasting Academic Vocabulary


Tuck Everlasting Academic Vocabulary

Metaphor: A figure of speech stating two thing are similar.

Simile: A comparison using “like” or “as”.

Hyperbole: An extravagant exaggeration.

Personification: Giving human qualities to ideas and things

Fantasy: Something imagined

Prologue: An introduction to a book or play

Epilogue: A final section that brings to an end or summarizes

Characterization: Process of creating a character, including words, actions, thought, appearance, other people thoughts and perception about the character.


How a character acts


How a character looks


How other characters in story react to this character.

Static character: character that changes very little from the beginning to the end

Dynamic character: character that goes through a significant amount of changes fro the beginning to the end.

Flashback: The introduction of a past event into a story or motion

Foreshadowing: To give a hint of what is to come

Point of View: A way of looking at something

1 st Person- Where character narrates the story with I-Me-My-

Mine- etc.

2 nd Person – In which author uses you, your. Rare that the narrator speak directly to audience

3 rd - Is that of an outsider looking in at the action: Omniscient- thoughts of all characters are open to reader, Limited- thought of only one character’s mind.

Symbol: Person, place or object that stands for something beyond itself

Symbolism: Allows people to communicate beyond limits of language.

Theme: A subject for a work of literature. The way an author connects reader to life lessons or experiences.

Conflict: An extended struggle, problem.


Internal- with inner forces, within self


External- with outside forces
